英语Chapter 2 Cartoons课件(深圳牛津八年级下)

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英语Chapter 2 Cartoons课件(深圳牛津八年级下)_第1页
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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 2,Cartoons,Do you know them?,Reading,A Look and think,Look at the title, the headings and the pictures.,Then try to answer these questions.,The article will probably be about how comic,strips _.,a. encourage the readings,b. are produced,c. have become popular,2. The story in the strip on Page 19 is probably,about _.,a. space travel b. ghosts c. a crime,A Look and think,Look at the title, the headings and the pictures.,Then try to answer these questions.,3 Do you like comic books? why or why not?,4 How many comic books do you read in a month?,5 Who are your favourite characters in comic books?,B Find the facts,Read through the article and complete these,rules about creating comic strips. Put one word,from the article in each space.,Creating a comic strip,Rule 1 Think of a _ or _ plot.,Make the story move _.,Rule 2 Give the characters strong _,so they will be easy to understand just by,looking at the _.,funny,dramatic,fast,personalities,pictures,B Find the facts,Drawing the strip,Rule 1 For variety, leave some fames without,_.,Rule 2 For interest, vary the _ of some,frames.,Rule 3 Explain changes of scene or time by,using a line of _.,Rule 4 Use sound _ to add excitement.,borders,sizes,text,effects,B Find the facts,Drawing the strip,Rule 1 For variety, leave some fames without,_.,Rule 2 For interest, vary the _ of some,frames.,Rule 3 Explain changes of scene or time by,using a line of _.,Rule 4 Use sound _ to add excitement.,borders,sizes,text,effects,The useful phrases in Reading,be made into.,draw with ,shut up,make an appeal,explain sth.,fool sb.,sound effects,meanwhile,addto,be varied to,把,制成,用,画,闭嘴!,恳求援助,解释某事,愚弄某人,声音效果,同时,把,加上去,与,不同,C Find the meanings,C1 Find these words in the article, try to work out their meanings and then use them in the sentences below.,1 A We need a school swimming pool, but where,can we get the money for it?,B Why dont we make a public _ to our,former students?,2 There is a saying that _ is the spice of life. This means that it is good to do many different things instead of doing the same thing all the time.,appeal,Variety,3 A Did you enjoy the film?,B No. The _ was very difficult to,understand. Also, there was too much talking,and not enough _, except in the,_ at the end when the island sank into,the sea. That was very dramatic.,4 A Were there many people at your brothers,wedding?,B No. It was a simple family _.,5 A man called Otis made the first lift in 1853. His,_ saved people from having to walk,up stairs.,plot,action,scene,affair,invention,C1 Find these words in the article. Use them to replace the words in italics in the sentences below.,1 These prices,differ,a lot. Some of the things,are cheap, and some are very expensive.,2 Jenny is very serious, but Jerry is always joking.,They have completely different,characters,.,3 Books for young children usually have lots of,pictures and a small number of,printed words,.,vary,personalities,text,C1 Find these words in the article. Use them to replace the words in italics in the sentences below.,4 It was an important meeting so it took place,at the centre of the,organization,.,5 The,background,of the play last night was,terrific.,6 Peter hoped to,make an impression,in the,English speech contest.,7 Before you draw a comic,row of pictures, you,must think of a plot.,headquarters,scenery,strip,D Read and think,Answer these questions about the article.,1 Look at the pictures of the four characters on page 18. Match the descriptions of the personalities with the faces.,a lively (full of energy) and clever.,b tough and honest,c complaining and lazy,d bad-tempered,top left,top right,bottom right,bottom left,D Read and think,Answer these questions about the article.,2 Look at the strip. How can you tell a thought bubble from a speech bubble?,The edges of thought bubbles are scalloped, not smooth. Thought bubbles are connected to characters by smaller bubbles, while speech bubbles have sharp points to connect them to the speakers.,D Read and think,Answer these questions about the article.,3 There are two kinds of speech bubbles. What si each kind used for?,4 In frame 5, what did the men hear?,Ordinary oval speech bubbles are for the characters words. Speech bubbles drawn with jagged edges are for speech coming from the radio, TV, telephone, etc.,The sound of the window breaking (crash) and glass falling to the floor (tinkle),D Read and think,Answer these questions about the article.,5 In frame 6, what did Terry do to make the men fall?,6 In frame 7, is Terry climbing up the pipe or down it?,He tripped them by suddenly pulling a rope tight under their feet.,He must be climbing up the pipe because later we see him on the roof.,D Read and think,Answer these questions about the article.,7 Who is the man in frame 9? Is he speaking or listening?,8 In the last frame, how is Terry attracting the attention of the man in the helicopter?,The man is the Chief of police. The fagged lines of the bubble show he is listening to someone on the telephone, not speaking to himself.,He is waving his arms in the air.,D Read and think,Answer these questions about the article.,9 What sound-effect words are used in the strip?,10 Many modern phones do not ring. Choose one of these to describe their sound.,a ding-dong,b tick-tock,c bleep-bleep,d buzz-buzz,Crash, tinkle, burring,Listening,Completing notes and problem-,solving:,A Rita Rich has been kidnapped. The kidnappers have gone out. They did not know that Rita had her mobile phone with her. Now she is telephoning the police. You are a police officer. listen to their conversation and complete the notes below.,Rita Rich,On Square Island, in locked room. Two,kidnappers.,Windows painted (1) _.,She can sometimes hear (2) _: thinks,she is near (3)_.,Can also here (4) _ of a (5) _,-quite near; and also the noise from a (6) _ - but (7)_ very near.,Cant hear noises from (8)_.,black,trains,railway line,bells,church,school,not,zoo / animals,Can hear (9) _ but not very,(10) _.,She can smell (11)_ - strong smell.,Can also smell (12) _ - thinks she,is quite (13) _ to it.,Plastics factory: can smell it just a,(14) _.,(Kidnappers returned at this point.),planes,loud,fish,sea,near,bit,Completing notes and problem-,solving:,B The police know that Rita is on Square Island. Look at the map below. They think she is in one of the buildings marked A to F. Use your notes, and study the map. Can you find out which building Rita is in?,Answer: Rita is in Building C.,Language,Gerneral Review,Adjectives & Adverbs,形容词、副词,用,法,例 句,补充说明,作,定,语,作,表,语,作,宾,补,形容词的用法,Adjectives,Please keep the room,clean,.,I find it very,beautiful,.,The work,is,difficult,.,She,looks,happy,today.,This is a,good,book,.,I have,nothing,important,to tell you.,作定语时放在被修饰词之前,修饰不定代词放在后面,作表语与系动词连用,名词和形容词的转化,sun,sun,ny,rain,rain,y,wind,wind,y,cloud,cloud,y,interest,interest,ing,friend,friend,ly,care,care,ful,use,use,ful,help,help,ful,名词,+,y,/,ly,/,ful,/,ing,=,形容词,用来修饰动词,形容词,副词,全句或名词词组,.,用 法,例 句,作表语,作定语,作状语,作宾补,副词的作用:,My mother is,out,.,The girl,there,is my friend.,He runs,fast,.,I found him,outside,.,有许多副词是对应的形容词加,-,ly,构成,strong,strong,ly,real,real,ly,deep,deep,ly,词尾是,y,的要把,y,变为,i,再加,-,ly,bus,y,bus,i,ly,eas,y,eas,i,ly,happ,i,ly,happ,y,heav,y,heav,i,ly,以,e,结尾的,大部分直接加,-,ly,wid,e,brav,e,wid,e,ly,brav,e,ly,有几个特殊的要去,e,后再加,-,ly,或,-,y,tru,e,terribl,e,tru,ly,terrib,ly,形容词和副词的比较,good,adj.,adv.,well,hard,hard,困难的,努力地,hard,ly,几乎不,well,健康的,好的,这两个词没有任何关系,好,形容词和副词原级、比较级、最高级的用法,.,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成是,基本相同,的,一般单音节词末尾加,-,er,和,-,est,;单音节词如果以,-,e,结尾,只加,-,r,和,-,st,strong,strong,er,strong,est,hard,hard,er,hard,est,larg,e,larg,e,r,larg,e,st,wide,wid,e,r,wid,e,st,闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加,-,er,和,-,est,sad,big,sad,d,er,sad,d,est,big,g,er,big,g,est,hot,hot,t,er,hot,t,est,fat,fat,t,er,fat,t,est,wet,wet,t,er,wet,t,est,以,y,结尾的词,如,y,前是辅音字母,把,y,变成,i,再加,-,er,和,-,est,happ,y,eas,y,bus,y,happ,i,er,happ,i,est,eas,i,er,eas,i,est,bus,i,er,bus,i,est,earl,y,earl,i,er,earl,i,est,heav,y,heav,i,er,heav,i,est,其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加,more,和,most,difficult,more,difficult,most,difficult,beautiful,more,beautiful,most,beautiful,slow,ly,more,slow,ly,most,slow,ly,形容词和副词的,不,规则变化,good,well,bad ill badly,better,best,worse,worst,many,much,more,most,形容词和副词的,不,规则变化,little,less,least,far,farther further,farthest furthest,old,older elder,oldest eldest,它们的汉语意思相同吗?,far,(,远,),fur,ther,fur,thest,far,ther,far,thest,(,较远,),(,最远的,),(,进一步,),(,最久的,),late,(,迟,),late,r,late,st,lat,ter,last,(,较迟,),最近,(,时间,),(,后者,),最后,(,顺序,),有些副词没有比较级的变化,now, then, always, never, here, there, how, ,Compare,He was the,last,man in the line.,It has been raining for the,last,few days.,(,最近,),(,最后,),形容词,副词表示比较级的用法,She is,as,kind,as,her mother .,表示两者,“,相等,”,用,:,as +,原级,+ as,She loves the school,as,much,as,her own home.,表示,“,不如,没有,”,用,:,not,+ as / so +,原级,+ as,He _ walk,as,slowly,as,you (do) .,She _,as,tall,as,her mother.,doesnt,isnt,表示两者比较,adj / adv,比较级,+,than,从句,I got up,earlier,than,my mother this morning.,She is a head,taller,than,I (me).,比较级,+,than,Our teacher is,taller,than,we (are).,He is,taller,than,any other student,in the school .,(=anybody else),(=the other students),比较级前可用,much, a little, a lot, far, even,等,表示程度,Our city is,much,more beautiful,than yours.,Japan is,a little,larger,than Germany.,比较级,+,and,+,比较级,more,and,more,+,原级,越来越,The baby cried _ _ .,(,hard,),Its getting _ (hot).,harder and,harder,more and more,hotter and hotter.,Our country is becoming _ beautiful.,The,+,比较级,the,+,比较,级,.,The,more,the,better,.,The,busier,he is,the,happier,he feels.,越,越,越多越好。,他越忙越高兴。,very/ / too, quite / rather,You are _,right.,It is _,cold,today.,The desk is _,heavy,to carry.,He parked the car _,easily.,+,形容词副词,原级,quite,rather,too,very,(,the,),最高级,+,in/of/among,Jim is _,in,his class.,Jim is _,of,the three.,Jim is_,among,them.,(tall),He runs _,of,all.,(slowly),the tallest,the tallest,the tallest,(the) most slowly,one,of,the,+,最高级,+,复数名词,最,之一,Xian is,one,of _ _ in China. (,old city,),Shanghai is,one,of _ _ in China. (,big city,),the oldest,cities,the,biggest cities,最高级前一般要加,“,the,”,副词最高级前可加,“,the,”,也可不加,“,the,”,当最高级前有物主代词时,则不加,“,the,”,。,He likes English _,best,of all the subjects.,Tom is _,happiest,of us all.,(adv.),(adj.),(,the,),the,Kate is,less,tall,than,he.,He is,tall,er,than,Kate.,less,+,原级,-,不及,没有,不如,My shirt is,cheap,er,than,his.,Soccer is,less,popular,than football in the USA.,less,+,原级,-,不及,没有,不如,English is,more,important,than Japanese, I think.,Japanese is,less,important,than English, I think.,less,+,原级,-,不及,没有,不如,very,quite,rather,so,too,much too,enough,等,与形容词和副词的原级连用,These shoes are,much too,big,for me.,The doctors are not,safe,enough,.,He runs,fast,enough,.,比较级,A,or,B,?,Who has picked,more,apples,Jim,or,Mike,?,Which do you like,better,football,or,table tennis,?,最高级,A,B,or,C,?,Which is the _, the train station, the bus station or the airport?,_ .,farthest,The airport.,常见副词辨析,very,;,much,很,very,用来修饰形容词和副词的,原级,,而,much,用来修饰形容词和副词的,比较级,。,She is a _ nice girl.,Im feeling _ better now.,(adv.),very,much,much,可以修饰动词,而,very,则不能,very,;,much,I dont,like,the idea _ .,They did not,talk,_,.,much,much,He is _ tall.,very,very,;,very much,very,adv.,修饰,adj.,或,adv.,放在所修饰词之前,。,very much,修饰动词,置于所修饰词之后。,1,The picture is _nice.,2,Thank you _ .,3,We love our school _.,4,He works _ hard.,very,very much,very much,very,Guess which is right?,I like English,very much,.,I,very,like English.,I love my parents,very much,.,I,very,love my parents.,too,;,either,也,too,用于肯定句,,either,用于否定句。,(adv.),She can dance, and I can dance,_ .,I havent read the book and my brother hasnt,_,.,too,either,already,;,yet,(adv.),already,一般用于语肯定句,yet,一般用于否定句和疑问句,He has _,left.,He hasnt answered_.,Have you heard from him _ ?,already,yet,yet,so,;,neither,so,和,neither,都可用于倒装句,但,so,表肯定,neither,表示否定,My brother likes football and _ do I.,My brother doesnt like dancing and _ do I.,(adv.),so,neither,ago,;,before,以前,ago,:,和过去时态连用,before,:,和完成时连用,I saw the film_.,I have seen the film_.,He said he had seen the film _.,an hour,ago,before,before,课时训练,Practice,badly / bad / ill,写出下列词的比较级和最高级。,worse worst,earlier earliest,more /most difficult,early,difficult,hard,harder hardest,thin,thinner thinnest,根据句意填空。,1.Which film is,_,this one or that one? (interesting),more interesting,2. I think English is one of,_,subjects in middle school. (important),the most important,3. Li Lei doesnt study so _ as his sister. (,care,),4. Ann is a little_ than Joan, but she is much_ .(,young, tall,),carefully,younger,taller,5. The Changjiang River is very _. Its the third _ river in the world. (,long,),long,longest,Which is_ season in Beijing?,I think its autumn.,A. good B. better C. best D. the best,D,单项填空,( ) It is _ today than yesterday. Shall we go,swimming this afternoon?,A. the hottest B. hot C. hottest D. hotter,D,( ) Her mother was out. She stayed at home_, but she didnt feel _.,A. alone, lonely,B. lonely, alone,C. alone, lonely,D. lonely, alone,A,( ) Jim is running _ Bruce. Theyre neck and neck. A. faster than B. as fast as,C. as faster as D. more slowly than,B,alone,:,单独;独自,adv. adj,.,lonely,:,孤独的;寂寞的;人迹稀少的;,adj.,根据题意独自在家并不感到孤独。选,A,.,I feel,lonely, because I am,alone,at home.,1 Is the physics problem _?,Yes, I can work it out _.,easy, easily,easy, easy,C. easily, easily,D. easily, easily,A,2. What a _ cough! You seem _ ill.,A. terrible, terribly B. terribly, terrible,C. terrible, terrible D. terribly, terribly,A,3. The car is running _. It seems to be flying.,A. more and faster B. more and fast,C. fast and fast D. faster and faster,D,4. Keep quiet, please. Its_ noisy here.,A. many too B. too many C. much too D. too much,C,5. Ill go and visit you _ next week.,A. sometime,B. some times C. sometimes D. some time,A,I feel even_ now.,A. bad B. well ,C. worse D. worst,7.She was very happy. She ran _ of all the runners.,A. fastest B. the quickestC. slowest D. quickly,C,A,8. English is as _as Chinese. You should learn it well.,A. important B. more important,C. the most important D. much more important,A,9. Music is not so useful as science. Its _ useful than science.,A. fewer B. less,C. more D. a lot,B,10. Have you _ spoken to a foreigner?,No, _.,A. already, never,B. ever, never C. yet, already D. ever, ever,B,11.What was the weather like yesterday?,It was very bad. It rained _, people could _ go out.,A. hard, hard B. hardly hard,C. hardly, hardly,D. hard. hardly,12. He looks _.,A. good B. well,C. happily D. worriedly,B,13. Would you please speak _ ? I still cant follow you.,A. slow B. much slow,C. much slowly D. more slowly,D,14. He is taller than_ in his class.,A. any boy B. any boys,C. any other boy D. some other boys,C,16. Weve never heard of _story before.,A. such a strange B. such strange,C. so a strange D. so strange,A,17. You must wear glasses. They can keep your eyes _,A. soft B. safe,C. safely D. safety,B,Summary,1.,系动词,+,形容词,2.,名词转化为形容词,形容词转化为副词的方法,3,、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法。,1,、,The bread is _ than these cakes,A. very delicious B. much delicious,C. more delicious D. as delicious,C,2. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting,far B. farther,C. farthest D. quite far,C,3. When they met in the hotel, they talked and laughed _,A. Happily B. happy,C. happier D. happiest,A,4.which is _ season in Beijing ?,A. Good B. better C. best D. the best,D,1.,I think Yao Ming, the famous basketball player , will be _ new Star in NBA.,A. Hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest,D,2. In our city its _ in July, but it is even _ in August,.,A.Hotter ; hottest B. hot ; hot,C. hotter ; hot D. hot ;hotter,D,3. Hainan is a very large Island . It is the second _ island in china.,A. Large B. larger,C. largest D. most largest,C,Answers for,LANGUAGE,A1,1. round,2. small,3. smiling,4. curly,5. thin,6. pink,7. rough,8. thick,9. small,10. smiling,11. round,12. curly,13. bright,Answers for,LANGUAGE,A2,1. high,2. polite,3. fast,4. dangerous,5. awful; delicious,6. hot,Answers for,LANGUAGE,B1,2. its difficult to fall asleep,3. its easy to get there,4. its possible to go there,5. its safe to live,6. its impossible to find,Answers for,LANGUAGE,B2,Possible answers,1 S1 What do you think about,S2 its dangerous to do,2 S1 What do you think about,S2 its wonderful to do,3 S1 What do you think about,S2 theyre difficult to plant,4 S1 What do you think about,S2 its hard to understand,Answers for,LANGUAGE,B2,Possible answers,5 S1 what do you think about,S2 its wonderful to visit,6 S1 what do you think about,S2 theyre boring to watch,7 S1 what do you think about,S2 its pleasant to listen to,8 S1 what do you think about,S2 its difficult to learn,B3 Complete the following note.,My partner thinks that comics are easy to read,and that skydiving _. He,also believes that _,and that flowers _. He feels,that the speech _ and,that _.,He also thinks that_,_ and that pop music,_. Lastly, he feels that,_.,is dangerous to do,dancing is wonderful to do,are difficult to plant,The Great Wall is wonderful to visit,is hard to understand,boring to watch,TV advertisements are,is pleasant to listen to,History is difficult to learn,Writing,Writing the words for a comic strip,A In small groups, look at the comic strip below, it is the beginning of a story called Mystery Island. Discuss what is happening in each picture.,1 Steve and Jody set out on a,round-the-world trip in a small boat.,2 Good luck! Goodbye!,3 Thanks! Goodbye!,4 After one month, they had lunch,together.,5 We,ve been on this trip for one month, Jody!,6 Listen! It,s the weather forecast.,7 A typhoon is coming,8 The typhoon arrived.,9 The sea is getting rough.,10 We,d better put our life jackets on, Steven.,11 CRASH!,12 Now we are in trouble!,13 After the typ


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