英语学术论文写作技巧academic writing skills全英文版

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,English for Academic Study: Extended Writing and Research Skills,Session 1,In this session you will be introduced to extended writing and informed about the project you will work on in this term.,Extended writing at university:,Why do students write?,The reasons why students carry out extended academic writing activities may include:,to develop and express their ideas;,to provide evidence to support their ideas;,to dispute or support existing theories;,to display knowledge.,Task 1: What do students write?,Essay,Extended essay or project,Report,Thesis,Dissertation,Case study,Whatever form of extended writing students are expected to do, the process will usually involve the following steps:,gathering information from various sources;,organizing this information so that it appropriately answers the needs of the task that the writer has to complete;,planning the text;,drafting and redrafting the text until it communicates the information and ideas fully and clearly.,Task 2:,Analysing,the task,Before beginning any task, it is important to,analyse,the requirements of the task so that you have a very clear idea of your purpose for writing.,Consider the following project title:,“A survey on college students awareness of environmental protection/copyright protection”,Discuss the following with a partner:,Look at the project title above and highlight the key words/phrases.,How is the title framed (e.g. statement/question/heading)?,What does the title ask you to do?,Task 3:,The stages of writing a project,There are three stages in producing an extended essay or project:,planning,researching,and,writing up,. In each of these stages there are a number of smaller steps.,Put the steps listed below into the appropriate stages (Planning, Researching or Writing up), in the most appropriate order. Write the steps in full; do not write numbers. Note that one step can placed in two stages.,a) Read the first draft.,b) Edit the draft - decide objectively whether your ideas have been expressed clearly.,c) Think of a working title for the project.,d) Search for relevant journals/books/information in the library and on the Internet.,e) Write down the details of your sources.,f) Decide if you need to do more reading.,g) Write the contents page, bibliography, title page and abstract.,h) Arrange a tutorial with your tutor.,i) Do some reading.,j) Decide on a topic.,k) Write the first complete draft.,l) Highlight/take notes of relevant information.,m) Plan the contents in detail.,n) Work on establishing a clear focus.,o) Make a rough outline plan of your ideas.,p) Check that sources are available/accessible.,Planning,Researching,Writing up,1),1),1),2),2),2),3,),Think of working title for the project,3)Highlight/take notes of relevant information,3),4),4),4),5),5),5),Write the contents page, bibliography, title page and abstract.,6),Task 3:,Starting Project,Work on this project by answering the following questions, which are grouped under the three broad headings,Introduction, Main body and Conclusion.,First read the questions.,Introduction,What are the problems we are now facing in terms of environmental protection/copyright protection? (Background information),What is college students awareness of environmental protection/copyright protection? (Background information),What do you,think,should be done to develop college students awareness?,You opinion on this question will help form your “thesis” - that is the main argument you will present in your project.,Main body,What specific problems are related to college students lack of awareness of environmental protection/copyright protection?,What evidence can you find for this?,What are the possible reasons for the existing phenomena?,What evidence can you find for this?,What are the possible solutions to the problems outlined above?,What evidence can you find to support your suggestions?,Conclusion,Based on the evidence you have presented above, what effective measures should be taken to raise college students awareness of environmental protection/copyright protection?,Does the evidence you put together in the “main body” support the thesis you introduced in your introduction?,In the appropriate boxes below, brainstorm some ideas on the above questions. At the moment, you are only being asked to guess what the answers,might,be. After this, you will have to carry out the survey and do some reading to find out whether your guesses are correct or not. You will also be reading to find out other ideas about the topic. This reading stage is one of the most important parts of your work because you will be looking for,evidence,to support your ideas.,Write your initial ideas in the boxes below. You only need to write in note form.,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,1),1),1),2),2),2),3),3),3),4),4),4),Session 2: Developing a focus,Steps in getting started:,Choosing a topic,Brainstorming ideas,Narrowing the focus by asking yourself questions,Establishing a working title which is flexible and developmental,Choosing some of your sources by looking at journals, books and websites,One way to establish a focus for your topic is to ask yourself questions about the topic. For example, “Tourism” is a very general topic. In order to get specific ideas about this topic, you could ask yourself some specific WH-questions. WH-questions are:,Why? Who? What? Where? When? Which? (How?),You may not always ask all these questions.,For example:,Why is tourism important?,Who is affected by tourism?,What is tourism?,Where does tourism have most impact?,Which countries are most dependent on tourism?,(How is tourism affecting native culture?),Task 1:,Now make a list of your own questions for the following topic, based on the example above.,The Education of System in China,_,Task 2:,Here are some general subjects chosen by students. How could they be changed, using some of the questions above, so that each topic is more specific or focused?,Water Pollution in China,Air Pollution in Big Cities,Deforestation in China,Establishing a working title,A working title is a title that you initially think of in order to establish a focus for your research and writing. As you read and become more involved in the subject of your project, your viewpoint may change. This is all part of the process of developing your ideas, and thus part fine-tuning your research skills. You may decide to go back and change your plan, and your final title may differ somewhat from your working title.,Look at the following example of a working title, created by a student.,Pollution and Its Relationship with People and the Environment,The Social and Environmental Impact of Pollution,The Environmental Impact of Pollution in Urban Areas,You have already done some reading, research and thinking about your project. Based on this, fill in the table as far as possible.,What is your topic?,_,_,Key questions (What do you want to find out about this topic?),_,_,_,_,What is your focus and / or working title?,_,_,_,_,Thesis statement,_,_,_,Task 3:,Planning your project,Session 3:,Introductions and conclusions,Introductions:,The introduction is important as the first part of your essay; it sets the tone for the reader, gives some idea of the content and the writers position, and suggests how the piece of work is organized.,These are some of the key features that can be included in an introduction.,Introduction to the topic of your essay,Background information about your topic,Justification for your choice of topic focus,Outline of the structure of the essay,Definition of key terms related to the topic,Thesis statement (your viewpoint or perspective),Your purpose in writing the essay,Task 1:,Study an example introduction,Example:,The Application of Renewable Energy Technology in Remote Areas,Out life is heavily dependent on the supply of energy. After World War II, especially, developed countries received the great benefits of electricity. However, today more than 30% of the global population still lives in off-grid areas, without electricity. This is mostly in developing countries or remote parts of developed countries, such as mountainous areas or isolated islands. Economically, it would be very challenging to produce electricity for these areas. As developing countries grow economically, the demand for energy will increase rapidly, thus adding to the pollution problems caused by fossil fuels. Renewable energy technology is the solution to these problems. This essay will first demonstrate the need for electricity in remote areas, and then the extent to which renewable energy technology can meet this need in remote areas will be examined by looking at some examples.,Features of introduction:,Feature,Example from text,Introduction to topic,Out life is heavily dependent on the supply of energy.,Background information,After World War II, especially, developed countries received the great benefits of electricity. However, today more than 30% of the global population still lives in off-grid areas, without electricity. This is mostly in developing countries or remote parts of developed countries, such as mountainous areas or isolated islands.,Justification,Economically, it would be very challenging to produce electricity for these areas. As developing countries grow economically, the demand for energy will increase rapidly, thus adding to the pollution problems caused by fossil fuels.,Outline of structure,This essay will first demonstrate the need for electricity in remote areas, and then the extent to which renewable energy technology can meet this need in remote areas will be examined by looking at some examples.,Definition of key terms,Not included,Thesis statement,Renewable energy technology is the solution to these problems.,Writers purpose,To show how to overcome the problem (by using renewable energy technology).,Task 2:,Analysing,your introduction,Look at the instruction for your own project. Which of the above features can you identify?,Features,My project,My partners project,Introduction to topic,Background information,Justification,Outline of structure,Definition of key terms,Thesis statement,Writers purpose,Conclusions:,The conclusion at the end of your essay serves a number of functions. It is the final part of your text and so needs to pull together all the main ideas. It should refer back to what you outlined in your introduction and to your thesis. It is an opportunity to show the extent to which you have been able to deal with the issues involved in your thesis. Conclusions may have some or all of the following features:,A logical conclusion that is evident from the development of the ideas in your essay,A brief summary of the main ideas in the essay,Comments on these ideas,Predictions for future developments of the topic,Mention of further research that might be required,Limitations of the work covered by your essay,Task 3:,Analysing,your conclusion,Look at the conclusion of your own project. Which of the features (a-f) above can you identify?,Features,My project,My partners project,Logical conclusion,Brief summary,Comments on ideas,Predictions,Further research,Limitations,Session 4: Summary Writing,Features of a summary,Which of the features below do you think characterize a good summary?,Using the same order of facts and ideas as the original,Using all the information from the original,Using none of the same vocabulary as the original,Using different grammatical structures from the original,Emphasizing the points you feel are important in the original,Giving your opinion about or commenting on the original text,Stages in writing a summary,Look at the following short extract from a text on Environmental Problems and Management. Imagine you have been asked to:,identify the main points;,make notes;,write a summary based on your notes.,Stage One: Decide on the purpose for summarizing the extract.,State Two: Underline the key points. (This is the NOTE stage of the summary process.),Interest in the environment is not a recent phenomenon; the environment has always affected the growth and development of humankind, both as a source of materials as well as a refuge for the human spirit. The recent interest in protecting the environment is a reflection of both the demand of society for a better quality of life, which may include using the environment as a haven, as well as the need to replenish sources. The difference between the present day and the pre-1960s ear is the extent to which concern for the environment has become important; there is much greater interest ,Stage Three: Make a list of the key pints in note form, using your own words where appropriate. (This is the ORGANISE stage of the summary process.),interest in,env,. = not just recent: always int. as source of raw materials + refuge “for human spirit”,reasons for recent int. = int. in “better quality of life” + need to replenish sources of raw materials,cf. current int. with pre-1960s = environmental concerns now given more priority,Stage Four: Write the summary based on your notes. (This is the WRITE stage of the summary process.),Sample summary:,Man has always had an interest in the environment both as a source of raw materials and as a “refuge for the human spirit”. Nowadays, the two main environmental interests are based on the concept of a “better quality of life”, as well as the need to replenish the sources of raw materials. In comparison with the pre-1960s, much greater interest in the environment is currently being expressed.,


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