英语Unit 5 《Canada ---“The True North” 》课件新人教版必修

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英语Unit 5 《Canada ---“The True North” 》课件新人教版必修_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 5 Canada “The True North”,ks5u精品课件,Do you like to go sightseeing?,If you have a chance to visit Canada ,what would you like to know about this country?,How much do you know about Canada?,If you have a chance to have a trip to Canada,what do you want to know about it?,Canada,location/position,size/area,population,history,climate,Customs culture,capital,language,(,industry & agriculture),education,Scenic spots,Places of interest,economics,politics,Canada is in northern North America,position,the largest country in the world,the,second,largest country in the world,size,has an area of 9,984,670 square kilometers ; the distance from east to west is5,500 kilometers,3rd,4th,population,a population of,30 million.,England,Franc,e,settlers from France,settlers from England,history,The first settlers arrived from,England in 1497.,Settlers from France reached,Canada in 1534.,the French-speaking,province -Quebec,languages,Official languages:,English,and,French,the TV and,radio ;,French,restaurants ;,teaching in,schools is,done in,French.,Ottawa,渥太华,resources of Canada,fresh water,coal,oil,natural gas,forests,fish,Canada is a multicultural country. It is the second largest country in the world. What else do you know about Canada? Work in pairs and answer this,quiz,1.What,language(s,) do Canadians speak?,A. English,B. English and German,C. English and French,D. English and Spanish,2. What is the capital of Canada?,A.Vancouver,B.Toronto,C.Calgary,D.Ottawa,3.What is the national animal of Canada?,A. Beaver,B. Grizzly bear,C. Polar bear,D. Penguin,4. What is the leader of the country called?,A. President,B. Prime Minster,C. Governor,D. King,5.How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada?,A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6,*,What are they?,A. Lake Superior B. Lake Huron,C. Lake Erie D. Lake Ontario,E. Lake Michigan,The Great Lakes,are,the largest,fresh surface water system on Earth. It supplies about,one-fifth,of the worlds fresh surface water and,nine-tenths,of the U.S. water.,苏必利尔湖,休伦湖,密歇根湖,伊利湖,安大略湖,6. Which is the national flag of Canada?,A.,B.,C.,Q,D.,Knowledge about Canada:,True,or False.,1. Canadians speak English and French.,T,2. Toronto is the capital of Canada.,F,3. Canada lies in the north of South America.,F,4. Canada is the largest country in the world.,F,5. Canada is on the north of USA.,T,6. The national animal of Canada is polar bear.,F,7. Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth.,T,8. The Head of the Canadian Government is the Prime Minister.,T,Ottawa,North America,second,beaver,Skim the passage and then answer the following questions:,1) What is the passage mainly about?,It is about _ of two girls; and it tells us some information about _.,2) What is “The True North”?,The True North is a name of,_.,a trip,Canada,the cross-Canada train,Skimming,Read the text,quickly and quietly,to fill in the blanks and match the main idea of the 3 parts,Part 1,Para(s,)_,Part 2,Para(s,)_,Part 3,Para(s,)_,What they really saw and felt,after boarding the train,brief,introduction,of their trip,Their,chat,on their way to the station,1,2,3-5,Characters:,Places:,Route:,Scan the passage and find out characters, places and their,travelling,route.,Li,Daiyu,liu,Qian,and Danny Lin,Vancouver; the Rocky Mountains; Calgary; a wheat-growing province; Thunder Bay; The Great Lakes; Toronto,Draw a,travelling,route on the map on P33,Scanning,plane,train.,Brief introduction about the trip,who,_ and her cousin _,why,to _,how,first by_ ,then by_,where,Li,Daiyu,Liu,Qian,Montreal, Canada,visit their cousins,Part 1,Read Para.1 and finish the chart below,1. _ 2._,population,_,Part 2,Para.2,Canada,distance _,(from coast to coast),Going eastward, youll pass,1,._,3._,_,Vancouver,the warmest part,the most beautiful city,3.,_,_,increasing rapidly.,5._,4.,_,_,wet climate,trees,_,extremely tall measuring 90,metres,mountains,wide rivers & large cities,2,. _,scenery,5,500,kilometres,beautiful forests,oldest & most,one of Canadas most popular cities,lakes & forests,Part 3,Read,Paras,3-5,and answer the following questions.,1 What mountains did they cross,ealier,that day,?,2 Which city did they go after crossing the mountains?,3 What did the girls think about Canada,after 2 days travel?,4 Where did they go,after dinner,?,5 Which lake did the train rush across,that night, and whats their next destination(,目的地,)?,1,Earlier that day,Rocky Mountains.,2, Calgary,3,After 2 days travel, empty,4,After dinner, Thunder Bay,5,That night, across Lake Superior, Toronto,Vancouver,Time,route,_ 1. They will take the train across Canada westward.,_ 2. You can cross Canada in less than five,days.,_ 3. Vancouver is the coldest part in Canada.,F,F,F,True or False.,_ 4. It is so wet in Vancouver that the trees are tall.,_ 5. Canada is a large country with a small population.,_ 6. The ocean ships cannot go to Thunder Bay.,_ 7. Toronto is to the south of Thunder Bay.,T,T,F,T,_8. Their trip across the whole,continent was exciting because of,some great scenery.,_9. Their cousins took them and their,baggage to catch “The True,North”.,_10. Canada has more fresh water,than any other country in the,world.,T,T,F,Answer questions according to the passage.,1.,Which continent are the cousins crossing,?,They are crossing North American,.,2.,Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast,?,They are not flying directly to the Atlantic Coast because they want to take the train from west to east across Canada./ They want to see Canada,.,/ They want to travel across Canada.,3. What is “The True North”?,“The True North” is the train that runs through Canada.,4.,Why is the population of Vancouver growing so rapidly,?,The population of Vancouver,is,growing so rapidly because it is beautiful.,5. What happens at the Calgary Stampede?,At the,Calgary Stampede,c,owboys compete in riding wild horses,for,thousands of dollars.,6.,How are ocean ships able to reach the centre of Canada,?,Ships are able to reach the centre of Canada because they can follow the St Lawrence River and the Great Lakes.,7.,What are some of Canadas greatest natural resources,?,Canada has water from its lakes and rivers and wood from its forests,.,8,.,Which of the following is described as the most beautiful city in Canada?,a,. Vancouver,b,. Calgary,c,. Toronto,d,. Montreal,9,. What does the word “slightly” in the text mean?,A. bit B. a lot C. greatly D. lightly,10,. Why did they begin to realize two days later that Canada is quite empty?,Because there are only thirty million people living on such a huge land and most of them live within the areas of the USA border.,Read the text and fill in the blanks.,Place,Information,Vancouver,It is _ by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.,People can _ in Rocky Mountains and sail in the _ .,Wet climate makes the trees extremely tall, some _ over 90,metres,.,measuring,surrounded,ski,harbour,Place,Information,The,Rocky Mountains,The cousins and their friend managed to _ some mountain goats, a grizzly bear and an eagle.,Calgary,It is famous for _.,Many cowboys _riding horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.,have a gift for,catch sight of,the Calgary Stampede,Place,Information,A wheat-growing,Province,Farms cover thousands of square _ .,Thunder Bay,It is a busy port city at the top of the Grate Lakes in an _ area.,Ocean ships can sail up _ .,the Great Lakes,acres,urban,Post reading: (group discussion),Ex 3 on P35,You can choose any one to discuss.,Which part of the passage interests you most?,If you go to Canada, where will you go? Why?,Tips:,Beginning:,If I have the chance to travel to Canada, I prefer to go to _, which impressed me most. _ is a city. The reasons are as follows:,Body:,Firstly, Then,. Besides,.,Ending:,So Id like to choose _.,Summary,Distance from east to coast,Population,Where most Canadians live,Location of large fresh water supply,Key points about,Vancouver,Calgary,Thunder Bay,Basic facts about Canada,Rocky Mountains,5,500km,Pacific Ocean,Atlantic Ocean,Homework,Write a short passage to report what Li,Daiyu,and Liu,Qian,saw in Canada.,


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