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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,The world of our senses,Unit 1,The world of our sensesUnit 1,1,Sign/body Language,手语,/,肢体语言,Sign/body Language,2,Fill in the form with proper words.,action,sense organs,the sense,see,hear,taste,smell,eyes,sight,ears,hearing,tongue,taste,nose,smell,touch/feel,hands/feet/skin,touch,Fill in the form with proper w,3,To see is to believe,To see is to believe,4,Move or not?,Move or not?,5,How many people can you see in the picture?,How many people can you see i,6,Can blind people read? And how?,The blind can read by touching raised dots,凸 点符号,which represent numbers and letters. This system is called,Braille,盲文,.,When one of the senses fails, other senses become _,stronger,Can blind people read? And how,7,公开课模块三-m3U1-Reading教材课件,8,raised dots,raised dots,9,阿炳,二泉映月,二泉映月,Moonlight Reflected On The Er-Quan Spring,阿炳二泉映月二泉映月Moonlight Reflected,10,公开课模块三-m3U1-Reading教材课件,11,公开课模块三-m3U1-Reading教材课件,12,Reading,Fog,ReadingFog,13,Whats the weather like in this picture?,Fog,Whats the weather like in thi,14,ask for help,blind,accident,fear,What can you think of when the word “fog” is mentioned?,fog,get lost,danger,confuse,ask for helpblindaccidentfearW,15,Reading strategyhow to read a story,There are different types of stories. Stories have basic elements as follows:,What,happened,When,it happened ,Where,it happened,Why,it happened,Who,was involved in the event,a plot,a certain time period,a place,a problem or an issue to be solved,main character,Reading strategyhow to read a,16,a plot,main characters,a certain time period,a place,a problem or an,issue to be solved,a climax or a,surprise ending,A storyfog,a woman lost in the fog was helped by an old man,a woman and an old man,one afternoon,a foggy city,how she could get home,the old man was blind,a plotA storyfog a woman lost,17,1.What is the story about?,A young lady in the fog.,At 86 King Street.,2.Where did Polly live?,3.Who helped Polly?,A blind man.,Fast reading,1.What is the story about?,18,1. Why did Polly leave work early?,2. Why did Polly take the Underground to Green park?,3. What was the weather like outside the train station?,Because there was a thick fog that afternoon and she wondered if the bus would still be running in the fog.,Because the fog is too thick for the bus to go to King Street.,The fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.,Detailed reading,1. Why did Polly leave work ea,19,4 According to Lines 23-25, what made Polly afraid ?,5. According to Line 33, what did the man look like ?,6. How could the old man tell that Polly was young ?,The rough hand that brushed her cheek, and the mans voice that was close to her ear made Polly afraid.,He looked old.,He could tell Polly was young by hearing her voice.,4 According to Lines 23-25, wh,20,After reading the text, we learn that,_.,the old blind man was always ready,to help others,B. it is dangerous for Polly to go home,in such a heavy fog,C. if you get help from others, you,should do something in return,D. every one should give help to those,in trouble,Post-reading activities:,After reading the text, we lea,21,Polly took the Underground to Green Park.,An old man took Pollys hand.,A hand reached out and grasped Pollys arm.,Polly thanked the blind man.,A tall man in a dark overcoat was watching Polly.,Polly and the old man turned left at the crossroads .,Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed,her cheek.,Polly got to King Street safely.,Polly left the office at four oclock.,The old man went to help others.,1,2,6,5,9,3,7,4,8,10,Polly took the Underground to,22,When Polly left work, she thought,the buses would still be running.,2. On the bus a tall man gave Polly great help.,3. As Polly walked along to Park Street, the footsteps were always following her.,Reading Comprehension I,When Polly left work, she thou,23,4. A blind man helped Polly because,she once helped him.,5. The blind man did something,useful to pay back the help he once,received.,Reading Comprehension I,4. A blind man helped Polly be,24,Part,Place,Time &,weather,Person(s),What happened,Pollys thought,or feeling,Part 1,Part 2,outside Pollys work place,at 4 p.m.,foggy,Polly,She left work early.,She wondered if the bus would still be_.,at the bus stop in the street,later,Polly;,the bus _,The fog was too _for the bus to run to King Street, where Polly lived.,Reading Comprehension II,running,conductor,thick,Part Place Time &Person(s) Wha,25,Part,Place,Time &,weather,Person(s),What happened,Pollys thought,or feeling,Part 3,Part 4,in the Under-ground train; at Green Park station,later,Polly; a tall man,A tall man in a dark coat is on the train.,She_she was being watched.,in Park Street; at the corner of the street,When Polly got to the station, the fog_like a thick, _cloud.,Polly;,a man,A rough hand _her face.,Her heart was _with fear.,sensed,lay,grey,brushed,beating,Part Place Time & weather Pers,26,Part,Place,Time &,weather,Person(s),What happened,Pollys thought,or feeling,Part 5,Part 6,in the street,It was dark.,Polly; an old man,The old man _ her hand and helped her find the way.,She wished for someone to come along.,Fear held her _. She began to feel frightened again.,outside Pollys house at King Street,late that day,Polly; the old blind man,The old man left to help more people in need.,Polly was_.,took,still,thankful,Part Place Time &Person(s) Wha,27,Language points,Language points,28,1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly,towards her usual bus stop.,一到街上,她,就急匆匆地向往常乘车的车站走去。,Once out in the street,是,Once she was out,in the street,的省略形式。,当从句主语与主,句主语一致时,从句可省略主语和系动,词。,例如:,First aid, if (it is) properly_,(,do,), can save a persons life.,急救如果做得得法,能拯救人的性命。,I wont go to the party unless (I am),_,(,invite),除非邀请我,否则我不会参加这个聚会。,done,invited.,1. Once out in the street, she,29,2. Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth,is,that,the fog is too thick for the bus to,run,that,far. “,抱歉,小姐”,这男人答道,“,事实上是雾太大了,车开不了那么远。,”,句中第一个,that,引导的是表语从句,。例如,:,The problem is that we have run out of,money.,问题是我们钱已用完了。,第二个,that(,或,this),在此处等于,so,意思是,“那么”,(,或“这么”,),修饰形容词或副词。,例如,:,Can hard work change a person,that,much?,艰辛会使人变化,那么,大吗,?,2. Sorry, Miss, replied the,30,3. The tall man was,nowhere,to be seen.,哪儿也看不到那个高个子男人了。,nowhere,无处,;,到处都不。例如,:,The missing wallet is nowhere to be,found.,丢失的钱包任何地方都找不着。,Nowhere,else,could,we find the,missing wallet.,我们任何其他地方都找不到丢失的钱,包。,3. The tall man was nowhere to,31,4. Polly,found herself staring,up at a man,standing with his hand resting on her arm,.,波莉意识到自己正抬头盯着一个男人,他站,着,把手搭在她的胳膊上。,find oneself doing,意识到自己不自觉在干某事,find oneself in/at,意识到自己不自觉地处于某,种,(,不好的,),处境中。例如:,Peter, who was usually shy,found,himself,talking,to the girls.,彼得,平时很害羞的他,发,现自己竟和这帮女孩搭起话来了。,Finding,herself in the mire, Mary had to give,up her adventure.,发现自己陷入困境后,玛,丽不得不放弃她的冒险活动。,4. Polly found herself staring,32,5.,Watch out for,the step here.,当心这儿的台阶。,watch out for,留意,留心,密切注意。例如,:,Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.,密切注视一个戴黑帽的高个子男人。,standing,with,his hand,resting,on her arm,现在分词作定语,修饰,a man,。例如:,The boy,standing,there is a classmate of mine.,站在那儿的男孩是我的同班同学。,5. Watch out for the step here,33,当我在街上走的时候,我听到有人从,后面叫我。,_, I heard someone _ me from behind.,2.,丢失的钱包任何地方都找不着。,The missing wallet is _.,3.,过马路时, 要当心过往车辆。,While crossing the street, _ the passing cars.,Quiz :,根据所给汉语句子,完成各句后,面的英语翻译,(,每空一词,),。,While I was _in the street,calling,nowhere to be found,watch out for,walking,当我在街上走的时候,我听到有人从Quiz : 根据所给汉语句,34,4. The little girl held her mothers,hand _ (,牢牢地,).,5. A large sound was heard out of the,dark room, and I was _ (,呆住,了,) with fear.,firmly,frozen,根据每句话的汉语提示,在横线上填一单词,使句意完整,(,注意词形变化,),。,Quiz :,4. The little girl held her mo,35,sense,n.,感官,官能,感,知,觉,the senses (=the five senses),五官,a sense of sight hearing, smell,taste, touch,视觉听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉,sense,sense n. 感官, 官能, 感知觉the se,36,a sense of humor,a sense of duty,a sense of honor,the sense of direction,a man of sense,common sense,good sense,幽默感,责任感,荣誉感,方向感,有理智的人,常识理,通情达理,a sense of humor幽默感责任感荣誉感方向感有理,37,相关短语:,in some sense,在某种意义上,make sense (,话等,),有意义,合,有,理,make sense of,了解,.,.,的意义,懂得,there is no some sense in doing.,做,.,.,是没有,有一些,道理的,意义的,vt.,感觉到,发觉,了解,明白,相关短语:in some sense 在某种意义上 vt.,38,(,20,14,春,全国),Passage One,In its strictest,sense, a group is a collection of people interacting (,相互影响,) together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expectations about one anothers behavior. As result of this interaction, members,feel a common sense of “belonging”.,They distinguish (,区别,) members from nonmembers and expect certain kinds of behavior from outsiders.,解析:,in its strictest sense,从严格意义上讲,; feel a common sense of “belonging”,有共同的归属感,(2014春 全国)Passage One解析: in it,39,高考链接,(20,14,重庆卷,),阅读理解,D,Parapsychologists (,灵学家,),say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them. To research whether such a,“,sixth sense,”,really exists, Robert Baker, psychologist (,心理学家,),at the University of Kentucky, performed two experiments.,解析:,humans have a natural ability to sense,人天生有能力感知到,sense,此处是动词,I am sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good _ of direction. (20,05浙江,),A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense,高考链接(2014重庆卷) 阅读理解D 解析: hu,40,There was no one in sight. (p2),at first sight,一见就,.,.,初次看见时,at the sight of,一看见就,.,.,be in/within sight,看得见,在眼前,go/be/get out of sight,看不见了,catch have, gain, get sight of,发现,看出,come in into sight,呈现在眼前,come in sight of,看见,in ones own sight,由自己的眼光看来, 照自己的见解,sight,There was no one in sight. (p,41,in sb.s sight,在某人面前; 照某人的眼光看来,in the sight of,由.,.,看来, 从.,.,观点, 从.,.,角度来看,keep sth. in sight (=keep sight of sth.),不忘记,lose ones sight,失明,lose sight of,不再看见;忘了; 忽略了,have long far sight,远视; 有远见,short near sight,近视, 缺乏远见,Out of sight, out of mind.,眼不见, 心不烦,in sb.s sight Out of sight,42,20,14NMET V.,改错题,Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher in 91. _,解析,:,catch sight of,看见,是固定短语。故答案为去掉,a,高考链接,2014NMET V. 改错题解析: catch s,43,Post-reading activities,Retell the story Fog with the help of the following chart.,Post-reading activitiesRetell,44,Outside Pollys working place,At the bus stop on the street,In the underground train,At Green Park station,In Park Street,At the corner of the street,In the street near King Street,At 86 King Street,Outside Pollys working placeA,45,Write a summary of the Reading.,Homework,Write a summary of the Readi,46,Good bye,Good bye,47,


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