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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,1. World War I,2. Entry into WWI,3. Peace Conference of 1919,4. Prosperity and Depression,5. Roosevelts New Deal,Chapter 8,World War I and the Depression,0,1. WWI: Questions,Time?,July 28, 1914 Nov. 11, 1918 (Armistice),When did America join WWI?,1917,Who did America fight in WWI?,Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire,1,1. WWI: Prewar Situation,The end of the 19th century was a period of,imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism.,Brit: 1/4 of world land,Rus,: 1/7,Ger: 0.8%,United in 1871,Ger,began competing with,Brit,for world domination.,Essence:,Great powers,redividing,the world & struggling for economic interests and world hegemony.,2,1. WWI: Two Military Blocs,The Triple Alliance, 1882,三国同盟,Germany,Austria-Hungary,& Italy,Central Powers,Conflicts,Ger. took Fr. Alsace & Lorraine,Aus. &,Rus,.: Balkans,Fr. &,Rus,.:,Dual Alliance, 1894,Britain,splendid isolation,: non-interference in European affairs (liberal party),The Triple Entente, 1907,三国协约,Fr.,Rus,., & Brit.,Allied Powers,3,1. WWI: Trigger,the assassination of,Archduke Francis Ferdinand,(,费迪南大公,),heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, on,June 28, 1914,While he and his wife rode in an open car in,Sarajevo, Bosnia, they were assassinated by,Serbian nationalist,Princip,(,普林西普,).,Austria declared war on Serbia and other countries soon joined in the war.,4,2. Entry into WWI: Reasons,Lack of military preparations at the beginning,Financial relations with the Allied powers,Public opinions,Germanys submarine campaign,6,2.1 Lack of military preparations,Strong navy (3rd) but weak army and air forces,an army of less than 100,000 men & only 17 airplanes,Remained neutral Woodrow Wilson,Preparations for the war,Dec. 1914, National Security League 国家平安联盟,1916, National Defense Act 国防法案,- doubled the standing force,- reorganized the National Guard,- provided for the training of officers,7,2.2 Financial relations with the Allied powers,At the beginning, declared neutral and sold munitions to,both sides,of the war.,The allied countries (Britain & France) paid in cash, then in bonds & stocks, and finally had to loan.,U.S. industries depended on continued orders from the allied countries.,If the allies were defeated, it would brought about a lot of,economic losses,to America.,8,2.3 Public opinions,Apart from an,Anglophile,element supporting the British, public opinion went along with,neutrality,at first. The sentiment was strong for neutrality among the Irish Americans, German Americans, and Swedish Americans, as well as many Southern farmers, church leaders and women.,However, the citizenry increasingly came to see Germany as the villain after news of atrocities in,Belgium in 1914, and the sinking of the passenger liner,Lusitania,in 1915,in defiance of international law.,9,2.4 Germanys submarine campaign,Feb. 1915, Germany began using,U-boats,to carry out,unrestricted submarine warfare,against the Allies, which was very effective and took a heavy toll on Allied ships.,May 7, 1915,the British liner,Lusitania,Jan. 31, 1917, Germany,resumed,its unrestricted submarine warfare.,Afterwards, German submarines sank several U.S. merchant vessels.,U.S. declared war, on April 6,.,10,unrestricted submarine warfare,a type of naval warfare in which submarines sink,merchant/passenger ships without warning, as opposed to attacks by prize rules.,Prize/Cruiser rules,state that,passenger ships may not be sunk,crews of merchant ships must be placed in safety before their ships may be sunk (life boats are not considered a place of safety unless close to land),only warships and merchant ships that are a threat to the attacker may be sunk without warning.,11,The Lusitania,May 7, 1915, the British liner,RMS,Lusitania,Railway Mail Service was torpedoed by,U-20, and sank in just 18 minutes later. Of the 1,959 people aboard, 1,198 were killed, 128 of them US citizens,including,Alfred Vanderbilt, a member of the prestigious,Vanderbilt family,.,The initial U.S. response was to threaten to sever,diplomatic relations, which made Germany to,re-impose restrictions,on U-boat activity.,12,Weaponry in WWI,WWI saw the use of various types of weapons:,grenade catapults,artillery,machine gun,submarines,warplanes,armored cars,railway guns,tanks,&,aircraft carriers,.,Chemical weaponry,ranged from disabling chemicals, such as,tear gas,and the severe,mustard gas,(,芥子气,), to lethal agents like,phosgene,(,光气,),and,chlorine,(,氯,),.,The killing capacity of gas, however, was limited only,4%,of combat deaths were caused by gas. Because it was possible to develop effective countermeasures against chemical attacks, such as,gas masks,13,Armistice,Nov. 11, 1918, representatives of,France, Germany, and Britain,met in a,train car,outside a French town and signed the armistice that ended WWI.,Germanys unconditional surrender ended one of the bloodiest wars in history.,King,GeorgeV,dedicated the day as Remembrance Day.,14,Effects,The German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires,dissolved,.,Emergence of independent countries,The U.S. becoming the strongest power & the largest creditor.,6,bn,debtor, 10,bn,creditor,15,3. Paris Peace Conference, 1919,to set the peace terms for Germany and other defeated nations,the “Big Four: Britain, Italy, France, USA,Wilsons Fourteen Points, League of Nations,Treaty of Versailles,16,Treaty of Versailles,imposed a strict reduction of Germanys army and navy, stripped her of all her colonies, and forced her to admit guilt for the war and to pay for its cost,To form,the League of Nations,Not approved by the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. did not join in the League at last.,17,Washington Conference (1921-1922),US, Britain, Japan, France, Italy,Belgium, China, Portugal, the,Netherland,Four-power treaty,Five-power treaty,Nine-power treaty,America set up her dominant position in world affairs.,18,The Four-Power Treaty,(,四国条約,),a treaty signed by the,United States,Great Britain,France,and,Japan,at the,Washington Naval Conference,on 13 December 1921.,All parties agreed to maintain the,status quo,in the Pacific, by respecting the Pacific holdings of the other countries signing the agreement, not seeking further territorial expansion, and mutual consultation with each other in the event of a dispute over territorial possessions.,19,Five-power treaty,a treaty to limit naval construction and prevent an,arms race,among the victorious powers in the wake of,World War I,.,signed by Britain, the USA, Japan, France and Italy. It limited the construction of,battleships,battlecruisers,(,巡洋舰),and,aircraft carriers,by the signatories. The numbers of other categories of warships, including,cruisers,destroyers,and,submarines, were not limited by the treaty but could only be built up to 10,000 tons,displacement,.,20,Nine-power treaty,a treaty affirming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of,China,as per the,Open Door Policy, which was issued by,U.S. Secretary of State,John Hay,in 1899.,During the Washington Conference, the U.S. government again raised the,Open Door Policy,as an international issue, and had all of the attendees (United States, Japan, China,France,Great Britain,Italy,Belgium,Netherlands, and,Portugal,) sign a new treaty which intended to make the Open Door Policy,international law,.,However, the Nine-Power Treaty lacked any enforcement regulations, and when violated by Japan during its,invasion of Manchuria,in 1931 and creation of,Manchukuo, the United States could do little more than issue protests and impose,economic sanctions,.,21,4. Prosperity: Roaring Twenties,Time: 1919-1929,Coolidge Prosperity,(1923-29),The Roaring Twenties is a phrase used to describe the 1920s, principally in North America, but also in London, Berlin and Paris for a period of sustained economic prosperity, emphasizing the periods social, artistic, and cultural dynamism.,By the middle of the decade, prosperity was widespread. The second half of the decade was known as the ,Golden Twenties,.,22,Roaring Twenties,Urbanization,Jazz music,blossomed,Jazz Age,19th Amendment,in 1920: women suffrage,The Lost Generation,: young people who came out of WWI disillusioned and cynical about the world;,Ernest Hemingway,and,F. Scott Fitzgerald,who wrote novels and short stories expressing their resentment towards the materialism and individualism that permeated during this era.,Art Deco,Cinema: Charlie Chaplin; Mickey Mouse,23,The Great Depression,began with the,Wall Street Crash of Oct. 24, 1929,Black Thursday,and rapidly spread worldwide. The market crash marked the beginning of a decade of,high unemployment,poverty,low profits,deflation,plunging farm incomes, and,lost opportunities for economic growth and personal advancement,.,The usual explanations include numerous factors, especially,high,consumer debt,ill-regulated markets,that permitted overoptimistic loans by banks and investors, the,lack of high-growth new industries.,24,5. Roosevelts New Deal,a series of economic programs (about 24) between 1933 and 1936 during the first term of President,Franklin D. Roosevelt,in response to the,Great Depression,.,3 Rs,:,Relief, Recovery, and Reform,Relief for the unemployed and poor,Recovery of the economy to normal levels,Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.,25,Agricultural Adjustment Act,农业调整法,Time:,enacted May 12,1933,Content:,restricted agricultural production,by paying farmers subsidies not to plant part of their land and to kill off excess livestock.,Purpose:,to reduce crop surplus and therefore effectively raise the value of crops. The money for these subsidies came from an exclusive tax on companies which processed farm products.,26,National Industrial Recovery Act,全国工业复兴法,Time:,enacted June 16,1933,Content:,control working hours and conditions; fix minimum wages; a vast public works program to provide job opportunities, including,the Hoover Dam,between,Arizona,&,Nevada,and,Mount Rushmore,in South Dekota,Purpose:,to regulate industry,and to stimulate economic recovery,27,Social Security Act,社会保障法,Time:,enacted,1935,Content:,provide pensions for the retired, insurance for the unemployed, and care for the dependent and disabled,By dollars paid, the U.S. Social Security program is the largest government program in the world and the single greatest expenditure in the federal budget, with,20.8%,for social security, compared to,20.5%,for defense and,20.1%,for Medicare/Medicaid,28,Assignments,Group 1,Franklin Roosevelt,Group 2,Section 2 of Chapter 9 (pp. 98-9),29,


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