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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,高考总复习,英语,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,必修,1,Unit 4,Earthquakes,【,话题词句日积月累,】,1,drought,n,干旱,2,typhoon,n,台风,3,sandstorm,n,沙尘暴,4,do damage to,对,造成破坏,5,natural disaster,自然灾害,6,relief supplies,救灾物资,话题,自然灾害,p23,7,More and more people become aware that these disasters,have,much,to do with,what we have done to the earth.,越来越多的人开始认识到这些灾害,与,我们对地球的所作所为,有很大关系,。,8,Recently, the topic of air pollution,has aroused,more and more attention.,最近,空气污染的话题,引起了,越来越多的关注。,9,Its high time that,we,took,action to rebuild our green and clean environment.,确实,到了,我们采取行动重建我们绿色、干净环境,的时候了。,have,little,to do with,与,无关,1,_,v,t,.,埋葬;掩埋;隐藏,2,_,v,t,. &,n,.,损失;损害,3,_,v,t,. &,n,.,援救;营救,4,_,v,t,.,毁灭;使破产,n,废墟;毁灭,5,_ vt.,破坏;毁坏;消灭,6,_ vi.,爆裂;爆发,n,突然破裂;爆发,重点单词,bury,damage,rescue,ruin,destroy,burst,burst burst burst,7,_,v,t,. &,v,i,. (,使,),震惊;震动,n,休克;打击;震惊,shock,shock,ed,shock,ing,8,_,n,陷阱;困境,v,t,.,使陷入困境,9,_,n,事件;大事,10,_,v,t,.,损害;伤害,_,adj.,受伤的,_,n,损害;伤害,trap,event,injure,trap trapped trapped,injure,d,injur,y,11,_,v,t,. &,n,裁判员;法官;断定;判断;判决,_,n,判断力;评价;判决,12,_,v,t,.,使惊吓;吓唬,_,adj.,受惊的;受恐吓的,_,adj.,令人恐惧的,judge,judge,ment,frighten,frighten,ed,frighten,ing,13,_,v,t,.,表示;表达,n,.,快车;速递,_,n,表达;表示;表情,14,_,n,电;电流;电学,_,adj.,用电的;带电的,_,adj.,与电有关的;电学的,15,_,n,祝贺;,(,复数,),贺词,_,v,祝贺,16,_,adj,.,无用的;无效的,_ (,反义词,),有用的,17,_,adj,.,极度的,_,ad,v,.,极其;非常,express,express,ion,electric,ity,electric,electric,al,congratulat,ion,congratulat,e,use,less,use,ful,extreme,extreme,ly,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,2,We all felt shocked when we found the boy _ under the ruins,buried,in reading.,(bury),3,_from the expression, Tom didnt trust her _.,(judge),4,Your advice was _to me, which helped me avoid those_ books.,(use),5,The_ news that the young famous pianist passed away made all the fans _,(shock),7,The girl was almost_ to death when she saw the _scene.,(frighten),bur,ied,Judg,ing,judge,ment,use,ful,use,less,P24,shock,ing,shock,ed,frighten,ed,frighten,ing,1,_,严重受损;破败不堪,2,_,掘出;发现,3,_,因,而自豪,4,_,不重视,常用短语,in ruins,dig out,be proud of /take pride in,think little of,5,_,立刻;马上,6,_,好像,7,_,结束;终结,8,_,许多;大量的,right away,as if,at an end,a (great) number of,单句改错,1,.,My mother was proud all that I have done and she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.,2.The strong earthquake left the city in ruin merely in several seconds.,3.It took me too long to dug out how they had solved the difficult problem.,4.Judging from the number of the cars, a number of people has come to attend the party.,of,ruins,dig,have,教材语篇填空,根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容,(1,个单词,),或括号内单词的正确形式。,Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. For three days the water in the village wells kept rising and,1.,_ (fall),Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them. A,2.,_ (smell) gas came out of the cracks. In 3._ farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous 4._(eat),Mice ran out of the fields 5._(look) for places to hide. Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds.,P29,fall,ing,smell,y,the,to,eat,look,ing,At about 3,:,00 a,m.,6.,_July 28, 1976, some people,7.,_(see) bright lights in the sky. The sound of planes could,8.,_ (hear) outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. But the one million people of the city,,,9.,_thought little of these events,,,were asleep as,10.,_(usually) that night.,on,s,aw,be,hear,d,who,usual,二、单元词汇,一网打尽,Homework p30,二、单元词汇,一网打尽,完成下面的短文并背诵,Dirty water,1.,_ (rise) in wells and canals before the earthquake. But no one judged that,2.,_ earthquake was coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dams,3.,_ (destroy),Railway tracks became,4.,_ (use) bars. Pipes in mines burst and let out,5.,_ (smell) steam. Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere.,The next day, this event was the headline,6.,_ main title of all newspapers. With the reporters,7.,_ (give) an outline of the disaster, the whole nation,8.,_(be) shocked by the damage and the victims extreme,9.,_ (suffer),People were moved when they read that the survivors comforted each other by,10.,_ (say),“,Congratulations! You survived,!,”,【,答案,】,1. rose,2. an,3. were destroyed,4. useless,5,smelly,6. or,7. giving,8. was,9. suffering,10. saying,11,sincerely,12. to help,13. injured,14. frightened,15,peoples,


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