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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Department of College English,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Department of College English,*,Experiencing English,Book Two,Department of College English,Experiencing English Departmen,1,Unit 8 Computers and Security,Department of College English,Unit 8 Computers and Securi,Procedures,Passage A,Warm-up Activities,Culture Notes,Language Points,Difficult Sentences,Summary,Follow-up Activity,Assignment,Department of College English,Procedures Passage A Departmen,Passage A You Are the Weakest Link, Goodbye,Warm-up Activities,What do you know about computer viruses? (eg. name, damage power, how to spread, how to protect computer from them),Have your computers been infected by viruses? Why or why not?,Department of College English,Passage A You Are the Weake,Culture Notes,desktop, laptop and even hand-held PC,personal computer/ portable computer,Department of College English,Culture Notes desktop, lapto,Brand Names of Computers,Compaq,:,IBM,:,International Business Machine,Apple,:,Tulip,:,Sony,:,Toshiba,:,Philips,:,Samsung,:,Department of College English,Brand Names of ComputersCompaq,playing computer games,hard disc,capacity,sound card,screen/monitor,compact,space-saving,Computer Terms,Department of College English,playing computer gamesComputer,Computer Terms,compatibility,mouse,keyboard,hardware/software,online/offline,download/upload,network/website/cyber,the Internet/intranet,Department of College English,Computer Termscompatibility D,Macro Viruses,Macro viruses are computer viruses that use an applications own macro programming language to distribute themselves. These macros have the potential to inflict damage to the document or to other computer software. The infecting files can be modified or deleted and may not be recoverable.,Department of College English,Macro Viruses Macro viruse,Melissa,Department of College English,Melissa Department of College,The Love Bug,The virus is circulating through email and affecting many customers. If run, the virus could overwrite .jpg, .mp3, and other , and attempt to send a copy of itself to everyone in the recipients address book.,The Love Bug virus is also called the Loveletter Virus, or simply I Love You.,Department of College English,The Love BugThe virus is circu,Language Points,1.,innocent,:,adj.( of things) harmless, knowing nothing of evil or wrong; (of people) guiltless,Dont be so innocent as to believe everything you see.,Is she guilty or innocent of the crime?,Department of College English,Language Points1.innocent: ad,Language Points,2.,or so,:,about,She will be back in a day or so.,In another year or so, Lucy will have forgotten all about him.,Department of College English,Language Points2. or so: abou,Language Points,3.,encounter,:,vt.,1) meet or be faced by (something bad, especially a danger or a difficulty);,2) meet unexpectedly.,We encountered a serious setback when two members of the expeditions were injured.,I first encountered him at summer school.,Department of College English,Language Points3. encounter: v,Language Points,4.,unusual,:,adj. not common; rare,Its unusual to find diamonds of this size.,Earlier this century, it was unusual for women to have a career.,Department of College English,Language Points4. unusual: adj,Language Points,5.,infect,:,vt.,1) fill with disease, germs; give disease to (a person);,2) If your excitement, eagerness etc. other people, it makes them begin to feel the same way.,You can only be infected with with HIV in a limited number of ways.,Lucys enthusiasm soon infected the rest of the class.,Department of College English,Language Points5. infect: vt.,Language Points,6.,transmit,: vt. send or pass from one person, place or thing to another.,The US Open will be transmitted via satellite.,Do you know that an infection may be transmitted by mosquitoes?,Department of College English,Language Points6. transmit: vt,Language Points,7.,clean up,: clean thoroughly,We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up.,Let me just go and clean myself up.,Department of College English,Language Points7. clean up: c,Language Points,8.,in place,: in the right or proper place,Have you got all the lights in place yet?,cf. out of place,I felt completely out of place among all those smart rich people.,Department of College English,Language Points8. in place: in,Language Points,9.,ensure:,vt. make (something certain) to happen,All necessary steps have been taken to ensure their safety.,His husband ensured that he took all his pills every day.,Department of College English,Language Points9. ensure: vt.,Language Points,10.,adequate,: adj. enough for the purpose,Without the proper resources the department cannot do an adequate job.,Are the parking facilities adequate for fifty cars?,Department of College English,Language Points10. adequate: a,Language Points,11,.,detect:,vt. find out; notice,Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.,Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice?,adj. detectable,Department of College English,Language Points11.detect: vt.,Language Points,12.,update:,vt. make more modern or up-to-date,We need to update the defensive weaponry.,The files need updating.,Department of College English,Language Points12. update: vt,Language Points,13.,considerable,: adj. fairly large or great in amount, size, or degree,He has been ill for a considerable time.,The sun was now high in the sky, and the heat very considerable.,Department of College English,Language Points13. considerabl,Language Points,14.,identify:,vt. prove or show who or what somebody is or something is,The light was too dim for me to identify her.,I identify myself first.,They were reluctant to identify themselves fully with any particular side.,Department of College English,Language Points14. identify: v,Language Points,15.,inflict:,vt. give (a blow, etc); cause to suffer,They wont let any foreign power inflict any further blows on their national pride.,Our army is inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.,Department of College English,Language Points15. inflict: v,Language Points,16.,set in:,begin and (probably) continue,Luckily the wound was treated before infection could set in.,He must try and get my garden tidied up before the bad weather sets in.,Department of College English,Language Points16. set in: beg,Language Points,17.,recede:,vt. (of thing) move back or away,The coast receded as we sailed away.,The plane gradually receded out of sight.,Department of College English,Language Points17. recede: vt.,Language Points,18.,at risk:,in danger,The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.,The economy will fall further, putting more jobs at risk.,Department of College English,Language Points18. at risk: i,Language Points,19.,more often than not: in most cases,On weekends, more often than not, youd find my uncle at work.,More often than not the patient recovers.,Department of College English,Language Points19. more often,Language Points,20.,come across as:,seem to be (judging from behavior or actions),Bill Clinton came across to voters as (being) honest, sincere and hard-working.,Mike came across (to me) as (being) quite a nice person.,Department of College English,Language Points20. come across,Language Points,21.,odd,adj. 1) not regular, habitual, or fixed; occasional,2) strange; unusual,He had some odd change in his pocket.,It is odd that I cant remember Marys address.,Department of College English,Language Points21. odd adj. 1),Language Points,22.,harbor,:,v. give protection to,The child fled to the harbor of her fathers arms.,The trees harbor monkeys.,Department of College English,Language Points22. harbor: v.,Language Points,23.,conflict,:,n. disagreement; opposition,The conflict between Greece and Troy lasted ten years.,My brother and I had a personality conflict.,Department of College English,Language Points23.conflict: n,Language Points,24.,as a matter of course,:,as a regular habit or usual procedure,I check my e-mail every morning as a matter of course.,Department of College English,Language Points24. as a matter,Difficult Sentences,1,.,It wasnt unusual to find hundreds of commuters within one company infected by viruses transmitted via email attachments.,As often the case that in the same company hundreds of computers would have viruses if the employees had opened email attachments containing these viruses.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences1.It wasn,Difficult Sentences,2.,Companies now realize that viruses arent “urban myths” and can have a serious impact on their operations.,Companies now understand that viruses are not modern made-up stories, and they can do great harm to a companys operations.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences2. Companie,Difficult Sentences,3.,With the rapid transmission of files through networks and the Internet, a virus can spread a considerable distance before it can be identified and protected against.,With the fast spread of information through networked computers and the Internet, a virus can reach many computers before anything can be done about it.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences3. With the,Difficult Sentences,4.,Complacency can set in when there is no perceived “action” on the virus front and no global crisis and the importance of being vigilant about viruses recedes in your users minds.,People may ignore viruses and stop worrying about them when no major worldwide viruses have been reported recently, and the need to be very on guard against viruses if easily forgotten.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences4. Complace,Difficult,Sentences,5.,However, the worry comes when employees start risking company security in pursuit of personal amusement.,But the worry arises when employees start breaking the company security rules in order to amuse or entertain themselves by doing personal downloading from the Internet.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences5. However,Difficult,Sentences,6.,Virus writers and hackers often use such software as the ideal “kick-start” for their virus distribution.,Virus writers and people who break into other peoples computer files often use such software as the best means to get their viruses to start spreading.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences6. Virus wr,Summary,The weakest link in the protection of a companys computers against viruses is the individual computer user. There is a strong tendency that the employees assume it is the companys computer security experts job to worry about the viruses and they can bring the problem under control. But everyone must do their share to prevent viruses. Any unsolicited email attachment or any untested type of software may contain a virus.,Department of College English,Summary The weakest link in,Summary,Even the best anti-virus software is not always effective and must be frequently updated. Constant education of all employees about viruses is the key to virus prevention. No one should ever be allowed to relax their defenses, even if this means the company must have some rules set that employees might not like.,Department of College English,Summary Even the best anti-v,Follow-up,Activity,Watch,a movie clip,and talk about the functions of computers in the modern society.,Department of College English,Follow-up Activity Department,Assignment,Write a paragraph of around 100 words explaining that companies should do more than invest in anti-virus software to protect against computer viruses.,Assignment,Procedures,Passage B,Warm-up Activities,Culture Notes,Language Points,Difficult Sentences,Summary,Follow-up Activity,Assignment,Department of College English,Procedures Passage B Departmen,Passage,B,So,Sorry,to,Bug,You,1. How often do you email your friends?,2. How would you solve the problem if your computer is inflicted by viruses?,3. What would you do if you accidentally spread an virus?,Warm-up,Activities,Department of College English,Passage B So Sorry to Bug Yo,Culture,Notes,Colorful Skyscrapers,Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country.,The second-largest Roman Catholic nation in the world. Mexico City.,One of the worlds fastest-growing metropolitan areas.,Mexico Volcano,Mexico,Department of College English,Culture NotesColorful Skyscrap,Yucatan, Mexico,Yucatan Maya Ruins: Sculpture and Pyramid,Department of College English,Yucatan, MexicoYucatan Maya Ru,The Andromeda Strain,The Movie: A group of scientists investigate a deadly new alien virus before it can spread.,Michael Crichton, author of,The Andromeda Strain, Congo, The Great Train Robbery, The Rising Sun, Jurassic Park,and,The Lost World.,Department of College English,The Andromeda StrainThe Movie:,The,Homepage,Virus,Homepage worm spreads using Outlook Application. It sends messages with the content as shown in the picture right:,When the attached executed, the worm will send (mass mail) itself to each recipient in every address book.,Department of College English,The Homepage Virus Department,The,Philippines,Jeepney Cab and Billboard in the Streets of the Philippines,Light Rail Transit in Manila,Department of College English,The PhilippinesJeepney Cab and,Language,Points,1.,correspond:,v.exchange letters (with),He frequently corresponds with his brother.,She and he corresponded for many years before they met.,Department of College English,Language Points1. correspond:,Language,Points,2.,swear:,v. state firmly,Will you swear that you were not there?,I swear on a Bible to observe secrecy.,Department of College English,Language Points2. swear: v. s,Language Points,3.,recall:,v. remember,I recall seeing a poster on his wall.,The pictures recalled me back to the days in Australia.,Department of College English,Language Points3. recall: v. r,Language Points,4.,assume:,v. take as true,I assume you have heard the news.,Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming that the weather is favorable.,Department of College English,Language Points4. assume: v. t,Language,Points,5.,figure out:,work out; understand by thinking,I just cant figure her out, shes a mystery to me.,I try to figure out a way to do it.,Department of College English,Language Points5. figure out:,Language,Points,6.,get rid of:,free oneself from (something unwanted),How can I get rid of worries?,She denied firmly, getting rid us of the doubt.,Department of College English,Language Points6. get rid of:,Language,Points,7.,delete:,v. cut out (esp. something written or printed),He has deleted his name from the list.,The patients high fever deleted most of his memories.,Department of College English,Language Points7. delete: v. c,Language,Points,8.,irony:,adj. a course of events or condition,which has the opposite result from what is expected, usually a bad result,There was irony in his tone.,It was an irony that the firehouse burned.,Department of College English,Language Points8. irony: adj.,Difficult,Sentences,1.,I felt like the doctor in The Andromeda Strain; the clock was outracing me.,I felt like the doctor in a famous science fiction horror movie; the virus was spreading faster than I could stop it.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences1. I felt l,Difficult,Sentences,2.,Each had a , as doom-laden as a warhead.,Each message contained a dangerous virus in the attachment, like a fatal bomb.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences2. Each had,Difficult,Sentences,3. Double argh!,(It was) extremely embarrassing and disgusting!,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences3. Double a,Difficult,Sentences,4,.,The worst part was that many of the people I had emailed were newbies - subscribers who had emailed me for help in connection with this column,.,(to be continued),Department of College English,Difficult Sentences4.The worst,Difficult,Sentences,The worst thing was that many of the people I had emailed were new subscribers who sent emails to me for advice about the online computer column .,Department of College English,Difficult SentencesThe worst t,Summary,The author, who writes an online computer column and ought to know better, had his personal computer attacked by a virus when he opened an attachment from a former girlfriend without using virus protection. The computer automatically forwarded the attachment to all the addresses in the authors address book. He quickly stopped 65 infected messages from being sent, but soon received 50 replies from other people stating,Department of College English,Summary The author, who writ,Summary,that the attachment to his message contained a virus. Then he wrote to everyone in his address book apologizing and warning them of the virus. Fortunately most of them forgave him. Only one subscriber to his column asked to be deleted from its mailing list. The lesson of this story is to use virus protection and ignore unexpected attachments.,Department of College English,Summary that the attachment,Assignment,Finish the following partly filled-in outline, based on paragraph 4 of the passage B.,1._,2. go to the web for information about the Homepage virus.,A the most common bug,B_,C not damage computer,D_,E reset browsers homepage to porn sites,AssignmentFinish the following,Follow-up,Activity,I am a virus, Ha ha ha! I can destroy your computer system.,I am a hero ,I can attack the virus,.,vs,Anti-virus software &Virus,Department of College English,Follow-up ActivityI am a virus,Debate,Affirmative:,Negative:,The Internet is a blessing.,The Internet is a curse.,Department of College English,DebateAffirmative:Negative:The,


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