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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,School of Management,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2007/1/13,*,2024/9/3,2007/1/13,Logistics English,Logistics English,School of Management, Tianjin University,Libo0410,2023/9/102007/1/13Logistics En,1,School of Management,Homework-explaning,Minimax,=public departments,Minsum,Minmax,School of ManagementHomework-e,School of Management,Test yourself,Goods yard,Stereoscopic warehouse,Goods shed,Handing/carrying,Palletizing,sorting,Goods collection,Storage/Retrieval,Fork (lift) truck,conveyor,Automatic guided vehicle,Box car,Pallet Jacks,Container Shelves/Bins/Drawers),Swingmast,Goods shelf,Pallet Rack,Stacking,Goods stack,School of ManagementTest yours,School of Management,Lecture Three,Part 1: What is Warehouse Management?,Part 2: what is Inventory Management?,School of ManagementLecture Th,School of Management,Contents: Warehouse-Inventory,The definition and difference,The goals (management levels),The professional words in warehouse,What does we study in warehouse management?,Example: cross docking in warehouse,The professional words in Inventory,What does we study in inventory management?,The methods of Inventory management,School of ManagementContents:,School of Management,The Definitions and Difference,Warehouse: the facility designed for temporary storage;,Inventory: the materials/goods in the warehouse;,Warehouse management: the related shipping, sorting, picking and inbound, outbound processes are managed to realize the efficiency.,Inventory management: all functions relate to the stock decisions, that is, monitor the quantity, location and status of inventory to realize the rapid inventory turnover.,See the text.,School of ManagementThe Defini,School of Management,The goals (management levels),location,Inventory Management,Warehouse scheduling,School of ManagementThe goals,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,Stacking,Goods stack,Handing/carrying,Loading and unloading,Unit loading and unloading,Package/packaging,Palletizing,School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,sorting,Goods collection,Automatic warehouse,Stereoscopic warehouse,Receiving space /,Shipping space,Goods yard,School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,Goods shelf,pallet,Fork (lift) truck,conveyor,Automatic guided vehicle,Box car,Goods shed,School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,月台(Dock),板台起重机(Pallet Jacks),道(Lane)/深度(Depth),货架(rack);托盘货架(Pallet Rack),集装箱/容器(Container) 架子/箱子/抽屉(Shelves/Bins/Drawers),条形码(Barcode),转柱式堆高机(Swingmast),存贮和拣取(Storage/Retrieval),School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Examples: Cross docking,What is crossdocking?,Cross docking is a warehouse management concept in which items delivered to a warehouse by inbound trucks are immediately sorted out, reorganized based on customer demands, routed and loaded into outbound trucks for delivery to customers without the items being actually held in inventory at the warehouse.,If any item is held in storage, it is usually for a brief period of time that is generally less than 24/48 hours.,School of ManagementExamples:,School of Management,The highest level in warehouse management:,stock on wheels,difficulties:,(1) coordination;,(2) The types of goods.,Part 1,Crossdocking,School of ManagementThe highes,School of Management,Part 3,Crossdocking,www.D,“,Cross Docking,”,翻译为,“,直接换装,”,,定义为:,“,物品在物流环节中,不经过中间仓库或者站点,直接从一个交通工具换载到另一个运输工具的物流衔接方式,;,接驳式转运 (,Cross Docking,),/,交叉配送,;,将商品由工厂通过配销系统,配送至用户而不将商品储存入库的一种方法是,cross docking,。,School of ManagementPart 3 Cr,School of Management,JIT and Crossdocking,The,“,just-in-time,”,(JIT) inventory management (or,kanban,) principle requires that there is just enough inventory that arrives to replace what has been used.,The implementation of crossdock operations repositions the focus from warehousing inventory to one of managing inventory through-flow in transit from suppliers to customers.,School of ManagementJIT and Cr,School of Management,Push planning/production,wip,Operation,A,wip,Operation,B,wip,Operation,C,wip,A,planning,B,planning,C,planning,scheduling,School of ManagementPush plann,School of Management,Pull production,Operation,A,Operation,B,Operation,C,Materials requirement,Materials requirement,Give planning based on operation B,Give planning based on operation C,Give planning based on operation D,School of ManagementPull produ,School of Management,JIT and Crossdocking,Crossdocks are,transformed,from inventory repositories to points of delivery, consolidation and pickup.,Advantages of crossdocking:,accrue from the,reduction,of warehousing costs, inventory-holding costs, service cycle times and transportation costs.,School of ManagementJIT and Cr,School of Management,Crossdocking properties,crossdocking as the,“,JIT in the distribution arena,”,;,(1),rapidly:,The use of,“,crossdocking,”,has become synonymous with rapid consolidation and processing ;,(2),Complex:,crossdocks are complex, requiring a high degree of coordination between suppliers, customers and distributors to create shipments based on anticipated supplies and demands;,(3),Timing performance,: In all crossdocking situations, the timing of delivery and pickup is crucial to effective operations.,School of ManagementCrossdocki,School of Management,Crossdocking in supply chain,There are three methods of crossdocking,(1)Manufacturing croossdocking:,“,current,”,(finished goods move right off production line to a waiting truck) or,“,future,”,(items produced are staged for later shipment) are the categories.,School of ManagementCrossdocki,School of Management,Crossdocking in supply chain,(2) Distribution center crossdocking: distinguish between,“,current/active,”,“,current/same day,”, and,“,future,”,. In the first, items are loaded immediately on a vehicle; current/same day products are staged on a conveyor for release later that day. Future crossdocking involves the holding of items until they become current/same day.,School of ManagementCrossdocki,School of Management,Crossdocking in supply chain,(3)Terminal crossdocking: products from various DCs are sent to a break-bulk terminal for shipment of mixed loads to customers.,Gue 2001 refers to a similar method as Retailer crossdocking: Items from different origins are sorted and dispatched to particular stores.,School of ManagementCrossdocki,School of Management,US Postal Service Applications,Ex: A network of crossdocks for the US Postal Service where 148area Distribution Centers ;,(1) Serve as crossdocks, each receiving, sorting, packing and dispatching mail according to operating schedules.,(2) Mail not processed on time must be shipped by air, incurring additional costs and,“,critical-entry,”,times, when mail must arrive at the destination center, must be coordinated with transportation schedules to avoid overshooting specified cut off times.,(3) Each distribution center serves as an origin as well as destination node where schedules were driven by mail delivery standards.,School of ManagementUS Postal,School of Management,WalMart Applications,Ex:The well-known success of WalMart in crossdocking;,(1) It requires coordinating 2000 dedicated trucks over a large network of warehouses, and retail points;,(2) Maytag, a large distributor of household appliances maintains 41 crossdock facilities where,“,no inventory is held,”,.,School of ManagementWalMart Ap,School of Management,Summary,What is Warehouse?,What is Warehouse Management?,What does we study in warehouse management?,School of ManagementSummary Wh,School of Management,Inventory Definiton,Review?,What do we study in inventory management?,(1)How many items do we have in inventory?,(2)When do we give an order to the suppliers?,(3) How much does the ordering Quantity?,我们应该在存货中包含那些产品?,School of ManagementInventory,School of Management,Inventory Contents,(1)The classical inventory management,also called Independent requirement model,(the beginning of 20 century to 1960,s),(2)The Modern inventory management,also called Dependent requirement model,(1960,s to now),School of ManagementInventory,School of Management,The classical inventory management,Suppose:,The requirement of an item is independent on that of others;,The total need can be added by that of each items;,We can forecast the trend of the requirement of an item based on the history data;,The inventory control can be obtained by the models with the aid of the need predicting, cost, and other variables,etc.,School of ManagementThe classi,School of Management,The Modern inventory management,Each item with the others has some relationship;,Just considering the need forecasting of some item is not enough;,Generally, the need of some item must be connected with the production planning.,School of ManagementThe Modern,School of Management,Summay,Inventory,Modern,Classical,methods,Mrp,EOQ,Jit,SOQ,Erp,Drp,See the text P34,School of ManagementSummayInve,School of Management,EOQ principal,reorder point,safety inventory,Lead time,lead time,The reorder point=need in unit period,*,lead time + safety inventory,See the text P32,School of ManagementEOQ princi,School of Management,Periodic Inventory systems,Periodic inventory,is a system of inventory in which updates are made on a periodic basis.,School of ManagementPeriodic I,School of Management,Perpetual Inventory systems,Perpetual inventory systems: /,continuous inventory,describes systems of inventory where information on inventory quantity and availability is updated on a continuous basis as a function of doing business.,Generally, this is accomplished by connecting the inventory system with order entry and in retail the point of sale system.,In this case, would be exactly the same as, or almost the same, as the real inventory.,School of ManagementPerpetual,School of Management,Perpetual Inventory systems,Starting in the 1970s digital computers made possible the ability to implement a perpetual inventory system.,Bar coding and radio frequency identification (RFID) labeling are necessary.,School of ManagementPerpetual,School of Management,The difference,Under the periodic inventory system a stocktake is essential in order to make accurate calculations of gross profit;,But a stocktake merely provides a check on the continues records maintained by a firm.,School of ManagementThe differ,School of Management,One gas retailer;,Four times to buy gas,Four prices to buy gas and store them in same,oilcan,,,How much does the total gas cost?,Problems,Inventory Costing Methods,School of ManagementOne gas re,School of Management,Inventory Costing Methods,Specific identification Methods P57,( not considering the market),FIFO method P36 (the influence of market),LIFO method P36 (avoiding the taxes),The weighted average method P36,(best methods),School of ManagementInventory,School of Management,Examples,The total cost of procurement,=(110*22)+(60*26)+(70*30) +(50*28),+(80*24)+(40*32)=10680(Euro),Sale-earning =35*354=12390,(,Euro),supposing the unit price=35;,gross profit,=earning-cost of inventory which be for sale=-(cost in procurement,-cost in rest inventory),Unit profit=profit/quantity to be for sale in inventory,School of ManagementExamplesTh,School of Management,Examples,The first method:,(7*22)+(6*26)+(8*30)+(11*28)+(17*24)+(7*32)=1490(Euro),Profit=12390-(10680-1490)=3200(Euro),Unit profit=3200/354=9.04(Euro/unit),School of ManagementExamplesTh,School of Management,Examples:,FIFO method:Suppose the rest 56 units are purchased finally.,(40*32)+(16*24)=1664(Euro),profit=12390-(10680-1664)=3374(Euro),Unit profit=3374/354=9.53(Euro/unit),LIFO method: Suppose the rest 56 units are purchased firstly,56*22=1232(Euro),profit=12390-(10680-1232)=2942(Euro),Unit profit=2942/354=8.31(Euro/unit),School of ManagementExamples:F,School of Management,Example,The weighted average method:,The value of unit inventory=The total procurement cost/the total quantity,=(110*22)+(60*26)+(70*30)+(50*28)+(80*24)+(40*32)/(110+60+70+50+80+40),=10680/410=1459,(Euro),profit=12390-(10680-1459)=3169(Euro),Unit profit=3169/354=8.95(Euro/unit),School of ManagementExampleThe,School of Management,Analysis,The real value of inventory=,1490,The result of FIFO is higher than the first one, that is higher than 12%;,The result of LIFO is lower than the first one, that is lower than 17%;,The result of the last one is nearly equal to the first one , that is 2% difference.,School of ManagementAnalysisTh,School of Management,The kinds of cost,(1)Material cost,(2)Reordering cost,(3) Holding cost,(4) Missing cost,School of ManagementThe kinds,School of Management,The kinds of cost,School of ManagementThe kinds,School of Management,Inventory turnover,turnover=,Quantity of Product units in some period/average storage quantity;,example:,(1)汽车装配厂和炼油厂的平均存货数量通常保持在一周的供给,则他们的存货周转次数通常在一年50次左右;,(2)零售商店的存货周转次数一般在20次左右。,School of ManagementInventory,School of Management,Inventory,seasonal fluctuations 季节波动,crude measure 粗略计算,coupon 配给票,preceding 前面的,先前的,FIFO 先进先出,Holding cost 库存保持成本,Gross Margin Return on Inventory or GMROI库存总利润回报,School of ManagementInventorys,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,inbound trucks,Outbound trucks,the turnaround times for customer orders,(卸货加油检修及再装货所需时间),Receiving, sorting, storing, retrieving,and shipping,delivery and pickup,Throughput(吞吐量),School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,Product damages,Product obsolescence,Lane/ the path in one way/direction,Trailer,Implication/meaning,Lever/,杠杆,途经,工具,手段,School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,Consolidation /the places that pickup items together,Consolidation warehouse 拼货仓库,Literature/papers,Overlook,Payback,Whereby 靠什么? 靠那个,Less than truck-load(LTL),Truck-load(TL),School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,Reshipment,Tactical/,Skeleton/structure,Stage for /plan for,Terminal,Break-bulk terminal,Dispatch 分发,School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Professional Vocabularies and Expressions,Constant demand,Forecast,Third-party logistics provider(3PL),Lease/出租,Pack/Package,Hassle 混乱,激战,School of ManagementProfession,School of Management,Part2 Inventory Managemnet,See the text.,School of ManagementPart2 Inv,School of Management,Preview-test yourself,QR VMI,UPC SCOR,EDI SPLP,POS UFL,ECR WIP,CRP SLP,DRP LTL/TL,School of ManagementPreview-te,School of Management,Review-Lecture 4,What is the perpetual inventory method?,The continuous records are kept of the purchase and sale of all inventory items. A stocktake serves the main purpose of a check on the accuracy of the accounting records.,School of ManagementReview-Lec,School of Management,Review-Lecture 4,What is the periodic inventory method?,Suppose that all goods purchased will in fact be sold and then they are classified as an expense, at the end of each accounting period a stocktake must be held in order to correct the records and to determine how much inventory remains so that the cost of the inventory that was sold during the period can be determined.,School of ManagementReview-Lec,School of Management,Review-Lecture 4,What is Lead time in inventory?,The time between placing an order and receiving an order is called the lead time;,What is the reorder point?,The annual demand divided by working days multiplied by the lead time.,School of ManagementReview-Lec,School of Management,Review-Lecture 4,What is inventory turnover?,A ratio of the cost of sales for a period and the average inventory for that period.,School of ManagementReview-Lec,School of Management,Homework?,Find all the words and relative words we just learned in the following figure.,Write one paragraph to describe the layout in this distribution center using these words.,School of ManagementHomework?F,


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