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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Slide 11-,*,E-commerce,Kenneth C. Laudon,Carol Guercio Traver,business. technology. society.,Second Edition,1,E-commerce Kenneth C. Laudon,Chapter 11,Online Service Industries,線上服務產業,2,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Chapter 11Online Service Indus,Learning Objectives,Describe the major features of the online service sector,描述線上服務業的主要性質。,Discuss the trends taking place in the online financial services industry,討論線上財金服務產業發生的趨勢。,Identify the key features of the online banking and brokerage(,仲介),insurance, and real estate(,房地產),industries,指出網路銀行、仲介、保險和房地產產業的主要特點。,3,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Learning ObjectivesDescribe th,Learning Objectives,Explain why online travel services can be considered the most successful B2C segment,解釋線上旅遊服務為何被認為是最成功的,B2C,市場。,Describe the major trends in the online travel services industry today,描述現在線上旅遊服務的主要趨勢。,Explain why career(,職業),services online may be the ideal Web business,解釋線上職業服務為何是理想的網站事業。,Identify current trends in the online career service industry,指出線上職業服務產業目前的趨勢。,4,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Learning ObjectivesExplain why,NetBank Expands: The Future of Branchless Banking,(,無分行銀行業的未來,),NetBank: First federally insured bank in U.S. to operate solely on Internet,One of few Internet banks to operate profitably over several years,March 2003: 160,000 accounts in 50 states and 20 foreign countries,Offers diverse group of complementary financial services businesses,Future growth will increasingly depend on developing physical presence,5,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,NetBank Expands: The Future of,NetBank,Expands: The Future of Branchless Banking,Page 625,6,NetBank Expands: The Future of,11.1 The Service Sector: Offline and Online,Service sector: Largest and most rapidly expanding part of economies of advanced industrial nations,(,進步工業國家),In U.S., services plus FIRE(Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) sector employs about 59% of labor force; accounts for $4.1 trillion of GDP,(,國內生產毛額),7,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,11.1 The Service Sector:,The Relative Size of the Service Sector: Employers,Figure 11.1, Page 629,服務業比美國經濟中其它的部門雇用更多的人力。,8,The Relative Size of the Servi,The Relative Size of the Service Sector: GDP,Figure 11.2, Page 629,服務業佔有美國超過,41%,的,GDP,。,9,The Relative Size of the Servi,What are Services?,Service occupations(,服務性工作):,Are “concerned with performing tasks” in and around households, business firms and institutions,在家庭、企業公司或機構中完成任務的職位,Service industries(,服務產業): “,Domestic establishments providing services to consumers, businesses, governments and other organizations,為消費者、企業、政府和其他機構提供服務的國內公司,FIRE is largest segment of services industry,10,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,What are Services?Service occu,The Major Service Industry Groups,Figure 11.3, Page 631,11,The Major Service Industry Gro,Categorizing Service Industries,Within service industry groups, can be further categorized into:,Transaction brokers(,交易仲介):,Acting as intermediary to facilitate a transaction,Hands-on(,實際動手),service provider,Services industry features:,Knowledge- and information-intense, which makes them uniquely suited to e-commerce applications,Amount of personalization and customization required differs depending on type of service,12,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Categorizing Service Industrie,11.2 Online Financial Services,Online financial services sector an example of an e-commerce success story, but success is somewhat different from what had been predicted,Pure online financial services firms in general,(,一般來說),are not yet consistently profitable,(,尚未獲利),Multi-channel established financial services firms are showing fastest growth and strongest prospects,(,前景),13,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,11.2 Online Financial Services,Online Asset Growth,2003:,About $3.5 - $3.7 trillion managed online,By 2005, estimated to grow to $5.4 trillion,2003: About 25-32 million households bank online; about 20- 25 million household trade online,By 2007, estimated online banking households will grow to 57 million; online investing households will grow to 41 million,Northern Europe (Norway,挪威,Finland,芬蘭,Sweden,瑞典),lead all regions in movement to online banking,14,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Online Asset Growth2003: About,Growth of Online Investable Assets (in Trillions,兆),Figure 11.4, Page 633,15,Growth of Online Investable As,Online Investing and Banking,Figure 11.5,Page 634,2007,年前,預期會有超過,5,700,萬個家庭使用線上銀行;而超過,4,000,萬個家庭會在線上交易。,16,Online Investing and BankingFi,Online Banking Penetration(,滲透率),in Various Countries (2002, As a Percentage of Total Banking),Table 11.1, Page 635,17,Online Banking Penetration(滲透率,Online Consumers Financial Activities (2002, As a Percentage of Online Consumers),Table 11.2, Page 635,18,Online Consumers Financial Ac,Financial Service Industry Trends,Financial services industry provides four generic kinds of services:,Storage of and access to funds(,資金儲存及使用),Protection of assets(,資產保護),Means to grow assets(,衍生資產工具),Movement of funds(,資金轉移),Two important global trends,Industry consolidation(,統一) (,Financial Reform Act of 1998 amended Glass-Steagall Act and allows banks, brokerages and insurance firms to merge),Movement toward integrated financial services (financial supermarket model),19,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Financial Service Industry Tre,Traditional Providers of Financial Services,Table 11.3, Page 636,20,Traditional Providers of Finan,Industry Consolidation and Integrated Financial Services,Figure 11.6, Page 637,財金服務的主要趨勢是產業統一,以及財金服務將整合。,21,Industry Consolidation and Int,The Financial Supermarket Model: Integrated Online Financial Services,Figure 11.7, Page 638,在線上財金超級市場裡,消費者可以在一家機構的一個帳戶,購買任何的財金服務產品。,22,The Financial Supermarket Mode,Online Banking and Brokerage,Online banking pioneered(,首先開展),by NetBank and WingSpan,Established brand name national banks have taken a substantial(,大量的),lead in(,引進),market share(,市場佔有率),Early online brokerage leaders, such as E*Trade and Ameritrade have also been displaced at top by established firms (Fidelity,富達,and Charles Schwab,嘉信理財,),Online consumers have made it known that they prefer multi-channel firms with physical presence(,實體店面),Multi-channel firms have lower customer acquisition(,取得),conversion(,轉換),and retention(,維持),costs,However, users of pure online firms utilize them more intensively,23,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Online Banking and BrokerageOn,The Leading Financial Services Firms,Table 11.4, Page 640,24,The Leading Financial Service,E-commerce in Action:,E*Trade,E*Trade: 4.1 million online customers; offers online brokerage, banking,lending(,借貸),corporate financial services,Discounted commissions(,折扣佣金),on stock trades, free online information, online order entry, more efficient order execution, and better customer service,Online brokerage industry growth torrid(,狂熱的) 1998-2000;,has slowed somewhat since(,此後),However, despite(,不管),extraordinary(,異常地),growth and success, not consistently profitable(,尚未獲利);,collapse(,崩盤),of stock market and its impact on E*Trade demonstrated fragility(,不堪一擊),of its reliance on(,依靠),pure online domestic brokerage(,國內仲介),Has since been seeking to expand physical presence(,實體店面),and diversify(,多樣化),revenue streams,25,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,E-commerce in Action: E*TradeE,E*Trade Groups Consolidated Statements of Operations and Summary Balance Sheet Data 2000-2002,Table 11.5, Page 644,26,E*Trade Groups Consolidated S,E*Trade Key Performance Indicators(,指標),Table 11.6, Page 646,27,E*Trade Key Performance Indica,E*Trade Cost per New Account and Average Commission(,佣金),per Transaction,Table 11.7, Page 646,28,E*Trade Cost per New Account a,Financial Portals(,財金入口網站),Provide comparison shopping services(,比價購物服務),independent financial advice(,個人財務建議),and financial planning,Financial portals generate revenue from advertising(,廣告),referral fees(,介紹費),and subscription feels(,訂閱費),Examples: Yahoo! Finance, Q, MSNMoney, AOLs Personal Finance channel,A major source of visitors to major established financial services sites,Add to online price competition(,價格競爭),in financial services industry,29,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Financial Portals(財金入口網站)Provi,Account Aggregation,(,帳戶整合),Sites,Account aggregation: Process of pulling together all of a customers financial (and even non-financial) data at a single personalized Web site,Estimated number of people who use online aggregation varies widely 2002, estimated at about 3 million,Yodlee leading provider of account aggregation technology; used by Merrill Lynch,美林證券,Citigroup,花旗集團,Chase,大通銀行,others,Raises issues about privacy and control of personal data, security, etc.,30,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Account Aggregation(帳戶整合) Site,Account Aggregation,Page 650,31,Account AggregationPage 65031,Insight on Technology: Should You Aggregate and Have Your Screen Scraped?,December 2002: Over 3.3 million online consumers use Yodlees free account aggregation service,Over 1/3 obtain this service through financial portals,Consumers like account aggregation for its convenience and time-saving qualities,Issues include:,Screen scraping is a low-tech, high maintenance method of gathering information,Control over your data if aggregator goes bankrupt,Aggregation not regulated as is banking, so few protections for information,32,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Insight on Technology: Should,Online Mortgage(,抵押),and Lending(,借貸),Services,Early entrants envisioned(,期望),a market in which mortgage value chain would be simplified and loan closing process(,借貸完成程序),speeded up, with resulting cost savings passed on(,傳遞),to consumer,However, many of early-entry, pure online firms failed (e.g., M) due to difficulties of developing brand and simplifying mortgage generation process,Today, 4 basic types of online mortgage vendor:,Established online banks, brokerages(,仲介),and lending organizations(,貸款機構),Pure online mortgage bankers,Mortgage brokers,Mortgage service companies,33,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Online Mortgage(抵押) and Lendin,Online Mortgage Originations as Percentage of Total Mortgages,Figure 11.8, Page 654,34,Online Mortgage Originations a,Q,Page 655,35,QPage 65535,Online Insurance Services,Online term life insurance(,定期人壽保險):,one of few product groups in which Internet actually lowered search costs, increased price comparison and resulted in lower prices to consumers,However, in other insurance product lines, Web has offered insurance companies new opportunities for product and service differentiation and price discrimination(,區別),Online insurance industry affected by fact that industry is regulated(,規範),at state as opposed to(,而不是),federal(,聯邦),level; also impacted by channel conflict(,管道衝突),Leading players include InsW, P; I,36,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Online Insurance ServicesOnlin,The Insurance Industry: Segments,Table 11.8, Page 656,37,The Insurance Industry: Segmen,Leading Online Insurance Services,Table 11.9, Page 657,38,Leading Online Insurance Servi,Online Real Estate Services,Vision of E-commerce I (that the historically local, complex, and agent-driven real estate industry would be transformed into a disintermediated(,無仲介),marketplace where buyers and sellers would transact directly) has not been realized,However, what has transpired(,被人知道),has in fact been beneficial to buyers, sellers and real estate agents,About 70% of Internet-using prospective(,未來的),home buyers use Web to gather information, view listings,Major impact is influencing of purchases offline,Despite revolution in available information, there as not been a revolution in the industry value chain,39,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Online Real Estate ServicesVis,Major Online Real Estate Sites,Table 11.10, Page 659,40,Major Online Real Estate Sites,Insight on Society: Is H a Monopoly(,壟斷者,)?,H: Has agreement with National Association of Realtors to be exclusive distributor on Web for NARs MLS listings, accounting for more than 2 million homes,In February 2001, purchased its largest competitor, Cendents M, which had a 40-year exclusive listing agreement with Century 21, Coldwell Banker and ERA,Lists over 90% of the homes for sale on Web,Can argue that in this instance, e-commerce has strengthened established players in the traditional value chain, restricted the number of competitors, and allowed few remaining suppliers to dominate marketplace,41,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Insight on Society: Is Homesto,11.3 Online Travel Services,Arguably(,可以認為),the single most successful B2C e-commerce segment attracts single largest audience, and largest slice of B2C revenues,Internet becoming most common channel used to research travel and book reservations(,訂票保留),2003: $38 billion in revenue, expected to grow to $70 billion by 2007,Popular because they offer consumers more convenience (one stop offers content, commerce, community, customer service) than traditional travel agents,For suppliers, offers a singular(,單一),focused(,集中化),customer pool(,族群),that can be efficiently reached,42,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,11.3 Online Travel ServicesArg,Total U.S. Online Travel Booking,(,訂票),Revenue,Figure 11.9, Page 663,線上旅遊服務預期將持續快速成長。,43,Total U.S. Online Travel Booki,Travel as the Ideal Internet Product/Service,An information-intensive product,An electronic product in the sense that travel arrangements can be accomplished for the most part online,Does not require inventory,Suppliers are always looking for customers to fill excess capacity,Do not require an expensive multi-channel presence,44,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Travel as the Ideal Internet P,Online Travel Services Components,Airline reservations the largest single component ($21 billion in 2002; $39 billion in 2006),Hotel reservations ($7 billion in 2002, $15 billion in 2006),Car reservations ($3 billion in 2002, $7 billion in 2006),Cruise/tour reservations: fairly slow growth since not as well suited for online environment,Major segments:,Leisure(,休閒),Business travel(,商務旅遊) ,expected to be a major growth area as corporations seek better control of corporate travel expenses,45,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Online Travel Services Compone,Projected Growth of Online Travel Market Components,Figure 11.10, Page 665,機票預訂仍將佔有線上旅遊市場的大宗,而飯店及租車預訂會以甚至更快的速度成長。,46,Projected Growth of Online Tra,Projected Growth of Managed and Leisure/Business Travel,Figure 11.11, Page 666,提供給企業的線上計畫旅遊服務,將比線上休閒旅遊成長得快。,47,Projected Growth of Managed an,Online Travel Industry Dynamics(,動態),Competition among online providers is intense,Industry is going through(,經歷),a period of consolidation as stronger, offline established firms purchase weaker and relatively inexpensive online firms,Suppliers (the large national airlines, hotel chains, auto rental companies, etc) are attempting to eliminate the intermediaries such as the global distribution systems and travel agencies(,旅行社),using the Web as a means,Examples: Orbitz (airline consortium), auto rental company direct-to-customer Web sites.,48,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Online Travel Industry Dynamic,Large Online Travel Sites,Table 11.11, Page 667,49,Large Online Travel SitesTable,The Travel Services Value Chain,Figure 11.12, Page 668,旅遊服務產業是由供應商、配銷商、零售旅遊代理商和商務及休閒旅遊者所組成。,50,The Travel Services Value Chai,Insight on Business: Orbitz Takes Off(,起飛,),A joint venture formed by American, Continental, Delta, Northwest and United,Opened for business June 2000; today in 3,rd,place behind Expedia and Travelocity in terms of visitors,Offers unique search technology and wide selection, low fares from its industry owners,One of few examples on Web of “manufacturer-direct”,Industry competitors have claimed unfair competition and antitrust issues,51,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Insight on Business: Orbitz Ta,E-commerce in Action:,E,Online travel services company that provides access to information about and sales of travel arrangements,Originally started by Microsoft, subsequently purchased by USA Networks (now InterActiveCorp),One of top players in online travel services, generating revenues of $591 million in 2002,52,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,E-commerce in Action: Expedia.,Expedia, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Operations and Summary Balance Sheet Data 2000-2002,Table 11.12, Page 673,53,Expedia, Inc. Consolidated Sta,11.4 Career Services,(,職業服務),Next to travel services, one of Internets most successful online services.,Dominated by M (owned by Monster Worldwide), HotJ (owned by Yahoo) and CareerB,Online recruiting(,徵才),provides a more efficient and cost-effective method of linking employers and potential employees, while reducing total time-to-hire,Enables job hunters(,求職者),to more easily build, update and distribute resumes(,履歷),while gathering information about prospective employers(,可能雇主),and conducting job searches(,搜尋職缺),Ideally suited for Web due to information-intense nature of process,54,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,11.4 Career Services(職業服務)Next,The Growth of Online Recruitment(,人才招募),to 2005,Figure 11.13, Page 676,線上人才招募將是成長最快的電子商務服務之一。,55,The Growth of Online Recruitme,Why are Job Sites So Popular?,Saves time and money for both job hunters(,求職者),and employers(,尋找人才的雇主),For employers: Expand geographic reach of search, lower cost and result in faster hiring decisions,For job seekers: Make resumes more widely available, and provides a variety of related job-hunting services,One of most important functions: Ability to establish market prices and terms (online national marketplace),56,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Why are Job Sites So Popular?S,Popular Online Recruitment Sites,Table 11.13, Page 678,57,Popular Online Recruitment Sit,Many Ways to Find a Job,Figure 11.14, Page 679,線上張貼履歷表只是找工作的其中一種方式。,58,Many Ways to Find a JobFigure,Number of Interviews Gained as a Percentage of Those Responding to a Job Posting,Figure 11.15, Page 680,線上張貼工作可有效產生面試機會。,59,Number of Interviews Gained as,Market Segments and Trends,Three major segments,General job recruitment(,一般職位招募):,Largest segment and primary focus,Executive search(,主管搜尋部門):,highest revenue potential,Specialized job placement services(,專門性工作介紹服務):,often run by professional societies,Three major trends:,Consolidation: Monster,HotJobs, CareerBuilder, and HeadH together constitute 80% of market,Localization: Local boards compete with local newspapers,Diversification of product line,60,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,Market Segments and TrendsThre,E-commerce in Action:,M,Leading provider of comprehensive recruitment solutions for employers and staffing firms that pay fees for listing of jobs,Offers a variety of services, including job postings, executive searches, interactive advertising and sponsorships, custom Web side development, etc.,Has been profitable for last three years,HotJobs and CareerBuilder strongest competitors,61,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,E-commerce in Action: Monster.,11.5 Case Study: InterActive Corp: Emerging Online Services Conglomerate,InterActiveCorp (Barry Diller) owns all or part of the following online service companies:,LendingT,Expedia,H,TicketMaster,Hotel Reservation Network,C,M,62,Copyright 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.,11.5 Case Study: InterActive C,InterActive Corp.,Page 688,63,InterActive Corp.Page 68863,Case Study: InterActiveCorp,Mission/busi


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