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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,代词的分类,1.人称代词,2.物主代词,3.反身代词,5.不定代词,6.相互代词,7.疑问代词,4.指示代词,代词的分类1.人称代词2.物主代词3.反身代词5.不定代词4,1,初中英语代词总复习教材课件,2,初中英语代词总复习教材课件,3,考点一,人称代词,人称,分类,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,主 格,宾格,I,we,me,us,you,you,you,you,he,she,it,him,her,it,they,them,考点一 人称代词 人称单数 复数 单数 复,4,Mr Brown teaches_ history this year.,A. We B. us C. ours,2._isnt here. Whats wrong with _?,A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her,3.,please tell,_,about it if _dont know.,them; they B. they; they C. them; them,4,.- I like swimming.,- _ too. A, me B I,B,C,A,人称代词,主语,用,宾语,用 形式。,人称代词用法,A,主格,宾格,Mr Brown teaches_ history t,5,4.The teacher wanted _to do the work.,AJim, you and I BI, Jim and you,Cyou, Jim and me DJim, me and you,5.The teacher wanted _to do the work.,A, we, you,and they B , you, we and they,C, us ,you and them,6,Who broke the window?,A,Tom and I B I and Tom,c,C,人称代词,我,出现,单数 复数,人称代词用法,二,三,一,一,二,三,我,B,4.The teacher wanted _t,6,人称代词用法总结,1主人称代词,主语,用 ,,宾语,用,2人称代词,我,出现,单数,复数,承认错误,放前,主格,宾格,2,3,1,1,2,3,我,人称代词用法总结主格宾格2,3,11,2,3我,7,人称,分类,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,形容词性,名词性,考点二 物主代词,my,our,your,your,his,her,its,their,mine,ours,yours,yours,his,hers,its,theirs,人称第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数,8,根据汉语填空:,1、The two little girls are crying.,They cant find_(她们的)mother.,2、Is the shirt on the bed _(你的)?,3、This red blouse isnt Helens.,_is blue.(她的),their,yours,Hers,形容词性物主代词只能作,定语,后面,接名词,.,名词性物主代词可作主语、宾语或表语,后面,没有名词,。,形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词,根据汉语填空:1、The two little girls,9,1,在“,拍、打、拉,某人身体的某部分,”的句型中,虽译文有“我的”、“你的”之意,但英语中都不用物主代词,而要用。,hit sb in _ face,hit sb on _nose/head,take sb by,the,hand,catch sb by,the,arm,,2,名词性物主代词,与of连用可构成名词所有格。,例如:,我的一个朋友,a friend of _,One of _friends,the,the,mine,my,注:,1在“拍、打、拉某人身体的某部分”的句型中,虽译文有“我的”,10,物主代词用法总结,1 接名词作定语=,2 of 连用,3 打某人某部位用法中,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,The不能用形容词性物主代词,物主代词用法总结形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词名词性物主代词,11,数,人称,单数,复数,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,考点三 反身代词,myself,ourselves,yourself,yourselves,himself,herself,itself,themselves,数单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称考点三 反身代词,12,1反身代词有以下常见搭配:,enjoy oneself, help oneself to, see sth. oneself、 teach oneself,learn by oneself,by oneself, lose oneself in , dress oneself, hurt oneself, say to oneself . .,1. Lily太小了不能自己穿衣服.,Lily is _.,2.他们正陶醉在美妙的音乐当中.,They are_ the,beautiful music.,too young to dress herself.,losing themselves in,1反身代词有以下常见搭配: 1. Lily太小了不能自己穿衣,13,1在句子中作主语或宾语的同位语,用来加强语气,表示“亲自,本人”,一般置于被说明的词之后;作主语的同位语时,还可放在句末。,Lucy herself told me the news.,露西亲自告诉我这个消息。,Youd better ask the teacher yourself.,你最好亲自问问老师,。,2反身代词有时可作表语。,Sam is not quite himself today. 山姆今天不太舒服,3.用于一些固定短语。,1在句子中作主语或宾语的同位语,用来加强语气,表示“亲自,本,14,考点四.指示代词,单数,复数,用法,this,these,that,近指,远指,those,this,对应词,that,复数形式,those,对应词,these,单数形式,复数形式,单数形式,考点四.指示代词单数复数用法thisthesethat近指远,15,一.用适当词填空。,1 _ is my book , and _ is your book.,2_ are my books , and _ are your books.,3Please remember _ ;No pains , no gains.,4 He was ill. _ was why he didnt go to school,5- Whos_ ?,- _ is Mike speaking .,This,that,These,those,this,that,that,This,一.用适当词填空。 This that These,16,指示代词用法总结,1this /that 近指远指,启下承上,2电话用语,指示代词用法总结 1this /that 近指远指,启下承上,17,it用法总结,it用法总结,1_ is cloudy today.(天气) 今天多云。,2_ is 2000 meters away from the school(距离),3 I have a new pen._ is very beautiful. (前文提到过的),我有一支新钢笔,它很漂亮。,用于一些固定句型中。,Its time (for sb)to do sth.,It is 时间段since.,It takes sb some time to do sth.,Its kind of sb to do sth.,It,It,It,it用法总结it用法总结ItItIt,18,one it that,The box is in the middle of the room. Move _ away.,A. it B. one C. /,I have lost my pen. I have to buy _.,A. one B. it C. /,How nice your bag is! I want to buy _.,A. it B. one C. /,one,同类,不同件,it,同类,同件,one it that The box is in,19,one it that,4,The weather in Beijing is different from_in Shanghai.,A. it B. one C.that,5,The apples in the tree are different from_in Shanghai.,A. those B. one C.that,It同类同个one同类不同个that通常有后置定语介词短语,one it that4The weather in,20,考点五不定代词,1.some、any和no,2.,many much. a few 、few和a little 、little,3. each 和every,4. either 和neither,5. both和all,6. another和other、others,8. several,7. no one和none,9. one、ones,考点五不定代词 1.some、any和no 2. man,21,一.,用some 、any和no 填空,Lets have a try.,I bought _flowers on my way home.,I asked her for _paper, but she didnt have,_,My brother doesnt need _help.,4.Would you like to have_bananas? Yes, Id like to.,5.Do you have _ good books?,6. There is _good news in todays newspaper. So theres no need to read it.,7. Lucy has _bike and she often rides her sisters bike.,8. _ of the plants grow well.,some,some,some,any,any,Some,no,no,any,一. 用some 、any和no 填空Lets have,22,some any &no,some 肯定句,any 否定句/ 疑问句/ 条件句,some 也可以用于疑问句中表示请求、建议,希望得到肯定答复。,Would you like _ coffee?,some,1、,2、,3、,No =not a +N.(单数),= not any+N.(不可数/可数名词复数),some any &no some 肯定句s,23,这些词都是表示数量的代词,用法如下:,1 _ words are best. 少说话最好。,2 Shall I go _ way with you? 我要不要陪你走一段路?,3 _ hands make light work. 人多好办事。,4 There are few mistakes I make ,_ _?,二many,much,a few, a little, few,little,Few,a little,Many,are there,这些词都是表示数量的代词,用法如下:二many,much,a,24,用many 和much填空,_,students,helped the man move the car.,Im busy and I have _,homework,to do.,4. _ of them,have left,for England.,5. I cant understand _of,his speaking,6. I like milk, so I drink _every day.,7.John want to join the music club,very,_.,Many,Many,much,much,much,much,用many 和much填空_students,25,Although all the girls have tried their best , only _ pass the exam.,A. few B. a few C. a little,2. Dont worry .There is _ time left .,A. little B. a little C. few,3. You are so great! _ people in the school can do it .,A. A little B. Little C. Few,Although all the girls have tr,26,总结 many/much a few/a little 的用法,many+可数名数 much+不可数名词,2. much可以单独作动词的宾语,例如: eat much=eat a lot,3. much 可以作副词,例如: Thank you very much,2,总结 many/much a few/a little 的用,27,few,/,a few,&,little,/,a little,1、,2、,当前面由,only,/,just,修饰,常用 a few 或a little .,very,few或,very,little,3、,a little,可表示“有点,稍微”,肯定,否定,可数,a few,few,不可数,a little,little,few / a few & little /,28,五、each every,each (常与of连用),Every(+名词单数),两,者或以上的每一个人或物,三,者或以上每一个人或物,every other 每隔,Eg: every other day 每隔一天,=,every two days,I gave them _ an apple.,A. every B. each C. each of,There is a line of trees on _ side of the street.,Aevery Beach Cboth,She goes shopping _ five days.,A. every B. each C. each of, 他隔天来这里。 He came here _ day.,every other,五、each everyeach (常与of连用)Ev,29,_of the boys,has,a book.,_,student,has,an English-Chinese dictionary in our class.,3.Many trees are planted on _,side,of the road,4. We _,are,healthy because we run every day.,用each 和every填空,Lets have a try.,Each,Each/Every,each,each,=Each of us is healthy because.,_of the boys has a book.用e,30,both,all,either,any,neither,none,Ill take both of you with me. 我要把你们俩都带上。,Neither of the answers is correct. 两个回答都不对,both,all,either,any,neither,no,31,either neither both,Either Tom or the twins _ the way to the shop.,A. know B. knows C. finds,Neither you nor I _ a scientist.,A. is B. are C. am,Both Tom and Mary _ hard.,A. studies B. study C. studying,either or ,或者或者,就近原则,neither nor ,两者,都不,both and ,两者,都,复数谓语,either neither both Eith,32,六、none no one,none,no one,没有什么人 / 物,“没有人” 只能指人,回答,how many,问句,回答,who,问句,none of + 复数名词/them,谓语用单数,只能做主语,后面不允许接of短语,How many people are there in the room? _.,A. None B. No one C. Lucy,Who is in the room?,_.,A. None B. No one C. one,None of them _ China.,A. come from B. is from C. is come from,六、none no onenoneno one没有什么人,33,There is _ in the room.,_ of the students is afraid of,difficulties .,3. -How many fish did you catch?,-_.,4.-Who is in the classroom?,-_,用no one 和none填空,no one,None,None,No one,=Nobody,There is _ in the room,34,初中英语代词总复习教材课件,35,初中英语代词总复习教材课件,36,考 点八 相互代词,考 点八 相互代词,37,1 Though it rained heavily, _ were still playing on the playground.,A. they B. them C. their D. themselves,2 Tom and _ will go to see our teacher, for _ is ill.,A. I; -she. B. me; she C. I; her D. me; her,3 Is_ a boy or girl?,A. she B. he C. one D. it,4 Only _ know it.,A. I and he B. he and you C. he and I D. I and you,2,1 I saw_ playing in the street at that time.,A. them B. they C. their D. theirs,2 Jim will give_ a short talk tomorrow.,A. we B. us C. our D. ours,3 Please ask_ not to skate on the thin ice.,A. they B. them C. their D. theirs,4 The pen is hers. Pass it to_, please.,A. her B. she C. hers D. herself,5 Let me go and give the coat to_.,A. he B. his C. himself D. him,6 They asked_ to do the work.,A. you, he and I B. you, him and me C. I, you and he D. me, you and him,3,1 Though it rained heavily, _,38,人称代词用法,1_will spend the winter holiday in Hanna (海南) Island.,AHe, you and IBHe, I and you,CYou, he and IDI, you and he,2My parents bought a new schoolbag for _.,AthemBtheirs,CmeDthey,3With my parents away from home. I have to cook _ meals.,Afor meBfor myself,CmeDmyself,4Don and I found _ lying on ground when we work up.,AthemselvesBourselves,CthemDus,5. Open the door, please! Its .,A. I B. my C. me D. mine,6. _ have known each other for 15 years.,A. He and I B. I and He C. You and him D. You and me,( ) 3. He lost his book. Will you lend him _.,A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself,( ) 4. Wont you let_ help you?,A. I and my friend B. my friend and I C. my friend and me D. me and he,( ) 5. “Here is a pair which fits”. “Could I _?”,A. put it on B. try on them C. put on them D. try them on,人称代词用法,39,初中英语代词总复习教材课件,40,初中英语代词总复习教材课件,41,


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