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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.3,科技英语中的一些常用句型,1,1,1,1.3 科技英语中的一些常用句型111,1,一、,make +,名词,+,形容词,这样会使问题变得容易些,.,This,make,s the problem easy/easier.,这样能使金属更硬些,.,This,make,s the metal harder/hard.,hardens,这样能使金属变长。,This,make,s the metal longer.,= This,lengthens,the metal.,一、make +名词+形容词这样会使问题变得容易些.,2,make +,名词,+,形容词,这样能使螺栓更紧些。,This,make,s the screw tighter.,= This,tightens,the screw.,这样能使洞更深些,.,This,make,s the hole deeper.,= This,deepens,the hole.,make +名词+形容词这样能使螺栓更紧些。,3,二,、,enable, allow, make+,不定式,Enable, allow, make, cause, permit,Safety valves,allow/permit,the steam to escape.,安全阀能使蒸气(从锅炉中)排出,好的生产方法能使工厂生产更多的汽车,。,Good production methods,enable,the factory to manufacture more cars.,显微镜能使科学家们观测非常小的物体。,A microscope,enable,s the scientists to examine very small objects,.,二、enable, allow, make+ 不定式Ena,4,enable, allow, make+,不定式,enable, allow, make, cause, permit,温度计能使医生(为病人)测体温。,A thermometer,enable,s the doctor to measure body temperature.,伸缩接头能使管子延长或缩短。,Expansion joints,allow/permit,the pipes to expand or contract.,安全阀能使蒸气(从锅炉中)排出。,Safety valves,allow/permit,the steam to escape.,enable, allow, make+ 不定式 e,5,enable, allow, make+,不定式,热使金属熔化。,The heat,cause,d the metal to melt.,= The heat,makes,the metal melt.,火车速度太快,使其在弯道处出轨了。,The speed of the train,cause,d it to leave the rails on the curve.,= The speed of the train,made,it leave the rails on the curve.,enable, allow, make+ 不定式热使金属熔,6,三、,It is +,形容词,+,不定式,It,is,was,seems,appears,proves,becomes,easy,to do sth.,+,+,+,It is,possible,impossible,to do sth.,+,+,It is,necessary,unnecessary,to do sth.,+,+,三、It is + 形容词+不定式It iseasyto d,7,It is +,形容词,+,不定式,common,It is,usual,unusual,to do sth.,+,+,It is,to do sth.,+,+,It is,useful,useless,to do sth.,+,+,这些形容词都是带有主观评价色彩的,如:,easy,,,possible / impossible,,,useful / useless,,,necessary / unnecessary,,,usual / unusual,It is + 形容词+不定式commonIt is us,8,四、,It is +,形容词,+ that,It is evident that these currents will,generate heat in the core of the magnet.,It is likely that eddy currents will be,produced in the core of the magnet.,obvious,clear,possible,that,引出一个主语从句,,it,是无人称主语,例:显然,,这些电流会使磁铁中心产生热。,例:在磁铁中心很可能会产生涡流电流,。,四、It is + 形容词+ thatIt is evi,9,It is + 动词+ that,It,should,be,noted,that,this energy can,not be destroyed, only changed into other forms.,realized,It is,assumed,that,the gas temperature in the cylinder is constant.,例:需要注意,/,明白的是,这种能量是不能消失的, 只能转化成其它形式。,例:假定气缸中气体温度为定值。,It is + 动词+ thatIt should be,10,It is,decided,that,the production should,begin in a few months.,It is + 动词/形容词+ that,It,is desirable,that,these currents should be,eliminated as far as possible.,essential,arranged,planned,例:最好尽可能地把这些电流除掉。,例:已经决定在几个月内开始生产。,It is decided that the,11,It is,known,that,proved,例:已知,,众所周知,,据证,,It should be,noted,that,will,例:应当注意到,/,应该看到,/,应当知道,,realized,noticed,appreciated,It can be,shown,that,例:可以证明,,proved,demonstrated,It is known that 例:已知,12,五、句末,+ ing,子句,连接两个陈述句的一种方法, 同,and,的意思一样;, 相当于,since,的意思,进一步解释;, 说明第一句话的后果或时间的接续。,例:,The starter motor is switched off, the engine,accelerating,under its own power.,关闭启动马达,发动机依靠它自己的动力加速。,例:,The normal type of crank shaft is used, the upper pistons being operated by crossheads.,使用标准曲(柄)轴,上活塞便由十字头操作。,and,and,五、句末 + ing 子句 连接两个陈述句的一种,13,句末,+ ing,子句,例:,The proton is the opposite of the electron, being,a particle of positive electricity.,质子与电子性质相反,它是一种带正电的离子。,例:,Mercury is most commonly used in thermometers, having a constant coefficient of expansion.,由于水银的膨胀系数是常数,它常常用于温度计中。,since,since,句末 + ing 子句例: The proton is th,14,通常可以在第二个句子(子句)前,加一个词,,thus,或,thereby,说明第一句话的后果,例:,T,he rivet contracts as it cools, drawing the plates together.,铆钉冷却收缩时,便把钢板禁固在一起。,例:,T,he rivet contracts as it cools,thereby,drawing the plates together.,通常可以在第二个句子(子句)前说明第一句话的后果例: The,15,六、引出问题的几种方法,用 “,It is necessary to ”,It is necessary to,determine,whether those results are correct,.,用 “,as to”,引出,A decision should be taken,as to,which data is correct,.,Research is going on,as to,how the industrial pollution can be controlled.,用“,It is doubtful / not clear / unknown how ”,引出,It is doubtful,how accurate these results are,.,或,It is not clear,how accurate these results are,.,六、引出问题的几种方法用 “It is necessary,16,引出问题的几种方法,用 “,depend on what / how”,引出,The progress of the project will,depend on,what,the weather conditions are like.,The progress of the project will,depend on,how,efficient the organization is.,用 “,according to what / how”,引出,The type of pump used will vary,according to,what,type of liquid is being pumped,.,The type of pump used will vary,according to,how,much liquid is being pumped,.,2,引出问题的几种方法用 “depend on what ,17,七、定义句型(,definition,),用定义说明某物、某现象的形体特征、结构特点、用途或功能,从而区别于其他事物和现象,A Geiger counter is a device which measures radiation.,An equilateral figure is a plane figure with all sides equal in length.,An acid is a compound which neutralizes a solution of sodium hydroxide, such as sulfuric acid or nitric acid.,酸,例如硫酸或硝酸,是能够中和氢氧化钠溶液的化合物。,七、定义句型(definition)用定义说明某物、某现象的,18,定义的分类,通用定义,特指定义,扩展定义,定义的分类通用定义,19,通用定义,An engineer is,a person who,designs machines, buildings or public works.,Aluminium,(铝),is,a white metal which,is light, weak, and resistant to corrosion.,Liquids are,states of matter with,constant volume but variable shape.,A dentist is,a doctor who,takes care of peoples teeth.,A knife is,a tool used,for cutting.,A library is,a room or a series of rooms containing,a large number of books.,Carbon is,an element with,an atomic weight of 12.01.,通用定义An engineer is a person wh,20,通用定义公式,A x is a,通用分类词,+,Which is v. + ed, v. +ed, With +,名词短语,v. + ing,或,for v. + ing, Prep. + which, With the property of v. + ing,Aluminium,(铝),is,a white metal which,is light, weak, and resistant to corrosion.,A knife is,a tool used,for cutting.,Carbon is,an element with,an atomic weight of 12.01.,A library is,a room or a series of rooms containing,a large number of books.,通用定义公式A x is a 通用分类词 + Which,21,特指定义,A,saw,is a,tool,with toothed edge, used for cutting things.,A,key-hole saw,is a,saw,with a narrow blade, used for cutting holes in wood.,通用,定义,特指,定义,特指定义A saw is a tool with tooth,22,特指定义的特点,被定义事物是特指的,,带有限定语,.,分类词,往往是,重复,被定义事物的中心词,不是通用分类词,.,Is,后的名词带有,修饰语,.,A thermometer is an instrument to measure temperature.,An alcohol thermometer is a thermometer used principally for measuring temperature below freezing point of mercury.,通用,定义,特指,定义,特指定义的特点被定义事物是特指的,带有限定语.A therm,23,扩展定义,Aluminium is a metal which is light in weight.,Consequently,it is widely used,for the manufacture of aircraft.,A match box is a small container used for holding match sticks.,It consists of,two main parts,: the box itself and a rough striking surface.,扩展定义Aluminium is a metal which,24,扩展定义,由通用定义通过例证、对,比、对照、或说明扩展而成,,也称段落定义,扩展定义由通用定义通过例证、对,25,扩展定义,通用定义,+,例证,通用定义,+,用途,通用定义,+,主要组成部分,. Common examples are ,. Typical examples are , such as ,. Therefore,.,Consequently,. As a result,. It is used ,.,One of its main uses is ,. It consists of + main parts ,. Its main components are ,two,three,these,扩展定义通用定义 + 例证. Common examples,26,扩展定义,Phosphate is a mineral which is an essential element is high-yielding soil.,Therefore, it is used,as a fertilizer.,A razor,(剃刀),is a extremely sharp cutting instrument used for shaving.,It consists of,two main parts:,the blade, or cutting edge, and a handle.,扩展定义Phosphate is a mineral whi,27,练习:,说明下列各定义的类型,并译成汉语:,1,、,An equation is a mathematical expression in which the two sides balance, such as 1=2-1 and 5,2,=25.,2,、,A cigarette lighter is a device for igniting cigarettes. It consists of three main parts: the housing, the flint, and the lighter fluid.,3,、,Copper is a metal which is a good conductor of electricity. As a result, it is widely used in the electrical industry.,特指定义,扩展定义,组成,扩展定义,用途,练习:说明下列各定义的类型,并译成汉语:1、An equat,28,4,、,Sedimentary rocks are rocks formed by the deposit of sediment as in a river bed.,5,、,Cement is a powder with the property of setting into a hard mass after is has been mixed with water.,6,、,A microphone is device for picking up sounds.,7,、,An airport is a place at which airplanes land and take off.,特指定义,通用定义,通用定义,通用定义,4、Sedimentary rocks are rocks,29,8,、,An alarm clock is an instrument for telling time, capable of producing loud noise at a predetermined time.,9,、,A spring scale is an instrument which measures weight by comparing the force exerted by a spring with the gravitational force on an object.,特指定义,特指定义,8、An alarm clock is an instrum,30,作业,举出几个英语例句,要求句子里含有下列,as,的表达式,并翻译成汉语:,as usual,as to,as regards,as mentioned above,as it stands,as for,as anything,as against,as a general rule,as a consequence,作业举出几个英语例句,要求句子里含有下列as的表达式,并翻译,31,1.4,科技英语常用人称,一、无人称被动句,1.4 科技英语常用人称一、无人称被动句,32,二、常使用祈使句,二、常使用祈使句,33,科技英语的特点讲解课件,34,


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