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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,第,1,单元 时间句视译,英汉汉英视译教程,上篇 英译汉,第1单元 时间句视译英汉汉英视译教程上篇 英译汉,1,第,1,单元 时间句视译,无论何种形式的时间句,包括时间状语词组和时间状语从句,英语时间句的特点都是时间修饰部分在句子中的位置根据表达侧重的需要比汉语更加灵活多变,常见于句首、句中和句末。而汉语时间句的时间修饰部分多见于句首或句中,却鲜见于句末,这就造成英译汉时时间成分分别在英汉句式结构中的时间和空间上的不对称,给即时口译,尤其是同声翻译译员在瞬间构建译文逻辑时带来很大的不便、干扰或障碍,从而减缓翻译效率,降低翻译质量,甚至阻碍信息的顺畅传递。我们如果注意到英汉语句时间修饰成分在句子结构位置上的特点与差异,经过专项翻译练习,熟练掌握应对英汉时间句的转换技巧,便能够在语句、语段或语篇翻译时达到迅速、自如、流畅、通顺的口译较高境界。,第1单元 时间句视译 无论何种形式的时间句,2,第,1,单元 时间句视译(,要点梳理),时间成分分别在英汉,句式结构中,的,时间,和,空间,上,不对称,英语时间句:位置根据表达侧重的需要灵活多变,常见于句首、句中和句末,汉语时间句:多见于句首或句中,却鲜见于句末,第1单元 时间句视译(要点梳理),3,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),1. The founding of the Peoples Republic of China was announced to the whole world by Mao Zedong on Tiananmen Square,on October 1st, 1949,.,【笔译】,【视译】,1949,年,10,月,1,日,,毛泽东在天安门广场向全世界宣告了中华人民共和国的成立。,中华人民共和国的成立是由毛泽东在天安门广场,于,1949,年,10,月,1,日,向全世界宣告的。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)1. The founding,4,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),译评,即使是中等长度的语句,视译时也不便作重大句子成分搬移,而应该,顺坡就势,,,顺水推舟,,,一气呵成,。,本句英语时间状语词组置于句末,恰恰与中文时间状语放置习惯形成鲜明差异,,但为了适应视译应“鱼贯而出”的规律,,中文连接词语“是由”、“在” 和“于”的使用,在此显得既必不可少,又恰如其分。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)译评即使是中等长度的语句,,5,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),2. The bell had rung for the class,before he could have his breakfast,.,【笔译】,【视译】,他,还没来得及,吃早饭,上课铃,就,响了。,上课铃响,了,,,可是,他,还没,吃早饭。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)2. The bell had,6,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),译评,本句中,,由before 引导的时间状语从句置于句末,,这是英语常见的时间状语从句形式,,而中文的此类时间状语更多见于句首,。虽然笔译参考译文更地道、生动,笔者还是建议学生更要参考视译译文,因为视译译文更符合“,鱼贯而出,”的视译规律。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)译评本句中,由before,7,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),3. The Owens will move to a cheaper flat on the east side of the city,when their baby is born,.,【笔译】,【视译】,孩子出生以后,,欧文斯全家将搬入城东部一套更便宜的公寓。,欧文斯全家将搬入城东部一套更便宜的公寓,,时间是孩子出生以后,。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)3. The Owens wi,8,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),译评,虽然本句里的时间状语从句较短,但是,主句较长,。在视译过程中如果想把即使是较短的时间状语从句在瞬间搬移至较长的主句前面,译员仍会感觉力不从心,这是因为,人的思维多为线性式,而非跳跃式,。尤其是在应对更长的类似句子时,,不妨采取本句中略显“笨拙”的后补说明式手段,,,以减轻因大块儿搬移而产生的整体翻译压力和难度,。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)译评虽然本句里的时间状语从,9,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),4. It was,not until we got to be an arms distance from each other,that I recognized it was my long-lost elder brother.,【笔译】,【视译】,直到我们走到离彼此只有一臂之遥时,,我才认出对方是我失散已久的哥哥。,我们彼此已经相距一臂之遥了,我,才,认出我失散已久的哥哥。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)4. It was not u,10,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),译评,此句为,典型英语思维句式,notuntil 与it is that 强调句式的混合运用,,构成了思维转换的双重困难,,是所有翻译形式的难点。如果不是强调句,原句为“I did not recognize it was my long lost elder brother until we got to be an arms distance from each other.”,句式排列上的第一行为是实际上的第二行为,, 翻译时把两个行为予以,换位,,把,否定改为肯定,即可。而该句式的强调句恰恰符合了客观行为的发生顺序,,只需增加语气词即可,。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)译评此句为典型英语思维句式,11,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),5.,Hardly/Scarcely,had they reached home after such a hard dangerous journey,when/before their youngest son miraculously fell ill,.,【笔译】,【视译】,经过如此艰辛、危险的旅途,他们,刚,一到家,他们的小儿子,便,莫名其妙地生病了。,他们一路上遭遇了许多艰辛和危险,,可是刚,一到家他们的小儿子,便,生病了, 真是莫名其妙!,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)5. Hardly/Scarc,12,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例句),译评,笔译参考译文的语义逻辑略显平淡,,视译参考译文听着更具戏剧性,焦点更加突出,。文字表述与口头表述之间存在许多规律性区别,,英汉视译的转换终端是口头表述形式,。因此有时为了使缺乏听觉趣味和视觉联想效果的书面语言听起来更加生动、有趣,可以,把原文里语境语义的焦点适度放大或夸张, 甚至挪移,,使之更加凸显,以达到更佳的视听接收效果。,第1单元 时间句视译(例句)译评笔译参考译文的语义逻辑,13,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),1. We promote key treatieslike the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty (CTBT)that have been signed but,not yet,entered into force. It was,in 1999,when I served as Chairman,of the CTBT organization,.,But still,after nine years,we have still not been able to see the CTBT come into effect.,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)1. We promote k,14,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),1. We promote key treatieslike the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty (CTBT)that have been signed but,not yet,entered into force.,我们的职责是推动某些重要条约的履行,如全面禁止核试验条约(简称为CTBT)。,这些条约,已经,签署,却未曾,生效。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段) 1. We promote,15,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),It was,in 1999,when I served as Chairman,of the CTBT organization,.,But still,after nine years,we have still not been able to see the CTBT come into effect.,该禁核条约签署,于,1999,年,我时任禁止核试验条约组织的主席,。然而,,九年后的今天,,我们仍然无法见证该条约的实施。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)It was in 1999,16,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),【笔译】,【视译】,我们的职责是推动那些已签署,却未,生效的重要条约早日生效,如全面禁止核试验条约(简称为CTBT)。该条约签署,于,1999,年,我时任禁止核试验条约组织的主席,。然而,,九年后的今天,,我们仍然无法见证该条约的实施。,我们的职责是推动某些重要条约的履行,如全面禁止核试验条约(简称为CTBT)。这些条约,已经,签署,却未曾,生效。该禁核条约签署,于,1999,年,我时任禁止核试验条约组织的主席,。然而,,九年后的今天,,我们仍然无法见证该条约的实施。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段) 【笔译】我们的职责是推动那些,17,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),译评,(1)本段落第二句是一个省略强调句,可以还原成“It was in 1999 when I served as Chairman of the CTBT organization,that CTBT was signed.,”斜体字部分的语境语义在原文里已经得到充分体现,可以省略。,但视译时需要还原完整内容,,听众方能轻松地领会完整逻辑关联的来龙去脉。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)译评(1)本段落第二句是一,18,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),译评,(2)原文中表达时间的词组利用时间的延续性和本句谓语时态的表达,巧妙准确地暗示了“现在”的境况。视译译文用词准确,结构巧妙,又十分符合,中文口语化,的特点,说起来朗朗上口,听起来娓娓动听,不失为一段视译佳作。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)译评(2)原文中表达时间的,19,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),2.,Since I delivered my inaugural address, 56 months ago,I have learned an enormous amountabout higher education, about leadership and also about myself. Some things look different to me than they did,five years ago,.,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)2. Since I deli,20,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),2.,Since I delivered my inaugural address, 56 months ago,I have learned an enormous amountabout higher education, about leadership and also about myself.,四年零八个月以前,发表了就职演说,至今,我已领悟颇多,内容既涉及高等教育、领导才能,又关乎我自己。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)2. Since I deli,21,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),Some things look different to me than they did,five years ago,.,在我看来,有些方面与,五年前,不尽相同。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)Some things loo,22,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),【笔译】,【视译】,自从56 个月前发表就职演说以来,,我收获颇多,关于高等教育,关于领导才能以及我自己的方方面面。对于我来说,这些方面与,五年前,相比有了很大的不同。,四年零八个月以前,发表了就职演说,至今,我已领悟颇多,内容既涉及高等教育、领导才能,又关乎我自己。在我看来,有些方面与,五年前,不尽相同。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)【笔译】自从56 个月前发表就,23,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例段),译评,中文的表达习惯是把月数折合成年数,再加上零头时间数,。此句也可以说成“四年又八个月以前”。发表就职演说是西方文化现象,是一个人就职的标志行为。因此,这句话也可以翻译成“自从四年零八个月以前我就职以来”, 或“我已就职四年又八个月,此间领悟颇多”。“Learned”意指获得知识,但是在这里如果使用“获得知识”显得平实,故用“领悟”,以强化说话人内在感受的表达效果,。,第1单元 时间句视译(例段)译评中文的表达习惯是把月数,24,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例篇),Europe has arrived,at a time of decision about its future,. An important part of that decision will be taken in Ireland where we will be holding a referendum on the Lisbon Reform Treaty,next month,.,After years of internal debate about the proper functioning of our Union of 27 Member States, it is time to move forward and to deal actively and imaginatively with the major policy issues that demand our urgent attention. We know that Europe cannot rest on its laurels. We must move forward and for many of us, this means devoting more of Europes energies to coping with external challenges. We believe that Europe has a responsibility to give a lead to the global community, for example in relation to tackling climate change.,We want the European Union to be able to manage its affairs more effectively and to be able to play a more meaningful role in world affairs. 2009 will be an important year for the European Union. It will be a time of change in many parts of the world. I hope that Europe will,by then,have a new Treaty in place. This will put our house in order for the foreseeable future. These new positions will give Europe a new profile in world affairs so that the values we share can be articulated more clearly. A major priority,in the years ahead,will be to ensure that the EU-US relationship continues to prosper. It is,by far,the worlds most important economic relationship.,When President Kennedy came to Ireland in 1963,he had just made his famous visit to Berlinthe symbolic locus of a divided Europe.,Forty-five years later,Germany is reunited and the countries of central and eastern Europe are breathing freely. In the north-west corner of Europe, Ireland is putting its terrible conflict behind.,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇) Europe has,25,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例篇),【视译】,现在是欧洲决定自己未来的时候了!,其中一个重要决策将出自爱尔兰,爱尔兰将于下个月举行对里斯本改革条约的全民公投。,多年以来,有关这个由,27,个成员国组成的联盟应该如何发挥其应有职能在欧盟内部争议不断。,如今我们该有所作为了,我们应该着手积极并富有创意地处理那些重大急迫的政策性问题了。我们都知道欧盟不能躺在原有的功劳簿上裹足不前。我们必须迈步前进,对我们许多人来说,这就意味着欧洲需投入更多的精力去应对外部挑战。我们相信欧洲有责任在诸如应对气候变化等事务中, 在国际社会担当领头羊的角色。,我们希望欧盟在处理内部事务时效率更高,在国际事务中发挥更重要的作用。2009 年对于欧盟来说将是重要的一年。在这一年里,世界上许多地方都将发生重大变化。我希望,届时,欧洲能签署一个新的条约,以便我们作好准备,迎接可预见的未来。这些新的定位将使欧洲以崭新的面貌出现在国际舞台上,从而使我们共同的价值观得到更加清晰的阐述。,在今后的几年里,,我们的重要任务之一就是确保欧盟和美国之间的关系继续蓬勃发展,而这一关系是至今世界上最重要的经济关系。,1963,年肯尼迪总统访问了爱尔兰,。此前他刚刚结束了对柏林的著名访问,柏林是欧洲分裂的象征。,45,年后,德国重新统一,中欧和东欧各国实行了民主制。在欧洲的西北角, 爱尔兰正在逐渐淡忘过去的激烈冲突。,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇)【视译】,26,Europe has arrived,at a time of decision about its future,. An important part of that decision will be taken in Ireland where we will be holding a referendum on the Lisbon Reform Treaty,next month,.,After years of internal debate about the,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),现在是欧洲决定自己未来的时候了!,其中一个重要决策将出自爱尔兰,爱尔兰将于下个月举行对里斯本改革条约的全民公投。,多年以来,有关这个由,27,个成员国组成的,Europe has arrived at a ti,27,proper functioning of our Union of 27 Member States, it is time to move forward and to deal actively and imaginatively with the major policy issues that demand our urgent attention. We know that Europe cannot rest on its laurels.,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),联盟应该如何发挥其应有职能在欧盟内部争议不断。,如今我们该有所作为了,我们应该着手积极并富有创意地处理那些重大急迫的政策性问题了。,我们都知道欧盟不能躺在原有的功劳簿上裹足不前。,proper functioning of our Unio,28,We must move forward and for many of us, this means devoting more of Europes energies to coping with external challenges. We believe that Europe has a responsibility to give a lead to the global community, for example in relation to tackling climate change.,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),我们必须迈步前进,对我们许多人来说,这就意味着欧洲需投入更多的精力去应对外部挑战。,我们相信欧洲有责任在诸如应对气候变化等事务中, 在国际社会担当领头羊的角色。,We must move forward and for m,29,We want the European Union to be able to manage its affairs more effectively and to be able to play a more meaningful role in world affairs. 2009 will be an important year for the European Union. It will be a time of change in many parts of the world.,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),我们希望欧盟在处理内部事务时效率更高,在国际事务中发挥更重要的作用。,2009 年对于欧盟来说将是重要的一年。 在这一年里,世界上许多地方都将发生重大变化。,We want the European Union,30,I hope,that Europe will by then have a new Treaty in place. This will put our house in order for the foreseeable future. These new positions will give Europe a new profile in world affairs so that the values we share can be articulated more clearly.,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),我希望,届时,欧洲能签署一个新的条约,,以便我们作好准备,迎接可预见的未来。,这些新的定位将使欧洲以崭新的面貌出现在国际舞台上,从而使我们共同的价值观得到更加清晰的阐述。,I hope that Europe will by the,31,A major priority in the years ahead will be to ensure that the EU-US relationship continues to prosper. It is by far the worlds most important economic relationship.,When President Kennedy came to Ireland in,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),在今后的几年里,,我们的重要任务之一就是确保欧盟和美国之间的关系继续蓬勃发展, 而这一关系是至今世界上最重要的经济关系。,1963,年肯尼迪总统访问了爱尔兰,。,A major priority in the years,32,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),1963,he had just made his famous visit to Berlinthe symbolic locus of a divided Europe.,Forty-five years later,Germany is reunited and the countries of central and eastern Europe are breathing freely.,此前他刚刚结束了对柏林的著名访问,,柏林是欧洲分裂的象征。,45,年后,德国重新统一, 中欧和东欧各国实行了民主制。,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解)1963, he had j,33,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解),In the north-west corner of Europe, Ireland is putting its terrible conflict behind.,在欧洲的西北角, 爱尔兰正在逐渐淡忘过去的激烈冲突。,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇详解)In the north-,34,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例篇),译评,(1)视译完整逻辑时,要,抓主放次,。第一句的核心逻辑是“时间”和“决定”,因此, 淡化英文的“欧洲”主体,直接切入时间“现在”主体。英文的名词“决策”便顺理成章地变成了中文的动词“决定”。,(2)通常,英文表达时间的状语词组如果放在句末,只要,方便视译时就需移至中文的句首或句中,。,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇)译评 (1)视译完整逻辑时,35,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例篇),译评,(4),英文里的时间经常由it 代替,。如“It will be a time of change in many parts of the world.”,中文表达时可灵活变通,,既可以重复具体时间,也可以采用时间状语词组形式。,(3)英文凡是表达由持续时间段修饰的行为、事件等,如years of internal debate,多以时间为表述主体,而行为、事件等作为介词结构予以后置修饰,这一点与,中文恰恰相反,。,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇)译评 (4)英文里的时间经,36,第,1,单元 时间句视译(例篇),译评,(5)英文时间状语从句既可见于句首,亦可见于句末,而中文时间状语从句多见于句首,尤其是时间状语从句本身包括一个时间状语词组时,视译时为了顺应中文表达习惯,可以,将其视为独立结构句子,,从而组织表达后续中文时会更加方便、顺畅。,第1单元 时间句视译(例篇)译评 (5)英文时间状语从,37,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语句),(1) I shall do anything before my family shall want.,(2) Now, some of this contentiousness can be attributed to the incredibly difficult moment in which we find ourselves as a nation.,(3) But I never would have gotten my diploma at all, because I was supposed to graduate back in 1975, but I was short of one credit.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语句)(1) I shal,38,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语句),(4) The war has also destroyed the infrastructure and public services of Libya, which became Africas richest country in the 1980s.,(5) Trade between China and Malaysia is set to reach a new high of $100 billion by 2015 when the latters GDP is expected to double size now.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语句)(4) The wa,39,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:参考答案),(1)我宁愿做任何事情也不愿意家里受穷。,(2)其中,部分争议产生的原因是我们国家正在经历一段极其艰难的时期。,(3)但是,我原本永远无望拿到我的学位,因为我本该毕业于1975 年,当时我缺欠了一个学分。,(4)战争还摧毁了利比亚的基础设施和公共服务体系,而利比亚曾是上个世纪80 年代非洲最富有的国家。,(5)与马来西亚之间的贸易额到2015 年预计将达1 000 亿美元, 届时后者/马来西亚的国内生产总值预计将翻一番。,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:参考答案)(1)我宁愿做任,40,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语段),(1) Its been five years since the launch of the Summer Davos. In these five years, the Summer Davos has set a clear objective for itself, that is, it is a forum for the world, for the future, for innovation and for the youth.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语段)(1) Its b,41,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语段),(2) This year and next year will see quite a number of major occasions in bilateral relations. A pair of giant pandas from China will settle in Britain later this year. 2012 marks 40 years of full diplomatic relations between China and Britain. And its also when London will host the Olympic Games. All these momentous events will open the way for our relations to move still further.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语段)(2) This y,42,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:参考答案),(1)夏季达沃斯论坛已经走过了五个年头,五年的论坛形成了一个宗旨,这就是面向世界、面向未来、面向创新、面向青年。,(2)今明两年,两国关系中的大事不断,中国提供的一对大熊猫将在年底前抵英, 2012 年是两国建交40 周年和伦敦奥运年,中英双边关系将借此迎来新的发展机遇。,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:参考答案)(1)夏季达沃斯,43,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),(1) According to the associations figures, 24.3% of investor money managed by trusts at the end of June was directed toward industrial and commercial companies a catch-all category basically for an industry outside of finance, property and infrastructure. Thats up from 21.6% in the first quarter. In the first quarter of 2010, when the China Trustee Association first made numbers available, only 14.8% of trusts assets under management were with industrial and commercial firms. Trust financing for,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)(1) Accord,44,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),infrastructure rose to 22.6% at the end of June from 21.9% in the first quarter. In short, industrial and commercial companies are getting a growing slice of a growing pie.,By contrast, banks are having a hard time finding business willing to take their money. New loans made by banks plunged in April from a year earlier and continued to remain weak in May, before recovering somewhat in June. Observers attribute the drop to worries about a slowing economy, reducing the potential returns from what a company can do with borrowed funds.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)infrastruc,45,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),Banks traditionally weight their lending heavily toward state-owned firms and have been reluctant to lend to private and small companies. That creates opportunities for trusts who can charge higher interest rates of companies that cant get credit from the banks.,The strong growth in trust financing for industry and commerce has coincided with the trusts being levered out of the property sector by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)Banks trad,46,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),Trusts last year became the saviors of the property sector, filling the funding gap for developers after the regulator told banks to massively pare back on funding for the sector. Since then property trusts have been subject to a creeping tide of restrictions, culminating earlier this year in a broad ban on trust companies rolling over their loans to developers.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)Trusts las,47,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),(2) For years, Americas childhood obesity crisis was viewed as an insurmountable problem, one that was too complicated and too entrenched to ever really solve. According to the conventional wisdom, healthy food simply didnt sellthe demand wasnt there and higher profits were found elsewhereso it just wasnt worth the investment.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)(2) For ye,48,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),But thanks to businesses across the country, today we are proving the conventional wisdom wrong. Every day, great American companies are achieving greater and greater success by creating and selling healthy products. In doing so, they are showing that whats good for kids and good for family budgets can also be good for business.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇) But th,49,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),Take the example of Wal-Mart. In just the past two years, the company reports that it has cut the costs to its consumers of fruits and vegetables by $2.3 billion and reduced the amount of sugar in its products by 10%. Wal-Mart has also opened 86 new stores in underserved communities and launched a labeling program that helps customers spot healthy items on the shelf. And today, the company is not only seeing increased sales of fresh produce, but also building better relationships with its customers and stronger connections to the communities it serves.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇) Take t,50,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),Wal-Mart isnt alone in discovering that healthier products sell. Disney is eliminating ads for junk foods from its childrens programming and improving the food served in Disney theme parks. Walgreens is adding fresh fruits and vegetables to its stores in underserved communities. And restaurants around the country are cutting calories, fat and sodium from menus and offering healthier kids meals.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇) Wal-Ma,51,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),These companies and so many others are responding to clear trends in consumer demand. Today, 82% of consumers feel that its important for companies to offer healthy products that fit family budgets, according to the Edelman public relations firm. Meanwhile, a study conducted by Nielsen revealed that even when many families are operating on tight budgets, sales of fresh produce actually increased by 6% in 2012.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇) These,52,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),And in 2011, the Hudson Institute reported that in recent years, healthier foods have generated more than 70% of the growth in sales for consumer packaged-goods companies and when these companies sell a high percentage of healthier foods, they deliver significantly higher returns to their shareholders.,These trends dont just matter for businesses that produce and sell food. They matter for every business in America.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)And in 201,53,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),We spend $190 billion a year treating obesity-related health conditions like diabetes and heart disease, and a significant portion of those costs are borne by Americas businesses. Thats on top of other health-related costs like higher absenteeism and lower worker productivity, costs that will continue to rise and threaten the vitality of American businesses until this problem is solved once and for all.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)We spend $,54,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),Thats why American businesses are stepping up to invest in building a healthier future for our kids. In doing so, they are joining leaders from every sector across the country. Over the past few years, through Lets Move!our nationwide campaign to help kids grow up healthyweve seen teachers bringing physical education back into schools. Weve seen mayors building safe spaces where children can play, faith leaders educating their congregations about healthy eating, and parents preparing healthier meals and snacks for their kids.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇) Thats,55,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇),And weve seen Republicans and Democrats working together in Congress to pass groundbreaking legislation to improve school lunches.,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:语篇)And weve,56,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:参考答案),(1)根据中国信托业协会发布的数据,信托公司6 月底管理的投资者资金中,24.3% 提供给了工商企业,这个类别涵盖了除金融、房地产和基础设施之外的几乎所有行业的企业。相比之下,工商企业融资第一季度的占比为21.6%。中国信托业协会2010 年第一季度首次发布数据时,这个比例仅为14.8%。6 月底,基础设施领域的信托投资从第一季,度的,21.9%,增长到了,22.6%,。简而言之,工商企业正从规模日益壮大的信托公司中获得越来越多的融资。,第1单元 时间句视译(视译练习:参考答案)(1)根据中国信,57,第,1,单元 时间句视译(视译练习:参考答案),相比之下,银行则难以找到有贷款需求的客户。4 月份银行新发放


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