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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,Unit 7,Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,SectionB,2a-2e,Lead-in,Discuss,1. Do you have any hobby?,2. What do you think of it?,3. Do your parents support your hobby?,4.,Are,you,serious about,it?,5. Does it,get in the way of,your schoolwork?,6. Do you succeed in dealing with the relationship between your hobby and your schoolwork?,2a Free talk,Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home?,What kinds of decisions?,Look at the title to the story on page 54. Then answer the questions below.,Should teenagers be allowed to make their own decisions?,Yes.,No.,Name,Liu Yu,Age,From,Now,Dream,Problem,15 years old,Shandong,On his school running team,Be a professional runner,His parents wont allow him to train as much as he would like to.,Task One,Read the passage and complete the two forms.,Read the passage and circle,T,or,F,.,1. Liu Yu wants to be a writer.,2. Parents worry about his study.,3. Liu Yu loves running so much.,4. Parents think he should spend,time on homework,.,5. Liu Yu isnt serious about running.,T F,T F,T F,T F,T F,Look in the passage for the words in red. Then use them to complete sentences of your own.,1. My parents,worry about,_ .,2. My parents have always taught me,how important it is,to,_.,3. I am,serious about,_.,4. I think it is,unfair,_.,5. I have,always wanted to be,_.,6. My parents,have nothing against,_.,7. I need to think about,what will happen if,_.,8. I need to,spent more time on,_.,2d,Parents points,Liu Yus points,Liu Yu need to thinkabout_ _,He wants to,_,_.,he is serious about,_.,Liu Yu should spend more time on_,_,_,is,difficult.,He will,_,_.,He should be allowed to,_,_.,other,possible jobs.,be a,professional runner,his homework.,running,To become a,professional sports,star,succeed,make this choice himself,Find out Liu Yu and his parents points.,Task Two,2e Discuss the questions with a partner.,Use the information in the passage to,support your opinion.,1. What would you do if you were Liu Yu?/ What would you do if you were Liu Yus parents?,2. What is your dream job? Do your parents support your dream?,1. But sometimes these can,get in the way,of,their schoolwork.,get in ones way 挡路;妨碍;,Language points,I couldnt walk very fast because a lot of people got in my way.,He is busy with his work now. Dont get in his way.,但有时候这些可能妨碍他们的学业。,知识链接,2. Of course we want to,see him achieve,his dreams,我们当然想看到他实现他的梦想,see sb. do sth.,意为,“看到某人做了某事”,。,例:,I,saw her run,into the room.,我看见她跑进了房间。,see sb. do sth.,“,看见了某人做某事“,强调看见动作发生的全过程。,see sb. doing sth.,“,看见某人做某事”,不是全过程,表示看到的动作正在进行。,see sb. do sth.,和,see sb. doing sth.,辨析,例:,I,saw it happen,when I passed by last night.,昨天晚上路过的时候我看到发生了这件事。,(,强调看到事情从开始到结束的整个过程,),I,saw him playing,the game on the computer,yesterday evening.,昨天晚上我看到他在电脑上玩游戏。,(,强调看到的时候正在玩,),3. My wife and I have supported every one of his races.,support,v,.,支持,Which football team do yousupport?,你是哪个足球队的球迷,?,常用短语:,support sb. with sth.,意为,“用某物支持某人”,。,例:,He promised to,support her with,1,000 yuan.,他答应赞助她一千元。,4. We have nothing,against,running!,我们并不反对跑步。,against,介词,此处意为,“反对”,,其反义词为,for,意为,“支持”,,其后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。,若表示“强烈反对”,一般与,strongly,搭配。,Theyarestronglyagainsttheidea.,weshouldntgoagainstnature.,例:,Are you for or,against,the plan?,这个计划你是赞同还是反对呢?,Im,against doing,anything till the police,arrive.,我反对在警察到达之前采取任何行动。,against,的其他含义:,拓展,against,意为,“撞;碰”,。,例:,The rain beats,against,the window.,雨点打在窗户上。,against,意为,“紧靠;倚”,。,例:,He stood with his back,against,the door.,他背靠门站着。,5. our son needs to think about other possible jobs.,need,在这里是用作实义动词, 意思是“需要,必需”, 构成否定句或疑问句时要借助于助动词,do,、,does,或,did,。,Youneedtofinishyourhomework.,你得完成你的作业。,Does your father need any help?,你爸爸需要帮助吗,?,need,后面接不定式时表示主动,;,接动名词时有被动的含义,相当于不定式的被动语态。,Thewindowneedscleaning.,= Thewindowneedstobecleaned.,这窗子需要清扫。,need,可作情态助动词,用在否定句和疑问句中。此时,need,本身不变形,后面的动词也要用原形。,Need I type this letter again?,我需要重新录入将这封信吗?,There is enough time. You neednt hurry.,有的是时间,你不必着急。,知识链接,6. if he doesnt end up a professional runner.,end up,结束;告终;以做某事而结束,If you go on like this youllend upin prison.,如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。,7. enter university,考上大学;上大学,enter,v,.,进入,Please do notenterbefore knocking on the door.,进来前请先敲门。,In our country, childrenenterschool at the age of six.,在我国孩子们六岁上学。,enter by,从,进入,You must enter the palace by the front-gate.,你得从前门进入宫殿。,enter for,报名参加,I shall enter for the singing competition.,我将报名参加歌咏比赛。,知识链接,8. I think I should be allowed to make this,choice,myself.,我认为应该允许我自己做这个选择。,choice,可数名词,意为,“选择;挑选”,,其动词形式为,choose,。,make a choice,意为,“做出选择”,。,例:,What influenced you when you,made your choice,?,拓展,have no choice but to do sth.,意为,“除了做某事以外,别无选择”,或,“只好做某事”,。,例:,He,has no choice but to go,with,them.,9.,Only then will I have,a chance to achieve my dream.,只有那时我才能有机会实现我的梦想。,这是一个,倒装句,,正常句式是:,I will have a chance to achieve my dream only then.,only,修饰时间、地点、方式等状语时,应用部分倒装,即将助动词或情态动词提到主语前。,Only when you get there will you know what has happened.,你只有到那儿才知道发生了什么。,注意:,如果,only,修饰的不是状语,则句子不倒装。,Only Uncle Li knows how it happened.,只有李叔叔知道这是怎么发生的。,知识链接,短语匹配,(,),(),1. get in the way of A.,对,认真,2. be serious about,B.,实现梦想,3. spend time on C.,关心,4. achieve ones dream D.,在,上花,费时间,5. care about E.,妨碍,Exercise,1. I couldnt get through the door,because there was a big box _.,2. Parents should not _ their childrens achievements more than their happiness.,care about, think about, in the end,in the way, worry about,worry about,in the way,根据句意,从方框内选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子,。,3. It isnt the first time for the girl to,_ leaving home.,4. _, we climbed onto the top of,the mountain.,5. Nowadays, some old people in the,countryside _ their,future life.,care about, think about, in the end,in the way, worry about,think about,In the end,care about,用所给词的适当形式填空。,We all know that the 16th Asian Games held in Guangzhou is a great,_,(succeed).,_,(be) a professional basketball,player like Yao Ming is always the boys,dream.,success,Being,3. Our teachers have nothing against,_,(surf) the Internet.,4. Everyone should realize the,_,(important) of saving water.,5. I hope to have a chance of,_,(study) abroad.,surfing,importance,studying,1.,我父亲和我母亲一样爱我。,(as much as),我希望五年后实现自己的梦想。,(achieve ones dream),My father loves me as much as my mother does.,I hope I can achieve my dream in five years.,根据所给词语提示,将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。,3.,你应该认真对待这件事情。,4.,一项研究表明加拿大人花费在网上的时间,比起任何国家的人都多。,(spend on ),5.,你没有理由反对我的计划,。,You should be serious about this matter.,A study shows that Canadians spend more time on the Internet than people in any other country.,You have nothing against my plan.,


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