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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Greetings and Farewells,Have you eaten yet?,or,Have you had your lunch?,Where are yon going?,or,Where have you been?,I,m pleased to meet you.,Its nice meeting you,or,Its nice to have met you,Greetings and FarewellsHave yo,1,Greetings and Farewells,请留步。慢走,走好,慢点儿骑。,Stay here,would sound strange;,Go slowly,Walk slowly,or,Ride slowly,Greetings and Farewells请留步。慢走,,2,B. Ways of Address,In recent years, the trend of many English-speaking people has been to address others by using the first name,B. Ways of AddressIn recent ye,3,B. Ways of Address,Tom, Michael, Linda, Jane,etc.-rather than calling the person,Mr. Summers, Mrs. Howard,or,Miss Jones.,B. Ways of Address Tom, Michae,4,B. Ways of Address,The main exceptions,ones parents,(Dad, ,Mom, Mum,or,Mother),ones grandparents,(Grandpa, Grandma),an older relative,(Aunt Mary,or,Uncle Jim).,Notice that the given name, and not the family name, is used.,B. Ways of Address The main ex,5,B. Ways of Address,English,Brother Joseph,or,Sister Mary,would commonly,be,understood as referring to persons belonging to a Catholic group or some religious or professional society.,B. Ways of Address English Bro,6,kinship terms,problems,The statement,Lindas brother married Michaels sister,is not easy to render into Chinese without further information about whether the,brother,is older or younger than Linda and whether the,sister,is Michaels elder or younger sister.,kinship termsproblems,7,Chinese term,,,English term,,,English explanation if needed,祖父(母),Grandfather,,,Grandmother,Paternal grandfather,外祖父(母),Maternal grandfather,Chinese term,English term,Engl,8,父,Father,母,Mother,兄,弟,Brother,Elder brother, younger (kid) brother,姐,妹,Sister,Elder sister, younger (kid) sister,父,9,伯父,uncle,Paternal uncle,Father,s elder brother,叔父,Father,s younger brother,姑父,Husband of father,s sister,舅父,Maternal uncle,Mother,s brother,伯父,10,姨夫,Husband of mother,s sister,姐夫,Brother-in-law,Husband of elder sister,妹夫,Husband of younger sister,姨夫,11,In Chinese,there are many more terms to designate specific relationships.,In Chinesethere are many more,12,It should be mentioned,that in English,Brother Joseph,or,Sister Mary,would commonly,be,understood as referring to persons belonging to a Catholic group or some religious or professional society.,It should be mentioned that in,13,In referring to animals and birds,the Chinese practice is generally, but not always, to use simply,公,or,母,to show whether a creature is male or female. In English, more specific terms are often used, including terms for the young.,In referring to animals and bi,14,Name,Generic term / for male / for female / for young,chicken cock/ rooster, hen, chick,duck, drake, duck duckling,goose, gander goose, gosling,horse stallion mare foal,(cattle) (cow) bull cow calf,pig boar sow shoat,dog dog bitch puppy,sheep ram ewe lamb,deer stag doe fawn,Name Generic term / for male /,15,Name,bull or cow,and,cock,or,hen,are frequently used to distinguish sex;,Name bull or cow and cock or h,16,e.g.,bull seal,(,公海豹,) cow seal,bull elephant, cow elephant;,cock pheasant,(公野鸡),hen pheasant,cock sparrow, hen sparrow.,e.g., bull seal,(公海豹) cow seal,17,Also,using the terms,male,or,female,or sometimes,she,with the generic name, is acceptable, as in,male leopard (,公豹,), female panda, she wolf.,Also,using the terms male or f,18,Another common Chinese form of address,the use of a persons title, office, or occupation,黄局长,林经理,李校长,.,Bureau Director Smith,Manager Jackson,Principal Morris.,Another common Chinese form of,19,In English,only a few occupations or titles would be used:,Doctor _,President _,Judge _,Mayor _,Governor _,Professor _,In Englishonly a few occupatio,20,在,job, title,前,用,Mr.,Mr. President,Mr. Governor,Mr. Senator,Mr. Mayor,在 job, title 前,用 Mr.Mr. Presid,21,吴老师,Teacher Wu ? Mr. Wu,How to address a teacher has long been a problem.,Teacher or Teacher Zhang?,Comrade or Comrade Li?,Mr Yang, Mrs Zhang, Miss Wu?,In the sense of a teacher, Chinese has many more synonyms:,教师,老师,教员,导师,师长,先生,吴老师 Teacher Wu ? Mr. WuHow to,22,Other difficult terms,警察叔叔,解放军叔叔,.,Uncle policeman,for,警察叔叔,P.L.A.Uncle for,解放军叔叔,-,“,sir,”,“,officer,”,Other difficult terms 警察叔叔,解放军,23,Other difficult terms,同志,师傅,. to attract the person,s attention.,Excuse me,Pardon me,I say there.,Expressions like,Hey,or,Hey, you,or,You, there,are not considered polite.,Other difficult terms同志, 师傅. t,24,C. Compliments and praise,Americans tend to accept the compliment while Chinese generally murmur some reply about not being worthy of the praise.,C. Compliments and praise Amer,25,Compliments and praise,“,fishing for a compliment,”,故作谦虚,以博得赞扬,Compliments and praise“fishing,26,D. Miscellaneous Social Amenities,其它社交礼节,谢谢,对不起,请,Thank you, I,m sorry, Excuse me. On the whole, they are quite similar and present no problem. However, even among these there are certain differences.,D. Miscellaneous Social Amenit,27,其它社交礼节,Thank you, and Please - Both of these are used more widely than the Chinese,谢谢,请,.,其它社交礼节Thank you, and Please -,28,On the other hand,the Chinese attitude - the appreciation is understood and need not be expressed,中国人相信对方知道自己的感激之情,不必多言,which is sometimes taken for rudeness or lack of consideration by Westerners.,不说这些客气话有些失礼,对别人不够尊重。,On the other hand, the Chinese,29,Replies to,Thank you,are similar. The most common are,Not at all, Don,t mention it, You,re welcome,没什么,不用谢。,这是我应该做的,-,It,s my duty,I,m glad to be of help.,It,s a pleasure,.,我很乐意(为您效劳),Replies to Thank you are simil,30,The Chinese term,请,The Chinese term,请,usually regarded as equivalent to,Please.,When offering of urging another person to be first in going through a door or getting in a car, the expression is generally,After you,(not,You go first,as some people not well-acquainted with English are apt to say).,The Chinese term 请 The Chinese,31,请,At the meal table,Help yourself,is customary when urging someone to start eating, or to take more of the food.,请At the meal table, Help yours,32,Excuse me,-,劳驾,when asking a favor or requesting a person do something;,借光,请让一让,when asking a person to step aside or make room;,请问,when asking for information or making a query.,Excuse me - 劳驾 when asking,33,The Chinese,辛苦了,a good warm expression showing concern. Or it may be used in recognition of the fact that a person has put in considerable effort or gone through some hardship to achieve something.,The Chinese 辛苦了 a good warm ex,34,辛苦了,You,ve had a hard time,or,You,ve gone through a lot of hardships,is hardly enough; in some circumstances is might even give the wrong impression.,辛苦了Youve had a hard time or Y,35,辛苦了,If used as a greeting to a person who has just completed a long trip,辛苦了,could be expressed as,You must be tired from such a long trip,Did you have a good trip?,辛苦了If used as a greeting to a,36,辛苦了,When commending people who have finished a difficult task or are still working on it, one might say,Well done; That was (You,ve got) a hard job.,(干得不错,你辛苦了),None of these English expressions, however, carries as much meaning or warm feeling as the Chinese.,辛苦了When commending people who,37,Thought patters,As the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests, language and thoughts are closely related. The reason why people have different discourse patters is probably due to the differences in their modes of thinking.,Thought patters As the Sapir-W,38,Thought patters,The mode of thinking is connected with the worldview, which influences al aspects of our perception and consequently affects our belief and value systems, as well as how we think and act.,Thought pattersThe mode of thi,39,Modes of thinking,Westerners tend to be dualistic (,二元的,) in their outlook while Chinese are inclined to believe in holism (,整体论,).,Modes of thinkingWesterners te,40,Modes of thinking,Westerners tend to dissect things into parts and analyze their relationships in order to understand them properly. Their emphasis is upon the parts rather than upon the whole of things.,Chinese are likely to synthesize elements into a unit, with the emphasis on,“,whole,”, the systematic and synthetic perceptions of objects.,Modes of thinkingWesterners te,41,Modes of thinking:,Analytic thinking,Synthetic thinking,Modes of thinking:Analytic thi,42,Analytic thinking,As analytical thinking prevails in the West, people in that culture are good at classification and categorization and they pursue dichotomies (,一分为二,) such as good and bad, God and the devil, the individual and the whole. In a word,“,A,”,or,“,not-A,”,. This may lead to the fact that they prefer making use of concepts for logical judgment and reasoning.,Analytic thinking As analyti,43,Synthetic thinking,The Chinese synthetic mode of thinking has its own traits. It usually leads to the emphasis on gaining intuitive insight (,直觉领悟,) and thinking in terms of images.,Precision and accuracy is not emphasized.,Synthetic thinking The Chinese,44,Medicine,Western medicine,doctors examine parts of the body by detailed analysis,Traditional Chinese medicine,take the patient as a whole, requiring the consideration of the connections of all parts of the body.( patient suffering from severe headache may get some foot treatment),Medicine Western medicine do,45,Paintings,Paintings,46,Differences (1),The Chinese painting is a synthesis of different art form; calligraphy, painting, poetry and stamp.,In the West, painting is painting and poetry is poetry.,Differences (1)The Chinese pa,47,Differences (2),In Chinese painting the eye of the viewer is assumed to move across the surface of the painting,In the Western painting there is only one focal point, one spot from which the viewer looks at the painting.,Differences (2) In Chinese pai,48,Differences (3),Western paintings seem to be more true to life, precision being obvious. (,写实,),The Chinese painter seeks close resemblance in spirit instead of accurate likeness in appearance,,,conveying inside meanings,(写意),Differences (3)Western paintin,49,Western thinking,analytical, statistical, rational, and circumspect, (,周到的,) laying more emphasis on objectivity, specificity and precision. (,客观性,特异性和准确性,),Western thinking analytical,50,Chinese thinking,Synthetic, intuitive, and concrete, valuing subjectivity and wholeness,(,主观性和整体性,),Chinese thinkingSynthetic, int,51,Discussion,How would you describe your mother? Then study the remark made by Linell Davis. Do you agree with them ? Why ? Give your detailed comments.,Discussion How would you descr,52,Linell Davis,Native English speakers teaching writing in China often comment that their students,writing is rich in visual and other sensory images, but at the same time also say that it is too sentimental. What they mean is that Chinese students tend to idealize what they are writing about. The writer is presenting a person, memory, or situation as he or she thinks it should be rather than how it is observed to be. The writer may not intend to portray a realistic picture of the world. Foreign teachers cautioned one another,“,Don,t ask them to wrote an essay about their mother. All you get is stereotypes about devotion and sacrifice. They will all sound alike.,Linell DavisNative English spe,53,


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