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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,Where is the,science museum?,B Lets read,New words:,twelfth 第十二,party 聚会;晚会,tell 告诉,start 开始,take 乘坐,look for 寻找,带着问题来阅读: 1.Who has a birthday party? 2.How old is she?,Dear Amy,Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6,p.m.on Saturday.Now let me tell you how to come:,1.Start from the bus stop in front of our school.,2.Take the No.17 bus.,3.Get off at the post office.,4.Walk east for three minutes.,5.Find the white building on the left.,6.Look for me near the door.,Yours,Sarah,带着问题再次阅读:1.Amy is one year older than(比)Sarah.How old is Amy?2.Sarahs home is _ of the post office?3.Whats the colour of the building Sarah lives in?,Dear Amy,Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6,p.m.on Saturday.Now let me tell you how to come:,1.Start from the bus stop in front of our school.,2.Take the No.17 bus.,3.Get off at the post office.,4.Walk east for three minutes.,5.Find the white building on the left.,6.Look for me near the door.,Yours,Sarah,Review,far from,n,ear,i,n (the) front of,i,n the middle of,o,n the left/right of,b,ehind,n,ext to,east/west/north/south of,按要求改写句子,1. left bookstore the Turn straight then at go (,) (.)(连词组句),Turn left at the bookstore, then go straight.,2.The school is next the park.(改错),The school is near the park.,3.There is a cinema near here.(改为一般疑问句),Is there a cinema near here?,4.The library is,near the post office,.(对画线部分提问),Where is the library?,5.I can go there,by the No. 12 bus,.(对画线部分提问),How do you go there,?,


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