第三课时 (2)课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7 Whats the matter?,(Period 3),四年级下册,华阳中心小学 周敏慧,复习回顾,h,a,ppy,i,ll,t,i,r,e,d,th,ir,sty,s,a,d,h,u,ngry,Whats the matter? He is.,Today, Bill and Bobby are not happy either.Do you want to know why?,新知,呈现,Rhyme time,Bill,ill,pill,Are you ill?,My baby .,Is sitting,still,.,静静地,坐着。,If,youre .,Take this,.,Whats the matter with Bobby,?,Cartoon time,预习反馈,Rhyme time,Cartoon time,Watch,and answer,Is Bobby happy,at last,?,Why,?,最后,Cartoon time,Is Bobby happy,at last,?,Why,?,最后,Watch,and answer,Ha,!,Ha,!,He,s happy now.,Cartoon time,自主学习:,仔细自读卡通并思考。,Who gives ?,谁给的呢?,Who tells ?,谁告知,的呢?,Mrs,fox,Mrs,Mouse,telephone,Learning Tip:,This is speaking.,是电话用语,意思是“我是,”,。,仔细阅读图三和图四,,Mrs,Fox,和,Mrs,Mouse,接下来会怎样对话呢?让我们来排一排,说一说。,Cartoon time:,合作学习,Yes, this is Mrs Mouse,.,speaking,.,( ),Hello,Mrs,Mouse.,This is,Mrs,Fox speaking.,( ),Bobby,is hungry.,( ) Yes, this is,Mrs,Mouse .,speaking.,( ),OK. See you,Mrs,Fox.,( ),Can you make a cake for,Bobby?,Cartoon time:,Read and think,( ),Hello,Mrs,Mouse.,This is,Mrs,Fox speaking.,( ),Bobby,is hungry.,( ) Yes, this is,Mrs,Mouse,speaking.,( ),OK. See you,Mrs,Fox.,( ),Can you make a cake for,Bobby?,Whats the matter, Bobby,?,课堂巩固,1,听录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调!,Are you ill?,No, Im not.,Are you cold?,场景一:,Hello,Mrs,Mouse.,This is,Mrs,Fox speaking.,听录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调!,课堂巩固,1,场景二,课堂巩固,1,听录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调!,Are you all right, Bobby?,Im hungry, Mum.,Have a cake.,Thank you, Mum.,Ha,!,Ha,!,Hes happy now.,场景三,Read together.,(,齐读,),Read in roles.,(,分角色读,),课堂巩固,2,Read and act,(,表演读,),Read after the leader,(,跟组长读,),四人小组自选方式读,注意语音语调和人物语气,加上动作会更生动哦!,观众欣赏要求:,1.,认真倾听,文明欣赏。,2,.,做一位公正的小评委。,Lets summary,I can read the rhyme .,I can understand and read the cartoon.,Homework,1.,熟练诵读歌谣,说给家长听。,2.,找一找含有字母“,o”,且发,/,u,/,的单词,至少写,5,个。,3.,表演,Cartoon time,。,Homework,I can understand and read the cartoon .,我能理解卡通内容并会朗读。,能理解本课内容的得,能理解卡通内容并能正确朗读的得 ,能理解卡通内容并能正确流利有感情地朗读的得 ,I can say the Rhyme,.,我能诵读儿歌。,课堂巩固 1,仔细体会角色,揣测说话者的语气。,Class: Are you ill?,Are you cold?,Teacher:Hello,Mrs Mouse. This is Mrs fox speaking.,Mum: Are you all right?,(疑惑,关心),( 急切 ),(心疼,担忧),Unit7 Whats the matter?,(Period3),I can read the rhyme .,I know the sound of the letter o.,I can understand and read the cartoon.,学习要求:,1.,仔细自读卡通并思考。,2.,同桌商量,英文表述。,Cartoon time,cartoon,Enjoy the cartoon,


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