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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Useful structure ( 30m ),The use of doing,(,动名词,),Useful structure ( 30m )The u,1,一、动名词的形式,主动形式,被动形式,一般式,doing,being done,完成式,having done,having been done,一、动名词的形式 主动形式被动形式一般式doingbe,2,(一)动名词的时态:,动名词的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动,作,同时发生,或在谓语动词所发生的动作,之后发生.,We were interested in playing chess.同时,She is looking forward to seeing you again.之后,动名词的完成式所表示的动作在谓语动词,所表示的动作,之前发生。,Im sorry for not having kept my promise.,(一)动名词的时态:,3,(二).动名词的语态,如果动名词的逻辑主语是动名词的承受着,这时用动名词的被动式.,He was afraid of,being left,at home.,The house showed no sign of,having been,damaged.,(二).动名词的语态,4,注意:主动表示被动,1.want / require/ need / deserve (应得)doing,= want / require/ need / deserve to be done,2.be worth doing,注意:主动表示被动,5,三.功能及用法:,动名词可作,主语,表语,宾语,定语.,做主语,动名词直接置于句首主语的位置上。,Talking,is,easier than doing .,Collecting stamps,is,his hobby.(谓语用单数),注意:动名词和不定时都可做主语,动名词表,示,泛指的,一般的或抽象的多次性行为;不定式,表示具体的或一次性动作.,To refuse him this time is not easy.,Playing with fire is dangerous.,三.功能及用法:动名词可作主语,表语,宾语,定语.,6,用形式主语it,把真正的主语动名词结,构移置句尾。但这种句子形式有一定的限制,作表语的只能是某些形容词或少数名词,如,useful,useless,good,fun;no,use,等。,如:,Its no use / no good/ no need doing sth.,Its fun doing sth.,Its a waste of time / money doing sth.,Its useless / useful doing sth.,There is no sense / point doing sth.,There is no need to do sth,用形式主语it,把真正的主语动名词结,7,玩电脑游戏浪费时间,1),_,computer games.,2),试图,和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。,_ with Shylock,It is useless trying to argue,跟你在一起工作是令人愉快的。,3) It is,fun _,Its a waste of time of playing,working with you,玩电脑游戏浪费时间It is useless trying,8,2. 作表语,动名词作表语表示主语的内容常,可与主语互换,。,My job is teaching. - Teaching is my job.,Her favourite sport is playing football.,-Playing football is her favourite sport.,现在分词也可以做表语,多是形容词化的分词.,The book is interesting.,2. 作表语,9,3.作宾语,.,动名词作宾语有两种情况。一是有些动词只能后接动名词作宾语;二是有些动词既可后接动名词也可后接不定式作宾语。,只能后接动名词作宾语的动词,常见的有avoid,consider,enjoy,keep,finish,suggest,dislike,delay,escape,cannot help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,cannot stand等。,如:,I cant avoid going,Have you considered going to the zoo?,这类动词还有:excuse,fancy,give up,put off,risk等。,3.作宾语.,10,为了便于记忆,特归纳如下:,后跟,-ing,的动词的顺口溜:,避免,错过,(少)延期,建议,完成,(多)练习,喜欢,想象,禁不住,承认,否定,(又)妒忌,逃避,冒险,(多)原谅,忍受,保持,(不)介意,avoid, miss, postpone/put off,suggest, finish, practice,enjoy, imagine, cant help,admit, deny, envy,escape, risk, excuse,stand, keep, mind,为了便于记忆,特归纳如下:后跟-ing的动词的顺口溜:避免,,11,既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词,常见的有:begin,start,continue,like,love,prefer,mean,forget,remember,hate等。,A,在,like,love,hate,prefer,等动词之后,用-ing或不定式意义上没有什么不同,只是侧重点有些不同,动名词表示泛指的动作,不定式表示具体的一次性动作。,B在,begin/start,continue,之后,用动名词和不定式,,意义无甚区别,尤其是当主语是人的时候。,C在动词forget,remember,regret之后,用动名词与不定式意义不同。动名词表示动作先于谓语发生,不定式表示后于谓语动作,如:,既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词,常见的有:begin,12,I remember posting the letter,我记得我已把信寄了。,2) Ill remember to post the letter,我会记着去寄信的。,3) I shall never forget seeing the famous writer,_,4)Dont forget to write to your mother,_,5),我真后悔没赶上那次报告会。,_,6) 我遗憾地告诉你我不能接受你的建议。,_,我永远不会忘记见到过那位著名作家。,不要忘了给你母亲写信。,I regret missing the report,I regret to say I cant take your advice,I remember posting the letter,13,D在try,mean之后,意义各不相同,如try to do (设法),try doing (试试),mean to do (打算,有意要做),mean doing (意思是,意味着)。,如:,1)我们必须设法及时把一切搞好。,We must try to get everything done in time,2)我们用别的方法做这工作试试。,Lets try doing the working in some other way,3) I didnt mean to make you angry,_,4) Your plan would mean spending hours,_,我并不想叫你生气。,你的计划意味着要花费几个小时。,D在try,mean之后,意义各不相同,如try to d,14,E go on doing 和go on to do,go on doing继续做一直在做的事;go on to do接着做另一件事。如:,1) 请接着做这同一个练习。,_ the same exercise,2) 请做另外一个练习。,_ the other exercise,Fstop doing与stop to do: Stop doing停止做,stop to do停下正在干的事去干另一件事。如,:,我们停止了交谈。_,我们停了下来去谈话。_,Please go on doing,Please go on to do,We stopped talking,We stopped to talk,E go on doing 和go on to doPle,15,A .,作介词宾语. 动名词可与介词一起构成介词短语。,A介词+动名词,如:,1) 我们得想些法子改变人们的习惯。,Weve got to think of ways of changing peoples habits.,2)我向你道歉,刚才对你那样生气。,I apologize for being so angry with you.,A .作介词宾语. 动名词可与介词一起构成介词短语。A,16,B动词+介词+动名词,如:,1)我坚持为这次出行带足需要的食物。,I insist on taking proper food fort his expedition,2)同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸。,_,each of them made a face,她对为我们公司工作很感兴趣。,She was very _ for our company,Instead of smiling,interested in working,B动词+介词+动名词,如:Instead of smil,17,下列短语中的to都是介词,所以后面跟名词或-ing形式,:,习惯于,旧方式的人,坚持反对,新事物,这样,导致,许多,献身于,科学的人,被宣判,为大逆不道.不喜欢这种事实的人,谈到,此事时,总,期待,着,注意,自己的努力使它,开始,认真对待,.,下列短语中的to都是介词,所以后面跟名词或-ing形式:习惯,18,习惯于,be/get used to,坚持,stick to,反对,object to,导致,lead to,献身于,devote to,被宣判,be sentenced to,谈到,when it,come,s,to,.,期待,look forward to,开始,get,down,to,注意,pay attention to,习惯于 be/get used to谈到 when it c,19,4.作定语,动名词作定语常表示所修饰词的,词,用途或使用目,的,如:,a,swimming,pool,=a pool for swimming,the,waiting,room,=the room for waiting,a sleeping car = a car for sleeping,而现在分词作定语,表示,所修饰词,动作或状态,a sleeping boy= a boy who is sleeping,4.作定语,20,四.动名词的复合结构,是指动名词可以有逻辑主语,通常是,形容词性物主,代词 (his, my, their),或名词所有格 ( Marys,Jims ),,即形容词性物主代词,或,名词所有格+ doing,Marys coming,made us happy.,Her coming,made us happy.,He insisted on,Marys living,in the room.,四.动名词的复合结构,21,1) .,当动名词复合结构用作主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。,1),我姐姐病了,使我很担心。,My sisters being ill made we worried.,2),你正确未必就意味着我错了。,Your being right doesnt necessarily mean _.,my being wrong,提示,:,1) .当动名词复合结构用作主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物,22,2) 如动名词复合结构不在句首,可用,代词的宾格或名词的普通格+ doing构成,We are glad at Tom / Toms coming.,Would mind me / my opening the door?,3).动名词复合结构如为无生命的东西,或不定代词加动名词则,不能加 s 或s。,The noises of desks being opened and closed,could be heard in the street.,2) 如动名词复合结构不在句首,可用代词的宾格或名词的普通格,23,Exercises,Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.,having been fined B) to have been fined C) to be fined D) being fine,2) My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _ from you sometime.A) to have heard B) to hearC) for hearing D) hearing,D,D,Exercises DD,24,3) The thief took away the womans wallet without_,being seen B) seeing,C) him seeing D) seeing him,4) Ive enjoyed _ to talk with you.A) to be able B) being ableC) to been able D) of being able,5) No one can avoid _ by advertisements.A) to be influenced B) being influencedC) influencing D) havinginfluence,A,B,B,3) The thief took away the wom,25,6) They are considering _ before the prices go up.A) of buying the house B) with buying the houseC) buying the house D) to buy the house7) If I had remembered _ the door, the things would not have been stolen.A) to lock B) locking C) to have locked D)shavingslocked,C,A,6) They are considering _ b,26,8) Your shirt needs _. Youd better have it done today.A) iron B) to ironC) ironing D) being ironed9) You cant help _ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another.A) to hear B) to be heardC) hearing D) with hearing,C,C,8) Your shirt needs _. You,27,10) My transistor radio isnt working. It _.A) need repairing B) needs to repairC) needs repairing D) need to be repaired,11) It is no use _ me not to worry.A) you tell B) your tellingC) for you to have told D) having told,C,B,10) My transistor radio isnt,28,12) He is very busy _ his papers. He is far too busy _ callers.A) to write.to receive,B) writing.to receiveC) writing.receiving,D) to write.for receiving,B,13) Please stop _, boys, I have something important to _ you.A) saying .talk B) telling . sayC) talking .speak D) talking . tell,D,12) He is very busy _ his p,29,14)I remember _ to help us if we ever gots into trouble.A) once offering B) him once offering C) him to offer D) to offer him15)John regretted _ to the meeting last week.A) not going B) not to go C) notshavingsbeen going,D) not to be going,B,A,14)I remember _ to help us,30,16) It is difficult to get used _ in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.A) sleep B) to sleepingC) slept D) to sleep17) Do you feel like _ out or would you rather _ dinner at home?A) going.to have B) to go.to haveC) to go.having D) going.have,B,D,16) It is difficult to get use,31,18)We cant imagine _ in the entrance examination, for she has never been to school.A) she succeeding B) her succeedingC) she succeed D) her to succeed19)I dont like _ at me.A) them laughing B) their laughC) them laugh D) them to have laughed,B,A,18)We cant imagine _ in th,32,20)We suggested _ in hotels but the children were anxious _ out.A) sleeping.to camp B)sleeping.campingC) to sleep.to camp,D)to sleep.camping21)I have no objection _ the evening with them.A) to spend B) to spending,C) of spending D) spending,A,B,20)We suggested _ in hotels,33,22)Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _ for her examination.A) to prepare B) to be preparedC) preparing D) being prepared23)It is no good _ remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned.A) trying to B) to try toC) try to D) tried to,C,A,22)Jean did not have time to g,34,24)“Why were you so late for work today?”“_ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.”A) Driving B) I droveC) To drive D) That I drove25)It was impolite of him _without _good-bye.A) to leave, saying B) leaving, to sayC) to leave, to say D) leaving, saying,A,A,24)“Why were you so late for w,35,see you,see you,36,


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