9A Unit2中考复习ppt课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,9A Unit 2,colors,Revision,9A Unit 2colors Revisio,step 1 words,step 1 words,1.,彩虹,10.,忧愁,2.,悲哀,11.,行为,3.,平静的,12.,发现,4.,满意的,13.,许诺,5.,热量,(n.) 14.,成功地,6.,困难,(n.) 15.,苍白,7.,决定,16.,油,8,影响,17.,黑色,(,皮肤的,),9.,需求,18.,皮肤,词汇识记,rainbow,sadness,calm,satisfied,heat,difficulty,decision,influence /affect,require,Unhappiness/sadness,behavior,discover,promise,successfully,pale,oil,dark,skin,1.彩虹,21.,建议,22.,免费的,23.,或许,24.,想法,25.,宁可也不,26.,慢跑锻炼,27.,正常地,28.,电子卡片,29.,青少年,30.,允诺,advise,free,perhaps,thought,would rather,31.,大学,32.,暖和(,n,),33.,紧的,jogging,normally,e-card,teen,promise,college,warmth,tight,21.建议advisefreeperhaps thought,1,、粉红色,(,的,)(adj/n),2.,困倦的,3,、情绪,(n),4,、象征,(v),5,、和谐,(n),6,、放松的,(adj),7,、提醒,(v),8,、智慧,(n),9,、嫉妒的,(adj),10,、力量,(n),11,、决定,(n),12,、婚礼,13,。气候,14,、日记,(n),15,、生长(,n,),16,、嫉妒的,17,、允诺,(n/v),18,、身体的,19,、精神的,20,、更喜欢,21,、深的(地),22,、担心的,23,、保护,(n),24,、手提包,(n),25,、平衡,(v/n),5,pink,sleepy,mood,represent,harmony,relaxed,remind,wisdom,jealous,strength,decision,wedding,climate,diary,growth,jealous,promise,physical,mental,prefer,deep,worried,protection,handbag,balance,1、粉红色(的)(adj/n)14、日记(n)5pinksl,1.,易拼错的单词,a,ffect sleep,y,(,a,sleep ) r,ea,lize,physical coll,e,ge d,ia,ry,rep,re,sent w,i,sd,o,m,2.,词形变换,affect,(,n,.) peace,(,adj,.),strong,(,n,.) know,(,同义词,),difficult,(,n,.) sad,(,n,.),peaceful,effect,realize,strength,difficulty,sadness,影响,V.,瞌睡的,睡着的,意识到,生理的,学院,日记,代表,智慧,1.易拼错的单词peaceful effect realiz,power,(adj.) wise _(n.),diary,(pl.) relax,(adj.),decide,(n.) maybe,(,同义词,),create_ (adj.),3,、同义词,happiness,joy,strong,powerful,sad,unhappy,energetic,lively,powerful,wisdom,diaries,decision,probably,relaxed,creative,power (adj.) w,calm,relaxed,influence,affect,know,realize,moods,feelings,characteristics,qualities,sadness,unhappiness,need,require,hope,wish,calm,1. I am always _(,worry,) about my parents health .,2. He is not _ with the result. (,satisfy,),3. David is also _ (,organize,) and never forgets to do the things he needs to do .,4. Have you ever walked into a room and felt _ (,relax,) ?,5. -Did you tell Millie about the news ?,-Yes . She was really _. (,please,),worried,satisfied,organized,relaxed,pleased,词性变化,1. I am always _(worry,1.Red can give you power and _(strong) while green can make you feel _( nature),strength,natural,2.Do you expect such a shabby (,破旧的,) house to keep us _ (warmth),warm,3.You should wear blue if you feel _ (stress),stressed,1.Red can give you power and,二,.,综合,1decide v.-n.,2. satisfy,3.patient (,反义词,),4. creat,e,v.- adj.,5.know (,近义词,),6.argue(,动名词,),7.happy adj.- n.,8.protect v.-n.,9.sad adj.- n.,10. difficult adj.- n.,11. nature n.- adj.,12.grow v.-n.,13. sleep v.-adj.,14.cheer v.-adj.,15. hot,adj.-n.,16.wise adj.-adv.,deci,sion,im,patient,creat,ive,realize,argu,ing,satisf,ied,happ,iness,sad,ness,difficult,y,natur,al,grow,th,sleep,y,cheer,ful,heat,make a decision,have difficulty doing,cheer sb. up,be satisfied with,对,满意,wise,ly,protect,ion,二.综合1decide v.-n.9.sad adj.-,1. We should save our pocket money and spend it _,(,wise),wisely,2.Many young girls in my class like to use yellow stationary as it represents_. (wise),wisdom,1. We should save our pocket m,step 2 Sentences,step 2 Sentences,第,20,课时, 基础过关,译林牛津版,affect our moods,make us feel happy,feel relaxed,bring you success,cheer you up,the colour of the sun,make a decision,have difficulty doing sth,calm down,in a bad mood,第20课时 基础过关译林牛津版affect our m,翻译下列词组,使什么想起,对,有好处,感到有压力,色彩的力量,宁愿做,穿在某人身上好看,做决定,8.,太阳的颜色,9.,给你一种快乐和满足,10.,苍白皮肤的人们,remind sb. of sth.,be good for,feel stressed,the power of colours,prefer to do,look good on sb.,make a decision,give you a happy and satisfied feeling,people with pale skin,the colour of the sun,翻译下列词组使什么想起remind sb. of sth.,11.,使,高兴起来,12.,采取行动,13.,影响我们的情绪,14.,为考试而学习,15.,给我一些建议,16.,给你带来成功,17.,在试衣间,18.,影响健康,19.,取回你的钱,20.,心情不好,cheer sb. up,take action,keep secrets,study for exams,give me some advice,bring you success,in the fitting room,affect the health,give your money back,be in a bad mood,11.使高兴起来cheer sb. uptake act,宁可,也不,穿在某人身上很好看,把它挂到某人的主页上,影响,/,改变情绪,被漆成蓝色,对精神和身体有好处,建议某人做某事,让你高兴起来,17,would rather,look good on sb.,put it on ones home page,influence/change moods,be painted blue,be good for the mind and body,advise sb. to do sth.,cheer you up,Learn to crawl,宁可也不 17would rather Learn,黑色,/,苍白皮肤的人,穿红色很好看,金发,答应做某事,许下承诺,people with dark/pale skin,look good in red,blonde hair,promise to do sth.,make a promise,18,Learn to crawl,黑色/苍白皮肤的人 people with dark/pal,step 3 sentnces,step 3 sentnces,翻译下列句子:,1.,她宁愿呆在家里。,2.,我宁愿不去滑冰。,3.,你宁愿穿紫色吗?,4.,他宁愿吃中餐,也不愿吃西餐。,5.,他们宁愿游泳,也不愿钓鱼。,She would rather stay at home.,I would rather not go skating.,Would you rather wear purple?,He,would rather,have Chinese food,than,Western food.,They,would rather,swim,than,fish.,翻译下列句子:She would rather stay a,1.,我更喜欢英语。,2.,我在家里更喜欢用暖色。,3.,比起数学,他更喜欢英语。,4.,比起出去,埃迪更喜欢睡觉。,5.-,去年,比起看电视,你更喜欢玩电脑吗?,-,是的,我更喜欢玩电脑。,I prefer English. / I like English better.,I,prefer to use,warm colours at my home.,He,prefers,English,to,Maths.,Eddie,prefers,sleeping,to,going out.,-Did you,prefer,playing computer,to,watching TV?,-I,preferred,playing,computer,(to watching TV).,(被省略了),1.我更喜欢英语。I prefer English. / I,1.,每个人都好像有个秘密。,2.,她使用的油彩有不同的颜色和气味。,3.,白皮肤黄头发的人穿橙色看起来好看。,4.,强有力的红色平衡了宁静的白色。,Everyone seemed to have a secret.,The oils she uses have different colours and smells.,People,with,pale skin and blonde hair look good,in orange.,The powerful red,balances,the calm white.,1.每个人都好像有个秘密。Everyone seemed t,1.,我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿穿粉红色。,I,d rather,wear blue,than,pink.,=I,prefer wearing,blue,to wearing,pink.,=I,like to,wear blue,better than,pink.,2.,蓝色穿在你身上很好看。,Blue looks good,on,him. =He looks good,in,blue.,3.,比起蓝色,我更喜欢红色。,I prefer red to blue.=I like red better than blue.,4.,这件衬衫很适合你。,This shirt looks good on you.,= This shirt,fits/suits/matches,you well.,Learn to crawl,23,1. 我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿穿粉红色。Learn to craw,重点句型,1,、,蓝色使人悲伤。,Blue,represents,sadness.,Blue,is the color of,sadness.,Blue can,bring,you sadness.,Blue,reminds,you of a sad,feeling,.,Blue can,give,you of a sad,feeling,.,Blue can,make,us,feel,sad.,2,、汉堡和比萨饼,你喜欢哪一样?,Which do you like,better, hamburger or pizza?,Which do you,prefer, hamburger or pizza?,重点句型1、蓝色使人悲伤。,3,、红色和白色相配。,Red and white is,a good match,.,Red,matches,white well.,4,、你穿蓝色好看。,Blue,looks,good,on,you.,You,look,good,in,blue.,5,、我宁愿步行去上学,也不愿坐车去。,I,would rather,walk there,than,take a bus.,I,prefer,walk,ing,there,to,tak,ing,a bus.,I,would like to,go there on foot,instead of,tak,ing,a bus.,3、红色和白色相配。,6,、,你知道的,红色没什么问题。,There is nothing wrong with,pink, you know,.,7.,你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗,?,Do you know how many colors,there are,in a rainbow?,(注意宾语从句的陈述语序),8.,每个人似乎都有秘密,.,Everyone,seemed to,have,a secret.,9.,如果他不起作用,你可以把你的前拿回去,.,If it doesnt work, you can take your money back.,6、你知道的,红色没什么问题。,1.Some colors _,(,使我们感到平静和祥和),.,2._ (,任何感到疲劳和虚弱的人),should wear colors that make you feel energetic .,3.He _(,不介意做额外的工作),for the Students Union .,4.,红色和白色很相配。(两种),_,_,make,us,feel calm,and,peaceful,Anyone,who,feels,tired or weak,doesnt,mind doing,extra work,Red and white is a good,match,.,Red,matches,well with white .,重点句型,1.Some colors _,5.,你穿蓝色好看。 (两种),_,6.,我的电脑坏了。,_,_,Blue looks good,on,you.,= You look good,in,blue,.,My computer,doesnt work,.,There is,something wrong,with my computer.,Blue looks good on you. = You,step3 Reading,step3 Reading,Colors can _(,影响,)and change our,moods .They make us happy or sad , energetic,or _,(昏昏欲睡),.,Blue and white are,c,_colors .Blue,makes us feel calm and,p,_. It,can also represent _(,悲伤,). Someone,who is feeling sad may say “ Im feeling,b,_ today.”,Orange and yellow are,w,_colors .Orange represents _(,快乐,) and can bring you _(,成功,) .Yellow is,the color of _.,alm,eaceful,sadness,lue,influnce,sleepy,arm,joy,success,wisdom,Colors can _(影响)and,Green is an,e,_ color .It represents new life and _(,生长,). It is not only the color of_(,自然,), but also the color of money and envy .,Red is a strong color .It represents _(,力量,).,W,_ (,穿,)red clothes can help when you are having,d,_ making a decision.,nergetic,growth,nature,power,ifficulty,earing,Green is an e_ color .I,练习,练习,词汇运用,1. He prefers_ (forgive) other for their mistakes to_ (argue) with them.,2. A person of _ often solves problems_ .(wise),3. There is_ interesting in todays newspaper. Lets watch TV (something),3. I would rather_ (make) a speech than_ (laugh) at.,4. People_ (prefer) meat to vegetables in the past, but nowadays things have changed.,forgiving,arguing,wisely,wisdom,nothing,make,laugh,preferred,词汇运用forgivingarguingwiselywisd,5. The wall should_ (paint) white. White_ (match) the design of the room,选择填空,1._of the students has an English exercise book.,A. None B. Both,C. All D. Every,matches,be painted,A,5. The wall should_,2. Tom has much difficulty_ Chinese so he often asks me_help.,A. to understand, with B. understanding, of C. to understand, for D. understanding, for,3. Lucy prefers_ to_ .,A. to walk, jogging B. walk, jog,C. to walk, jog D. walking, jogging,4._may not seem very_.,A. Watch TV, useful B. Watch TV, usefully C. Watching TV, usefully D. Watching TV, useful,D,D,D,2. Tom has much difficulty_,5._of the twins has been there before.,A. Both B. Neither,C. All D. None,6. The colours of his trousers are different from_of yours.,A. one B. ones C. that D. those,7. This blue shirt doesnt fit you. I think that black one_good_ you.,A. will look, in B. look, on,C. will look, on D. look, in,B,D,C,5._of the twins has been,8. Do you know how many colours _in the rainbow?,A. are there B. is there,C. there is D. there are,D,8. Do you know how many colour,Do you know the relationship between colours,and m,?,2. Listening to music can make me feel r,.,3. Do you have any d,with your studies these days?,4. I cant put on this dress. Its too t,.,5. The sun gives us not only light but also,(,热,).,6. Deng Xiao ping is regarded as our former leader,of _. (,智慧,),7. Team spirit will make you work in _. (,和谐,),8. I dont like challenging myself. I only want to,live _. (,平静地,),9. We have lent him thousands of dollars, but he is,never s_.,10. Liu Xiang is the first Asian to _ the world,record in 110-meter hurdle. (,创造,),Fill in the blanks,oods,elaxed,ifficulty,ight,heat,wisdom,harmony,calmly,atisfied,create,38,Learn to walk,Do you know the relationship b,( ) 1. Green represents,and nature. When you feel weak,you can wear green.,sadness B. purity C. joy D. energy,( ) 2. I think Lily should wear,more because she worries a lot and often get stressed.,A. yellow B. white C. orange D. green,( ) 3. Mum, can I have,to eat? Im hungry.,Sorry, there is,in the fridge., You can go downstairs to buy,.,A. anything; nothing; something B. something; none; anything,C. something; nothing; something D. anything; none; something,( ) 4. Id rather,than,.,A. read books; watch TV B. reading books; watching TV,C. to read books; watch TV D. read books; to watch TV,( ) 5. Daniel prefers playing computer games,.,A. to shop B. to shopping C. than shop D. than shopping,D,B,C,A,B,Multiple choices,39,Learn to walk,DBCABMultiple choices39Learn t,( ) 6. I think,not difficult,English every morning.,A. that; keep reading B. its; keep reading,C. that; to keep read D. it; to keep reading,( ) 7. The students were all tired, but,of them stopped,a rest.,A. no one; to have B. all; having,C. none; to have D. nobody; having,( ) 8. Daniel was,a bad mood and didnt talk to,.,A. on; something B. with; anybody,C. in; anybody D. in; somebody,( ) 9. Theres,with your sons ears. So dont worry about him.,A. nothing serious B. something serious,C. serious nothing D. anything serious,( ) 10. Most children,ice cream,fruit.,A. would rather; to B. prefer; to,C. prefer to; rather than D. like; better,D,C,C,A,B,Multiple choices,40,Learn to walk,( ) 6. I think,


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