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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,page,*,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,Building Effective Teams,Succeeding with the,DiSC,Personal Profile System,Kent D. Kedl,Director Global Business Development,page,1,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,Examples of a “team”,Manufacturing team,Project team,Sales team,Account management team,Management team,page,2,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,What are common problems with teams?,Personality conflicts,Communication problems,Lack of clear team objectives,Poor leadership,Inefficient meetings,page,3,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,The,real,problem with teams,“,I could work really well in a team,if it were not for all the,other,people!”,page,4,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,The importance of a team,“,Your most valuable asset is your employees”,When you put people together into a team, you are putting them in a very risky place!,“Unproductive teams” is one of the primary reasons people leave their companies.,Effective teamwork is essential for growing companies,We need to discover differences and take advantage of them,page,5,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,Starting with “ME”,“,What the great person seeks is in himself. What the inferior person seeks is in others.”,Confucius,If I know how I respond in certain situations and to certain people, then I can adjust my behavior.,But do I really see myself clearly?,I need an objective “tool” to help me understand how I behave in certain situations.,I need to look at myself in some sort of a “mirror”,page,6,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,A “Mirror” of my behavior,The DiSC,Personal Profile System,based on the study of psychology,Much of psychology is based on abnormal behavior,Dr. William Moulton Marston studied the emotions and behavior of “normal” people doing “normal” things,Noted how different people respond in different ways to similar situations,Focused on,observable,behavior,page,7,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,The “Environment” and the “Self”,Environment,: is the environment favorable or unfavorable?,Do I feel comfortable or challenged?,Self,: do I feel powerful or powerless?,Do I feel I have the power to influence the environment or do I feel powerless to do anything?,A person will have 4 basic responses, based on these questions,page,8,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,DiSC,: 4 responses to my environment,Dominance,I am motivated to initiate action, respond quickly, take certain risks and go straight to the point.,influence,I am likely to approach other people positively, volunteer to lead, solicit help, speak persuasively.,Supportiveness,I want to support others the best I can to help attain a common goal,Conscientiousness,I want to focus on standards and the “correct” way to accomplish a goal.,We prefer one or two responses but use,all,of them at one time or another,page,9,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,A DiSC,behavior “map”,Dominance,Motivated to solve problems and get results,Prefers direct answers, a variety of activities and independence,“I like being my own boss.”,“I know what I want and I go after it.”,“I like new challenges.”,influence,Motivated to persuade others,Tends to be open and talk about feelings and thoughts,Prefers working with people rather than alone,“I enjoy telling stories and entertaining people”,“I like freedom from control and detail”,Steadiness,Motivated to create a stable, organized environment,Tends to be patient and a good listener,Prefers working in a group rather than directing it, listening more than talking,“I like working with people who get along”,“I can be counted on to get the job done.”,Conscientiousness,Motivated to achieve high personal standards,Tends to be diplomatic and carefully weigh pros and cons,Prefers environments with clearly defined expectations,“I enjoy analyzing things.”,“I like working with people who are organized and have high standards.”,page,10,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,Inscape PublishingsDiSC,Personal Profile System,Over 25 years of research, in 17 languages,Over 30 million people have used DiSC in companies like Sony, P&G, Honda, Avon, United Airlines, AMA,Choose a situation and respond to 28 groups of words,Takes about 10 minutes,Choose “Most” and “Least”,FriendlyAccurate,OutspokenCalm,Self-scoring, showing me a graph of my highs and lows,Personalized feedback on my “style” of working in this situation,I am a “High-i, High-D” at work,page,11,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,15 “,Classical” styles:some examples,“,Achiever”,“,Counselor”,“,Creative”,“,Objective thinker”,page,12,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,An exampleme!,Global strategy planning sessions at Inscape Publishing,Come up with a plan for our investors,Sales Manager:,Confident, optimistic, passionate, persuasive, creative, love to argue, like to talk in very general terms,Finance and Accounting Manger:,Wants detail, determine the rules and follow them, “show me the numbers”, check for accuracy,We can drive each other crazywhy?,page,13,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,Discovering our Differences,I need him,To think about what is do-able,To look at the details,To be accurate,Kent: “Inspirational”,Scott: “Perfectionist”,He needs me,To think about what is possible,To look at the big picture,To be passionate,page,14,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,Moving Forward with Others,Each member of our team knows their own style and the styles of the other team members,I can understand myself and adapt my own behavior,I can understand others and adapt to them,The key to good teamwork is,flexibility,!,We can use a common language to describe what we are thinking and feeling,“Scott, I know you feel comfortable working as a “Hi-C”, so I will change my approach to you.”,page,15,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,DiSC, a Team-building Tool,Research-based, in over 17 languages and multiple cultures.,Teams are,groups,of individuals,DiSC gives them the tools to communicate and move forward,The key to good teamwork is,flexibility,DiSC helps us learn,how,and,when,to flex,Once your people are speaking DiSC, it becomes second nature,Provides a path to,long-term,effectiveness,page,16,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,Comments and Questions?,page,17,2000 by Inscape Publishing, Inc.,


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