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We have studied English fo,Q2: What parts of our body do we use when we are learning English?,eye,mouth,hand,ear,Q2: What parts of our body do,listen,ear,listening,listenearlistening,say,talk,speak,read,ask,answer,repeat,pronounce,mouth,speaking,say talk speakreadaskanswerrep,look,see,read,check,eye,reading,lookseereadcheckeyereading,translate,match,write,copy,number,hand,writing,translatematchwritecopynumberh,Q 3. Whats the secret of being a good English learner?,Q 3. Whats the secret of bein,c,c,cc,1. Work,in pairs, _ the questions.,2. _ the,spelling mistake,.,3. _ the,word,s you,hear,.,4. _ saying the words.,5. _ the words,with,their,meaning,s.,6. _ the,sentence,s with the words in box.,Correct,Listen and,check,ask and answer,Practise,Match,Complete,correct; practise; complete; match; listen and check; ask and answer,Activity 1,120 s Go!,1. Work in pairs, _,correct,Listen and,check,ask and answer,Practice,Match,Complete,classroom instructions,Activity 1,Lets play a game “whats missing”?,In group of four,in pairs,Fill in the blanks,translate,repeat,mark,underline,discuss,correctListen and checkask and,What are they talking about?,Activity 2 Listen and answer the questions,They are talking about some _ of learning English.,problems/,questions,What are they talking about?Ac,Which,word did Daming not,understand,?,What,mistake,did Lingling,make,?,How,does Daming usually check the spelling of a word?,Why,was it difficult for Daming to,check the spelling of a word?,Spring,Yesterday, I “,go”,to the cinema.,By,looking up,the,dictionary,.,looking,it,up in the,dictionary,Because he didnt know the first,letter,.,10 s Go!,Which word did Daming not unde,English,sentence,vocabulary,pronunciation,grammar,letter,s_ing,l_ing,r_ing,w_ing,isten,ead,peak,rit,To study English,what else do people need to learn?,Englishsentencevocabularypronu,listening,speaking,reading,writing,Learning new words,Read the dialogue again and write notes about:,Listen to the radio,just need to understand key words,and main ideas . read English stories,try to find some English pen friends,spell and pronounce,it loudly every day,always speak English in class.,try to speak English as much as possible.,listeningspeakingreadingwritin,4. Underline the correct words.,Here,s my (1) advice / notebook,on,learning English.,S,peak English (2) always / as much as possible,in class, and listen,to,English (3),in the newspaper / on the radio,. I (4) agree / forget it,i,s a good idea to,look up,new words,in the,(5) notebook / dictionary,. You can find the (6) correct / excellent pronunciation,and learn the meaning.,4. Underline the correct words,18,Spot Dictation:,Ms James:,Welcome back, everyone!,Today, we are going to talk about good ways to learn English. Ready? Who has some,advice,?,Lingling:,1._always in class.,.,Ms James:,Good! 2._ speak English as much as possible.,Daming,: 3 ._ the mistakes in our notebooks?,Ms James,: Thats a good idea. And 4. _write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.,What else?,18Spot Dictation:Ms James: Goo,19,Lingling:,5. _spell and pronounce new words every day.,Ms James:,Thanks a lot, Lingling. 6.,_ the radio?,Daming:,Yes,thats good for our pronunciation too. But there are so many new words.,Ms James:,You dont need to understand every word. You just need to listen for key,words,and,main ideas.,19Lingling: 5. _spel,20,Daming:,Thats the same for reading. English stories are so interesting .,I get to know a lot about the world through reading.,Lingling:,I think writing is also important. 7._try to find some English friends? We can write to them.,Ms James:,Excellent!,I,agree,with you,.,20Daming: Thats the same for,.,4. And,dont forget to,write,down the correct,answers next to the mistakes.,5.,Its a good idea to,spell and pronounce,it loudly every day.,read,6.,How about,listen,ing to the radio?,3.,Why not,write,down,the mistakes in our notebooks?,7.,Why dont we,try to find some English pen friends?,write,1,We should,always,speak,English in class.,2.,Lets,try to,speak,English as much as possible.,.4. And dont forget to write,How many,ways to give advice,can we find?,We should ,Lets ,Why not ,Dont forget to ,Its a good idea to ,How about listening to,Why dont we try to find,Youd better ,.,Read aloud / loudly,How many ways to give advice c,This is my friend Tina. She,is bad at,English. Can you guess what her problems are?,This is my friend Tina. She i,Tinas problems,I am afraid of,speaking English,in front of others,.,I always,make mistakes,in exams.,It is hard to,understand,every word,in English stories.,Tinas problemsI am afraid of,Summary,1 I am afraid of speaking English in front of others.,2 I always make mistakes in exams.,3 It is hard to understand every word in English radio or stories.,_,_,_,Make up a conversation,Lets speak English,as much as possible,.,Dont forget to write down the mistake and,correct,answers.,You,should,listen for,key,words and,main,ideas.,Summary 1 I am afraid of spe,Homework,M1U1 exercise paper,remember words we learned in M1U1,Read the conversation aloud,Read,aloud,HomeworkM1U1 exercise paperRea,Unit 1,Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,Period 2,Unit 1,1. We should always speak English in class.,2. Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,3. Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?,4. Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud.,5. How about listening to the radio?,Revision,Dictation P3 Activity 5,1. We should always speak Engl,6. Work in pairs. Talk about problems,in learning English and give advice.,Problems,I cant .,I dont know .,Advice,How / What about .?,Why not / dont you .?, I can,t speak English well. What should,I do?, Why don,t you try to talk to our,classmates in English?,6. Work in pairs. Talk about p,Language Tips,1.,将,A,和,B,配对,2.,同意某人,3.,练习做某事,4.,修改拼写,5.,我们应该做,6.,让我们做,7.,为什么不,呢?,8.,做,怎么样?,match A,with,B,agree,with,sb.,practice,doing,sth.,correct the spelling,We should,do,.,Lets,do,.,Why not /Why dont you,do,.?,What/How about,doing,?,30,Language Tips1.将A和B配对match A w,Language Tips,9.,不要忘了,10.,我们为什么不,?,11.,查阅,12.,谈论,13.,写下,,记下,14.,努力做某事,15.,做,是一个好主意,16.,尽可能多的,dont forget to,Why dont we?,look up,talk,about,write down,try to do sth.,It,s a good idea,to do,as much as possible,Language Tips9.不要忘了dont forg,Ready?,准备好了吗?,Thats a good idea,! 好主意!,What else?,还有别的什么?,Thanks a lot!,多谢!,Excellent!,好极了!,/,太棒了!,Everyday English,Ready?,Language Points,1. Who,has some,advice,?,谁有一些建议?,advice “,意见;建议”,,是,不可数名词,由,advice,构成的常见短语:,ask sb. for,advice,give sb.,advice,advice,on/about sth.,向某人寻求建议,给某人提出建议,有关,的建议,Language Points1. Who has some,2.We,should,always speak English in class.,我们在课堂上应该一直讲英语。,should ,动词原形 “ 应该做某事”,shouldnt = should not,不应该,Eg. He should come here early.,他应该早来这里,We shouldnt watch TV a lot.,我们不应该看很多的电视。,2.We should always speak Engli,3.,Its a good idea to,check your vocabulary notebook.,Its a good idea,to do sth.,干某事是一个好想法,记下老师的笔记是一个好想法。,e.g Its a good idea to write down the teachers notes.,sentence,patterns,检查你的词汇手册,是一个好想法,。,3. Its a good idea to check y,4.,Why not,write down the mistakes in our,notebooks?,为什么不把这些错误写在我们的笔记本上呢?,= Why dont you / we,动词原形,“为什么不, ”,Eg. Why not go to school?,= Why dont you go to school?,你们为什么不去上学呢?,Why not ,动词原形,4.Why not write down the mista,5.,How about,listen,ing,to the radio in English?,=,What,about listening to radio in English?,e.g How about /What about play,ing,games?,What about /How about doing sth?,做某事怎么样?,听英语广播怎么样?,玩游戏怎么样?,5. How about listening to the,6.,But,try not to,translate every word.,但是,尽量不要,去翻译每一个单词。,try,to do,sth,努力做某事,try,not to do,sth,尽量不要干某事,sentence,patterns,1.,我们应该努力去帮助穷人。,2.,我们应该尽量不要犯错误。,e.g We should try hard to help the poor people.,e.g We should try not to make any mistakes.,6. But try not to translate ev,I cant get any fish.,_ go to the market?,Why not,I cant get any fish._ g,_we watch a film?,Lets go for a walk.,Why dont,_we watch a film?Let,I dont know the way.,_ following me?,How about,I dont know the way._,Im feeling bad, baby.,You _ see a doctor.,should,Im feeling bad, baby.You _,7. Thats a good idea. And dont,forget,to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.,那是一个好主意。并且不要忘记把正确的答案写在错误的旁边。,forget (forgot, forgotten),忘记,7. Thats a good idea. And don,forget to do sth.,忘记做某事,(,表示事情还没有做,),forget doing sth.,忘了做过某事,(,表示事情已经做了,),Eg. Dont forget to do your homework.,不要忘记做家庭作业。,I forget finishing my homework.,我忘记做完了家庭作业。,forget to do sth.忘记做某事 (表示事情还没,8.,I,agree,with you.,我赞成你。,agree“,赞同”,agree,的常见搭配:,agree,with sb.,agree,to do sth.,agree,on sth,agree,接,that,从句,同意某人,同意做某事,对某一问题意见一致,同意,8. I agree with you. 我赞成你。 a,I.,用所给词的适当形式填空,(1) She should _(go) to school early.,go,(2) How about _ (eat) noodles?,eating,(3) There are five _ (mistake) in your work.,(4) Lets _ (help) the farmers pick apples.,mistakes,help,Practice,I. 用所给词的适当形式填空 (1) She should,(6) Its better to _ (get) up early.,(7) Why not _ (play) football this weekend?,(8) Its a good idea _ (write) down,the mistakes in a notebook.,get,play,to write,(6) Its better to _ (get),II.,单项选择,1. Our new teacher is going to give us _this term.,A. some advices B. an advice,C. some advice D. a advice,2. This is what we will learn,,,please_.,A. write down it B. write down them,C. write it down D. write them down,II. 单项选择,3. We should,English aloud in the morning.,A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads,4. What can I do this weekend?,Why dont you,at home?,A. having a good rest B. to have a good rest,C. has a good rest D. have a good rest,5. Dont forget _ to the concert on time.,A. to come B. coming C. come D. comes,3. We should English alo,Module 1 How to learn English,Unit 2 You should,smile,at her!,Module 1 How to learn EnglishU,vocabulary,词汇;词汇量,New words,vocabulary 词汇;词汇量New wor,The 26 letters are,basic,adj.,基本的;基础的,New words,The 26 letters are basic New w,Girls get,shy,easily.,They are having a,conversation.,对话,New words,adj.,害羞的,slowly or quickly,慢 快,Girls get shy easily. They are,I usually,place,a photo on table.,V.,摆放;放置,New words,I usually place a photo on tab,What a lovely day!,I,suggest / advise,that,we go for a walk.,v.,建议,New words,because I like,natural,beauty.,adj.,自然的,n. nature,What a lovely day!New words b,Learning English,vocabulary,grammar,listening,speaking,reading,writing,translation,When I am learning English,I,have problem with,Learning English vocabulary g,A:,What,problems,do you have?,B:,I have problems,with,(vocabulary,grammar,translation,pronunciation,,,listening,work in pairs,A: What problems do you have?B,How to learn,English well,listening,Reading,speaking,Writing,others,To,improve,English, what,should,we do?,Can you give us your,advice(,建议,),?,Discussion,How to learnlisteningReading s,Read the passage,within 30 s,and answer the questions.,What is the passage mainly about?,How many questions can you find?,Reading,Problems and advice about how to,improve,English.,three,v. to make sth. better,提高,30 s Go!,1.Understanding English films and songs.,2. Speaking,3. Learning Vocabulary,Read the passage within 30 s a,How to,give some advice,: (,怎样提出建议,),do sth.,do sth.,do sth.,to do sth.,doing sth,Discussion,We should ,Lets ,Why not ,Dont forget ,Its a good idea,How/ Whatabout,Why dont we / you,Youd better ,to do sth.,do sth.,do sth.,How to give some advice: (怎样提出,Language Doctor,Send,questions,to, by email,(,发送,到,),Language DoctorSend questio,Read for detail information.,Name,Problem,Advice from Diana,Li Hao,Zhang Lei,Reading,5 min Go!,Wang Fan,Read for detail information.Na,Read for detail information.,Problem,Advice from Diana,Li Hao,Reading,Understanding English films and songs,Watch and listen several times ;guess the meaning of the new words; talk about them with friends,Read for detail information.Pr,Name,Problem,Advice from Diana,Zhang Lei,Read for detail information.,Reading,Wang Fan,Smile and ask simple questions to start a conversation; dont be shy.,Learning vocabulary,Write 4 or 5 words on pieces of paper and place them in the room;read them when you see them and use them,Speaking,NameProblemAdvice from DianaZh,Sing English,songs,watch movies,in English,read books,in English,watch TV,English,programmes,have a conversation,with foreigners,keep a diary,Discussion,Are there any other ways to,improve English,?,Sing English watch movies read,Read with the speaker and find the useful expressions.,Read with the speaker and find,Language Tips,1.,把某物寄给某人,2.,请求(给予),;,索求,3.,几次;几遍,4.,每次,5.,建议某人做某事,6.,害怕做,7.,与某人谈话,8.,开始谈话,9.,猜测意思,10.,对某人微笑,11.,一些新东西,12.,在,方面有问题,send sth.,to,sb.,ask,for,several times,each time,advise/suggest sb. to do sth.,be afraid to do sth.,talk,with,sb.,start a conversation,guess the meaning,smile,at,sb.,something new,have problem,with,Language Tips1. 把某物寄给某人send st,Task,Interview your group members , write down what is difficult for them in learning English and give them some advice. At the end of the class, group leaders will give us a report.,Names,Problems,Advice,S1,S2,S3,Task Interview your group me,Practice,A: What,problems do you have in,learning English?,B: I think its difficult to,improve,my listening/speaking /grammar/reading/writing/vocabulary.,Can you give me some advice?,A: Sure.,You should,B: Good idea! What else,?,A:,How about (doing).?,B: Thanks a lot. I think I can learn English better with your help.,Lets help each other.,Practice A: What problems do,Unit 3,Language in use,Unit 3,Language practice,1. We,should,always speak English in class.,2. Lets,try to,speak English as much as possible.,3.,Why not,write down the mistakes in our notebooks?,4.,Its a good idea to,spell and pronounce new words,aloud.,5.,How about,listening to the radio?,Language practice1. We should,提供建议的表达方式,:,1. You should/shouldnt do .,2. What about/How about doing,?,3. Why dont you/Why not do,?,4. Try (not) to do.,5. Its a good idea to do.,6. Dont forget/Remember to do.,Make sentences with the drills.,Lead-in,提供建议的表达方式:1. You should/sho,1. Why dont we ?,2. How about ?,3. should ?,4. We can ,5. Lets try to ,6. Can you ?,7. Remember to ,Listening and checking,1. Why dont we ?,What is Charlies problem?,2. How will Mary help him?,3. When does Charlie think they should meet?,4. What does Mary think about reading newspaper?,Hes finding his English homework difficult.,She offers to work with him.,After school that day.,What is Charlies problem?Hes,Look at Jack and say what he usually does.,Work in pairs,Look at Jack and say what he u,Do you think he has good habits?,Do you think he has good habit,1. He usually watches TV and goes to bed late.,2. He usually gets up late.,3. He doesnt listen to the teacher carefully,in class.,4. He doesnt use dictionary when he reads books.,5. He doesnt read English newspaper.,6. He usually writes words in notebook.,1. He usually watches TV and g,You,should,go to bed before nine oclock, and get up at half past six.,Give Jack some advice,2. You,should,listen to the teacher carefully,in class.,4.,Why dont you,read English newspaper.,3.,What about,looking up new words in,dictionary.,5.,Its a good idea to,check your vocabulary notebook everyday.,You should go to bed before ni,Hi, Language Doctor,I like English very much.,My reading is good, but my speaking is,poor,. How can I improve my speaking?,Best,Helen,Read the letter to the Language Doctor,Hi, Language Doctor, Read the,Hello Helen,You should read some English every day. Its good for your vocabulary. Then (1)_ you look for some people who English-speaking people in your town? (2)_ saying hello to them and asking them where they come,Why dont,How about,Read the letter from the Doctor,Fill the best words,Hello Helen, Why dontHow abou,from?(3)_ make friends and show them around your town. Is there an English club in your town? If there isnt, (4)_ start one with your friends? (5)_ playing a few games and listening to some music? You can watch,an English film together,Try to,Why not,How about,from?(3)_ make friends a,and (6)_ speak English all the time. Then you (7)_ invite your new English friends to your club!,Best wishes,Language Doctor,try to,should,and (6)_ speak Eng,Whats,the Language Doctors advice?,1.Read English every day.,2.Make friends with people who speak English,and try to talk with them in English.,3. Start an English club with her friends.,4. Listen to some English music and watch,an English film together with her friends,.,5. Try to speak English all the time.,Whats the Language Doctors a,Language points:,1.practise doing sth,练习做某事,我怎样练习讲英语?,How can I practise speaking English ?,2. English-speaking people,英语母语的人,3.say hello to sb,向某人问好,say sorry to sb,向某人道歉,say goodbye to sb,向某人道别,向他们问好怎么样?,How about saying hello to them ?,Language points:,4.look for,寻找 (强调过程),find,找到 ( 强调结果),为什么你不在你城镇找一些讲英语的人呢?,Why dont you look for some people,who speak English in your town ?,5.take / show sb around sw,带某人参观,/,游览某地,尝试交朋友并且带他们参观你们的城镇。,Try to make friends and show them,around your town .,6.invite / ask sb to sw,邀请某人到某地来,invite/ ask sb to do sth,邀请某人做某事,4.look for 寻找 (强调过程),7.,你应该邀请你的新英国朋友到你的俱乐,部来,.,you should invite your new English,friends to your club !,8.Best wishes,最好的祝愿,7.你应该邀请你的新英国朋友到你的俱乐,基本框架:,开头(,beginning,),-,开门见山,向对方陈述自己的观点。,(state your idea),主体,(body),-,提出自己的建议及原因。,(advice and reasons),结尾,(ending),-,良好祝愿。,(good wish),基本框架:,Exchange Your writing with your partner!,Get ready your red pen!,1. Handwriting: 5 points,2. Underline his/her mistakes: “_”,3. Square his/her transitional words (,关联词,),:“ ”,4. Underline his/her good sentences and expressions: “ ”,88,Exchange Your writing with you,表先后次序:,First, second, third.Finally,Firstly, secondly,,,eventually,首先:,to begin with/ to start with, at last/ last but not least,递进关系:,此外:,furthermore; moreover; besides; Whats more; in addition,与此同时:,Meanwhile; at the same time,;,注意衔接词使用,:,注意衔接词使用:,Sharing time,Sharing time,A,建议信开头常用句式,(,照应材料,表明写作意图,),1. After I read your letter in the newspaper, I was sorry to,know that,2. Thanks for trusting me. Regarding, Id like to make some suggestions.,3. I am writing to e


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