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Styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,Quatrime niveau,Cliquez et modifiez le titre,*,*,Presentation title,How to conduct a Factory Audit,Hong Kong November 8th 2002,Prepared by: Training and Integrity Team.,Date: November 8th 2002.,TI 27/Rev. 0,1,CPS-I,Pre - Audit,Before conducting the audit, the Auditor must understand the clients requirements & basic concepts.,Health and Safety Practices,Technical Competence,Qu,ality Assurance Systems,Concept,2,CPS-I,The objective of a factory audit is to evaluate the factories performance and their compliance to the applicable country laws.,There are three methods used to do so -,Examination of documents,Observation of activities,Interviews,The Auditor must consider the who, what, when, where, why and how.,3,Auditor arrives at the factory.,The Auditor identifies,Him / Herself.,They then verify the address.,The Auditor then asks to see the,contact person.,CPS-I,Un-announced or,Announced visit.,Presentation,4,CPS-I,The Auditors identity,badge is clearly displayed.,Presentation,5,CPS-I,The Auditor introduces,Him / Herself.,The Code of Conduct letter is,explained and given to the factory,representative.,When signed the Auditor will take,the original, and leave a copy for,the factory representative.,Opening meeting,6,CPS-I,During our opening meeting the Auditor should explain that,We are present on behalf of the client.,They should explain that we need to take some pictures when conducting the factory tour.,We should tell them that we need to see the procedure from Incoming materials all the way through to the packing of the product prior to shipment.,Opening meeting,7,CPS-I,Preparation of documents,An auditor must be organised.,During the assessment the auditor will be required to collect copies of certain documentation to support His / Her findings. It is advisable that the documentation is requested in the initial meeting.,Many factories are not sufficiently organised to have the documentation at hand and Will need several hours to gather the entire files.,The following slides contain a generic documentation list based on our previous experience,.,8,CPS-I,Requested documentation,Area 1 Incoming materials,Incoming raw materials (Record of).,Incoming Internal Quality Control sampling schedules for inspections.,Incoming Internal Quality Control records and reports.,Inspection instructions and procedures.,Non conforming materials procedure.,Non conforming materials record.,Calibration records for inspection equipment.,Generic documentation list,9,CPS-I,Requested documentation,Area 2 Quality Assurance,Quality Assurance / Control organisation chart.,Internal Quality Assurance / Control training program.,Internal Quality Assurance / Control training record.,Quality manual,(Including written procedures documenting how safety standards for products are maintained in-house).,Relevant international safety standards.,Product testing certification.,Calibration records and certificates for production machinery.,Calibration records and certificates for internal inspection equipment.,10,CPS-I,Requested documentation,Area 3 In-line Quality Control,Quality Control records and reports.,Inspection instructions and procedures.,Calibration records for inspection equipment.,Corrective action plans and records of re-worked goods.,Procedure and records for handling accepted and rejected goods.,Defect analysis and improvement procedures.,11,CPS-I,Requested documentation,Area 4 Health and Safety,Records of industrial accidents.,Industrial injury insurance receipt / invoice.,Medical insurance receipt / invoice.,First aid certificates for trained staff.,Fire evacuation plan / procedures.,Maintenance records for fire fighting equipment.,Fire drill record.,12,CPS-I,Requested documentation,Area 5 Housekeeping,Cleaning schedule for major machines.,Cleaning schedule for factory floor.,Procedure for the control of pesticides and baits in compliance with national regulations.,Records of the use of pesticides and baits.,13,CPS-I,Requested documentation,Area 6 Final inspection,Internal Quality Control sampling schedules for inspections.,Internal Quality Control records and reports.,Inspection instructions and procedures.,Non conforming materials procedure.,Non conforming materials record.,Calibration records for inspection equipment.,14,Requested documentation,Miscellaneous,Name and E-mail address of the factory.,Client list.,Company policy manual.,Factory floor plan.,Workers training records.,Workers training certificates.,ISO certification.,Complaints procedure.,Records of corrective actions taken to eliminate non-conformity.,CPS-I,Factory organization chart.,Name of major production machines.,Audits for subcontracted factories.,List of approved subcontracted factories.,15,Workflow,CPS-I,Incoming raw materials,Inspection of raw materials,Initial preparation,Storage of raw materials,Assembly line,Storage of finished product,Inspection of finished product,Inspection of product after each process,The logical way to conducting an,audit is,t,o follow the path of the production process.,Whilst passing each area all aspects of the,a,udit should be considered.,E.G.,Fire extinguishers,First aid facilities,Ventilation,ETC,Take pictures for each comment mentioned,in the report. When a picture has been taken,record the sequence they were taken in,on a spare sheet of paper and include your,comments.,16,CPS-I,Storage of dangerous chemicals,All chemicals used during the production of the factories goods must be controlled.,Chemicals should be kept under lock and key.,Only certain employees should have access to them.,Detailed records of,what chemicals have been checked out.,Where they have gone.,What day and time they went out.,Who checked them out.,What amount was checked out.,17,CPS-I,Illuminated fire exit signs?,Fire extinguishers? - O,ne fire extinguisher per 80 square Meters,(operational).,Clear walkways?,Unlocked fire exits?,Staircases free from obstruction?,Proper control of combustible materials?,Fire route clearly marked?,Fire drill practice on a regular basis?,Working fire alarm system?,Maintenance plan for fire alarm system?,Emergency lighting system?,Hoses accessible and operational?,Fire precautions Key points.,18,CPS-I,Health and safety Key points,Fully stocked first aid boxes?,Staff trained first aid?,Personal protective equipment being used and in good condition?,Adequate guards on machinery and equipment?,Potentially dangerous equipment regularly checked for safety?,Dangerous / hazardous substances in use?,Are the substances properly stored?,Communications visibly posted re potential fire hazards/health & safety aspects?,Suitable working environment in respect of:,Ventilation, temperature lighting and,cleanliness?,Are lavatory facilities accessible, clean and reasonable in number?,Any other health & safety risks/factors apparent?,19,CPS-I,Technical competence,Are incoming materials kept in a separate area?,Are materials stored correctly?,Is the area clean,and tidy?,Is there a documented stock control system?,Are rejected materials clearly identified?,Are pre-production procedures clearly defined and understood?,Are detailed production specifications produced?,Are pilot runs carried out?,Are approved reference samples available in,each,section?,20,CPS-I,Packing section and storage facility,Is space and equipment such as tables adequate?,If automated equipment is used is the condition acceptable?,Packing,Storage,Is,the,space adequate?,Is cleanliness adequate?,Is tidiness acceptable?,Is lighting acceptable?,Are adequate stock control procedures in place?,Is security adequate?,21,CPS-I,Quality assurance systems,Is there a current approved Quality Manual?,Is the quality system based on ISO 9000 or an equivalent system?,Are there adequate procedures covering all sections of the operations?,Are staff familiar with relevant procedures and their responsibilities?,Are the procedures reviewed and regularly upgraded?,Is there a named Quality Representative?,Who does the Representative report to?,Are inspectors in each section independent from production staff?,Do products receive quality approval before full production?,Is there a documented calibration system covering all operational sections?,22,CPS-I,Common sense,Common sense is probably the most important weapon in the auditors arsenal.,The auditor must conduct the assessment as if He / She was a detective.,Below are just two examples.,-,Factory : The fire extinguishers were checked last week.,The tops of the extinguishers were thick with dust. It was obvious that they had,not been touched in a long time. The dates had merely been changed on the stickers.,-,Factory : Of course the first aid boxes are fully stocked.,It was indeed impressively stocked. However, fifty percent of the boxes were empty.,23,CPS-I,Storage and retrieval.,Make sure that the factory has an adequate system for storage and retrieval.,Ask the storekeeper to find an object from the records He / She maintains.,They should be able to retrieve it without delay.,Walk through the storage area and select a box at random, then ask what it contains.,They should be able to give an immediate response.,Then ask them how many pieces the box contains. Again there should be an immediate,Response.,All of the stock should be located neatly on shelves or in pre determined areas.,No isles should be blocked.,24,CPS-I,How,do they,process the,ir,complaints?,Who is responsible,for handling,the complaints?,Check the documents or records of corrective,and preventative,action,plan,s.,If the representative responds with “We never get complaints”,Make a note of this in the report.,interview some,employees,regard,ing this as a,cross,reference.,Handling of complaints,25,CPS-I,Hints (b): Comprehensive Working Hours System,Total days Total Rest Days Statutory Holidays Net Working Days,in a year in a year,365 - 104 - 10 = 251,Total basic working hours for a year=251 days x 8 hrs/day = 2,008 hours(100%),Total O/T hours permitted by law=36hrs/month x 12 months = 432 hours(150%),The maximum overtime hours within each a day must not exceed 3 hours.,The maximum overtime hours within a month shall not exceed 36 hours.,Factories shall produce at least one rest day to their employees on every seven,days if overtime work is definitely required.,Checking overtime (China).,26,CPS-I,The Auditor must interview workers with regards to their working salary, benefits Etc.,(number of people interviewed depends on the clients requirements).,Hints: Manufacturers will not use any forced or involuntary labor,whether prison, bonded, indentured or otherwise.,E.g.,When employees are required to obtain special permission from management,to leave the factory at the end of their,normal shift, or during the course of,their shift.,When employees passports or original identification documents are withheld.,When overtime work is mandatory and not optional.,5),forced or compulsory labor,27,CPS-I,Employee interview,Example of the basic questions that should be asked.,28,CPS-I,Corrective actions,It is regarded as usual practice to hold an audit review meeting upon conclusion.,During this meeting it is expected that we offer some corrective actions for the,Problems observed during the audit.,1),Implement an adequate incoming QC system based on ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-1993.,2) Implement an adequate stock control system.,3) Store the goods in a responsible manner On pallets in dry conditions.,4) Take measures to control all hazardous materials Under lock and key and supervised,with control documentation.,5)Make sure an accredited laboratory calibrates all testing equipment regularly.,29,CPS-I,Ask the factory representative,to sign the report.,Normally Auditor does not need,the,Factory Rep,resntative,. to sign the audit report,.,This,depends on,the,clients instruction,s,.,30,End,Any questions please feel free to e-mail me.,steve.hardy,TI 27/Rev. 0,31,


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