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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 6,Announcements,Unit 6 Announcements,1,Outline,The announcement is one kind of proclamatory practical writing. If organ, group or individual want to illustrate something to the public, or want to ask for help, or have some requirements to the masses, they can write what they want to express briefly into an announcement. There are various kinds of announcements, such as Found, Lost, Engagement, Contributions Wanted and House for Renting, etc.,Outline,2,Common used vocabulary,hereby(,据此),contribution(,稿件),owner(,物主),manuscript(,手稿,原稿),finder(,发现者),contributor(,投稿者),loser(,失主),editorial Section(,编辑组),claim(,认领),Apt.(,公寓),Common used vocabulary hereby(,3,英语应用文写作Unit6-Announcements课件,4,英语应用文写作Unit6-Announcements课件,5,Samples:,Sample 1 Announcement,Announcement,A group of 35 American students will visit our school from 9:00 to 13:00 on June 22, 2012. The following are the specific arrangements to welcome the visitors.,At 8:40, we will gather at the school gate to welcome the American guests. Then from 9:00 to 10:30 we will hold a welcome party in the reception room and exchange gifts with American students. From 10:30 to 11:30, American students will visit our campus, library, laboratory and language lab. Afterwards, at 11:30, we will have lunch together in the students canteen. At last, we will see the American students off at the school gate at 13:00.,Samples:,6,Sample 2 Lost,A Jacket Lost,In the playground, May12, a Jacket, green in color and with a zipper in the collar, will the finder please return it to the owner, Krutch. Room 203, Dormitory 9. Thanks very much!,Sample 2 Lost,7,Sample 3 Found,Found I happened to find a wallet, inside of which there is money and other things. Loser is expected to come to our classroom to claim(,认领),it. Finder, Zhang Yi Ping Class 3, Senior,3,Sample 3 Found,8,Sample 4 Notice of Engagement,Notice of Engagement,Mr. and Mrs. Willsom have the honor to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lucy, to Mr. Samual Russell on Saturday, August 11, 2012.,Sample 4,9,Sample 5 Person Missing,A Boy Missing,My smart son, named Zhang Wei, aged 6, in blue coat, got lost at yesterday noon of October 25, 2012when he went home from school. He is 1.06 meters tall, with black hair, a moon face, rosy cheeks, big eyes, and a very small scar on chin. He can speak daily Chinese fluently.,Sample 5 Person Missin,10,Whoever meets him or knows him whereabouts or has any information about his location is begged to advise his family or ring them up.,A thousand thanks from Zhang Yubin and his family,Add: 142 Jinzhai Road,Tel: 2627288,Whoever meets him or knows him,11,Sample 6 Contributions Wanted,Contributions Wanted,April 4, 2012,In celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, this magazine, China Youth, has decided to publish a special issue for high school students with the title “I love My Motherland.” Teachers, students, soldiers, cadres and workers are warmly welcome to send in their contribution in whatever form and style,.,Sample,12,Deadline for such contributions will be on July 31, 2012. Contributions should be sent directly to the editorial board of the magazine.,The Editorial Board,China Youth, Beijing 100842,英语应用文写作Unit6-Announcements课件,13,Sample 7 Clerk Wanted Notice,Female Clerk Wanted,Interesting and rewarding position in the Huatian Hotel,Age 20-22, at least 2-year working experience,Salary according to experience will be between RMB ¥500 and RMB ¥800 per month,Transport can be provided from Town Center,Plus other fringe benefits including shopping discount.,Please contact Miss Wen at 2627888,Sample 7 Clerk Wanted Noti,14,Sample 8 Notice for House Renting,Apartment. For Rent,Amazing apartment in Shanghai! Spacious 192 m,,,3 bedrooms, a huge living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and 3 balconies facing south. Gorgeous furniture, hardwood floors, stunning views. And only $3290/month! Too good to be true? Give us a call and see. Ready now.,Call Mark at 260-5883,Apa,15,A handsome and honest male, born in 1980, manager of the computer engineering dept. of a computer company, kind-hearted, industrious, upright, and financially well, likes literature, music, wants to meet an amicable and amenable female for friendship. If interested, please contact Mrs. Liyang, 226 Gongbei Road, Zhuhai.,Sample 9 Marriage Wanted,A handsome and honest,16,Practice 1 Translate the following,into Chinese.,Lost I was careless and lost my bag two days ago. It has got a belt. Its color is black. It says: “Its made of leather, in Guangzhou.” Inside the case, I have some money, a passport, some clothes and some books. Anyone who found it, please do let me know. Many thanks.,Li Hua,English Teaching Group,Practice 1 Translate the foll,17,Practice 2 Write an English Lost,according to the information,given below.,假设你叫吴鑫,是高一(,2,)班的学生。你在,10,月,8,日晚上把一本,牛津高级英汉双解字典,丢在阅览室里,用英语写一则寻物启事,贴在餐厅前的留言板上,请捡到者交给你或你班班长。启事时间:,10,月,9,日,Practice 2 Write an English,18,Practice 3 Translate the following into Chinese.,Lost,November 20th,On the evening of November 20th, I left my cell phone in the dining-room. It is new. Will the finder please send it to my dormitory 204, Building 16 or call me at 8386378? Thank you very much.,Rebecca,Practice 3 Translate the fol,19,Practice 4 Write an English Lost,according to the information,given below.,你放学后在学校足球场踢球,将一件夹克衫忘在了足球场,衣服颜色是蓝色的,前面有两个口袋,其中一个口袋中有一个自行车钥匙和一些钱。请你就以上内容拟一个遗失启事,失主是高二(2)班的一个学生,时间、失主名自定。(字数:60左右),Practice 4 Write an English,20,Practice 5 Translate the following,into Chinese.,Please Come to Claim the Purse,Anyone who lost a purse at the gate of the Main Teaching Building yesterday afternoon, in which there are some rice tickets, some money and some other things. Please come to the Radio Station to claim them.,The Radio Station of the University,March 24, 2012.,Practice 5 Translate the fol,21,Practice 6 Write aFound in English according,to the information given below.,假如你是黎磊,在去厕所的路上拾到了一红色书包,请你写一个包含下列内容的招领启事。,a,捡书包的时间:昨天,3,点左右 写启事的时间:,2012,年,6,月,20b.,书包特征:红色,内装,3,本书,一个文具包,c,领物地点:高一,(5),班教室,Practice 6 Write aFound in E,22,Practice 7 Translate the following into Chinese.,Have you Seen This Old Man,Huang Heqiang, aged 73, wearing a white shirt and a pair of black trousers, has been missing since July 17, 2012. He is about 1.66 meters tall, black-haired, small-faced. He has never returned, nor contacted his family since he run away only because he had words with his daughter-in-law.,Practice 7 Translate the fol,23,Whoever knows his whereabouts or has any information which may lead to his location, is respected to report to Xiyuan Police Substation (Tel: 5126678) or to his family at the following.,Address: 43 Hezuohua Road, Hefei,Many thanks from,Yang Mingsheng,July 25, 2012,Whoever knows his where,24,Practice 8 Write a Contribution Wanted in English according to the information given below.,学校学生会办了一份杂志,取名英语拾零(,English Sidelights)。,假定你是主编,请你写一则征稿启事。要点如下:,这是一本适合于中学生的杂志,旨在提高同学们的英语口头和书面表达能力,每月15日出版一期。欢迎下列形式和内容的来稿:英语故事、短剧、会话;科普短文、看图作文;有关提高口语表达能力的经验和建议;有关英语语法的学习心得、体会;写好英语作文的方法和建议;对英语教学方法的建议。,Practice 8 Write a Contribut,25,来稿应在两千字以内,隔行书写、清楚整洁,页边留空白,英文部分必须打印。如稿件未被采用,两个月内退回。采用后即付稿酬。,本刊地址:本校学生会办公室英语拾零编辑组。,来稿应在两千字以内,隔行书写、清楚整洁,页边留空白,26,Practice 9 Translate the following into English.,征稿启事,1. 本期刊的主要对象是学生、老师和投资者,每个月10号于湖南省长沙市出版。,2.稿件体裁主要为证券财经类;,3.具体要求如下:,1)文字通俗易懂;,2)对证券市场有深度、独特的评论和研究;,3)来稿如不采用,三个月内退还;,4)稿件一经发表,即付稿酬;,来稿请投,editorpaper,文中请提供真实姓名、联系电话、地址。,Practice 9 Translate the fol,27,Practice 10 Translate the following into English.,大家好!,我们公司是做家具生意的,主公司设在美国纽约,而在湖南订做家私。所以我们公司希望能在湖南株洲一带找一个英文翻译员,最主要的要求是能说流利中英文和基本的电脑打字,另外还要会处理简单的办公室文件。请对这份工作有兴趣的人立刻给我回复,谢谢!,电子邮箱:,Mike2001,Practice 10 Translate the fo,28,Practice 11 Translate the following into Chinese.,Computer Clerk Wanted,- Female,- 2 Years relevant experience,- Accurate typing,- Good command of spoken English,- Good knowledge of computer:,We offer attractive salary(14 months) 5 days work, medical scheme for the right candidates. Interested parties please apply with full resume, expected salary, contact telephone number & recent photo to Box 8198 SCM Posted.,Practice 11 Translate the fo,29,Practice 12 Write an English Wanted according to the information given below.,招聘职位: 驻地经理(中国区),Station Managers (China),电子邮箱:,recruit,发布日期:20,12,年,2,月,16,日,工作地点:广州市 招聘人数:若干 学 历:本科 工作年限:三年以上 薪水范围:面议 外语要求:英语 熟练 职位描述: 职责包括监督和管理我们在中国区其中的一间配餐公司,领导和协调一切运营操作。,Practice 12 Write an English,30,应聘者必须有强大的计划和实施能力,在职务和责任范围内能有效地推行各项政策,最大化提高服务准时率,有效率和客户(航空公司)的满意度。 要求:,大学本科以上学历,或毕业于酒店,餐饮食管,理或相关专业;,在餐饮行业有至少3年以上的管理层工作经验,,有国外工作经验者可优先考虑;,较高的表达沟通能力和人际交往能力;,敏锐的分析能力和优秀的领导技巧;,较强的中英文写作和对话技巧(普通话);,精通,Microsoft Office,应聘者必须有强大的计划和实施能力,在职务和责任范围,31,Practice 13 Translate the following into Chinese.,Wanted,China Finance Corporation is very famous for finance. It provides finance and securities with solution plans for sale services of financing products. Now China Finance is seeking for 3 network salespersons.,Qualifications:,1. junior originality on network market;,2.experiences of business development;,3. superiority in network market;,Practice 13 Translate the fo,32,4.,at least college diploma in Marketing or related field.,Those interested in the job please call Miss Liu at 86627266.,4. at least college diploma in,33,Practice 14 Translate the following into Chinese.,APARTMENTS FOR RENT,Julong Garden,Situated east to 2nd Ring Road East, Beijing,Close to “Hongkong Macau” Center,Spacious, upholstered, double-deck suits,With varied layouts & area of 149 m,-347 m,Julong Garden Real Estate Management Co.,Tel: (8610)5932105,5932203 Fax: (8610) 5024,Practice 14 Translate the fo,34,Practice 15 Translate the following into English.,地区:武汉,武昌区,发布日期,: 2012,年,5,月,5,日,电话,/,手机,: 027 88845653,联系电邮,:liling333,出租类型,:,屋主出租,非中介,出租面积,:20,平方米,广告到期日,:2012,年,6,月,5,日,月租金,:,¥,3000,房间数,: 1,室,0,厅,0,卫生间,0,厨房,0,阳台 所在楼层,1,总楼层,5,设备,:,电话,Practice 15 Translate the fo,35,Practice 16 Translate the following into,Chinese.,MALE 32, likes reading, writing and pubs etc, seeks a girl for real life, and I am still a smoker. Call me on 0551-267890.,Practice 16 Translate the fo,36,Practice 17 Translate the following,into Chinese.,LADY 26, separated, enjoys travel, music, sports, pubs and dining out, wishes to meet male 24-35 for friendship. Call me on 0733-2345678.,Practice 17 Translate the fo,37,


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