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,Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten,Textmasterformate durch Klicken bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,#,Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten,Tetmasterformate durch Klicken bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,#,FDT Basics,NSD Training,2011-04,FDT,Movie,Motivation,Various Standalone Tools,HART,Engineering /,Programming,Tool,Engineering-System,Basic,Idea,Definition of FDT,FDT (Field Device Tool) technology standardizes software interface between,field,devices drivers and host systems.,6,FDT Concept,The printer driver is used in the same way in different PC software,The printer driver contains the configuration, diagnostics, and other functionalities,The printer driver is developed and delivered by the printer manufacturer,PC Softwares,PC software,FDT,Architecture,Frame Application,=,System,(DCS,Engineering tools,),FDT,Interface,=,standard,DTM,=,device driver,Device Type Manager,FDT,Interface,Frame Application,FDT,- Plug & Work,HART,Frame Application,(Device Type Manager,- DTM,),HART,Key FDT Technology Features,Provides a rich graphical interface for device configuration, operation, maintenance,Best selection by end user,Competitive differentiation by vendors,Ensures a uniform presentation regardless of host system,Supports all process and factory automation communication protocols,Transparent data access,FDT provides plant wide, consistent data access.,Unrestricted,routing over all network levels communication protocol,independent,Multiple,installed protocols,Different communication segments,Vendor independent,Routing,topologies,fdtCONTAINER,FieldCare,PACTware,DCS,PLC,The FDT Value Proposition,VALUE TO USERS,This provides to the users maximum value,out of their automation assets over the lifecycle of the plant,through:,Selection of best in class devices,Easy integration,Open access to manufacturers parameter sets,Built in device diagnostics,12,DTMDevice Type Manager, is the devices,driver, is provided by,manufacturer, needs to be,installed,on PC, can be used in,any,frame application, provides,graphic user interface, allows to get all,device parameters,Device Type Manager,Gateway,DTM,CommunicationDTM,DTM,Types,Device,DTM,Ethernet,Frame Application,Common environment,Topology engineering,Navigation,User management,Device configuration,Data storage,Frame Application provides:,Frame Application,The,Simplest,CaseStandalone,Tools (1),Calibration,Parameterization,Diagnosis,Maintenance,Field Device,Standalone Tool,Typical Use Cases:,Workshops or small,installations,Online,connection to the,device,Operation,mainly via the DTMs,GUI,User,has access to all DTM functionality, e.g. by switching between different tab,cards,Current,configuration and parameters are read from the,device,Parameters,may be written to the device e.g. for test purposes,The,Simplest,CaseStandalone,Tools,(2),The,Complex,CaseControl,Systems (1),Asset Management,Engineering Tool,HMI,Automation,07,Field Device,Diagnosis,Calibration,Maintenance,Configuration,Parameterization,Commissioning,Operating,Alarm reporting,Monitoring,Process variables,Clock synchronization,Status,Typical Use Cases:,Different Frame,Applications,may use a DTM in different contexts,Availability,of DTM functions is controlled according to the application,context,All,settings loaded to the device are stored in a system,database,Online,connection to the device is not always available,DTM works on database,only,DTM,functions are frequently used in the background w/o starting a user dialog,The,Complex,CaseControl,Systems,(2),Device DTM,Frame Application,CommunicationDTM,Start Download,Read / Write Request,(protocol specific FDT XML),Read / Write,(comm. hardware specific),Read / Write,(fieldbus protocol specific),HandoverCommunication Interface,Read / Write Response,(protocol specific,FDT XML),Communication,DTM 1,Nested,Communication,Frame Application,CommunicationDTM,0.20 mA,HART,DTM 3,DTM 4,Send Parameter,Send Parameter,DTM 2,0.20 mA,Start Download,Ethernet,Ethernet based Protocol,Send Parameter,Scope,of FDT Core Specification,Software Architecture (Components, Interfaces),Mandatory,Device,Information,Vendor, Device Type, Version,Use,Cases,Login, Online/Offline Operation, System Planning,.,User,Roles,Planning Engineer, Maintenance, Operator, Observer,Administrator, OEM Service,State,Machine for DTM,Installation, Registry,.,Whats,defined in FDT Specification?,FDT,Specification 1.2.1,Independent from Communication,FDT Supports all communication protocols in Factory and Process Automation,FDT works for all physical network,DTMs may,support offline configuration (engineering),visualize measuring values graphically,send health info on device to vendor,inform end user about news from vendor,(internet connection required),update firmware,monitor significant device parameter to provide suggestions for maintenance scheduling,play training videos to support maintenance,. (no limits),DTM,is flexible,FDT Provides more detailed information,Configuration and Diagnosis,Alarm Management,System diagnosis overview,Single module diagnosis,Single channel diagnosis, Diagnosis connected HART device,Diagnosis,Record and analyze raw signal data, display errors.,Frame Application and DTM,Availability,31,FDT The Solution You Need!, free selection ,Selection the best suitable,products,protect investment ,Maintain and enhance existing,installation,transparent data acquisition,all device and functionality in uniform user interface,easy use ,same operation for all devices,FDT,F,its,Y,our Need!,Questions,Thank you for your attention,M&M Software GmbH reserves all rights for its documents and printed information. These documents and information material may be used internally for the designated purpose. But this material, either completely or in parts, may not be passed on to third parties, especially to competitors of the M&M Software GmbH, and it may not be duplicated.,These documents and information material contain confidential information and you are therefore requested to keep it strictly confidential. You are also requested to commit your staff that is using these documents and information, to the confidentiality obligation.,Thank you.,M&M Software GmbH behlt sich smtliche Rechte an ihren Unterlagen und Informationen vor. Diese Unterlagen und Informationen drfen intern, zu dem vereinbarten Verwendungszweck verwendet werden. Sie drfen jedoch weder ganz noch in Teilen an Dritte, insbesondere an Wettbewerber der M&M Software GmbH, weitergegeben und/oder vervielfltigt werden.,Bitte behandeln Sie diese Unterlagen und Informationen aufgrund ihres geheimen Inhalts als streng vertraulich und weisen Sie Ihre mit diesen befassten Mitarbeiter auf die Geheimhaltungsverpflichtung hin. Vielen Dank.,M&M Farbschema / Farbgewichtung,M&M Farbschema,Farbgewichtung,


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