Lecture 11 - Importing CAD Geometry——FloEFD的培训教程(三天)李

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Lecture 11 - Importing CAD Geometry——FloEFD的培训教程(三天)李_第1页
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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,.,210,Lecture 11 Basics about Importing CAD Geometry,211,We need 3D solid geometry (not surface models, no sheet metals),Prefer the host format (i.e. .prt for a ProE source),Prefer STEP (IGES is usually third order choice, except CATIA),Start simple! Remove irrelevant content beforehand!,File Import,File,-,Open,212,Step 1,Start Import,Make sure under Options that Automatically Run Import Diagnostics (Healing) is selected.,213,Take your example file,Import diagnostics starts automatically if chosen before,After running import diagnostics the any errors or problems will be shown,Step 2/1,214,If not a genuine Solid Works input - Fix the parts!,Can no longer be moved accidentally,Floating on input,Fixed after action,Multiple selection of all parts is recommended,Step 2/2,215,Do manual import diagnostics,part by part,Right click on part name - Open Part,Right click - Imported,Import Diagnostics,Eventually - Attempt to Heal All,Close the part with,Or,Right click on part name - Open Part,Tools - Import Diagnostics,Attempt to Heal All,Close the part,Step 2/3,216,Check Geometry,Flow Analysis - Tools - Check Geometry,As EFD recognizes automatically fluids and solids, there is a function to check if this is done correctly. In addition there are sometimes problems with contacts between faces and edges or faces and points.,If there are,invalid contacts, their positions are shown in red in the modeling window if you select them in the list.,If the reported fluid volume or the solid volume is zero, then inspect for repair,Step 3/1,217,Features or parts that produce invalid contacts,If you dont need these features or parts (for good results in a thermal simulation) supress them and no additional mesh will be generated and they dont produce invalid contacts anymore.,If they are needed ,Step 3/2,218,Scale to enlarge from touching bodies into overlapping bodies. (no invalid contacts anymore),Open the part or edit the part in the assembly and choose from,Insert - Features,the feature Scale“.,Set the value to e.g. 1.001 so it will only slightly bigger but not influence the results.,Step 3/3,219,After having repaired the invalid contacts they shouldnt appear anymore and the values for fluid and solid volume should be larger than zero,If theres still no fluid volume found in the project, then perhaps there is no internal fluid volume, because,The default analysis type is internal and,the geometry has only solid bodies without internal space in it so the program wont find any fluid body.,In this case first set up an,external flow,project in the wizard,and after having done this EFD should recognize also a fluid volume.,Step 3/4,220,Go through the EFD-Wizard and set up the EFD project,Eventually start with Heat Conduction & Conduction on Solids, only, define a dummy heat source and look whether parts which should be in thermal contact are heated in common.,Just do meshing,This was just a very shortened intro into CAD import!,Trobleshooting can be done using the support line based on the files.,Step 4,


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