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价格合适价格合适亲自来看一看亲自来看一看出售,大减价出售,大减价生日聚会生日聚会演讲比赛演讲比赛学校郊游学校郊游在校日在校日篮球赛篮球赛艺术节艺术节几岁几岁16岁岁 at a good price come and see for yourself be on sale birthday party speech contest school trip school days basketball games Art Festival how old 16 years old去看电影去看电影动作片动作片学习关于学习关于最喜欢的演员最喜欢的演员京剧京剧中国历史中国历史吃早餐吃早餐吃午餐吃午餐吃晚餐吃晚餐一些西红柿一些西红柿照照片照照片举例子举例子写下写下在周末在周末 go to a movie action movies learn about favorite actor Beijing Opera Chinese history have breakfast have lunch have supper/have dinner some tomatoes take photos for example write down at/on weekends你的生日是什么时候?你的生日是什么时候?我的生日是十月十号我的生日是十月十号你多大了?你多大了?我十六岁了我十六岁了在你学校有艺术节吗?在你学校有艺术节吗?有的有的什么时候?什么时候?它在十二月二日它在十二月二日你喜欢哪类电影?你喜欢哪类电影?When is your birthday?My birthday is October tenth.How old are you?I am 16 years old.Do you have an Art Festival at your school?Yes,we do.When is it?It is December second.What kind of movies do you like?你想去看电影吗?你想去看电影吗?不想去不想去我喜欢动作片和喜剧片我喜欢动作片和喜剧片Do you want to go to a movie?No,I dont.I like action movies and comedies.她喜欢恐怖电影,但不喜欢记录片她喜欢恐怖电影,但不喜欢记录片She likes thrillers but she doesnt like documentaries.序数词:序数词:1-10 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth11-20 eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth时间的表达法:时间的表达法:in on at _ 1997 _ April _ March 5th _ Sunday _ Monday morning _ the morning _ night _ July,2004 _ noon _ a cold evening in in on on on in at in at on 时间的表达法时间的表达法:月份:月份:月月月月月月月月月月月月January February March April May June月月月月月月月月月月月月July August SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember时间的几种不同问法:时间的几种不同问法:今天是星期几?今天是星期几?今天是几号?今天是几号?现在是几点?现在是几点?什么时候是你的生日?什么时候是你的生日?What day is it today?Whats the date today?What time is it?/Whats the time?When is your birthday?名词所有格:名词所有格:在有生命的名词后加在有生命的名词后加S:在有生命的复数名词后加在有生命的复数名词后加在特殊复数名词后加在特殊复数名词后加S Marys,Tinas students childrens表示几个人共同拥有的东西时表示几个人共同拥有的东西时,只需在最后一个只需在最后一个人后加人后加S表示几个人分别拥有表示几个人分别拥有,要在名字后分别加要在名字后分别加SLucy and Lilys motherToms and Peters books1.Mary is flying to France too soon.She will arrive _ Paris _ the morning of July 9.A.at;in B.in;on C.in;to D.at;atB2.This isnt Marys room.Its _.A.Jims B.Jim C.Jims D.Jims motherA3.This room is _.A.Jenny and Mary B.Jennys and Marys C.Jenny and Marys D.Jennys and MaryC 4.These are _ classrooms.A.Tom and Bob B.Toms and Bobs C.Toms and Bobs D.Tom and BobsB5.We have great bags_ only¥12.A.for B.at C.of D.onA6.You can buy socks _ boys _ only¥5 each.A.to;to B.for;to C.for;for D.to;forC7.I cant find my book.I want you _ me.A.help B.helps C.to help D.helpingC9.When he heard the news,he couldnt help_.A.to cry B.cry C.crying D.cried C with ones help=with the help of sb help yourself to sth.cant help doing sth-_ the price of these books?-They are two dollars.A.How much are B.Whats B.C.How many are D.WhatreBShe walked into the office _ a smile on her face.A.had B.with C.and D.haveB


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