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语法填空 语法填空 1一一一一根据句子结构,确定根据句子结构,确定根据句子结构,确定根据句子结构,确定词性词性词性词性动词动词名词名词形容词形容词副词副词冠词冠词介词介词连词连词代词代词词性词性一一般般有有提提示示词词无无提提示示词词(实词)(虚词)一根据句子结构,确定词性动词冠词词性一般有无(实词)(虚词2二根据上下文意义及语法,确定二根据上下文意义及语法,确定二根据上下文意义及语法,确定二根据上下文意义及语法,确定词形词形词形词形冠词冠词定冠词定冠词,不定冠词不定冠词并列句及复合句并列句及复合句非谓语非谓语非谓语非谓语非谓语动词非谓语动词 to do,doing,done 及变形及变形谓语动词的时态及语态谓语动词的时态及语态,及主谓一致及主谓一致连词连词连词连词介词介词介词介词介词的常用用法及词组搭配介词的常用用法及词组搭配词性变化词性变化词性变化词性变化词汇词汇,构词法构词法谓语动词谓语动词代词代词代词代词人称代词,物主代词,不定代词,人称代词,物主代词,不定代词,指示代词,反身代词指示代词,反身代词二根据上下文意义及语法,确定词形冠词定冠词,不定冠词并列句3根据语义根据语义,确定词确定词形形分析句子分析句子,确定词确定词性性解题四步走提示:四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据每一个语法填空的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据通读全文通读全文,理解大意理解大意检查搭配检查搭配,前后连贯前后连贯根据语义,确定词形分析句子,确定词性解题四步走提示:四步走4动动 词词动 词5谓语动词谓语动词1.I was certain she would like it because I _ 1.I was certain she would like it because I _(tell)by my classmates that she loved hot food.(tell)by my classmates that she loved hot food.2.His fear of failure _(keep)him from 2.His fear of failure _(keep)him from classroom games that other children played with classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon.joyous abandon.was toldwas told keptkept考查语法点考查语法点:谓语动词的时态及语态谓语动词的时态及语态,及主谓一致及主谓一致谓语动词 有提示词1.I was certain she 6例例1He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen.Suddenly,he_(find)that he had run out of salt.So Nick calledfound例例2Last year,my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation.but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake.We _(tell)that our rooms hadnt been reserved for that weekwere told例1He was cooking some delici7助动词助动词例例1 How much _ he charge you for repairing the bicycle just now?did助动词8例例2To tell you the truth,Tom _ take my pen by mistake yesterday,but he has said sorry to me.did 强调行为动词一般现在时和一般过去时的谓语动词的do,d9例例3 Not only _ he do well in his study,but also he is always ready to help others.does 构成部分倒装的do,does,did.10例例4I _ have gone to the school library,but it rained heavily,so I did not.分析分析表示表示“本应该做某事,但事实上却没有做本应该做某事,但事实上却没有做”,用,用should have done sth.表示,故填表示,故填should。常用情态动词的基本用法。11非谓语动词非谓语动词1.We must also consider the reaction of the person 1.We must also consider the reaction of the person _(receive)the gift._(receive)the gift.2.I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left 2.I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left _(complete)the rest!_(complete)the rest!3.My pupils,Donnie _(include),adored her.3.My pupils,Donnie _(include),adored her.receivingreceiving to completeto complete includedincluded考查语法点考查语法点:非谓语动词及变形的使用非谓语动词及变形的使用非谓语动词 有提示词1.We must also cons12例例1Sue got home,_(feel)very tired.feeling例例2_(build)in 1192,the bridge is over 700 years old.Built例例3It has been his dream _(travel)round the world.to travel例1Sue got home,_(feel)13例例4_(collect)stamps seems to be his main hobby.Collecting例例5I didnt talk much to the man _(sit)next to me.sitting例例6She avoided _(answer)the teachers questions.answering例4_(collect)stamps se14名名 词词名 词15名词名词例例1We were poor in those _(day).days例例2 Its about an _(hour)drive from here.hours例1We were poor in those _16形容词和副词形容词和副词形容词和副词17形容词形容词副词副词1.One of the _(bad)gift choices I ever made One of the _(bad)gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher was for my high school English teacher 2.We were both laughing the whole time at our 2.We were both laughing the whole time at our complete inability to communicate in plete inability to communicate in words.When it was time to leave,I said“thank you”in When it was time to leave,I said“thank you”in Korean,using some of the few words I had learned.I Korean,using some of the few words I had learned.I felt _(lonely)than I had expected that felt _(lonely)than I had expected that night.night.3.3.Lucille Clifton is an award-winning poet and writer.Lucille Clifton is an award-winning poet and writer.Critics call her one of the _(great)writers Critics call her one of the _(great)writers of our time.of our time.worstworstless lonelyless lonelygreatestgreatest形容词 有提示词One of the _ 18比较等级比较等级例例1It takes _(little)time to go there by plane than by train.less例例2My pronunciation is poor.His is even _(bad).worse比较等级例2My pronunciation is po19例例3Hainan is Chinas second _(large)island.largest例例4Mr.Li,our English teacher,is one of the _(nice)people I know.nicest例3Hainan is Chinas second _20连连 词词连 词21连词或从句引导词连词或从句引导词1.Historically,it was famous for industry,which explains 1.Historically,it was famous for industry,which explains _the area is called the Black Country._the area is called the Black Country.2.It got its name during the industrial revolution,2.It got its name during the industrial revolution,_ _ factory pollution turned the local skies black and local factory pollution turned the local skies black and local dust from the mines made the soil the same color.dust from the mines made the soil the same color.3.Jane paused in front of a counter _ some 3.Jane paused in front of a counter _ some attractive ties were on display.attractive ties were on display.4.One day,he came up with an idea _ he would 4.One day,he came up with an idea _ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.pluck up all of his crop a few inches.whywhy whenwhen考查语法点考查语法点:各类复合句中连词,引导词的用法各类复合句中连词,引导词的用法wherewherethatthat连词或从句引导词 无提示词1.Historically,22例例1 As a citizen,you must obey the law _ you will be punished.or“否则否则”。例例2 He likes cats _ dislikes dogs.but例例3He came to me in the belief _ I could help him.that例1 As a citizen,you must ob23例例4 Owing to lack of time,we cannot do more than _ we have done.what例例5I met someone _ said he knew you.who例例6 Li Ming won first prize in the competition,_ made his father pleased.which例4 Owing to lack of time,we24代代 词词代 词25代词代词考查语法点考查语法点:代词的基本用法代词的基本用法1.She remembered how difficult 1.She remembered how difficult _ was to choose was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.a suitable Christmas present for her father.2.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my 2.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in my village,I wanted to reward the old friends in my village,I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused _.woman for the trouble I had caused _.3.It has been said before,but experiencing it myself has 3.It has been said before,but experiencing it myself has made _ want to say it again:a smilemade _ want to say it again:a smile itherhermeme代词 无提示词考查语法点:代词的基本用法1.She re26例例1 The manager was about to leave when his secretary called _ back.him例例2When I looked into their eyes,I found they didnt care,which told me it would be useless,but when I looked into _,I saw kindness.yours例1 The manager was about to 27例例3 The children amused _(they)by playing hide-and-seek games.themselves“amuse oneself(自娱自乐自娱自乐)”类似的短语还有类似的短语还有enjoy oneself(玩得开心玩得开心),teach oneself(自自学学),adapt oneself(适应适应),dress oneself(自己穿衣自己穿衣),devote oneself to(致力于致力于),by oneself(单独地单独地)等。等。例3 The children amused _28冠冠 词词冠 词293.the head of the village was tying up his horse to 3.the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to my car to pull it to small town some 20 small town some 20 kilometers away kilometers away 4.I still remember taking _ visiting friend from 4.I still remember taking _ visiting friend from Canada to a local Black Country pub for lunch.Canada to a local Black Country pub for lunch.冠词冠词1.There once were a goat and a donkey.So the 1.There once were a goat and a donkey.So the farmer killed _ goat and gave the donkey farmer killed _ goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart.medicine made from its heart.2.When I see a child subject to this kind of pressure,I 2.When I see a child subject to this kind of pressure,I think of Donnie.He was _ shy,nervous think of Donnie.He was _ shy,nervous perfectionist.perfectionist.the a a考查语法点考查语法点:定冠词定冠词,不定冠词的用不定冠词的用法法 a a a a3.the head of the village wa30 解题技巧解题技巧 下列情况很可能填 :(1)_+可数名词(单数);(2)_+形容词+可数名词(单数)。下列情况下很可能填 :(1)_(+定语)+名词+of等介词短语(表示特指);(2)_(+定语)+名词+定语从句(表示特指);(3)_(+定语)+名词+不定式短语或分词短语(表示特指)。不定冠词不定冠词定冠词定冠词解题技巧下列情况下很可能填 31例例1It was _ third time I had been there.the例例2 This is _ most boring film Ive ever seen.the例例3 He is _ honest businessman,according to what everyone says.an例1It was _ third time I 32介介 词词介 词33介词介词1.In short,I believe that it is _ great use to keep 1.In short,I believe that it is _ great use to keep a dairy in English a dairy in English 2.When I took the money from her grandparents,I 2.When I took the money from her grandparents,I looked back _the girl,who was giving me the looked back _the girl,who was giving me the most optimistic,largest smile I had ever seen.most optimistic,largest smile I had ever seen.3.She found some good quality pipes3.She found some good quality pipes_ _ sale.sale.4.He was very tired 4.He was very tired _ _ doing this for a whole doing this for a whole dayday ofof atat考查语法点考查语法点:介词的基本用法及惯用搭配介词的基本用法及惯用搭配ononfrom/afterfrom/after介词 无提示词:注意搭配问题1.In short,I b34例例1 I am grateful to you _ helping me.for例例2_ time going by,I gradually realize the importance of health.WithWith time going by=As time goes by随着时间的流逝。随着时间的流逝。例1 I am grateful to you _35词性转换词性转换词性转换36词性转换词性转换1.“Thirty-five cents,”she said _(rude).1.“Thirty-five cents,”she said _(rude).2.As far as I am concerned,my _ 2.As far as I am concerned,my _(suggest)is that we should always have a notebook(suggest)is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English within easy reach.and a Chinese-English within easy reach.3.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in 3.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their _(nature)course.their _(nature)course.4._(doubt),although there is still room 4._(doubt),although there is still room for improvement to this policy,I think it is still a for improvement to this policy,I think it is still a good one which brings more good than harm to the good one which brings more good than harm to the students and the nation.students and the nation.rudelyrudely suggestionsuggestion考查语法点考查语法点:各类词性的正确使用及转化各类词性的正确使用及转化naturalnaturalUndoubtedlyUndoubtedly词性转换 有提示词1.“Thirty-five cents37词类转换词类转换 例例1Several children are away from school because of _(ill).illness词类转换38例例2 This is the only reference book that I find _(use).useful 作定语、补语、表语,用形容词。亦即,形容词在句中是作定语39例例3I arrived late but _(luck),the meeting had been delayed.luckily 作状语,用副词修饰动词、形容词或另一副词,或修饰全句。亦40Thank you!Thank 41


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