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范文背诵:The Importance of AgricultureAgriculture is the foundation of the national economy.It is known that man has to eat before he can do anything.Without grain production,the development of industry and the advance in science and technology would not be guaranteed.If food shortage occurs,a country will be faced with famine and social panic,to say nothing of its effect on the economy.Special emphasis,therefore,is laid on agriculture in the development counties.In these countries,priority is given to production of farm machines and fertilizer.Great efforts are made to teach farmers the methods of scientific farming.These wise policies are beginning to bring about an increase in grain output.However,many developing countries are still confronted with agricultural problems,such as the overworked soil,low productivity,lack of labor force,and so on.Therefore,positive steps should be taken as soon as possible to solve these problems.农业的重要性农业是国民经济的基础。众所周知,民以食为天。没有粮食生产,工业的发展和科学技术的进步将不会得到保证。如果食物短缺,一个国家将面临饥荒和社会恐慌,更不用说它对经济的影响。因此,发展中国家特别强调对农业的发展。这些国家优先考虑农业机械和化肥的生产,尽最大努力教农民科学种田的方法。这些明智的政策开始带来粮食产量的增加。然而,许多发展中国家仍面临着农业问题,如土壤过度利用、生产率低、劳动力缺乏等等。因此,应尽快采取积极措施来解决这些问题。1struggle vi.&n斗争;拼搏;努力struggle _ sth./to do sth.为奋斗/努力去做2 decade n 十 年(期)_ the past/last five decades在过去的50年里.词汇与拓展for for 3rid vt.摆脱;除去rid._使摆脱除去4 equip vt.&vi.配 备;装 备equip._.用装备5regret vt.&n遗憾;惋惜;后悔regret _ sth.后悔做过某事regret _ sth.遗憾地去做某事of with doing to do 6focus n焦点,中心点;vt.集中;聚焦focus _集中(注意力、精力等)于7 reduce vt.减 少;减 缩 reduce sth._.减少了/到8 summary n 总 结;摘 要;概 要_ summary总的来说on by/to in 9comment n评论;议论;vt.&vi.作出评论;表达意见make comments _ sth.对某事作出评论comment _ sth.对某事作出评论10output n产量;输出;vt.输出put _扑灭;生产,制造;出版;公布on on/upon out 1_ adj.晒黑的;晒伤的sun n太阳2hunger n饥饿;欲望;v.(使)饥饿_ adj.饥饿的3disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的_ adj.烦 恼 的;心 神 不 安 的_ vt.打扰;弄乱,搞乱;使不安,使烦恼sunburnt hungry disturbed disturb 4expand vt.&vi.使变大;伸展_ n扩展/扩张/扩大;膨胀5 circulate vt.&vi.循 环;流 传_ n循环6freedom n自由;自主_ adj.自由的;有空的_ adv.自由地;畅通地7export vt.&vi.输出;出口_ v输入;进口expansion circulation free freely import 8 occupation n 工 作;职 业;占 领_ vt.使用,占用;占据,占领9confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难_ adj.迷惑的;糊涂的_ adj.令人困惑的;难以理解的10chemical adj.化学的;关于化学的_ n化学_ n药剂师;药商;化学家occupy confused confusing chemistry chemist 11production n生产,制造_ vt.生产;制造_ n产品12 nutrition n 营 养;滋 养;食 物_ adj.有营养的;营养丰富的produce product nutritious People struggled against hunger for several decades,but to their regret,they still couldnt increase the output of grain production.Therefore hunger was a disturbing problem then.根据句意用框中所给词的适当形式填空export,confuse,regret,reduce,comment,struggle,hunger,expand,circulate,therefore1He has been _ for success in business.2 At that time,many people went _ in many parts of the countryside.3Dr.Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without _ the area of the fields.4The news of her death _ quickly.5 I no longer have the support in the committee.I have _ decided to resign.690%of the products are _ to Europe.7The _ speech that he made at the meeting left us all _.8Much to my _,I cant attend the party.9Theyve _ the prices in the shop,so its good time to buy.10The spokesman refused to _ on the matter.【答案】1.struggling2.hungry3.expanding4circulated5.therefore6.exported7confusing;confused8.regret9.reduced10comment翻译下列必背短语。1幸亏;由于;因为_2逐渐增强;建立;开发_3使摆脱除去 _4对感到满意 _5集中(注意力、精力等)于_.短语与运用thanks to build up rid.ofbe satisfied with focus on6宁愿;宁可_7使免受(影响、伤害等)_8对作出评论 _9导致;造成(后果)_10有做某事的自由 _would ratherkeep.free from/ofmake a comment onlead tobe free to do sth.【活学活用】根据括号里的解释,用恰当的短语完成下列句子。1When asked about the date of the election,the Prime Minister _ that no decision had yet been made.(give an opinion,explain)2I _ remain poor than get money by dishonest means.(prefer to)3 I am so tired that I cant _ anything today.(pay full attention to)4Traffic is _ on roads into the city.(become greater,more numerous or more intense)5The exposure of the diary _ many officials being caught.(to have sth.as a result)【答案】1.made a comment2.would rather3focus on4.building up5.led totake up the struggle开始斗争struggle against/with同作斗争;与抗争1struggle v斗争;拼搏;奋斗;n.斗争;奋斗;搏斗struggle with.for.为争取而与作斗争struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来struggle for.为而斗争用struggle短语的适当形式填空(1)Even today folks living at the bottom of society_survival.(2)She_and continued walking.【答案】(1)are struggling for(2)struggled to her feet2expand v扩大;增加;扩展expand.into把扩展为expand on/upon阐述,详谈expansion n扩大;扩张The idea has expanded to many other American cities,and even to Hong Kong.这个观念已经传播到美国许多城市,甚至传到了香港。用括号内单词的正确形式填空(1)The _(expand)of the factory will mean the _(employ)of sixty extra workers.(2)Indeed some fields are _(expand)so_(quick)that even the experts in that field have trouble _(keep)up.【答案】(1)expansion;employment(2)expanding;quickly;keeping 3regret v遗憾;后悔regret doing/having done sth.后悔做了某事regret to say/tell/inform.遗憾地说/告诉/通知with great/deep regret很遗憾to ones regret令某人遗憾的是I now regret having made/making a promise that I would join the scheme.我现在后悔答应参加该计划。完成句子(1)I regret _ that I cannot help you.很抱歉,我不能帮你的忙。(2)_,I must leave now.非常抱歉,我现在必须走了。【答案】(1)to say(2)Much to my regretcomment on/upon评论,评说make comments on/upon对发表评论no comment无可奉告4comment n议论;评论;v.表达意见;评论.,in which users will be encouraged to add to and comment on the material.在这里鼓励用户对阅读材料进行添加评论。完成句子(1)He _(做了一些评论)the recent development just now.(2)The manager was not available for _.经理抽不出时间来做评论。【答 案】(1)made some comments on(2)commentequip.with.用装备equip sb.for(doing)sth.使某人为(做)某事而准备be equipped to do sth.使某人有准备做某事a piece of equipment一件设备5equip v配备;装备;使有所准备;使有能力Children get free equipment for their online education.孩子们接受网上教育可以获得免费的设备。完成句子(1)Your education will _ your future life.你所接受的教育将使你能适应今后的生活。(2)She was fully _ the climbing.她装备齐全准备登山。【答案】(1)equip you for(2)equipped forturn up找到;出现;调大set up建立_ up编造;化妆bring up抚养;呕吐take up占据;从事6build up建立,确立;增进;扩大On the contrary,Mary Ruebush,an American immunologist(免疫学家),encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system.相反,一位美国免疫学家Mary Ruebush鼓励孩子们在灰尘中玩耍来增强免疫力。用以上短语的适当形式填空(1)You need rest to _ your strength after your illness.(2)They have_a powerful army.(3)Listening to her complaints _ much of my precious time during my last trip.【答案】make(1)build up(2)built up(3)took up(1)lead to中to是介词,后跟名词、代词v.ing形式。lead sb.ton.带领某人进入,引导某人lead sb.to do sth.使得某人做某事(2)lead a.life过着的生活(3)in the lead领先;处于首位_ the lead带头;领先7lead to导致,造成(后果)(cause,result in,bring about);通向But that often leads to reduced value over time,in the form of lowerquality products and services.但是随着时间的流逝,那样通常会导致价值的降低,以质量低的产品和服务表现出来。用适当的介词填空(1)Carefulness leads _/results _/causes/brings _ success while failure may lie in/result from carelessness.(2)All roads lead _ Rome.【答案】take(1)to;in;about(2)to1Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer.尽管袁隆平是中国最著名的科学家之一,但他仍然认为自己是一个农民句式提取:Although.引导让步状语从句单句改错Although he has made great achievements,but he still works hard.【答案】but去掉改为yet2Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁隆平种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种。句式提取:what is called.是what引导的宾语从句,在从句中作主语句式仿写这朵花的颜色与它早晨时的颜色不同。The color of the flower is different from _ in the morning.【答案】what it was3Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil,making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.像豌豆、大豆一类的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤,使之适宜于种植那些要求土壤肥沃的农作物,例如小麦玉米。句式提取:making it.是现在分词短语作结果状语句式仿写他们遇上了交通堵塞,因而迟到了。They were caught in a traffic jam,_ _.【答案】thus causing the delay1Have you ever grown any plants?If so,what did you do to grow them?If not,what kind of plant would you like to try growing?你曾种植过植物吗?如果种过,为了种植它们你都做了什么?如果没有,你想尝试种植哪种植物?分析:if so意为“如果是这样的话”,是if 引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意义,则用if not。(1)If so,find out what would need to change.如果是这样,请找出需要改变的事项。(2)Wash it in water,pick out the small particles,if any.在水里洗一洗,如果有小颗粒,就挑出来。(3)If possible,you should try it once more.如果可能的话,你应该再试一次。(4)If necessary,Ill go there myself.如果必要的话,我将亲自去那儿一趟。句子翻译Is this a onetime thing or an emergency?If so,you dont have to buy anything,but it would be kind if you did.However,if you regularly use the bathroom at this place,then you are a customer,and you should act like one.(2014辽宁)_【答案】这是一个一次性事件者紧急情况吗?如果是这样,那么你不需要买任何东西,但如果你买了也不为过。不过,如果你经常使用这里的洗手间,那么你就是一位顾客,你应该像一位顾客那样做。2 One dream is not always enough,especially for a person who loves and cares for his people.一个梦想总是不够的,尤其对一个热爱和关心人民的人来说更是如此。分析:not always在此表示部分否定含全体概念的代词、形容词副词,如all,both,every,everyone,everything,everybody,everywhere,entirely,altogether,whole,completely,always,often等与not搭配连用时,表示部分否定,意为“并非都是,不是每个都是”等。(1)Not all my classmates are League members.All my classmates are not League members.并非我的所有的同学都是团员。(2)Not both of them are doctors.Both of them are not doctors.他们两个并不都是医生。(3)Not every man can do it.Every man can not do it.不是每个人都能做这件事。句子翻译Not all historical buildings are attractive.However,there may be other reasons for example,economic reasons why they should be preserved.(2014安徽)_【答案】并不是所有的历史建筑都具有吸引力。但是,可能还有其他原因例如,经济原因为什么它们应该被保留下来。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)括号内单词的正确形式。Every day has the potential to be a good and,in some cases,a great day for you.Few of us get up in the morning 1._(think)that we want this to be a bad day.Yet in many cases the day turns that way because of a person or an event that we worry about.Think about those small _2._(event)which can throw you off balance and affect your whole day _3._(negative).Who stole your day?Was it a boss,an unruly child,an erratic driver on the way to work,getting _4._“F”on a history paper,or an _5._(polite)waiter at lunch that did?Every day numerous people or events can prevent us from 6._(have)a good day,if we let them.The key is that we should adopt a positive attitude towards life.We cannot control 7._ happens to us in many cases,but we can control how we react 8._ these events.Laotzu,a Chinese philosopher,9._(say),“He who conquers others is strong;he who conquers 10._(he)is mighty.”【答案与解析】1thinking【解析】这句话的谓语动词是get up,空格前没有关联词,可见think要用非谓语动词形式,因与主语是主动关系,故用thinking。2events【解析】根据前面those可知后接复数名词,故用events。3negatively【解析】修饰动词affect用副词。4an【解析】表泛指,因“F”是元音音素开头,故用an。5impolite【解析】不礼貌的服务员才会让人不开心,故用impolite。6having【解析】根据固定搭配:prevent sb.from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”。7what【解析】引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语,用连接代词what。8to【解析】固定用法,react只能接to之后才能接宾语,与respond to“对做出反应”相似。9said【解析】因老子是古人,故要用一般过去时。10himself【解析】前面有人称代词he,再次提到时要用反身代词。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。One woman is having a very merry Christmas,indeed,all thanks to the honesty and determination of a complete stranger.“When I saw it,I said,God,this is really a pretty _1_.Somebodys going to heartbroken,”said Shirley Grandey,62,who was a volunteer for keeping the environment clean.When Grandey was _2_a large pile of pine needles and dirt at the end of her hard work day,she never _3_ to come across someones diamond ring lying alone among a pile of _4_.Knowing the ring probably had special _5_,Grandey held onto the jewelry and made it her _6_to find the owner.“I said,Oh God,I have to find the _7_,”recalled Grandey before making the decision to contact the TV station,to help _8_ the word.“It was definitely a _9_ ring.It was intertwined(缠绕)and had their _10_ on it.”Her efforts _11_.“The brother of the girl saw it on _12_ and told her,”said Grandey,who couldnt have been happier to return the _13_ ring to its original owner,Julie Sanalitro.“I was screaming and running around the house,”Sanalitro told the news station.“We always come to _14_our tree from there to celebrate Christmas Day,”she said.When Sanalitro called to _15_ the ring,she explained it was a gift from her boyfriend,who had only given it to her two months ago when they _16_ reunited.She was not only able to _17_ answer all of Grandeys questions about the ring,_18_ she was the original owner,but Grandey added,“I knew it was hers the moment she was walking up.”“We just hugged each other and she had a few tears,”the _19_ volunteer explained.All that Crandey asks from this _20_ is simply for people to“pay it forward.”She said.“I would want someone to give it back to me if I lost my ring,so just try to pay it forward.”1Agift BhandkerchiefCnecklace Dring2Aputting away Bcleaning upCkeeping up Dbringing up3Aexpected BwantedCunderstood Dimagined4Afurniture BequipmentCluggage Dgarbage5Aobject BdesignCvalue Dform6Aduty BworkCability Dagreement7Adesigner BownerCphotographer Dartist8Aprint BexploreCspread Dwrite9Aluck Bwedding Cmarriage Dlove10Aphotos Bnames Caddresses Dwords11Apaid off Bpaid up Cpaid back Dpaid out12Atelevision Btelephone Cradio Dphone13Anice Blost Cugly Dlovely14Atake Bbuy Cget Dlift15Arescue Btransport Cconvey Ddescribe16Arecently BimmediatelyCactively Dlikely17Asuccessfully Bproperly Cobviously Dsimilarly18Aremembering BensuringCforgetting Dtelling19Akind BangryCclose Dlearned20Aaccident Borigin Cexperience Devidence【答案与解析】【文章大意】62岁的清洁工志愿者捡到了一枚钻戒,工作的职责心使她一定要找到失主,她通过联系电视台找到了焦急的失主,而她只要求大家能通过把爱传递下去来改造世界!1D【解析】A意为礼物;B手帕;C项链;D戒指。根据下文“she never to come across someones diamond ring lying alone among a pile of.”得知她捡到一个钻戒。2B【解析】A意为收起来;B清扫;C保持;D抚养。从上文“who was a volunteer for keeping the environment clean.”得 知 62岁 的Grandey是一名清洁工志愿者,在打扫卫生清理松针和一些垃圾。3A【解析】A意为期待;B想要;C理解;D想象。因为当时在清理垃圾,她没有想到会偶然在垃圾中捡到别人的钻戒。4D【解析】A意为家具;B设备;C行李;D垃圾。根据“When Grandey was cleaning up a large pile of pine needles and dirt at the end of her hard work day,”因为当时是在忙碌一天快结束时清理垃圾,偶然在垃圾中捡到别人的钻戒。5C【解析】A意为物体;B设计;C价值 D形成。根据下一句“made it her to find the owner.”她认为找到失主是她的责任。是因为她知道戒指对于失主来说一定有特别的价值。6A【解析】A意为职责;B工作;C能力;D同意。因为她知道戒指对于失主来说一定有特别的价值。她认为找到失主是她的责任。7B【解析】A意为设计者;B拥有者;主人;C摄影师;D艺术家。根据上文made it her to find the owner.得知这里在说她一定要找到戒指的主人。8C【解析】A意为打印;B探索;C扩散;传播;D书写。她选择联系电视台来帮助她传达她的话语。9D【解析】A意为运气;B婚礼;C婚姻;D爱情。这枚戒指一定是一个爱情的见证。10B【解析】A意为照片;B姓名;C地址;D话语。戒指被缠绕着还刻有他们的姓名。11A【解析】A意为偿还清;有回报;B全部付清;C偿还;D报复。因为她联系到了失主,她的努力总算有回报了。12A【解析】A意为电视;B电话;C收音机;D手机。根据上文她选择通过电视台来帮助她传达她的话语,得知失主的哥哥是通过看电视知道这件事的。13B【解析】A意为好的;B迷失的;C丑陋的;D可爱的。根据上文她捡到戒指,得知能归还给失主丢了的戒指她非常开心。14C【解析】A意为带走;B购买;C得到;D提升。我当时在房子周围大叫奔跑,我们总是来到这里得到我们的圣诞树来庆祝圣诞节日。15D【解析】A意为营救;B运输;C传达;D描述。当失主Sanalitro打电话来描述她的戒指时,她说那是男友给她的礼物。16A【解析】A意为最近;B立刻;C积极;D可能的。她的男友在最近两个月前重逢时送给她的礼物。17A【解析】A意为成功;B合适;C明显;D相似。Sanalitro不仅能成功回答出Grandey对戒指提出的相关问题。18B【解析】A意为记得;B确保;C忘记;D告知。这些有关戒指问题能确保Sanalitro就是戒指的失主。19A【解析】A意为善良的;B生气的;C亲近的;D有学识的。这位志愿者经过努力找到了戒指的失主,得知她是一个善良的人。20C【解析】A意为事故;B起源;C经历;D证据。通过这次寻找失主的经历,志愿者Crandey只简单地要求人们能够把爱传递出去。.阅读理解推理判断技巧推理判断题的信息词及选项【技巧点拨】推理判断的答案在原文中是不能直接找到的,其设题特点是在四个选项中有一两个选项是原文中的细节,这是出题人设计的陷阱,使有些同学错选了细节选项还不知道错在哪里。所以记住:只要题干有suggest,infer,indicate,conclude,imply等词,其答案一定是在原文中没有直接表达出来的,千万不要错选了细节选项。【活学活用】阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I used to think of myself as a person learned in books,but my bookshelves told a different story.Apart from a few Indian novels and an Australian book,my literature collection only consisted of British and American titles.Worse still,I couldnt ever found anything in translation.My reading was limited to stories by English speaking authors.So,at the start of 2012,I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country in a year to find out what I was missing.With no idea where to get those books,I was unlikely to find publications from nearly 200 nations on the shelves of my local bookshop,so I decided to ask the readers all over the world for help.I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English.The response was amazing.People all over the world were getting in touch with me,offering ideas and book lists.Some posted me books from their home countries.In addition,several writers,like Turkmenistans Ak Welsapar and Panamas Juan David Morgan,sent me unpublished translations of their novels,giving me a rare opportunity to read works unavailable in Britain.One by one,the books from the countries on the list filled my heart with laughter,love,anger,hope and fear.Lands that had once seemed exotic and remote became close and familiar to me.At its best,I learned,reading makes the world real.1The author realized she was not a learned person when she found _.Ashe could do nothing but read booksB she had never been to Indian and AustralianCshe didnt have any translated booksD she could only read simple English stories2What was the challenge the author set for herself?AReading books from nearly 200 countries in a year.BCreating a blog to offer help to other readers.CLooking for publications to publish her own books.DGiving some suggestions on learning English.3Which of the following is NOT the help from people around the world?AOffering book names.BPosting local books.CGiving financial supports.DSending unpublished translations.4It was not easy to find the books mainly because _.Athe readers were unwilling to offer helpBthere were too few translations in the UKCthe author had no time and no chance to do itDthe writers didnt want to publish their books【答案与解析】1C【解析】根据第一段最后两句可知,作者找不到任何作品的译本,阅读仅限于由英语为母语的作家写的书。2A【解析】第二段中所说的是我为自己立下的一个挑战,在一年内读完来自世界各国的一本书。3C【解析】通过第四段可知,C项不正确。4B【解析】第四段最后一句话,在美国出版的文学作品中译本只占4.5%。故B项正确。.七选五阅读 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Most cars have seat belts as part of their equipment.Seat belts protect drivers and passengers in case of accidents.They also reduce the effect of a crash on the body._1_Worldwide,the devices have protected up to a million people.America first recognized the invention of an automobile seat belt in 1849.The government gave a patent to an engineer named Edward Claghorn of New York City so that others would not copy his invention of a safety device._2_This early version of safety belt was said to include hooks and other attachments for securing the person to a fixed object.Other inventors followed with different versions of the seat belt._3_It resulted from the work of a Swedish engineer,Nils Bohlin.His threepoint,lap and shoulder seat belt first appeared on cars in Europe 50 years ago.Nils Bohlin recognized that both the upper and lower body needed to be held securely in place.His invention contained a cloth strap(带子)that was placed across the chest and another strap across the hips._4_Volvo was the first company to offer the modern seat belt to its cars.This company also provided use of Nils Bohlins design to other carmakers._5_He received a gold medal from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 1995.He died in Sweden in 2002.AThe Swedish engineer won many honors for his seat belt.B Claghorn was a promising young engineer with many honors all his life.CThe design joined the straps next to the hip.DThere are many companies adopting Nils Bohlins invention of the seat belt.ESafety experts say that seat belts save thousands of lives a year in America alone.FBut more than 100 years passed before the current seat belt was developed.GClaghorn called his invention a safety belt.【答案与解析】【文章大意】本文讲述安全带的历史。1E【解析】根据下一句“Worldwide,the devices have protected up to a million people.”在全世界范围安全带挽救了一百多万人的生命。故E项正确:在美国安全带挽救了成千上万的人的生命。先说安全带在美国的作用,然后再说安全带在全世界的作用。2 G【解 析】根 据 前 面 一 句“The government gave a patent to an engineer named Edward Claghorn of New York City so that others would not copy his invention of a safety device.”这一句交代安全带的发明者申请了专利,接下来这一句应该是发明者对这一发明的命名。故G项符合上下文。3 F【解 析】根 据 前 一 句“Other inventors followed with different versions of the seat belt.”可知其他的发明者有不同版本的安全带的式样,接着这一句应该叙述现在的安全带的式样的确定。故F项正确:100多年过去了,现在安全带的式样被确定下来了。4C【解析】根据前一句“His invention contained a cloth strap(带子)that was placed across the chest and another strap across his hips.”可知是在叙述现在的安全带的式样,C项The design joined the straps next to the hip.与上下文相符。5A【解析】根据下一句“He received a gold medal from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 1995.”可知安全带的发明者获得了很多荣誉,包括1995年的the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences。.写作步步高(一)短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Time fly like an arrow.Im already in the second half of Senior Grade 3 before I realized it.It is only a little more than three months before I graduate middle school.At the present,Im busy review my lessons in order to take the College


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