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专题三完形填空考点统计与考情分析高频考点与技巧点拨深度阅读精读精练123考点统计(略)考点统计与考情分析1.高考英语完形填空是一种旨在测试考生英语语言综合能力的填空补缺式障碍性阅读题。它以语篇信息为基础,以中心脉络为主线,综合考查考生的英语语言运用能力,包括词汇辨析能力、阅读理解能力、分析判断能力、逻辑推理能力和跨文化交际能力,是高考试题中要求最高、难度最大的一种题型。考情分析2.近三年高考完形填空的体裁主要以记叙文为主,叙中有议,文章情节完整,语言地道纯正,体现了“跨文化意识”;篇章与语句的结构富有变化,常涉及人物心理活动的细致描写,启迪性强。这就要求考生在2016年的备考中,在关注记叙文练习的同时,也应时常注重其他文体的训练。3.近三年高考完形填空把知识、教育、趣味融为一体,内容贴近学生的学习和实际生活,反映社会现实,体现人文精神,符合高中生的兴趣爱好和认知特点。话题涉及亲情感悟、生活插曲等。在2016年的备考中,精神信念、人格尊严、生活心态、人间真情、科技进步、人生感悟、合作、赏识、责任等话题仍需关注。4.高考完形填空设空以单词填空为主,短语或词组填空为辅;考查以实词为主,虚词为辅。2016年高考完形填空题的命题继续坚持“考查语境,突出语篇,注重实词”的命题原则,继续加大对实词意义辨析的考查力度,并突出考查考生的分析判断能力、连贯性思维能力和对语境的把握能力。考点1 主旨归纳高频考点与技巧点拨1234考点2 逻辑推理考点3 语境理解考点4 惯用搭配考点5 惯用搭配5678考点6 背景常识考点7 词汇辨析考点8 前后呼应根据完形填空“考查语境,突出语篇,注重实词”的命题原则,其考查的热点主要是动词、名词、形容词和副词等词类,考查的角度和考查方式通常以语境、搭配、常识、情景及篇章结构等为主。解答不同类型的题目,可采用不同的解题技巧和解题方法。主旨归纳典例1 Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 21 places of learning.(2015全国)A.public B.traditionalC.official D.special考点1答案及剖析:B考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据首句的意思及“School?A friend?A tutor?”,再结合生活常识,不难看出,这些都是传统意义上的(traditional)学习途径。public公共的;official官方的,正式的;special特别的,均不符合题意。典例2 In our modern world,when something wears out,we throw it away and buy a new one.The 36 is that countries around the world have growing mountains of 37.rubbish because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.(2015安徽)A.key B.reasonC.project D.problem答案及剖析:D本篇文章的主旨是:堆积如山的垃圾给环境带来的影响。随着社会的发展,人们倾向于扔掉用旧了的东西,以新物品取而代之。环境污染已经成了全球化的问题。故选D。利用首句信息,推测语篇主旨利用首句信息,推测语篇主旨文章首句往往概括了整篇文章的中心和作者的写作意图。细读首句可以判断文章体裁,预测文章大意或主旨。完形填空的命题原则一般是文章第一句不设空,以使考生快速进入语境,并通过这一“窗口”把握整篇文章。一般来说,记叙文类的文章首句会交代4个W(when,where,who,what),说明文类的文章首句会解释要说明的对象,议论文类的文章首句会提出一个论点。技巧点拨典例1 I was required to read one of Bernie Siegels books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on.The stories of his unconventional 36 and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so 37.amazing to me and had such a big 38.impact on how I saw life from then on.(2015江苏)A.tastes B.ideasC.notes D.memories逻辑推理考点2答案及剖析:B根据首句可知,作者读了Bernie Siegel的书,深受书中积极人生的影响,此处unconventional ideas意为“非传统的观点”与上句中“积极的人生观”呼应。故选B项。典例2 “Daily Star,sir,”called Jason,carrying some newspapers under his arm.The little boy had been running up and down the street,but there were still twenty 31 left.(2015湖北)A.shops B.coinsC.people D.papers答案及剖析:D根据首句中carrying some newspapers可知,此处表示还剩20份报纸没卖完。故选D项。识别关联词语,理清逻辑关系识别关联词语,理清逻辑关系在一篇文章中,常有一些关联词语,如表示结构层次的有firstly,secondly,thirdly,finally等;表示因果关系的有thus,therefore,so等;表示改变话题的有by the way等;表示递进关系的有besides,whats more,further等;表示时间关系的有before,so far,meanwhile,later等;表示转折关系的有but,however,yet,while,on the other hand,although等。做题时,如果能充分利用这些关联词语,就可以迅速理清文章脉络,弄清上下文的关系。技巧点拨语境理解典例1 Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 21.traditional places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want 22.lies somewhere else instead.I had the 23 of seeing this first hand on a 24 .(2015全国)23.A.dream B.ideaC.habit D.chance考点324.A.trip B.holidayC.weekend D.square答案及剖析:23.D考查语境中名词的辨析。联系下文可知,“我”有机会(chance)亲自观看了女儿的一场足球赛并领悟到了这一点。dream梦想;idea主意;habit习惯,均与语境不符。24.C考查语境中名词的辨析。作者下面叙述的几场比赛都是发生在周六和周日的,因此答案选C。典例2 When we handed him the bag of 52 ,he lit up and thanked us with 53 eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for 54.whatever his family might need,he burst into tears.(2015全国)52.A.toys B.medicineC.food D.clothes53.A.sleepy B.wateryC.curious D.sharp答案及剖析:52.C考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上文“They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.”可知,我们将这些食品递给这个人。故答案为C。53.B考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据本段结尾一句中的“.he burst into tears.”可知,这个人眼含泪水向我们表示感谢。sleepy困倦的;watery含水的;curious好奇的;sharp锐利的。由语境可知B项为正确答案。寻找暗示信息,重视语境意义寻找暗示信息,重视语境意义完形填空主要考查考生对语境的理解,设空处的前后多有暗示(后文暗示前文的居多)。所以做题时要从全局考虑,进行连贯性思维,把前后文的意思联系起来理解,这样有助于正确、快速地解题。技巧点拨典例1 The squirrels had no 12 coming up right to me for them.(2015四川)A.business B.funC.problem D.privilege答案及剖析:C business生意;fun乐趣;problem问题;privilege特权。考查短语have no problem(in)doing sth.意为“做某事没问题”。故选C。惯用搭配考点4典例2 The stories of his unconventional 36.ideas and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so 37.amazing to me and had such a big 38 on how I saw life from then on.(2015江苏)A.strike B.pushC.challenge D.impact答案及剖析:D句意为:他非传统的想法以及关于特殊病人的故事让我感到如此惊讶,对我从那以后如何看待人生产生了很大的影响。考查固定搭配have an impact on“对有影响”。注意习惯用语,熟记常见句型注意习惯用语,熟记常见句型答题时,对习惯用法、固定搭配和句子结构的分析可以帮助我们找出正确选项。同学们平时要有意识地记忆一些常用的固定搭配和习惯用法,并且要学会灵活运用。常见句型的掌握也很重要,经过反复使用的刺激后,大脑会对常见句型形成思维定势,这对确定题目答案很有帮助。技巧点拨典例1 When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for 54 his family might need,he burst into tears.(2015全国)A.whoever B.whateverC.whichever D.whenever答案及剖析:B考查代词以及对语境的理解。whoever无论谁;whatever无论什么;whichever无论哪一个;whenever无论什么时候。动词need缺少宾语,此处表示“用于买他的家人可能需要的任何东西”,故用whatever。语法分析考点5典例2 As a parent,I 29.hated seeing my daughter playing her best,30 still defeated.(2015全国)A.if B.orC.but D.as答案及剖析:C考查语境中连词的辨析。由playing her best和still defeated的语意逻辑,不难看出前后为转折关系。因此C项为正确答案。利用语法知识,确定考查项目利用语法知识,确定考查项目即通过分析句子结构来确定考查的语法项目,进而确定答案。技巧点拨典例1 Imagine the first days in a new time zone.Slow to respond to the 28 ,your body clock is confused.(2015重庆)A.flight B.changeC.demand D.climate答案及剖析:B考查名词辨析。flight航班;change变化;demand要求;climate气候。根据常识,人到了一个新时区时,生物钟就会混淆及语境可知本文是关于时差反应的,故选B项。背景常识考点6典例2 Yet,our cells simply cannot continue to reproduce 3 .(2015广东)A.rapidly B.harmlesslyC.endlessly D.separately答案及剖析:C根据常识,我们的细胞不会无止境地继续再生。所以选择endlessly“无穷尽地”。巧用背景常识,简化判断过程完形填空作为独立的语篇,以其自身的内容提供完整的语篇信息,但其中有时渗透着相关的文化科学、历史地理、风俗民情等方面的知识。学生在做题时,若能积极调动自己的文化背景知识和生活常识,特别是有关东西方文化差异的知识,并巧妙地加以运用,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时间,顺利地沿作者的思路阅读下去。技巧点拨典例1 They have loans,bills,a mortgage(抵押贷款)to 35 ,retirement to save for.(2015浙江)A.take off B.drop offC.put off D.pay off答案及剖析:D考查动词短语辨析。因为他们有借款、账单、抵押贷款要偿还。pay off付清,还清,符合语境。take off取下,起飞;drop off落下,减少;put off推迟。词汇辨析考点7典例2 It 46 that among other things,he was an eightyyearold writer.(2015江苏)A.came out B.worked outC.proved out D.turned out答案及剖析:D考查动词短语辨析。除此之外,他还是一位八十岁的作家。come out出现,出版;work out锻炼,解决,制定;prove out证明;turn out证明是,结果是。It turned out that.是固定搭配,意为“结果是,结果证明”,故选D项。牢记词汇意义,准确辨析词义牢记词汇意义,准确辨析词义掌握常用词汇、短语的意义,运用上下文的内在逻辑关系,验证每个词汇或短语的含义,然后做出正确的选择。技巧点拨典例1 Someone had left a 39 under their door during the night.One of their neighbors had written to complain(抱怨)about the sound of the piano.Darios mother asked the building superintendent(管理员)if he knew anything about it.(2015北京)A.note B.poster C.bill D.report前后呼应考点8答案及剖析:A本题是一道同义词复现题。根据文章倒数第五段中的“So I wrote a short note.”可知,是Mrs.Gilbert留的一张字条,故选A。典例2 “What if we invited them to come here for a 43 instead?”Dario asked.(2015北京)A.party B.concert C.show D.play答案及剖析:A考查名词辨析。party聚会;concert音乐会;show展览;play游戏,比赛。此题为线索题,且为原词复现,由后文中的“Finally,the day of the party.”可知母子为解决此事办了一场派对,并邀请了邻居们,故选A。觅寻上下文字,求索词汇复现觅寻上下文字,求索词汇复现在完形填空题中,学生可以利用上下文的复现信息,确定正确答案。词汇复现包括原词复现、同义词复现、反义词复现、同根词复现、概括词复现等。(1)原词复现:由于表达的需要,有时在上下文中同一词会重复出现。考生可以借助这一信息来选择答案。技巧点拨(2)同义词、近义词、反义词复现:同义词、近义词和反义词复现是借助意思相同、相近或相反的表达方式,或解释性的语言使上下文语意连贯起来。做完形填空题时,考生应注意分析上下文中出现的解释性语言。(3)同根词复现:考生还可借助复现的同根词来确定答案,如conclude,conclusion,conclusive,conclusively等。深度阅读 精读精练 记叙文123夹叙夹议文议论文41.A.Lost B.Changed C.Quit D.FinishedA(记叙文)My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend.On the way,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,“41 my job.Family to Feed.”考查语境中动词的辨析。联系下文内容及“Family to Feed.”可知这个人失业了,还要养家糊口。故答案为A。42.A.condition B.place C.sight D.show考查语境中名词的辨析。那人手里拿着一张写有“失去工作,供养家人”的纸,站在冷风中。这种情景在超市外面并不常见。condition条件;place地方;sight情景,景象;show展示。显然只有C项符合句意。At this store,a 42 like this is not normal.My 10yearold noticed him and made a 43 on how bad it must be to have to stand 44 in the cold wind.43.A.suggestion B.comment C.decision D.call考查语境中名词的辨析。十岁的孩子看到这个站在冷风中的求助者十分感慨,发表评论(comment)。suggestion建议;decision决定;call电话,均不合句意。At this store,a 42 like this is not normal.My 10yearold noticed him and made a 43 on how bad it must be to have to stand 44 in the cold wind.44.A.outside B.proudly C.by D.angrily考查语境中副词的辨析。由in the cold wind所提供的信息可以判断此人是站在超市外面的。At this store,a 42 like this is not normal.My 10yearold noticed him and made a 43 on how bad it must be to have to stand 44 in the cold wind.45.A.draw B.say C.arrange D.pick考查语境中动词的辨析。根据下文所述可知,我让孩子们挑选(pick)某种他们认为这位朋友喜欢的东西。draw绘画;say说出;arrange安排,均与语境不符。In the store,I asked each of my kids to 45 something they thought our“friend”there would 46 .They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17yearold suggested giving him a 47 .I thought about it.We were 48 on cash ourselves,46.A.order B.supply C.appreciate D.discover考查语境中动词的辨析。根据语境可知,孩子们挑选出那位“朋友”会喜欢的礼物,所以选C项(appreciate)。order订购;supply提供;discover发现。In the store,I asked each of my kids to 45 something they thought our“friend”there would 46 .They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17yearold suggested giving him a 47 .I thought about it.We were 48 on cash ourselves,47.A.dollar B.job C.hot meal D.gift card考查语境中名词的辨析。下一段“When I handed him the gift card.”一句已有暗示。In the store,I asked each of my kids to 45 something they thought our“friend”there would 46 .They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17yearold suggested giving him a 47 .I thought about it.We were 48 on cash ourselves,48.A.easy B.low C.soft D.loose考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据前面“I thought about it.”可推知,作者他们本身带的现金也不多了(low on cash,即:手头拮据)。easy容易的;low(数量等)不足的;soft柔软的;loose松散的。B项显然符合句意。In the store,I asked each of my kids to 45 something they thought our“friend”there would 46 .They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17yearold suggested giving him a 47 .I thought about it.We were 48 on cash ourselves,49.A.givingB.saving C.spending D.begging根据上文的giving以及此处语境可知,此处表达“把我们需要的,而不是富足的东西给别人,这正是我们需要做的”,所以选择giving。but.well,sometimes 49 from our need instead of our abundance is 50 what we need to do!All the kids 51 something they could do away with for the week.50.A.yet B.even C.still D.just用“just(正是,恰是)”能够体现出作者此处的情感,即:突出强调“就是需要这样做”。yet然而;even甚至;still仍然。but.well,sometimes 49 from our need instead of our abundance is 50 what we need to do!All the kids 51 something they could do away with for the week.51.A.declared B.shared C.ignored D.expected考查语境中动词的辨析。为了省出钱来去帮助别人,孩子们纷纷宣布自己这周可以舍弃不用的东西。declare 公布,宣布;share 分享,分担;ignore 忽视,不理睬;expect 期待。由句意可知答案为A。but.well,sometimes 49 from our need instead of our abundance is 50 what we need to do!All the kids 51 something they could do away with for the week.52.A.toys B.medicine C.food D.clothes考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上文“They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.”可知,我们将这些食品递给这个人。故答案为C。When we handed him the bag of 52 ,he lit up and thanked us with 53 eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for 54 his family might need,he burst into tears.53.A.sleepy B.watery C.curious D.sharp考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据本段结尾一句中的“.he burst into tears.”可知,这个人眼含泪水向我们表示感谢。sleepy困倦的;watery含水的;curious好奇的;sharp锐利的,敏捷的。由语境可知B项为正确答案。When we handed him the bag of 52 ,he lit up and thanked us with 53 eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for 54 his family might need,he burst into tears.54.A.whoeverB.whatever C.whichever D.whenever考查语境中代词的辨析。由句子结构可知,这是一个宾语从句。从句谓语动词need后缺少宾语,故可将D项排除。再结合句意“我告诉他可以用这张卡为家人购买生活必需品”可知答案为B。When we handed him the bag of 52 ,he lit up and thanked us with 53 eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for 54 his family might need,he burst into tears.55.A.experienceB.example C.message D.adventure考查语境中名词的辨析。由全文所述可知,这是一次非常棒的经历,给了孩子们莫大的鼓舞。experience经历;example例子;message口信;adventure冒险。由文意知答案为A。This has been a wonderful 55 for our family.For days the kids have been looking for others we can 56 !Things would have played out so 57 if I had simply said,56.A.rely on B.respect C.learn from D.help考查语境中动词及动词短语的辨析。帮助别人,快乐自己。接连几天,孩子们都在寻找需要帮助的人。显然,D项意思与语境相吻合。This has been a wonderful 55 for our family.For days the kids have been looking for others we can 56 !Things would have played out so 57 if I had simply said,57.A.suddenly B.vividly C.differently D.perfectly考查语境中副词的辨析。句意为:如果我当时告诉孩子们没有钱去帮助更多的人,事情可能会完全不同,他们可能就不会有这样的举动。suddenly突然地;vividly生 动 地;differently不 同 地;perfectly完美地。由句意可知C项为正确答案。This has been a wonderful 55 for our family.For days the kids have been looking for others we can 56 !Things would have played out so 57 if I had simply said,58.A.time B.power C.patience D.money考查语境中名词的辨析。见上题解析。“No,we really dont have 58 to give more.”Stepping out not onlyhelped a brother in 59 ,it also gave my kids the 60 taste of helping others.Itll go a long way with them.59.A.fear B.love C.need D.memory考查语境中名词的辨析。综合前文所叙述的经历可知,我和孩子们帮助了一位处于困境中的人。in need患难,急需,处于困境中,符合语境。“No,we really dont have 58 to give more.”Stepping out not onlyhelped a brother in 59 ,it also gave my kids the 60 taste of helping others.Itll go a long way with them.60.A.strong B.sweet C.strange D.simpl考查语境中形容词的辨析。纵观全文,作者与孩子们的这一善举让他们品尝到了帮助别人的甜蜜,正所谓“赠人玫瑰,手留余香”。故答案为B。“No,we really dont have 58 to give more.”Stepping out not onlyhelped a brother in 59 ,it also gave my kids the 60 taste of helping others.Itll go a long way with them.深度阅读深度阅读.掌握文章的篇章结构My kidsgratefultheythe sweet taste1.At the store a sight of some poor man asking for help is normal for the kids.()2.When we handed him the bag of food,he lit up and burst into tears.()3.The authors 10yearold suggested giving the man a gift card and he agreed immediately.()FFF.掌握文章的细节判断正(T)误(F)4.I said“No,we really dont have money to give more.”to children when the kids helped others.()5.The helping act has a long impact on the children.()FT.突破文章的长难句1.On the way,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,“Lost my job.Family to Feed.”翻译:难句分析:介词短语On the way在句中作 ;现在分词holding a piece of paper在句中作 ;that引导定语从句,修饰先行词。在路上,我们看到一个人举着一张纸,纸上写着:“我丢了工作。有家人要养活。”状语宾语补足语a piece of paper2.We were low on cash ourselves,but.well,sometimes giving from our need instead of our abundance is just what we need to do!翻译:难句分析:but连接并列句。在第二个分句中,现在分词短语giving from our need instead of our abundance作 ,谓语动词用 ;what引导 从句,在从句中,what作do的 。我们自己也不宽裕,但是好吧,有时需要的不不宽裕的时候!是在我们富足的时候去接济别人,而恰恰是在我们本身主语第三人称单数表语宾语3.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for whatever his family might need,he burst into tears.翻译:难句分析:本句的主干为When I handed him the gift card,he burst into tears.。在主从句中间,saying.作状语,saying后面接一个省略了引导词that的 从句;whatever引导的 从句作介词for的 ,在从句中,whatever作need的 。当我把这张礼品卡递给他,并告诉他可以使用它去购买他的家人所需要的任何东西时,他热泪盈眶。伴随宾语宾语宾语宾语21.A.public B.traditionalC.official D.special解析 空格前的“School?A friend?A tutor?”所指的都是传统的(traditional)我们可以求教的地方。public公共的;official官方的;special特殊的。B(夹敘夹议文)Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 21 places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want 22 somewhere else instead.I had the 23 of seeing this first hand on a 24 .22.A.passes B.worksC.lies D.ends解 析 根 据 空 格 后 面 的somewhere else instead可知,该句意思是“但很可能你真正想要学习的却在(lie)其他某个地方”。pass经过;work工作;end结束。Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 21 places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want 22 somewhere else instead.I had the 23 of seeing this first hand on a 24 .23.A.dream B.ideaC.habit D.chance解析结合空格后面的seeing this first hand可知作者有机会(chance)亲眼看到这样的事情。dream梦想;idea想法;habit习惯。Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 21 places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want 22 somewhere else instead.I had the 23 of seeing this first hand on a 24 .24.A.trip B.holidayC.weekend D.square解析根据下文中的Saturday和between Saturday and Sunday这些信息可知,她们踢球的时候是周末(weekend)。trip旅游;holiday假日;square广场。Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 21 places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want 22 somewhere else instead.I had the 23 of seeing this first hand on a 24 .25.A.won B.enteredC.organized D.watched解析根据空格后面的“.a tournament,which normally was only for more skilled club teams.”可知,一般来说只有技术更好的俱乐部球队才能参加(enter)锦标赛。win赢;organize组 织;watch观看。My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team.They did very well this season and so 25 a tournament,which normally was only for more skilled club teams.This led to some 26 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 27 trained.26.A.painful B.strangeC.common D.practical解析结合上下文可知,她们周末对抗的球队是一些受过更好训练的强队,因此这给她们带来的肯定是一些痛苦的(painful)经历。strange奇怪的;common普通的;practical实际的。My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team.They did very well this season and so 25 a tournament,which normally was only for more skilled club teams.This led to some 26 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 27 trained.27.A.less B.poorlyC.newly D.better解析根据上文提到的“more skilled club teams”可知,这些参加锦标赛的球队都是经过更好(better)训练的球队。less更少;poorly糟糕地,二者意思与语境相反;newly最近,新近,与语境不符。My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team.They did very well this season and so 25 a tournament,which normally was only for more skilled club teams.This led to some 26 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 27 trained.28.A.fans B.tutorsC.class D.team解析 由空格所在句中的games及shot可知,此处是指她的球队(team)表现不佳。fan迷,狂热爱好者;tutor导师;class班级。Through the first two games,her 28 did not get one serious shot on goal.As a parent,I 29 seeing my daughter playing her best,30 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 31 between Saturday and Sunday.When they 32 for their Sunday game,29.A.imagined B.hatedC.avoided D.missed解析 根据下文的“playing her best.still defeated”可知,作者不愿意(hate)看到女儿尽力踢球但却仍然被打败的情景。hate doing sth.厌 恶 做 某 事。imagine想象;avoid避免;miss错过。Through the first two games,her 28 did not get one serious shot on goal.As a parent,I 29 seeing my daughter playing her best,30 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 31 between Saturday and Sunday.When they 32 for their Sunday game,30.A.if B.orC.but D.as解析根据前面的playing her best和后面的defeated可知,女儿虽然尽力了,但还是被打败了。前后是一种转折关系,故选but。Through the first two games,her 28 did not get one serious shot on goal.As a parent,I 29 seeing my daughter playing her best,30 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 31 between Saturday and Sunday.When they 32 for their Sunday game,31.A.girls B.parentsC.coaches D.viewers解析阅读文章可知这是一支女子足球队,因此这里指那些女孩子(girls)。parent父亲(或母亲);coach教练;viewer观众。Through the first two games,her 28 did not get one serious shot on goal.As a parent,I 29 seeing my daughter playing her best,30 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 31 between Saturday and Sunday.When they 32 for their Sunday game,32.A.dressed B.showed upC.made up D.planned解析 结合空格后面的“for their Sunday game”可知,这是她们在周日比赛露面(show up)的时候。dress穿(衣服);make up编造;plan计划。Through the first two games,her 28 did not get one serious shot on goal.As a parent,I 29 seeing my daughter playing her best,30 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 31 between Saturday and Sunday.When they 32 for their Sunday game,33.A.slightly B.hardlyC.basically D.completely解析结合语境,尤其是上文中的“.something clicked with the.”可知,这些女孩子们好像突然领悟到了什么,这次露面时,她们完全(completely)不一样了。slightly稍 微;hardly几 乎 不;basically基本地。they were 33 different.They had begun to integrate(融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had 34 the day before into their 35 .They played aggressively and 36 scored a goal.It 37 me that playing against the other team was a great 38 moment for all the girls on the team.I think it is a34.A.seen B.knownC.heard D.read解析结合语境“They had begun to integrate(融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had the day before.”可知,作者女儿的这个队把昨天她们看到(see)的打法和团队精神融合到今天的比赛中来了,而不是know“知道”,hear“听到”或read“读”。they were 33 different.They had begun to integrate(融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had 34 the day before into their 35 .They played aggressively and 36 scored a goal.It 37 me that playing against the other team was a great 38 moment for all the girls on the team.I think it is a35.A.styles B.trainingC.game D.rules解析此处照应上文提到的“their Sunday game”。they were 33 different.They had begun to integrate(融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had 34 the day before into their 35 .They played aggressively and 36 scored a goal.It 37 me that playing against the other team was a great 38 moment for all the girls on the team.I think it is a36.A.even B.stillC.seldom D.again解析结合空格前的“They played aggressively.”可知她们富有攻击性地踢球,甚至(e


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