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动词不定式动词不定式是非谓语动词是非谓语动词的一种,它的一种,它没有人称没有人称和和数数的变化,在句子中的变化,在句子中不能独立不能独立作作谓语谓语,但它仍保,但它仍保持持动词动词的特点,既可以有自己的的特点,既可以有自己的宾语宾语和和状语状语。用法动词不定式具有动词不定式具有名词名词、形容词形容词和和副词副词的的特征。因此在句中可以做特征。因此在句中可以做主语主语、表语表语、宾语宾语、宾语补足语宾语补足语、定语定语和和状语状语。定义定义1基本形式基本形式一般形式一般形式to do not to doto be done一般式一般式表示的动作或状态,发生在谓语表示的动作或状态,发生在谓语动词表示的动作或状态动词表示的动作或状态的同时或之后同时或之后否定形式否定形式被动形式被动形式2完成形式完成形式 完成式完成式表示动作或状态,发生在谓语表示动作或状态,发生在谓语动词表示的动作或状态动词表示的动作或状态之前之前to have done进行式进行式表示的动作或状态,与谓语动词表表示的动作或状态,与谓语动词表示的动作或状态示的动作或状态同时发生同时发生to be doing进行形式进行形式3He is said to translate the book into EnglishThe book is said to be translated into EnglishThe book is said to have been translated into English.He is said to be translating the book into English.4不定式做主语一般表示不定式做主语一般表示具体具体,将来的,将来的,某次某次的动作。的动作。(1)(1)It is/was+It is/was+adjadj.+.+ofof sb.to do sb.to do(2)It is+(2)It is+adjadj.+.+forfor sb.+to do sb.+to do(3)it is+a+(3)it is+a+名词名词+to do+to do不定式作主语经常表示具体动作,常与特定不定式作主语经常表示具体动作,常与特定的动作执行者联系在一起;而动名词作主语的动作执行者联系在一起;而动名词作主语经常表示抽象动作,经常不与特定的动作执经常表示抽象动作,经常不与特定的动作执行者联系在一起。行者联系在一起。Its no good eating too much fat.Its no good eating too much fat.Its no good for you to eat so much Its no good for you to eat so much fat.fat.5Happiness is not about being immortal Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in onenor having food or rights in ones s hand.Ithand.Its about having each tiny s about having each tiny wish come true,or having something wish come true,or having something to eat when you are hungry or having to eat when you are hungry or having someone someone s love when you need love.s love when you need love.Never offer to teach fish to swim.Never offer to teach fish to swim.I find it really difficult to intend to forget you.67 主主语语宾宾 语语定定 语语表表 语语补补 语语状状 语语不不 定定式式分分词词动动名名词词8不定式不定式动名词动名词动词动词介词介词动词动词介词介词4 41 11 11 191.1.动词不定式作动词不定式作宾语宾语常用动词有常用动词有:decide/determine,choose decide/determine,choose,learn,want/learn,want/would like/would like/carecare ,expect expect/hope/wish,plan/hope/wish,plan,manage,manage,fail,fail,help,help,offer,promise,refuse,arrange,offer,promise,refuse,arrange,agree,ask/beg agree,ask/beg demanddemand,pretend,pretendEg:Eg:We hope We hope to getto get there before dark.there before dark.Never offer Never offer to teachto teach fish to swim.fish to swim.1)1)、“动词动词 +带带 to to 的不定式结构的不定式结构”决心学会想希望,计划设法不能帮。决心学会想希望,计划设法不能帮。主动答应拒安排,同意请求巧假装。主动答应拒安排,同意请求巧假装。10注:注:不定式也常用在系动词不定式也常用在系动词 seem,appear,seem,appear,等后作宾语等后作宾语He seemed _ by his father since he looked upset then.A.to be scolded B.to have been scolded C.being scolded D.scoldedB B112)2)下列动词或动词短语的后面只能跟动下列动词或动词短语的后面只能跟动名词:名词:put off,postpone,advise,suggest,like,imagine mind,deny,miss,practice ,consider,finish,delay,cant help,insist,give up avoid,riskThe squirrels was lucky that it just missed being caught.123)3)有些动词既可跟有些动词既可跟不定式不定式作宾语,也可跟作宾语,也可跟动名词动名词作宾作宾语,但语,但含义不同含义不同记住要做某事;记住要做某事;记得曾经做过某事记得曾经做过某事忘记要做某事忘记要做某事 忘记曾经做过某事忘记曾经做过某事停下来去做某事停下来去做某事 停止做某事停止做某事继续做另一件事继续做另一件事 继续做原来在做的事继续做原来在做的事remember to doremember to doremember doing remember doing forget to doforget to do forget doingforget doingstop to dostop to dostop doingstop doinggo on to dogo on to dogo on doinggo on doing13regret to do regret doing sthtry to do sth try doing sthmean to sth mean doing sth14Eg:I Eg:I remember seeingremember seeing you somewhere before.you somewhere before.Please Please remember to turn offremember to turn off the light when you the light when you leave.leave.离开时请记得关好灯。离开时请记得关好灯。我记得以前在哪儿见过你。我记得以前在哪儿见过你。15 eg eg eg eg:We We thought thought itit wrong wrong not not to to help help herher.They They found found it it impossible impossible to to get get everything readyeverything ready in time.in time.4)4):如果作宾语的不定式结构后面还有自己的如果作宾语的不定式结构后面还有自己的如果作宾语的不定式结构后面还有自己的如果作宾语的不定式结构后面还有自己的补语补语补语补语,则,则,则,则应使用先行应使用先行应使用先行应使用先行 itititit,把不定式后置,把不定式后置,把不定式后置,把不定式后置16find/think/consider/find/feel/make it+adj/noun+to do 1.We find it easy to reach the moon 1.We find it easy to reach the moon come back,but we find it troublesome come back,but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our to cross our own street and meet our neighbors.neighbors.2.The teachers makes it a rule for 2.The teachers makes it a rule for us to speak English in the classroom.us to speak English in the classroom.3.We make it our duty to study hard 3.We make it our duty to study hard at school.at school.4.I have made it clear to them not 4.I have made it clear to them not to play games this afternoon.to play games this afternoon.175 5).介词之后的宾语介词之后的宾语Look forward to,devote Look forward to,devote oneself to,be used to,object oneself to,be used to,object to,pay attention to,adapt to,pay attention to,adapt oneself to,abandon oneself oneself to,abandon oneself to,be addicted to ,be equal to,be addicted to ,be equal to doingto doinghave trouble in doing sth Have a good time in doing sth18 注注:不不定定式式结结构构一一般般不不可可作作介介词词宾宾语语,只只有有在在个个别别场场合合,即即在在含含有有否否定定意意义义的的带带有有介介词词 except except 或或 but but(=except)(=except)的的结构中才能这样用结构中才能这样用.Eg:He seldom comes except to look at my pictures.He didnt do anything except play computer games.He didnt learn nothing at school except to play computer games.19 注意不定式符号的省略问题!注意不定式符号的省略问题!注意不定式符号的省略问题!注意不定式符号的省略问题!do nothing do nothing but/exceptbut/except 后的不定式不带后的不定式不带toto.需要注意的是需要注意的是,此句型中此句型中but/except but/except 前必须要有前必须要有实义动词实义动词dodo时,时,but/exceptbut/except后的不定式后的不定式toto才能才能省略省略,否则,否则toto则不则不省省.我们用一句话概括就是我们用一句话概括就是:有有dodo无无toto,有,有 toto无无 dodoEg:She has no choice Eg:She has no choice but tobut to waitwait for the news.for the news.He could He could dodo nothing nothing but wait.but wait.He will He will He will He will dodododo anything for you anything for you anything for you anything for you exceptexceptexceptexcept lendlendlendlend you you you you moneymoneymoneymoney.206.6.一般都是一般都是:疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式作动词作动词,也可作也可作介词的宾语介词的宾语宾宾语语.Eg:IEg:Im worrying about what m worrying about what to doto do next.next.Marx gave some advice on how Marx gave some advice on how to learnto learn a a foreign foreign language.language.动词动词+疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式这种不定式结构接近一个这种不定式结构接近一个这种不定式结构接近一个这种不定式结构接近一个名词名词名词名词从句从句从句从句21疑问词疑问词疑问词疑问词(也称连接代(也称连接代(也称连接代(也称连接代/副词)有:副词)有:副词)有:副词)有:what where what where what where what where who(m)when how whether who(m)when how whether who(m)when how whether who(m)when how whether 这类这类这类这类动词动词动词动词常见的有:常见的有:常见的有:常见的有:tell advise tell advise tell advise tell advise showshowshowshow teach find out decide teach find out decide teach find out decide teach find out decide discuss discuss discuss discuss learn forget inquire learn forget inquire learn forget inquire learn forget inquire knowknowknowknow explain remember see explain remember see explain remember see explain remember see understand wonder understand wonder understand wonder understand wonder 等。等。等。等。Eg:I donEg:I donEg:I donEg:I dont know t know t know t know what to do/where to go/what to do/where to go/what to do/where to go/what to do/where to go/who(m)who(m)who(m)who(m)to ask/when to stop/how to get there.to ask/when to stop/how to get there.to ask/when to stop/how to get there.to ask/when to stop/how to get there.I haven I haven I haven I havent decided t decided t decided t decided whether to sell it or whether to sell it or whether to sell it or whether to sell it or not.not.not.not.We must find out We must find out We must find out We must find out what to do next/where to what to do next/where to what to do next/where to what to do next/where to put it.put it.put it.put it.227.7.在在be worth,deserve,want,need,requirebe worth,deserve,want,need,require后后用动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。用动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。误误 The plant needs be watered.The plant needs be watered.正正 The plant needs watering.The plant needs watering.析析need to be done=need doing,need to be done=need doing,动名词主动形式表被动。动名词主动形式表被动。23 二、再语态。二、再语态。不必考虑或考虑完毕非谓语动不必考虑或考虑完毕非谓语动词的固定结构后,再分析非谓词的固定结构后,再分析非谓语动词与它的逻辑主语的关系,语动词与它的逻辑主语的关系,如果是被动关系,则要选用相如果是被动关系,则要选用相应的被动形式,如应的被动形式,如to be done,to be done,being done,donebeing done,done等。等。24 一、先结构。一、先结构。非谓语动词充当动词的宾语时候,非谓语动词充当动词的宾语时候,它的形式要由前面的动词决定。它的形式要由前面的动词决定。因此,我们要先考虑它与前面动因此,我们要先考虑它与前面动词固定搭配的结构形式。有些动词固定搭配的结构形式。有些动词的宾语只接动词不定式;而有词的宾语只接动词不定式;而有些动词或动词短语则要求只能用些动词或动词短语则要求只能用动名词动名词(-ing)(-ing)作宾语。作宾语。25 三、后时态。三、后时态。前面两种情况都考虑完后,我们要根据语前面两种情况都考虑完后,我们要根据语境分辨非谓语动词这个动作或状态与对应境分辨非谓语动词这个动作或状态与对应的谓语动词两个动作发生的顺序选择正确的谓语动词两个动作发生的顺序选择正确的时态。如果非谓语动词这个动作或状态的时态。如果非谓语动词这个动作或状态在对应的谓语动词在对应的谓语动词之前所发生的之前所发生的,则要用,则要用完成式完成式to have doneto have done(主动)或(主动)或to have to have been donebeen done(被动);同时发生的,(被动);同时发生的,to be to be doingdoing(被动);之后发生的,可用不定式(被动);之后发生的,可用不定式to doto do(主动)或(主动)或to be doneto be done(被动)。(被动)。261.I dont see how I could possible manage _ the work without 。A.finish ;helping B,to finish;being help C.finishing;helpingD finishing;being helped 272.I would love to _the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.Having gone283.Our professor has just come back from aboard.He seems_ his trip very much.A.enjoy B.to have enjoyed C.to be enjoying D.to have been enjoying 294.No one can avoid _ by advertisements.A to be influenced B being influenced C.influencing D.having influenced305.mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been fined B.to have been fined C to be fined D.being fined31非谓语作主语32一、不定式和动名词作主语与表语的比较表示具体的、一次性的或将来的动作用不定式;表示一般的、泛指的或习惯性的行为用动名词。如:_ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.(全国卷)A.The walk B.WalkingC.To walk D.Walk【分析】答案选B。a good form暗示泛指一般性行为,用动名词作主语。说明:有时这种区别并不很严格。但要注意:主语和表语要用同一种形式;平行结构中要用同一种形式。如:33 What do you think made Mary so upset?_ her new bike.(上海卷)A.As she lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing【分析】答案选C。去掉问句中的插入语do you think,便知要回答的是主语what。选项中只有动名词Losing可作主语,全句应为:Losing her new bike made Mary so upset.此处的动名词短语表示的是具体的一回事。34 The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,_ it more difficult.(全国卷)A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make【分析】答案选B。前面用的是不定式作表语,与之并列的也应用不定式。二、不定式、动名词、分词作表语的比较不定式和动名词作表语相当于名词作表语,表示主语的内容,主语和表语可以对调;分词作表语相当于形容词作表语,主语和表语不可对调;现在分词作表语表示主语所具有的性质特征,过去分词作表语表示主语所处的状态。如不定式和动名词作表语相当于名词作表语,表示主语的内容,主语和表语可以对调;分词1.My job is teaching/to teach English.(作表语的teaching/to teach English是my job的具体内容。35


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