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1、文章长度相对稳定,设空密度逐渐加大 年度年度单词数单词数设空数量设空数量设空密度设空密度2000(全国卷)(全国卷)3032510.4(词)(词)2019(全国卷)(全国卷)2722011.22019(全国卷)(全国卷)2612012.62019(全国卷)(全国卷)2602012.52019(重庆卷)(重庆卷)2892013.52、完形填空的文章多采用记叙文文体年度年度话题话题文体文体2000(全国卷全国卷)父亲送女儿到大学宿舍的故事父亲送女儿到大学宿舍的故事记叙文记叙文2019(全国卷全国卷)珠穆朗玛峰雪人珠穆朗玛峰雪人说明文说明文2019(全国卷全国卷)一次不同寻常的智力测试一次不同寻常的智力测试记叙文记叙文2019(全国卷全国卷)堂兄弟之间进行的一场球赛堂兄弟之间进行的一场球赛记叙文记叙文2019(重庆卷重庆卷)一个母亲和儿子的故事一个母亲和儿子的故事记叙文记叙文3、四个备选答案的特点:1.1.四个选项的词性相同、形式相同:四个选项的词性相同、形式相同:eg.1.Then,_ the night,they were visited by a jungle spirit.A.at B.in C.during D.on 2.They had left home six months _ to explore the jungle and got lost.A.before B.after C.as soon as D.since 3.I was having seriously doubts about staying alive until 21 years old,let alone _ that many points.A.scoring B.completing C.receiving D.keeping都是介词都是介词都是连词都是连词都是都是V-ing分词分词2.以实词考查为主,虚词为辅以实词考查为主,虚词为辅年度年度名词名词 动词动词 形容词形容词副词副词代词代词介词介词 连词连词20006846010201945450112019572401120193853001201938330213、四个备选答案的特点:做题四步走,时间掌握要得法做题四步走,时间掌握要得法简单题不丢分,全靠词组惯用法简单题不丢分,全靠词组惯用法心装上下文,前后照应法心装上下文,前后照应法抓住信息词,揣摩作者想法抓住信息词,揣摩作者想法 细致辨差别,莫忘相关语法细致辨差别,莫忘相关语法跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意2-3min.细读文章,初作选择细读文章,初作选择难题暂放一边难题暂放一边10min.再读文章,仔细推敲,根再读文章,仔细推敲,根据上下文完成所有选项据上下文完成所有选项5min.复核全文,验证答案复核全文,验证答案2-3min.1.some Chinese businessmen and merchants went _ London to take part in it.A.all the way to B.by way of C.in the way for D.on the way to 千里迢迢千里迢迢A经由经由在在的路上的路上挡路挡路2._ history between China and the World Exposition.A.It has a long B.There is a long B.C.It has long D.There is long Bthere be 结结构,构,history 可数名词可数名词3.and we will _ try our best to make the conference better.A.By this means B.by all means B.C.by no means D.by means toB通过这种办法通过这种办法无论如何必须无论如何必须决不决不4.“I was relying _ you to call a doctor as soon as you came home,”Jack went on.A.on B.to C.in D.for5.“Take your shoes _,Neville,”Jack said.A.off B.out C.away D.back6.Most painters discover a style of painting that suits them and _ to that,especially if people admire their pictures.A.go B.hold C.see D.stickArely on sb.to do依赖依赖做做Atake off 脱掉脱掉Dstick to 坚持坚持1.当四个选项的意思相近,看它们涵盖的内容大小:当四个选项的意思相近,看它们涵盖的内容大小:eg.NMET2019:When the game finally ended,both of us were lying flat on our backs,too tired to _.A.play B.start C.sleep D.moveDD项项 move 明显包涵了其它几个选项的意思。明显包涵了其它几个选项的意思。play,start,sleep 三个三个都是都是 move 范围内的动作。如果填范围内的动作。如果填A,也可以填,也可以填B,还可以填,还可以填C。I thought my shining penny disappearing forever into the black drawer the store keeper _ his money in.A.kept B.hid C.locked D.heldAA项有项有“保存,保管保存,保管”之意,之意,B,C,D都是保都是保管的手段之一,只有管的手段之一,只有A的涵盖最大的涵盖最大2.同性元素要排除,缩小选择范围:同性元素要排除,缩小选择范围:eg.Here is our telephone number if you need to _ us.A.get in touch with B.keep in touch withC.be in touch with D.put in touch withAB,C 选项具有相同的含义、同样的语法功能,用法一致,选项具有相同的含义、同样的语法功能,用法一致,所以它们就是同性元素。所以它们就是同性元素。D项为错误搭配,故选项为错误搭配,故选A。He was _,when the telephone rang.A.about to have a shower B.B.on the point of having a showerC.having a shower D.to have a showerCA,B,D为同性元素为同性元素3.看情节的发展,比动作或问题出现的先后:看情节的发展,比动作或问题出现的先后:eg.NMET2019:So when Ed _ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly noticed A.set out B.got ready C.arrived D.returnedC先将四个选项按先后顺序排列:先将四个选项按先后顺序排列:1.set out 2.arrived 3.got ready 4.returned再看故事情节发展到什么阶段。再看故事情节发展到什么阶段。“So when Ed”提醒我们,应该是当提醒我们,应该是当Ed到达后作者就发现他的衬衫扎到达后作者就发现他的衬衫扎在裤子里,看不到他的肚子了。而在裤子里,看不到他的肚子了。而set out是在到达之前发生是在到达之前发生的事;的事;got ready是在是在arrived之后的动作,情况发展到之后的动作,情况发展到got ready的阶段,作者才发现的阶段,作者才发现“衬衫和肚子衬衫和肚子”的事,已经太晚。的事,已经太晚。至于至于returned是是game打完之后的事,从目前看更谈不上。打完之后的事,从目前看更谈不上。1.Again,_,a gift is not necessary.A.but B.unless C.yet D.however2.If you _ ten yuan on something,thats an expensive gift to you.A.pay B.cost C.spend D.take3.He could hardly feel the cool April Wind _ his face.A.sweep B.touch C.beat D.brushDOnly“however”can be separated by“,”.CThe phrase is“spendon”D“sweep”means“扫除扫除”;“touch”means“接触接触”;“beat”means“打打,敲敲”;“brush”has a meaning“掠过掠过,拂过拂过”1.Its true _ Chinese tea is availableA.which B.what C.as if D.that2.Chinas famous liquor,Maotai,_ in the world Exposition in 1915 in Panama.A.became well know B.well known B.C.becoming famous D.well popular3.When Ed first phoned and _ we play,I laughed A.declared B.mentioned C.persuaded D.suggesteda noun clause leading with“that”“persuade sb.do do sth.”while“suggest(that)sb.(should)do sth.DAD应选动词做谓语应选动词做谓语4._ Picasso painted they talked about everything in the world that interested them.A.If B.Since C.While D.During5.“Bungee jumping”,_ is known,has become very popular in the USA.A.which B.as C.for D.what6.We were all asleep when she screamed again:“Theres _ bat down here!”A.another B.the other C.other D.othersCwhile 引导时间状语从引导时间状语从句,强调同时发生句,强调同时发生Bas 此处是连词此处是连词“正如,正像正如,正像”A泛指另一个泛指另一个onethe other常指常指两者中的另一个两者中的另一个后面应接后面应接复数名词复数名词泛指另一些泛指另一些1.My first customer was a pretty girl wearing a red dress._ her was a young man of about 25.ABefore B.Behind C.Beyond D.AgainstB抓住抓住“first”这一信息词可知答案应该是这一信息词可知答案应该是 B2.When the score was 16 up,I was having serious _ about staying alive until 21 years old,A.thoughts B.doubts C.situations D.problems 比分打到比分打到16分时,超负荷的运动给他们带来心分时,超负荷的运动给他们带来心理上的某种影响,此时此刻理上的某种影响,此时此刻“我我”对于自己的对于自己的staying alive 产生怀疑。产生怀疑。B3.But I _ to turn off the lights of the car.I noticed that his light was still on,so he was awake anyway unless hed fallen asleep while reading.A.neednt bother B.didnt need to botherC.neednt have bothered D.mustnt have bothered4.One Saturday in January 1967,was a very _ night at the Opry.For the first time,a black man was an attraction.A.cold B.special C.dark D.successfulCneednt have done表示动作没有必要做,但却做了。表示动作没有必要做,但却做了。B信息词是信息词是“for the first time”,与,与“special”搭配才和逻辑。搭配才和逻辑。2.When Ed first phoned and suggested we play,I laughed quietly,figuring on an _ victory.Eds been the least physically fit member in the family.A.unforgettableB.unexpected C.easy D.early“the least physically fit”suggests the answer should be CC1.It was very late for Davies to do his Christmas shopping.There were a few days more before Christmas,and of course the _ and streets were terribly crowded.A.roads B.cities C.houses D.shopsD“do his Christmas shopping”suggests the answer should be D3.Later Charley became a baseball player.One evening,a great pop star heard Charley sing and told him to forget about _ and go for singing career.A.music B.jobs C.baseball D.agriculture 4.In one way my father was different from most other lawyers:there were times when he had _ to say.He was friendly,but he was also a wonderful man for keeping his mouth shut.A.much B.little C.few D.many C上文提到他曾当过棒球运动员,所以应选忘掉上文提到他曾当过棒球运动员,所以应选忘掉“棒球棒球”。B Elizabeth Clay decided to go home.The next day she drove her old car home along the road.1 she found she got a flat.The 22-year-old student 2 to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk.No 3 tire.1.A.Suddenly B.Finally C.Immediately D.Fortunately2.A.afforded B.wanted C.allowed D.managed3.A.spare B.free C.full D.emptyA.Suddenly表现出事件表现出事件的突发性的突发性爆胎爆胎D.managedmanage to do 设法做设法做A.sparespare tire备用轮胎备用轮胎 At this time,a car 4 .Paul and Diane told Clay to 5 them to a service station near their 6 .They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to 7 with her car.“Follow us home,”said Paul.The couple called around to find a tire.No 8 .4.A.passed B.stopped C.paused D.started5.A.help B.push C.take D.follow6.A.garage B.house C.shop D.hotel7.A.agree B.match C.go D.deal8.A.way B.message C.success D.luckB.stoppedThey had to stopped the car,then they could help Clay.D.followB.houseC.gogo with与与相配相配D.luck找到一只却不中用,后来找到一只却不中用,后来决定让决定让Clay用他们的车。用他们的车。They decided to let her use their own car.“Here,”Paul said,handing Clay a 9 of keys,“Take our car.We 10 be using it over the holiday.”Clay was 11 .“But Im going all the way to South Carolina,and Ill be gone for two weeks,”she 12 them.9.A.setB.numberC.pairD.chain10.A.cantB.shouldntC.mustntD.wont11.A.satisfied B.worried C.astonished D.disturbed12.A.persuaded B.advised C.reminded D.promisedA.set一串钥匙一串钥匙D.wontgrammarC.astonishedLet a stranger use their car.Theyre so generous.C.reminded提醒提醒 “We know,”Paul said.“Well be 13 when you get back.Heres our number if you need to 14 us.”Unable to believe her eyes,Clay watched as the 15 put her luggage into their car and then 16 her off.13.A.happy B.hereC.awayD.busy14.A.get in touch withB.keep in touch with C.be in touch withD.put in touch with15.A.repairmenB.cleanersC.friendsD.couple16.A.sent B.shookC.watchedD.droveB.hereaccording to the contextA.get in touch withB,C are the same,D is wrong.D.couplerefer to Paul and DianeA.sentsent off 送走送走 Two weeks later she 17 to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio 18 .“Thank you so much,”she said.“How much do I 19 you?”“Oh,no,”Paul said,“We dont want any money.Its our 20 .”Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure,it was now her duty to pass on their“do unto others”spirit.17.A.shocked B.happened C.returned D.came18.A.loaded B.fixedC.tied D.rebuilt19.A.owe B.lendC.give D.offer20.A.wish B.job C.dutyD.pleasureC.returnedaccording to the contextB.fixedwith sth.done无线电设无线电设备也修好了备也修好了A.owe欠欠/该给该给多少钱多少钱D.pleasure He started to paint.Suddenly he thought of a plan to get his friends to help him do the work.“Aunt Polly told me to try very hard,and that is what Im going to do.”He smiled and began 1 .Just then his friend Ben came past.He laughed when he saw Tom painting.“Whats the matter,Tom?Does your 2 want you to work on such a nice day?”1.A.singing B.cryingC.shouting D.playing2.A.uncle B.auntC.mother D.teacherA.singingHe felt happy and pretended to be easy.B.aunt Tom didnt stop 3 .“Work?Oh,no Ben.You see,painting is a(n)4 .First you must choose the right 5 ,then you must get the best paint and brush.But most important of all,you must have the right 6 .3.A.thinking B.laughing C.trying D.painting4.A.joy B.job C.art D.honour5.A.day B.place C.wall D.fence6.A.colour B.person C.position D.masterD.paintingaccording to the first sentence of the passageC.artA.dayIts a“great word”for kids.They cant understand it very well.Its Toms trap.上文提到上文提到“work on such a nice day?”B.person下文提到下文提到Tom自己自己Aunt Polly says that there isnt a 7 in town who can paint this fence like me!”Bens eyes opened wide,“8 ,Tom?Let me try a bit.”“Oh,that isnt possible,”said Tom,“My Aunt Polly is very sure of the 9 she wants her fence painted.Remember,she chose me.”“10 ,Tom.Ill give you half my apple if you let me paint.”7.A.man B.womanC.boy D.girl8.A.Really B.What C.PardonD.Great9.A.design B.plan C.way D.method10.A.Come on B.Hurry up C.Take it easy D.Never mindC.boyTom is a boy.A.Reallycant believe,want to compete with Tom C.wayA.Come on表达出恳表达出恳求的语气求的语气下文下文be very careful about the way you paint Ben 11 ,“Your aunt will never know the 12 !”“Oh,youre wrong about that,Ben,”answered Tom,“She has very good eyes.And think how I would 13 .After all,she asked me to paint her fence.”“You may have my whole 14 ,”Ben said,“Give me the paint brush now.”11.A.replied B.promised C.lied D.decided12.A.pattern B.change C.trade D.difference13.A.feel B.act C.end D.start14.A.friendship B.apple C.trust D.helpB.promisedD.differencesuggest he can do as well as TomA.feelB.apple上文提到上文提到“give you half my apple”,现在现在加大筹码加大筹码如果被发现,想想如果被发现,想想我的感受如何我的感受如何 “Well,if you really think you can do it here,take the brush but be very careful the way you paint.”Tom took a 15 at the red apple.Half an hour later,when his friend had painted four 16 of the fence,Tom said,“Youre doing it quite well,Ben,but of course you need to do much more 17 you can really call yourself a painter.”15.A.bite B.smell C.taste D.breath16.A.feet B.hours C.boards D.woods17.A.before B.after C.when D.unless A.bitetake a bite at 咬一口咬一口C.boards下文下文:“paining a few boards”A.before需要再多做一些才能需要再多做一些才能 As each hour passed,Toms painting became close to being 18 .Each friend who happened to walk past took his 19 at painting a few boards all for a price,of course.“You have to make them think it is something wonderful,”thought Tom,“Theyd never want to do it without 20 for it.”18.A.easy B.complete C.pleasant D.beautiful19.A.brush B.turn C.luck D.chance20.A.looking B.thanking C.paying D.apologizingB.completeB.turntake turn at doing sth.轮流做轮流做C.paying他们决不愿意做不他们决不愿意做不付出代价的事付出代价的事 A little boy invited his mother to attend his schools first teacher-parent meeting.To the little boys 1 ,she said she would go.This 2 be the first time that his classmates and teacher 3 his mother and he felt 4 of her appearance.Although she was a beautiful woman,there was a severe scar(疤痕疤痕)that 5 nearly the entire right side of her face.The boy never wanted to 6 why or how she got the scar.1.A.enjoyment B.disappointment C.surprise D.excitement2.A.would B.could C.should D.must3.A.noticed B.greeted C.accepted D.met4.A.sick B.ashamed C.afraid D.tired5.A.included B.passed C.covered D.shaded6.A.talk about B.think about C.care about D.hear aboutgrammarB.disappointmentA.wouldD.metC.coveredA.talk aboutB.ashamed At the meeting,the people were 7 by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother 8 the car,but the little boy was still embarrassed(尴尬尴尬)and 9 himself from everyone.He did,however,get within 10 of a conversation between his mother and his teacher.The teacher asked 11 ,“How did you get the scar on your face?”7.A.impressed B.surprised C.excited D.comforted8.A.in sight of B.by means of C.by way of D.in spite of9.A.hid B.protected C.separated D.escaped10.A.understanding B.reminding C.hearing D.learning11.A.carefully B.seriously C.nervously D.anxiously 给给留下深刻印象留下深刻印象 despitedidnt want to see anyonea dialogue private question,not to hurt sb.A.impressedD.in spite ofA.hidC.hearingA.carefully The mother replied,“12 my son was a baby,he was in a room that caught fire.Everyone was 13 afraid to go in because the fire 14 ,so I went in.As I was running toward his bed,I saw a long piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him.I was knocked 15 but fortunately,a fireman came in and saved both of us.”12.A.As B.When C.Since D.While13.A.so B.much C.quite D.too14.A.out of control B.under control C.in control D.over control15.A.helpless B.hopeless C.senseless D.uselessdifferences between A,B,Dtooto失去控制失去控制B.WhenD.tooA.out of controlC.senselessShe 16 the burned side of her face.“This scar will be 17 ,but to this day,I have never 18 what I did.”At this pointed,the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes.He held her in his arms and felt a great 19 of the sacrifice(牺牲牺牲)that his mother had made for him.He held her hand 20 for the rest of the day.16.A.pointed B.showed C.wiped D.touched17.A.ugly B.lasting C.serious D.frightening18.A.forgot B.recognized C.considered D.regretted19.A.honour B.sense C.happiness D.pride20.A.quietly B.slightly C.tightly D.suddenlypointto/at触摸触摸nature of a motherknow the truth,get close to his mother理解了母亲牺牲她理解了母亲牺牲她自己的意义自己的意义D.touchedB.lastingD.regrettedB.senseC.tightlyEND


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