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短文改错的技巧与方法短文改错的技巧与方法短文改错的技巧与方法考纲解读短文改错常给出一篇约为100词的短文,体裁以记叙文为主,设置错误类型包括词法、句法、行文逻辑等。考纲解读短文改错常给出一篇约为100词的短文,体裁以记叙文为短文改错知多少短文改错知多少一、设置错误的规律:需要添加的一般有_个;需要删除的一般有_个;从词性的角度看,_、_和_不能添加或删除。二、做改错题需要遵循的原则:1.不错不改。(即若把一个正确的词改为另一种正确的表达方式不给分。)1-21-2动词名词形容词 短文改错知多少一、设置错误的规律:1-21-2动词名词形容词2 不能改变原意。不能改变原意。(例如:(例如:Drive will be safer.只能把只能把Drive改成改成Driving,不能把不能把Drive改成改成Drivers。)。)3 多改不给分。多改不给分。(从第十一处不给分(从第十一处不给分不要不要以为改卷老师不会数!)以为改卷老师不会数!)4 无将无将2词改为词改为1词或将词或将1词改为词改为2词的情况。词的情况。5 通常情况下,每句中最多有两处错误。通常情况下,每句中最多有两处错误。6 标点符号不改,大小写不改,带汉语注释的标点符号不改,大小写不改,带汉语注释的词不改。词不改。7 格式要按照题目中的要求。格式要按照题目中的要求。2 不能改变原意。(例如:Drive will be saf三、做题步骤通读全文先做易;攻难再读细分析。通读全文先做易;攻难再读细分析。如何分析?根据常考点进行筛查。根据常考点进行筛查。三、做题步骤通读全文先做易;攻难再读细分析。短文改错中,错误所涉及的词类通常包括动动词、名词、副词、形容词、介词、代词、连词、名词、副词、形容词、介词、代词、连词、冠词、从句引导词。词、冠词、从句引导词。请参考近两年高考全国卷短文改错,根据请参考近两年高考全国卷短文改错,根据考考查频率查频率由高到低的顺序总结每种词类常涉及由高到低的顺序总结每种词类常涉及的考查点。的考查点。短文改错解题技巧与方法ppt课件1 时态时态:a 时态混淆;时态混淆;b 谓语与主语不一致(主谓语与主语不一致(主谓一致);谓一致);c 并列连词并列对象的错误;并列连词并列对象的错误;d 过过去分词与过去式混淆。去分词与过去式混淆。2 谓语动词与非谓语动词混淆;非谓语动词间谓语动词与非谓语动词混淆;非谓语动词间的混用。的混用。3 语态语态。4 情态动词。情态动词。5 从句中谓语从句中谓语动词的虚拟语气。动词的虚拟语气。1 Id like to share a quote with you,which go like this:”.答案:答案:go-goes2 Have realized how much time I wasted,Ive made up my minds to work hard to catch up with them.答案:答案:Have-Having3 The cultural treasure were belonged to the public.答案:去掉答案:去掉were1 时态:a 时态混淆;b 谓语与主语不一致(主谓一致);c4 Dressing in all pink from head to toe,he was singing a song.答案:答案:Dressing-Dressed5 Its good for Chinese students to learn English idioms and improving oral English.答案:答案:improving-improve6 Before leave the orphanage we took photos with them.答案:答案:leave-leaving7 Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea.答案:答案:are-is8 We strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!答案:答案:are-be4 Dressing in all pink from he1 单复数的混淆;单复数的混淆;2 可数与不可数;可数与不可数;3 是否需是否需要所有格;要所有格;4是否需要加冠词。是否需要加冠词。1 This shop mainly sold second-hand furnitures.答案:答案:furnitures-furniture2 As I told you last time,I made three new friend here.答案:答案:friend-friends3 I asked them for advices and they told me to come to the English corner frequently.答案:答案:advices-advice 1 单复数的混淆;2 可数与不可数;3 是否需要所有格;4是4 As exchange student,I am writing to tell you I would prefer to move into a single room.答案:As an exchange student5 Under the table were my mother shoes.答案:mother-mothers4 As exchange student,I am wr1 与形容词的的混用;与形容词的的混用;2 副词与动词的固定搭副词与动词的固定搭配;配;3 否定副词的添加或删除。否定副词的添加或删除。1 He recognized that it was a rarely cultural relic.答案:答案:rare-rarely2 It was one of the most exciting experiences I had never had.答案:答案:never-ever3 It was until 9 oclock that we went back.答案:答案:until前加前加not4 I can remember the experience very much.答案:答案:much-well1 与形容词的的混用;2 副词与动词的固定搭配;3 否定副词1 与副词的混用;2 比较级,最高级与原形;3 现在分词(v-ing)与过去分词(v-ed)作形容词的区别。1 Im very exciting to learn that you will start a magazine.答案:答案:exciting-excited2 The popular actors are so attractive that you absolute cant miss this part.答案:答案:absolute-absolutely3 It is my favouritest way to spend the summer vacation.答案:答案:favouritest-favourite4 My mum makes the better biscuits in the world.答案:答案:better-best1 与副词的混用;2 比较级,最高级与原形;3 现在分词(1 It is true that time is great value.答案:答案:is 后加后加of2 I definitely agree you on that.答案:答案:agree后加后加with3 With so many eyes fixed to me,I felt very shy.答案:答案:to-on4 The majority of my class joined the activity.答案:答案:join之后加之后加in5 He will go to the university in next year.答案:去掉答案:去掉in1 介词与名词、动词、形容词的搭配;介词与名词、动词、形容词的搭配;2 介词使介词使用的混淆;用的混淆;3 this,that,next,last等前不用介词等前不用介词1 It is true that time is grea1 人称代词人称代词:a 人称代词与指代对象不一致;人称代词与指代对象不一致;b 人称代词与反身代词的混淆;人称代词与反身代词的混淆;2 物主代词物主代词:a 缺缺失失;b 不一致;不一致;c 形容词性的物主代词与名词性形容词性的物主代词与名词性的物主代词使用混淆;的物主代词使用混淆;3 不定代词的误用。不定代词的误用。1 After all,anything is more precious than time.答案:答案:anything-nothing2 What he had done was praised by their schoolmates.答案:答案:their-his3 I think I can improve me a lot in this way.答案:答案:me-myself1 人称代词:a 人称代词与指代对象不一致;b 人称代词与反4 One may find that hard to realize his dream.答案:答案:that-it 5 He raised hand to answer the question.答案:答案:hand 前加前加his4 One may find that hard to re对上下文的理解。(对上下文的理解。(or-and;but-and;so-and;but-though)1 I made great effort on English,and my grades were not satisfying.答案:答案:and-but2 The room was full of smoke but the beef was badly hurt.答案:答案:but-and3 She hasnt been to school,so she cant read and write.答案:答案:and-or对上下文的理解。(or-and;but-and;s定冠词(定冠词(the)、不定冠词()、不定冠词(a,an)误用;多余;缺失。误用;多余;缺失。1 It was a good book,and at price he could afford.答案:答案:price前加前加a2 They will come to your help when you are really in the trouble.答案:去掉答案:去掉the3 The researchers will keep a eye on the birds.答案:答案:a-an 4 The first step is to have child get rid of the fear with water.答案:答案:child前加前加a定冠词(the)、不定冠词(a,an)1 It was a1 对定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句的引导对定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句的引导词的混淆词的混淆;2 从句引导词与代词的混淆。从句引导词与代词的混淆。1 There is no doubt whether the Internet plays an important part in our everyday life.答案:答案:whether-that 2 Things such as violence often appear on the Internet,that can seriously pollute their mind.答案:答案:that-which3 I used to spend plenty of time playing games,what made me fall far behind my classmates.答案:答案:what-which1 对定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句的引导词的混淆;2 从句4 He was wandering on the street when he saw a shop where sold second-hand furniture.答案:答案:where-which5 That he had done should be highly praised.答案:答案:That-What6 The second thing to consider is how to do if you disagree with him.答案:答案:how-what7 A girl of about ten was knocked on by a passing car,it drove off quickly.答案:答案:it-which4 He was wandering on the stre动词形,名词数;还要注意形和副;代词格,细领悟;介词短语须关注;从句非谓要记住;冠词连词常光顾。年度最流行年度最流行“咒语咒语”!动词形,名词数;年度最流行“咒语”!


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