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You must eat!Unit 19Warming up:Theirjob?fashionmodelsNinaIsNinaafashionmodel,too?精品资料你怎么称呼老师?如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式?教师的教鞭“不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘”“太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早”Food for a fashion modelWhatcanafashionmodeleat?XXvegetablesaladfishpeachesdishesIf you are a fashion model.You must eat:You must not eatvegetablesfruitfishdishesmeatLets think:Canafashionmodeleatlotsofthings?lotsofsomelotsofapplessomeappleslotsofbananassomebananaslotsoffishsomefishlotsofricesomerice Whattimeisit?Its.时间表达方式:Its+分+past/to+时。整点用Oclock 4点 Its four oclock半点用 half past 4点半 Its half past four 一刻钟用 a quarter 4点一刻 Its a quarter past four 4点45 Its a quarter to five 过用 past 4点过2分 Its two past four差用 to 4点50 Its ten to five半点前用 past 半点后用to时间的表达:10:15 3:00 3:50 8:45 9:55 2:13 4:30 7:15 9:10 12:30Key words and Expressions1.eat v.2.oclock adv.3.hungry adj.4.Im hungry1 1must eatfour oclockKeywordsandExpressions5.finish v.6.food n.(不可数名词不可数名词)1 1some foodKey words and Expressions7.why adv.8.why not9.tired adj.Im tired.1 110.problem n.Key words and Expressions11.lots of12.fish n.(不可数名词不可数名词)1 1some fish13.salad n.(不可数名词不可数名词)some salad14.dish n.(可数名词可数名词)hot dishesKeywordsandExpressions15.drink v.16.watern.(不可数名词)(不可数名词)1 117.mustnt v.18.beautiful adj.some watermust notKey words and Expressions19.peachn.(可数名词可数名词)20.maybe adv.1 121.honey 22.Help yourself!lotsofpeachesChallenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛挑战你的眼睛(比比谁最快)(比比谁最快)tiredchopwhya lot oflots ofeatproblemeatfinishWhy not?finishtiredwhyfinishlots ofChallenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛挑战你的眼睛(比比谁最快)(比比谁最快)saladmustnt mustntpeachmusntdishdrinkdrinkfishpeachsaladdishfishpeachmustnt听课文回答问题听课文回答问题1.Isthereanyfish?2.IsNinabeautiful?3.Whocandrinksomewater?4.Whocanteat?5.WhatmustntNinado?6.CanNinadrinkanymilk?DAISY:Whattimeisit?NINA:Its_oclockDAISY:Fouroclock!Gee,Im_!NINA:_,too!fourhungryIamDAISY:OKThankyou,NinaWecan_nowTheressomefood_overthereLets_finishonthetableeatWhatarethereonthetable?Thereissomefoodonthetable.Letsdosth表示建议去做什么事情表示建议去做什么事情Letsgo!/Letsrun!/Letsfinish!NINA:Daisy,Ican_,butIcant_.DAISY:_?Youre_.Youre_.Youcaneat.Whatsthe_?NINA:_istheproblem.lookeatWhynottiredhungryproblemFoodCanNinaeatthem?No,shecant.Whynot+动词原形?动词原形?为什么不?为什么不?DAISY:Comeon,Nina!You_eat!Thereare_goodthingshereTheressome_,andsome_Andtherearesome_,toomustlotsoffishsaladhotdishesmust:必须必须mustdosthImustgetupearly.must not=mustntWemustntfight.Must hefinishhiswork?Yes,hemust./No,hemustnt.can/cantTheressomefish,andsomesalad.Therearesomehotdishes,too.Therebe句型就近原则句型就近原则:Be动词的数要与离它动词的数要与离它最近的名词来决定最近的名词来决定。There_abookandtwopens.There_twopensandabook.isareWhatcanshedo?Shecandrinksomewater.Now,letspracticethereadingpart:readthetextafterme!请随便吃!请随便吃!Lesson 37Order the pictures526413Chooseaboxandanswerthesequestions.1.Whattimeisit?Whoarebothhungry?2.Whatisthereonthetableoverthere?3.Whocanlookbutcanteat?4.Whatstheproblem?5.Isthereanyfish?Anysalad?6.Arethereanyhotdishes?7.WhatmustNinanotdo?8.Whatcantshedo?Perhapswhatcansheeat?F.Its four oclock.Daisy and Nina are both hungry.E.There is some food on the table over there.D.Nina can look but she cant eat.C.Food is the problem.A.There are some hot dishes.B.Nina must not eat.G.There is some fish and some salad.H.She cant eat and be beautiful.Perhaps she can eat lots of peaches.肯定陈述句:肯定陈述句:Ninaistiredandhungry.肯定陈述句:肯定陈述句:Ninacaneatlotsofpeaches.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:IsNinatiredandhungry?Yes,sheis.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:Whoistiredandhungry?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:WhatcanNinaeat?一般疑问句:一般疑问句:CanNinaeatlotsofpeaches?Yes,shecan.Key structures 11.I am tired.2.Food is the problem.2 23.There is some food on the table.=Theres some food on the table.=Im tired.=Foods the problem.4.There are some hot dishes,too.=Therere some hot dishes,too.Key structures 25.You must eat.You mustnt eat.I cant drink any water.2 26.I can drink some water.Must I eat?Can you drink any water?.Keystructures37.I can eat a peach.I cant eat a peach.2 28.I can eat lots of peaches.Can you eat a peach?I cant eat lots of peaches.Can you eat lots of peaches?Key structures 49.There is some fish on the table.10.There are some peaches on the talbe.There arent any peaches on the table.2 2There isnt any fish on the table.Is there any fish on the table?Are there any peaches on the table?Key structures 511.There are some hot dishes on the table.2 2What are there on the table?12.Nina cant eat.What cant Nina do?13.Nina must eat.What must Nina do?Key structures 62 214.Nina is beautiful.Who is beautiful?/Whos beautiful?15.Food is the problem for Nina.What is the problem for Nina?SongWhere is the Sun?There arent any people in London today.The year is three thousand and one.Theres no noisy traffic,no children at play.No,there arent any people in London today.And where,oh,where,Yes,where is the Sun?SongWhere is the Sun?There arent any pigeons;there arent any flowers,No rubbish,no trains at the stations.There arent any travellers,or drinkers in bars.No,there arent any people and there arent any flowers.And when,oh,when,When will we see the Sun?Newwordsandexpressionsmeatn.grapen.breadn.caken.tinn.cheesen.buttern.countable nunsuncountablenunsmeatgrapebreadcaketincheesebutterbuysomelotsof=alotofmeatgrapesbreadcakecheesebuttermeatgrapesbreadcakecheesebutterPattern Practicemeat n.(不可数名词不可数名词)4 4grape n.(可数名词可数名词)buy v.tin n.(可数名词可数名词)butter n.(不可数名词不可数名词)bread n.(不可数名词不可数名词)cake n.(可数名词可数名词)Cheese n 不可数PatternPractice11.Is there any fish?2.Yes,there is,but there isnt any meat.Pattern Practice 22.Are there any peaches?Yes,there are,but there arent any grapes.Pattern Practice 33.Can you see any meat in the window?No,I cant see any meat in the window,but theres lots of fish.Pattern Practice 44.Is there any fish?Yes,theres lots of fish.Help yourself.Are there any peaches?Yes,therere a lot of peaches.Help yourself.Pattern Practice 55.Buy some peaches,please.Why?There are a lot of in the bowl.Pattern Practice 66.Dont buy any grapes,please.Why not?There arent any in the bowl.lots of fish a lot of peachesnot any meat not any grapesin the window in the bowl Is there any fish?Yes,there is,but there isnt any meat.Are there any peaches?Yes,there are,but there arent any grapes.Can you see any meat in the window?No,I cant see any meat in the window,but theres lots of fish.a lot of bread lots of orangesnot any cake not any applesin the tin in the basket Is there any _?Yes,there is,but there isnt any _.Are there any _?Yes,there are,but there arent any _.Can you see any _ in the tin?No,I cant see any _ in the tin,but theres lots of _.lots of cheese a lot of knivesnot any butter not any forksin the fridge in the drawer Is there any _?Yes,there is,but there isnt any _.Are there any _?Yes,there are,but there arent any _.Can you see any _ in the fridge?No,I cant see any _ in the fridge,but theres lots of _.a lot of orange juice lots of cupsnot any milk not any glasseson the table on the shelf Is there any _?Yes,there is,but there isnt any _.Are there any _?Yes,there are,but there arent any _.Can you see any _ on the table?No,I cant see any _ on the table,but theres lots of _.some/any+可数名词可数名词复数复数不可数名词不可数名词lotsof/alotof+可数名词可数名词复数复数不可数名词不可数名词1.mustnt不能,禁止不能,禁止2.drinksomewater喝一些水喝一些水3.maybe可能,也许可能,也许4.Helpyourself.请自便。请自便。祈使句Do型型Tryyourbest.Be型型Becareful!No型型Notalking.2024/7/29E.g:1.单数:There is lots of fish in the window.There isnt any meat in the window.复数:There are a lot of peaches in the bowl.There arent any grapes in the bowl.2.单数:Is there any fish in the window?Yes,there is.Is there any meat in the window?No,there isnt.复数:Are there any peaches in the bowl?Yes,there are.Are there any grapes in the bowl?No,there arent.3.单数:Can you see any fish in the window?Yes,I can.Can you see anymeat in the window?No,I cant.复数:Can you see any peaches in the bowl?Yes,I can.Can you see any grapes in the bowl?No,I cant.请要求改写下列句子1)I,must,food,all,in,dish,the,eat,the(一般疑问句一般疑问句)_2)drink,milk,all,cold,in,fridge,the,Kate,mustnt(祈使句祈使句)_MustIeatallthefoodinthedish?MustIeatallthefoodinthedish?KatemustntdrinkallthecoldmilkKatemustntdrinkallthecoldmilkinfridge.infridge.改错1.Marymustdrinkssomewater.2.Therearethreepeach.3.Therearesomefoodinthebowl.drinkdrinkpeachpeachesesisis汉译英1.我可以喝点水,但是我不能吃东西。我可以喝点水,但是我不能吃东西。Icandrinksomewater,butImustnteat.2.我不能又吃东西又保持漂亮。我不能又吃东西又保持漂亮。Icanteatandbebeautiful.Sentence Table1.There is some bread on the plate.5 52.There isnt any meat in the fridge.3.There are a lot of people in the park.4.There arent any men in the street.5.There is some hot food on the table over there.Sentence Table6.There isnt any cheese on that plate.5 57.There are lots of children in the park.8.There are some oranges in that basket.9.There is lots of cake in the tin.10.There isnt any orange juice in the jug.Guided Summary6 61.It is four oclock.2.Daisy and Nina are both hungry.3.There is some food on the table over there.4.Nina can look,but she cant eat.5.Food is the problem.Guided Summary6 66.There is some fish and some salad.7.There are some hot dishes.8.Nina mustnt eat.9.She cant eat and be beautiful.10.Perhaps she can eat a peach or lots of peaches.Guided Summary6 6It is four oclock.Daisy and Nina are both hungry.There is some food on the table over there.Nina can look,but she cant eat.Food is the problem.There is some fish and some salad.There are some hot dishes.Nina mustnt eat.She cant eat and be beautiful.Perhaps she can eat a peach or lots of peaches.8 8Crossword Puzzlep r o bl e meeua r eH e sch o tilles c h o olsdceHomework7 7Crystal10.14th.2012Homework:1.用书上的句型1.2选一幅图片造句。2.预习20单元和33听力。3.回家读书30分钟,家长签字


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