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Unit 12 Just like you!Lesson 23 Lesson 24New Words and Expressionssmart 神气的神气的 tie 领带,领结领带,领结these 这些这些 um-呃呃-outfit 服装服装 colourful 颜色鲜艳的颜色鲜艳的play 戏剧,演出戏剧,演出 unusual 独特的独特的both (两者)都(两者)都 shoe 鞋鞋elegant 优雅的优雅的 all right 合适的合适的interesting 有趣的有趣的 part 角色角色New Words and Expressionsjust 正好,恰恰是正好,恰恰是 strong 强壮的强壮的like 像像-一样一样 little 小的小的 Daddy 爸爸(昵称)爸爸(昵称)gymnast 体操运动员体操运动员show 出示,给出示,给-看看 maybe 可能,或许可能,或许drawing 图画,素描图画,素描 bad 坏的坏的honey 亲爱的(昵称)亲爱的(昵称)great 好极的好极的muscle 肌肉肌肉 Pronunciation Hi!I my eye fine like right tie wife white bright light nice child five nine nineteen ninety ninety-nineNumbers91 ninety-one 92 ninety-two 93 ninety-three94 ninety-four 95 ninety-five 96 ninety-six 97 ninety-seven 98 ninety-eight 99 ninety-nine 100 a hundredNew Words and Expressions again 又,再又,再 child 孩子孩子 weak 弱的弱的 schoolboy 男学生男学生 workman 工人工人 schoolchild 学生学生 ugly 丑陋的丑陋的 office worker 文职人员文职人员 dark 黑色的黑色的 blonde 金发的金发的 情况情况构成方构成方法法读音读音例词例词一般情况一般情况加加-s清辅音清辅音后读后读/s/浊辅音浊辅音和元音和元音读读/z/student-students worker-workersactor-actors doctor-doctors teacher-teachers photographer-photographers以以s,sh,ch,x等结尾等结尾的词的词加加-es读读/iz/bus-buses actress-actresses box-boxes三、可数名词单、复数变化三、可数名词单、复数变化 情况情况构成构成方法方法读音读音例词例词以辅音字母以辅音字母加加y结尾的结尾的词词 变变y为为i 再加再加-es读读/z/baby-babies family-families 以以f,fe 结尾结尾的词的词变变 f,fe,为为v 再加再加es读读/z/wife-wives knife-knives 特殊情况特殊情况不规不规则变则变化化 man-men woman-women child-childrenPattern Practice 1 A:Look at that man.Is he short?B:No,he isnt short.A:Is he tall?B:Yes,he is.2 A:Look at that tall man.B:Is he a postman?A:Look at him again.Is he?B:Yes,he is.3 A:Is that tall man a postman?B:Yes,of course he is.Just look at him.4 A:Tell me about that man.B:That tall man?Hes a postman.反义词反义词 tall(高的)(高的)-short(矮的)(矮的)strong(强壮的)(强壮的)-weak(弱的)(弱的)beautiful(美丽的)(美丽的)ugly(丑陋的)(丑陋的)big(大的)(大的)-little(小的)(小的)young(年轻的)(年轻的)-old(老的)(老的)hungry(饿的)(饿的)-full(饱的)(饱的)hot(热的)(热的)-cold(凉爽的)(凉爽的)Exercise Patterns 句型句型 Listening 听力听力 Multiple Choice 选择填空选择填空 新概念练习册新概念练习册 B C that man/tall man?/postman Tell me about that man.That tall man?Hes a postman.those women/blonde women?/actresses Tell me about those women.That blonde women?Theyre actresses.What 什么什么 (询问东西)(询问东西)Who 谁谁 (具体到人)(具体到人)Which 哪一个哪一个 (具体到人或物)(具体到人或物)Where 在哪儿在哪儿(地点)(地点)Whose 谁的谁的 (询问谁的东西)(询问谁的东西)How -怎么样怎么样 (询问方法,程度)(询问方法,程度)Whats the matter 怎么了(什么事情)怎么了(什么事情)What colour -的颜色的颜色 (询问颜色)(询问颜色)What nationality-的国籍的国籍(询问国籍)(询问国籍)1 A:Who is it at the door(谁在门口)(谁在门口)?B:Its Polly(波莉)(波莉).2 A:What colour are your new shoes?(你的新鞋子是什么颜色)(你的新鞋子是什么颜色)B:Theyre red(红色)(红色).3 A:Where is Robert(罗伯特在哪里)(罗伯特在哪里)?B:Hes in his bedroom(在他的卧室里)(在他的卧室里).4 A:How are you(你好吗)(你好吗)?B:Im very well,thank you(我很好,谢谢你)(我很好,谢谢你).5 A:Whats the matter with those shoes?(那些鞋子怎么了)(那些鞋子怎么了)B:Theyre a bit big for me (它们对我来说有点大)(它们对我来说有点大).6 A:Whose tie is that(那是谁的领带)(那是谁的领带)?B:Its Dads(它是爸爸的)(它是爸爸的).7 A:What is that in the black case?(那个黑色的箱子里是什么)(那个黑色的箱子里是什么)B:Its my new camera(它是我的新相机)(它是我的新相机)8 A:What nationality is that actress?(那个女演员是什么国籍)(那个女演员是什么国籍)B:Shes French(她是法国人)(她是法国人).9 A:Who is that girl over there?(那边的那个女孩是谁)(那边的那个女孩是谁)B:Which girl(哪个女孩)(哪个女孩)?A:The short girl on the silver bicycle.(那个在银灰色自行车上的矮个子女孩)(那个在银灰色自行车上的矮个子女孩)B:Oh,thats Mary Smith.(哦,那是玛丽斯密斯)(哦,那是玛丽斯密斯)10 A:Whose socks are these?(这些是谁的袜子)(这些是谁的袜子)B:Theyre Pauls(它们是保罗的袜子)(它们是保罗的袜子).1 Lucy and Robert are in the school play.(露丝和罗伯特在学校剧社里)(露丝和罗伯特在学校剧社里)2 Lucy and Robert are very elegant in the outfits.(露丝和罗伯特穿着很优雅的服装)(露丝和罗伯特穿着很优雅的服装)3 Roberts tie is very colourful.(罗伯特的领带很鲜艳)(罗伯特的领带很鲜艳)4 His tie is very unusual.(他的领带很特别)(他的领带很特别)5 Roberts shoes are a bit funny.(罗伯特的鞋子有点有趣)(罗伯特的鞋子有点有趣)6 Robert and Lucy are both very elegant.(罗伯特和露丝都很优雅)(罗伯特和露丝都很优雅)7 Thats an interesting tie,Robert.(那是一条很有趣的领带,罗伯特)(那是一条很有趣的领带,罗伯特)8 A word for“father”dad (爸爸的另一个词)(爸爸的另一个词)9 Oh,thats a smart shirt!.(哦,那是一条很神气的衬衫呀)(哦,那是一条很神气的衬衫呀)Yes,its new!(是的,它是新的)(是的,它是新的)10 Where are Pauls socks?(保罗的袜子在哪里)(保罗的袜子在哪里)11 This is my outfit for the school party.(这是我学校晚会的服装)(这是我学校晚会的服装)12 A word for”mother”mum(妈妈的另一个词)(妈妈的另一个词)3 Im not a weak man.Im a strong man.4 She isnt beautiful.Shes ugly.5 She isnt a tall woman.Shes a short woman.6 He isnt a little boy.Hes a big boy.7 Shes an old woman.She isnt a young woman.8 The children are hot.They arent cold.him 他他 her 她她 them 它们,他们,她们它们,他们,她们3 Thats Paul over there.Look at him.4 This is Robert in this picture.Look at him.5 Lucy and Robert are in their outfits for the play.Look at them.6 These are all people at the sports academy.Look at them.7 That little is very strong.Look at him.8 Shes very elegant.Look at her.9 These are good photos.Look at them.10 That girl is very pretty.Look at her.Home work:1、抄写第92页和96页的生词和短语各六六遍.2、第2323课课文三三遍,家长签字.


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