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Lets review!love 爱,喜爱爱,喜爱 pick 摘摘 salmon 鲑鱼鲑鱼 strawberry 草莓草莓 piece 一片,一块一片,一块 dessert 甜点甜点 tonight 今晚今晚 healthy 健康的健康的 potato 土豆土豆 meal 膳食膳食 lettuce 生菜生菜 worry 担心担心 cucumber 黄瓜黄瓜 cream 奶油奶油 fantastic 极好的极好的 first 首先首先精品资料你怎么称呼老师?如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式?教师的教鞭“不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘”“太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早”名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单复数之分,前面可加可数名词有单复数之分,前面可加数词数词(one、two、three-)或或冠词冠词(a、an、the)。)。an apple 一个苹果一个苹果 four apples 四个苹果四个苹果a book 一本书一本书 three books 三本书三本书可数名词包括:可数名词包括:(1)(1)普通名词:普通名词:boyboy男孩男孩 girlgirl女孩女孩 apple apple苹果苹果 book book书书 (2)(2)集体名词:集体名词:people people 人们人们 人民人民 (3)(3)少数专有名词少数专有名词:China:China 中国中国 不可数名词不可数名词不不可可数数名名词词主主要要包包括括两两大大类类:物物质质名名词词与与抽抽象象名名词。词。物质名词无法表示为个体的实物,物质名词无法表示为个体的实物,如如:ricerice大米大米、foodfood食物食物、coffeecoffee 咖啡、咖啡、meatmeat肉肉、breadbread面包面包、waterwater水、水、teatea茶茶.抽抽象象名名词词为为动动作作、状状态态、品品质质等等无无法计数的抽象概念,法计数的抽象概念,如:如:happyhappy开心开心、sadsad伤心伤心、lovelove爱爱.名词的单复数变化:名词的单复数变化:规则:规则:1.1.一般情况加一般情况加 -s s 如:如:mapsbagscars2.以以s s,shsh,chch,x x等结尾的词加等结尾的词加 -es如:buses watches3.3.以不发音的以不发音的e e结尾的单词,直接加结尾的单词,直接加-s s如:oranges4.4.以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y y结尾的词,变结尾的词,变y y为为i i 加加eses如:baby-babies5.5.以以o o结尾的单词:结尾的单词:1.1.加加-eses的词:的词:英雄在土豆地里吃西红柿。英雄在土豆地里吃西红柿。heroheroeses potato potatoeses tomato tomatoeses2.2.加加-s s的词:除了上面的词:除了上面3 3个单词,其他以个单词,其他以o结尾的结尾的词都加词都加-s spianopianos s radio radios s 6.6.以以f f或或fefe 结尾的名词变复数时,变结尾的名词变复数时,变f/fef/fe为为v v加加-es-esknifeknife-knivesknivesleafleaf-leavesleaveswolfwolf-wolves wolves wifewife-wiveswiveslifelife-liveslivesthiefthief-thievesthieves;名词变复数的不规则变化名词变复数的不规则变化:1.1.变单词中的元音部分。变单词中的元音部分。footfoot-feetfeettoothtooth-t teeeeth th mousemouse-mic cemanman-menmen womanwoman-womwome en n 2.2.加加-ren-renchildchild-childchildrenrendumplingdumplingssoup soups/fi/fishes/fiiz/fishfishfishes种类种类鱼肉鱼肉ricericesorange juiceorange juicesporridgeporridgesoniononionsvegetables fruitA:Do you like?B:No,I dont.A:Do you like.?B:Yes,I do.A:Do you want any?B:No,thank you.A:What do you want?B:I want some.potatoes applessweets chocolatestea coffeeCommunicationLets do some exercises!New Words and Expressionsweekend 周末周末 loaf 一块,一条一块,一条shopping 购物购物 Sunday lunch 星期日午餐星期日午餐 supermarket超市超市 Sunday 星期日星期日make 攥写攥写 boring 令人厌烦的令人厌烦的shopping list购物清单购物清单 ice cream冰激凌冰激凌need 需要需要 nasty 难吃的难吃的vDo you often go to the supermarket?vWhat do you buy?vIf you want to buy a lot of things,what should you do first?What“nice things”do they want for the weekend?Lucy:Mum,there isnt any sugar in the house.Karen:I know.I must go to the supermarket.Lets make a shopping list.I must go不可回避的义务。不可回避的义务。There isnt表示表示“没有,不存在没有,不存在”。sugar不可数,所以用单数不可数,所以用单数isnt。Lucy:Ok.How much sugar do we need?Karen:Two bags.Lucy:Two bags of sugartwo bags of数字数字+可数度量单位可数度量单位+of+不可数名词不可数名词,表示不可数名词量表示不可数名词量的多少的多少Lucy:We need some tea,too,Mum.There isnt much tea in the tin.Karen:Lets get four packets.Lucy:Four packets of tea.much+不可数名词用于否不可数名词用于否定句和疑问句。在肯定句定句和疑问句。在肯定句中,我们说中,我们说a lot of tea in the tin。Lucy:What about food for the weekend,Mum?Karen:We need a loaf of bread,some meat for Sunday lunch,and some vegetables,too.What vegetables do we want,Lucy?bread不可数,为了表示不可数,为了表示“多少多少”,要说,要说a loaf of bread,不是不是a/one bread。loaf复数为复数为loaves,和和 knife/knives同。同。Lucy:One loaf of bread,a piece of meat,some vegetablesMum,these things are all really boring.What about some nice things for the weekend?Karen:What kind of things?Lucy:Well,chocolate,and icecream,perhapsWhat about 后面用后面用some,没用没用 any,实际上表示提议,希望得到实际上表示提议,希望得到“yes”回答回答Karen:Youre right.Lets get a box ofchocolates.Someice cream for youand the boys,and abottle of wine for meand your father!Pronunciationtwenty happy heavy familyeasy busy Lucy strawberry beautiful music new nephewstudent stupid usual useless New Words and Expressions anything 任何事,任何物任何事,任何物 soap 肥皂肥皂 else 另外,其他另外,其他 large 大的大的 bar 条条 match 火柴火柴 girlfriend 女朋友女朋友a pair of(一对一对)a basket of(一篮一篮)a glass of(一玻璃杯一玻璃杯)a bottle of (一瓶一瓶)a bag of(一袋一袋)a box of(一盒一盒)a cup of(一茶杯一茶杯)a bowl of (一碗一碗)la bag of(一袋一袋)la packet of(一包一包)la loaf of(一个一个;一条;一条;一块;一块)la piece of(一片一片)la bottle of (一瓶一瓶)la box of(一盒一盒)la bar of(一块一块)2 bags of 4 packets of 3 loaves of 5 pieces of 6 bottles of 7 boxes of 8 bars ofa bag ofv 一包糖一包糖 a(one)bag of sugarv 两包糖两包糖 two bags of sugarv 三包糖三包糖 three bags of sugarv 四包糖四包糖 four bags of sugara bottle ofv一瓶酒一瓶酒 a(one)bottle of winev两瓶酒两瓶酒 two bottles of winev三瓶酒三瓶酒 three bottles of winev四瓶酒四瓶酒 four bottles of winea packet of一袋茶叶一袋茶叶 a(one)packet of tea两袋茶叶两袋茶叶 two packets of tea三袋茶叶三袋茶叶 three packets of tea四袋茶叶四袋茶叶 four packets of teaHow many-?How many+pieces of+不不可可数数名名词词+do we need?我们需要某样不可数东西的包数我们需要某样不可数东西的包数/片数片数-我们需要多少张纸呢?我们需要多少张纸呢?How many pieces of paper do we need?我们需要三张纸。我们需要三张纸。We need three pieces of paper.How much-?How much+不不 可可 数数 名名 词词+do we need?我们需要某样不可数东西的量。我们需要某样不可数东西的量。我们需要多少纸呀?我们需要多少纸呀?How much paper do we need?我们需要很多纸。我们需要很多纸。We need lots of paper.ltwo bags of sugarlfour packets of teala loaf of breadla piece of meatla box of chocolatesla bottle of winelsome vegetableslsome ice cream1 1lA:Whats that?/What are those?lB:Its ./Theyre .sugarchocolateslA:Do you want any?lB:Yes,please.sugarone bag2 2lA:I want of ,please.lB:Of course.Here you are.of .sugarsugar3 3a bagOne bag4 4lA:Karen needs some .lB:How much does she need?lA:She needs .sugarone bag5 5lA:Does she want any?lB:No,she doesnt want any .but she wants of .winea bagwinesugar6 6lA:Can I help you?lB:Yes,I need of ,please.lA:Anything else?lB:Yes.I need of ,too.a baga bottlesugarwine1.I need a packet of tea.2.I want a loaf of bread.3.He needs two loaves of bread.4.She needs a box of matches(火柴火柴).5.She wants three boxes of chocolates.6.He wants a bag of sweets.7.I want a glass of wine.8.He wants a bottle of beer.10.She wants two bottles of water.填入所缺的单词。填入所缺的单词。1 Mum,there isnt sugar the house.2 sugar we need?3 There isnt tea the tin.4 vegetables we want,Lucy?P80,P80,3 3anyinHow muchdomuchinWhatdoCrossword PuzzlelAcross1.I want two loaves of bread,please.6.Pauls girlfriends name is Claire.7.Have a piece of cake!8.Stop!I cant catch that!10.Salmon is a kind of fish.12.Whats the matter?-Im not very well.Down2.This is my pen and this is Johns pen.These are our pens.3.Lets make a shopping list.4.Do you like ice cream?-Yes,I love it!5.There are some big trees in the park behind our school.9.What time is it?-its half past ten.11.Are you tired?-Yes,I am.Home work:1、抄写第76页的生词和短语各2遍。2、背78页1、2、4、6对话3、做完作业后,请家长在作业本上签字。


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