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高考介高考介词复复习放在放在_词后作表语词后作表语放在放在“_语语+_语语+_语语”结构后,作结构后,作状语状语或者或者宾宾补补放在放在_词后作词后作_定语定语2.2.介词短语在句中的位置:介词短语在句中的位置:圈出下列句子中的圈出下列句子中的介词介词,再划出介词短语,再划出介词短语 My dictionary is in the bag.The pen on the table is blue.We can find information by using computers.I found him at the bus station.1.1.介词的位置:介词的位置:可放在可放在_词、词、_词之前,构成词之前,构成介词短语。介词短语。名名动名动名即动词即动词ing系动系动系表结构(介词不能单独作系表结构(介词不能单独作谓语谓语名名后置后置主主谓谓宾宾介词的主要分类:介词的主要分类:1.at the cinema,in the hospital _2.Write with a pen,go by bus _ 3.in summer,on September 1st _4.laugh for joy,be angry at his words_5.by the way,at last,in the end _地点介词地点介词方式介词方式介词时间介词时间介词固定搭配固定搭配原因介词原因介词1表示地点、方位的介词表示地点、方位的介词3、at,in4、in,on,to6、on,over,under7、above和和below2、through,across5、in,on1、between,amongXiaowanzi is sitting _ Luffy and Conan.She seems very happy _ her classmates.amongbetweenbetween.and.表示两者之间表示两者之间用于三者或三者用于三者或三者以上的中以上的中间amongThe horse goes _ the forest.throughthrough(从物体从物体中间中间)穿透穿透,穿越穿越Later,the horse goes _ the grassland.(从物体从物体表面表面)跨越跨越,越过越过acrossacross1)Its difficult to walk _ the desert within 3 days.2)Look!There is a train going _ the tunnel quickly.3)People along the streets were all excited when the Olympic torch passed _ the city.acrossthroughthroughgo/walk across=cross2地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(through,across)throughacross(从物体从物体中间中间)穿透穿透,穿越穿越(从物体从物体表面表面)跨越跨越,越过越过2地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(through,across)throughacross4)The sunshine comes into the room _ the window.5)You can go _ the road here.6)Can you swim _ the river?acrossthroughacross(从物体从物体中间中间)穿透穿透,穿越穿越(从物体从物体表面表面)跨越跨越,越过越过1)at+_2)in+_at the village,at home,at the corner of the streetin Shanghai,in the country,in Asia,in the world,in space,in the universe3地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(at,in)小地方小地方(村庄村庄,小城镇小城镇)大地方大地方(国家国家,城市城市)或某个范围之内或某个范围之内1)He arrived _ Tianjin yesterday.2)They arrived _ a small village before dark.3)They arrived _ Beijing at 12:00 and waited for a bus _ the station.inatinat1)at+_2)in+_小地方小地方(村庄村庄,小城镇小城镇)大地方大地方(国家国家,城市城市)或某个范围之内或某个范围之内3地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(at,in)即学即即学即练4地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(in,on,to)Guangdong North KoreaJapanthe east of China.inontoisinonto境内;范围内境内;范围内境外接壤境外接壤境外分离境外分离be+in/on/to+the+方位词方位词+of.east,west,south,north4地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(in,on,to)The _ ball The _ ballThe _ ballthe east of the circle.inontois境内;范围内境内;范围内境外接壤境外接壤境外分离境外分离be+in/on/to+the+方位词方位词+of.east,west,south,northblueredgreen4地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(in,on,to)inonto境内;范围内境内;范围内境外接壤境外接壤境外分离境外分离1)Shanghai lies _ the east of China and _ the northeast of Guangdong.2)Hubei is _ the north of Hunan.3)Fujian is _ the east of China.4)China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia.inonintoinbe+in/on/to+the+方位词方位词+of.to_ the tree_ the treeonin(树上自身具有的花树上自身具有的花,果,叶等果,叶等)(外加在树上的事物外加在树上的事物)in the wall(镶嵌在墙内部的事物镶嵌在墙内部的事物)1)There is a map _ the wall.2)There are two windows _ the wall.on the wall(墙表面的事物墙表面的事物)oninThe newspaper is _ the table.There is an interesting article _ the newspaper.onin表示占去某物一部分表示占去某物一部分 只表示在某物的表面上只表示在某物的表面上A boat is _ the bridge._ the bridge,there are 2 people.underOn在在的上面的上面,与表面接触与表面接触在在下面下面,与表面不接触与表面不接触There is a bridge _ the river.over在在正上方,正上方,与表面不接触与表面不接触Jack jumped _ the chair just now.The old man sat _ the big tree to have a rest.The light _ us is very bright.underover6地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(on,over,under)I see Minnie _ the desk,Pluto _ the desk and butterflies flying _ them.onunderoverunder和和_是一对反义词是一对反义词overoverHello,I am Xiaoxin!I am 6 year old.Xiaoxin is a boy _ 12 years old.underunder还可以用于数字方面还可以用于数字方面The moon rose above the hill.在在的斜上方的斜上方 未接触未接触It became cold below 20C.above和和below是一对反义词是一对反义词“_”,主要用于表示温,主要用于表示温度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的情况。情况。少于少于Look!Beckham is in the front of the car!Beckhams wife is in front of the car!在在前面前面/方(范围外)方(范围外)=before=before在在前部(范围内)前部(范围内)1)There is a big tree _ the house.2)A driver drives _ the bus.in front ofin the front of8地点地点介词辨析(介词辨析(in the front of,in front of)in the front of在在.前部前部(范围内范围内)in front of=before在在.前面前面/方方(范围外范围外)The yellow ball is the square.The green ball is 1._在某地点(表示比较小的地方)2._在某地(表示比较大的地方)3._ the farm在农场 4._ 在上面(有接触面)5._在上方 6._在正上方 7._在正下方,在以下atinononaboveoverunder 根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词8._在下方(不一定是正下方)9._在的旁边(比near的距离要近)10._在两者之间 11._在两者以上之间12._环绕,在的周围,在的四周 13._在对面14._在后边 15._在之内(表示静态)16._进入below根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词amongbetweenbyinbehindaround/aboutoppositeinto 17._沿着 18._横过(平面物体)19._贯通,通过 20._去/朝 21._从地点起 22._在的前面 23._在的前部 24._ 在中部along across through to/for/toward from in front of in the front of in the middle of根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词 25._在的脚下 26._ 在的底端 27._ 在的后部 28._ 在的顶部 29._超出(范围),在较远的一边 30._越过 31._靠近 at the foot of at the bottom of at the back of at/on the top of beyond over near/next to根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词表示时间的介词表示时间的介词inonatsince fromin,after,withinin the endat the end ofby the end of时间介词时间介词in年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)在早上:在早上:_ 在七月在七月:_ 在秋天:在秋天:_ 在在1990年:年:_on星期几星期几,具体日期具体日期,具体某一天的某个时段具体某一天的某个时段,节日(节日(day)星期天:星期天:_ 10月月1日:日:_星期六早上星期六早上_ 5月月1日晚上:日晚上:_一个寒冷的冬天一个寒冷的冬天_at钟点钟点,饭时饭时,正午正午/午夜午夜,年龄年龄,节日节日 在在6点钟点钟_ 在午餐时间在午餐时间_在正午在正午_ 在圣诞节在圣诞节_在在15岁的时候岁的时候 _in the morningin Junein Autumnin 1990on Sundayon 1st Octoberon Saturday morningon the evening of May 1ston a cold winter day二二.时间介词时间介词(in,on at-(in,on at-在在)at six oclockat lunchtimeat the age of 15at Christmas at noon注意:注意:on Christmas Day另外另外注意注意:在表示时间的词(:在表示时间的词(morning,afternoon,evening;Sunday)前有)前有last,next,this,that时,时,不再用介词不再用介词.tomorrow,tonight前也不用介词。前也不用介词。1.The train leaves _ 6:00pm,so I have to be at the station _ 5:40 at the latest.A.at;until B.for;after C.at;by D.before;around2.The old man died _ cold _ a cold night.A.from;at B.of;in C.of;on D.for;during3.The railway was opened _ traffic _ April 4,1985.A.to;on B.to;in C.by;on D.for;on即学即练即学即练CCA1.I often get up early _ the morning,but _ Sunday morning,I get up late.2.My father likes telling us something about his work _ supper.inonat钟点钟点,饭时饭时,正午正午/午夜午夜,年龄年龄,节日节日 at星期星期,具体日期具体日期,具体某一天的某个时段具体某一天的某个时段,节日节日on年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)in1._ the morning 2._ spring 3._ Monday morning 4._ 2002 5._ a rainy evening 6._ night 7._ the morning of April 10 8._3:50 9._ this time 10._ March即学即练即学即练inininatatatonononon钟点钟点,饭时饭时,正午正午/午夜午夜,年龄年龄,节日节日 at星期星期,具体日期具体日期,具体某一天的某个时段具体某一天的某个时段,节日节日on年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)in_+_+laterin+_二二.时间介词时间介词(in,after,later(in,after,later在在之后之后)(用于(用于一般将来时一般将来时)一段时间一段时间一段时间一段时间(用于(用于一般过去时一般过去时)时间时间/句子句子after+(可用于(可用于一般将来时一般将来时,强调过了强调过了这个时间之后这个时间之后)具体时间点具体时间点1.He will come back in half an hour.2.He went home after the meeting.3.The will start working after 10 oclock.4.Our teacher will be back three months later.inhalf an hourafter the meetingafter 10 oclockthree months later1.Mr Brown has gone to Canada.He will be back _ two weeks.A.for B.after C.in 2.Our manager came back _ an hour.A.in B.after C.at3.The film willbegin two hours _.A.in B.after C.later4.Ill leave _ three oclock.That is,Ill leave _ about ten minutes.5.They left _ two weeks.atinafter即学即练即学即练二二.时间介词时间介词(in(in,within+within+一段时间一段时间)I must finish painting the cat within five minutes.Mrs Gray will return in a weeks time。in:过过时间之后时间之后within:在在时间之内时间之内They worked hard.They finished the work _2 days at last.She went to Nanjing last May,and she came back a _ month.He is out and will be back _ two hours.格雷太太将在一星期以后回来。我必须在五分钟之内画好这只猫。withinafterin即学即练即学即练 inwithin“从从时候开始时候开始”时间点时间点+by now-用现在完成时“到到时候为止时候为止”(表示(表示一个动作持续到某个时一个动作持续到某个时间点为止)间点为止)时间点时间点“自从自从”(表示动作或状(表示动作或状态从过去持续到现在)态从过去持续到现在)时间点时间点时间段时间段句子时态句子时态意义意义后面接后面接介词介词二二.时间介词时间介词(since,for,from,by+(since,for,from,by+时间时间)sinceforfromby表示某个动作或状态持表示某个动作或状态持续了续了时间时间完成时完成时根据具体时间状语选择时态They have worked for twenty-four hours.have workedtwenty-four hoursI have never met him again since then.have never metthen+过去的时间点-用过去完成时+将来的时间点-用将来时The work will be finished by the end of this month.will be finishedthe end of this monthWe have finished the task by now.have finishedby nowBy the time I arrived,she had already gone.the time I arrivedhad already gone They often work from 7 am.to midnight.I will study hard from now on.From then on I decided to become a teacher.workdecidedwill studyfrom now onfrom 7 am.to midnightthen即学即练即学即练:填入适当介词填入适当介词1.We have learnt 3000 words _ the end of this term.2.He started work _ eight oclock.3.He has worked _ eight oclock.4.I have work _nearly 10 hours.sincefromforby即学即练即学即练:选择填空选择填空1.He came here _ 1992,and he has lived here _ 1992.A.in,for B.in,since C.since,since2.I have known Li Lei _ over five years.A.in B.since C.for3.-How long has the bookshop been in business?-_ 1987.A.After B.In C.From D.Since4.It has been three years since he _ here.A.come B.came C.comes(fromto,between and.,not until,during)二二.时间介词时间介词(在在之间,从之间,从到到)fromtobetween and.not untilduring before从从到到 在在和和之间之间直到直到才才跟跟一段时间一段时间,在在期间期间在在之前之前1.He didnt see his uncle _ 7:45 last night.2.He was doing his lessons _ 7 and 9 last night.3.There is a cartoon programme _ 6:30 to 7:00 in the evening.4._ the past years,he has worked hard at English.5.He wont come back _ five.A.atB.afterC.until6.The work must be finished _ Friday.A.atB.byC.after7.Youd better check you bag again _ you leave.A.inB.beforeC.by untilbetweenfromDuringtodidntand即学即练即学即练1.What will happen _ the 22nd century?2.The story of The Long March took place_ the 1930s.3.A terrible disturbance broke out _ 1989.4.Generally,fishing is forbidden _ Spring.in in in in 即学即练即学即练:时间介词时间介词5.Mothers Day falls _the second Sunday of May.6._ those old days,farmers led a miserable life.7.I received a card posted from the UK _Christmas.8.Reading English aloud _ the morning helps improve our English study.9.The theft happened_ noon,when all the workers were sleeping.Inon atinat即学即练即学即练:时间介词时间介词10.Did you witness the traffic accident _ a rainy morning?11.Traffic jams are quite usual _ Friday afternoon.12.The City Library opened _ eight _ the morning _ this week.13.Days _ Monday_ Friday are called weekdays.14.It is said that the railway will be put into use _ three months.ononat infrom 不填to in即学即练即学即练:时间介词时间介词15.WW began in 1939 and _ 6 years it came to an end.16.You may go to have breakfast _6 oclock _ 8 oclock.17.She is always talking _lunch time.18.Your plane leaves at 10 and you should get your package ready _8 oclock.19.I didnt go to sleep _ deep into the night.20.China has experienced great changes _ liberation.after between and during/at by即学即练即学即练:时间介词时间介词until since 二二.表示原因的介词表示原因的介词(单个介词:单个介词:for,withfor,with,at)at)_:较正式,侧重情感或行为产生的依据,较正式,侧重情感或行为产生的依据,或因此带来的结果。或因此带来的结果。I couldnt speak for laughing.我笑得说不出话来。我笑得说不出话来。_:多用来表示感情上的原因,常和表示一定感情的词连用。多用来表示感情上的原因,常和表示一定感情的词连用。_:多用来表明身体或精神产生的变化。:多用来表明身体或精神产生的变化。Im much pleased at your arrival.你来了我非常高兴你来了我非常高兴Her fingers were red with cold.她的手指冻得发红了。她的手指冻得发红了。foratwith观察与总结观察与总结redwith coldcouldnt speak for laughingpleased at二二.表示原因的介词表示原因的介词(单个介词:单个介词:for,withfor,with,at)at)1.They sang and danced _ joy2.They will reward you _ your help.3.He is angry _ being delayed.4.The old man was bent _ age.5.His face turned red _ anger.6.The soldier was severely punished _having disobeyed the order.7.The little girls hands turned red_ cold.forforatwithwithforwith二二.表示原因的介词表示原因的介词(短语:短语:because of,due to,thanks to)because of,due to,thanks to)because ofdue to thanks to观察总结观察总结位于句位于句_或句或句_位于句位于句_或句或句_常位于句常位于句_+_、代词或动名词、代词或动名词Because of/Due to the heavy rain.I came late.由于交通阻塞我来晚了。They arrived late because of/due to the storm.他们由于风暴而来迟。Thanks to your help,we finished the work head of time.多亏你的帮助,我们提前完成了任务。名词名词Because of Due toThanks tobecause of due to首首中中首首中中首首2.A number of smokers died _ lung cancer.许多吸烟者死于肺癌。1.The old man died_ hunger on a cold night.那位老人饿死在一个寒冷的晚上。3.I am surprised to hear that he died _ a car accident.of of 二二.表示原因的介词表示原因的介词(介词短语:介词短语:die of;die from)die of;die from)die ofdie from因为内在原因而死亡(身体内部发生变化)因为内在原因而死亡(身体内部发生变化)因为外在原因而死亡(车祸,意外等)因为外在原因而死亡(车祸,意外等)from 1)write with a pen,cut with a knife,lock with a keywith+_/_2)see with our eyes,do with our hands,smell with our noses,eat with our mouths人体部位人体部位工具工具in+_/_/_1)in English,in French,in your own words,in three languages方法方法way声音声音语言语言2)in a loud voice,in a low voice3)in this way,in these waysby+_/_1)by bike,by bus,by train,by plane,by ship,by car,by land,by road 陆路陆路,by sea 水路,水路,by air 空运空运交通工具交通工具2)by this means方法方法meanson+_/_1)on TV,on the radio,on the phone.媒介媒介2)on the bike,on a bus,on a train,on the plane,on the shipthe+交通工具交通工具即学即练即学即练1.You can improve English _ reading more.2.He wrote the letter _ a pen.3.He talked to his father _ the phone.4.They talked _ a loud voice.5.You must say that _ English.6.My mother often go to work _ bike.7.If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow,please tell me _ phone.3.The teacher is writing on the paper _ red ink and the blackboard _ a piece of chalk.5.You can get some information _ the computer.withbyinon/byinbybywithonwith+_/_人体部位人体部位工具工具in+_/_/_方法方法way声音声音语言语言by+_/_交通工具交通工具方法方法meanson+_/_媒介媒介the+交通工具交通工具withby 表示表示“增加了增加了”beyond表示表示“范围范围,限度超出限度超出”。to表示表示“增加到增加到”10080 3050即学即练即学即练增加:增加:add up go up increase rise下降:下降:fall1)1)这个学校的学生人数增加了这个学校的学生人数增加了500500。2)2)这个城市的人口上升到这个城市的人口上升到3,000,0003,000,000。3)3)他这个月的月薪超出了他这个月的月薪超出了10,00010,000美元。美元。_ _ of _ in this school increase _ 500.The _ of this city add up _ 3,000,000._ salary in this month is _ 10,000 _.The numberstudentsbypopulationtobeyondHisdollarsYour composition is excellent except for several mistake.除除.之外之外Except for所排除的内所排除的内容与主语往往不是同一容与主语往往不是同一类的。类的。except forAll the compositions are excellent except Toms.除除.之外之外,表示从整体中剔除一部表示从整体中剔除一部分分(except排除的内排除的内容与主语往往是同一类容与主语往往是同一类的)的)exceptWe need 3 more persons to finish the job besides us two.除除.之外之外,还有还有(表示(表示“另外附另外附加加”的含义的含义,相当于相当于“in addition to)besides表示排除,多与表示排除,多与nobody,nothing,anything,all,等连用等连用butWe can do nothing but wait.1.I know nothing about the young lady that she is from Beijing.A.except B.but C.except forD.besides 2.Tom is a goods student _ his carelessness.A.except B.except for C.but D.besides 3.You have no choice _ work hard.A.except B.but C.except for D.besides4.We need fifteen more peopleour team to do the job.A.besides B.except for C.but D.except 即学即练即学即练谢谢!


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