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English Academic Writing English Academic Writing About the content This book consists of six chapters.Each chapter comprises three parts which unfold the content from three different perspectives.The first part focuses the major steps of paper writing.The second part mainly talks about the relevant issues in paper writing.The third part is concerned with the description methods.About the content This book coTable of ContentChapter One:IntroductionChapter Two:Research TopicChapter Three:Data Collection and EvaluationChapter Four:Writing Style Chapter Five:Paper Writing Chapter six:AbstractTable of ContentChapter One:IEnglish Academic WritingChapter 1:Introduction English Academic WritingEnglish Academic WritingLead in:(1)Why do you engage in scientific research?(2)What are the types,the structure and the characteristics of academic paper?(3)What procedures do we follow in academic writing?(4)What does a definition mean?What does it usually consist of?Please list two or three simple examples.English Academic WritingLead iChapter One:Introduction Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing Part Two:Procedures of Academic Writing Part Three:Definition Writing Chapter One:Introduction Chapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing1.Reasons to Engage in Scientific ResearchPersonal interest to explore the worldSolving practical problems Career developmentTechnological developmentAcademic exchangesAcademic evaluationBeing forced toChapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing2.Basic Types of Academic Papers In accordance with a combination of the content,target,methods and other factors.v Argumentative papersv Descriptive papersv Academic Meeting/Research Reviewsv Book ReviewsChapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing Argumentative Papers Definition:Argumentative papers illustrate the authors views or opinions on an issue by discussions or descriptions,etc.They emphasize reasoning and strict logic;this necessitates the use of concepts,analysis,synthesis,judgment,logic to analyze the problem,to reason and argue in order to clarify the point of view or reach a conclusion.Categories:(1)argumentative paper (2)refutation paperGo to mainChapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing Descriptive Papers Definition:Descriptive papers are also known as expository papers,which are mainly used to describe a natural phenomenon or a social phenomenon.E.g.:the causes and effects of certain ideas can be the object of analysis,description and explanation.Major types:(1)experimental reports (2)investigation reports Go to main Chapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing Academic Meeting/Research Reviews Review papers include academic conference,seminar and research reviews.The review papers explored in this book refer to the research reviews of published literature.Definition:Review papers mainly summarize the results of research on a certain topic,in which the authors can add their own presentations and comments and express their personal views.The fundamental purpose is to introduce the latest developments in disciplines and provide the latest academic information and systemic academic materials,thus having their own academic value.Types:1.In terms of span:(1)synchronic review (2)diachronic review 2.In accordance with scope:(1)thematic reviews (2)discipline reviews.Go to mainChapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing Book Reviews Definition:Book reviews introduce the main content and evaluate the books strengths and weakness.Types:(1)introductory book reviews (2)narrative-and-comment-balanced book review (3)comment-focused book reviewsGo to main Chapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing3.Structure of an academic paper (1).(In accordance with the Modern Language Association(MLA)format)Types of paperLibrary research Experimental researchCase study paperComponents Title page,Outline,Abstract,Main body,Notes(optional),Appendix,And references.Title,Abstract,Introduction,Methods and materials,Analysis of results,Discussion,Conclusions and references.Title,Abstract,Introduction,Reports,Discussions,Conclusions and references.Chapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing(2)(In terms of paper published in China or abroad)PapersPaper published in China Paper published abroad Components Chinese and English titles,Chinese and English abstract,Chinese and English keywords,The body,References,Appendix,Information about the author.Title,Abstract,Introduction,The body,Conclusions and Recommendations,Acknowledgement,References,Appendix.Chapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing4.Characteristics of Academic Writing(1).Features on the lexical level Terminology Nominalization Abbreviation Use of single verbs(2).Features on the syntactical level Long complex sentence Simple-present tense Passive voice Non-finite verbs“atom,fungus”“radar”and “AIDS”.“investigate”for“look into”,“eliminate”for“get rid of”f”.Chapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing5.Differences Between English and Chinese Academic PaperEnglish academic paperChinese academic paperStrict adherence to a particular style guide Loose adherence to styleMore empirical SubjectiveMore formalLess formal Top-down reasoning Spiral reasoningChapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part One:Introduction to Academic Writing6.Distinction Between English Papers on the Arts and Science Go to main English paper on artEnglish paper on scienceDifferencesLow originality High originalitySecondary sourcesPrimary sourcesArgumentationDescriptionSubjectivity ObjectivitySimilarities Large-scale use of the passive voice Extensive use of long,complex sentencesChapter One Part One:IntrodChapter One Part Two:Procedures for Academic WritingProcedures:Step 1:Choice of Topic Step 2:Collection and Evaluation of DataStep 3:Development of Outline Step 4:WritingStep 5:Revision,Editing and References Step 6:Preparation of Abstract Step 7:Preparation of Final DetailsGo to main Chapter One Part Two:ProcedChapter One Part three:Definition Writing1.Introduction:A definition is the meaning of a word or phrase.E.g.:“Art”is a visual object or experience consciously created as an expression of skill or imagination.Chapter One Part three:DefiChapter One Part three:Definition Writing 2.Structure of a Definition A definition consists of three elements:(1)the term itself,(2)the category the term belongs to,(3)the features of the term.Traditionally,a definition consists of the genus(the family)of thing to which the defined thing belongs,and the differentia(the distinguishing feature which marks it off from other members of the same family).(Wikipedia,2009).E.g.:“Triangle”is defined as“a plane figure(genus)boundedby three straight sides(differentia).”Chapter One Part three:DefiChapter One Part three:Definition Writing3.Criteria of a Good Definition 1.Follow rules that have traditionally been given for definition.2.State the essential attributes of that which is defined.3.Give examples of usage.4.Avoid circularity.5.Must be neither too broad or too narrow nor leave out any appropriate information,nor include that which does not truly apply.6.Must not be obscure.7.Should not be stated in the negative when it can be stated positively.E.g.:“Wisdom”should not be defined as“absence of folly”.Chapter One Part three:DefiChapter One Part three:Definition WritingActivity 1:Do you think the following definitions are good ones?(1)A game is a sport.(2)Wisdom is the absence of folly.(3)Blindness is the absence of sight in a creature that is normally sighted.(4)Murder is an intended,unlawful and criminal act of one human killing another human without provocation or justification.Chapter One Part three:DefiChapter One Part three:Definition WritingKey:(1)A game is an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other.(2)Wisdom is the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have.(3)Good.(4)Good.Chapter One Part three:DefiChapter One Part three:Definition Writing4.The Definition Essay Everett(2004)puts forward the following guidelines for writing a definition essay:(1).Make your essay personal,amusing,vigorous,stimulating,and memorable.(2).Choose a generic topic rather than a specific topic.Chapter One Part three:DefiChapter One Part three:Definition Writing5.Techniques for Definition Essays Supplementary Techniques used to clarify the topic in questions(Everett,2004):Analysis Classification Comparison Details Examples and incidents Negation Origins and Causes Results,Effects and Uses Chapter One Part three:DefiChapter One:Introduction Homework:Discuss in groups of three or four and provide your own definitions for the following terms.Then consult a dictionary to find their definitions.Literature,Coin,Culture,Dolphin Chapter One:Introduction HChapter One:IntroductionThank you Chapter One:IntroductionChapter One:Introduction Key to homework:(1)Literature:pieces of writing that valued as works of art,especially novel,plays and poems(in contrast to technical books and newspaper,magazines,etc.)(2)Coin:a small flat piece of metal used as money.(3)Culture:the customs and beliefs,art,way of life and social organization of a particular country or group.(4)Dolphin:a sea animal(a mammal)that looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth.Chapter One:Introduction KeyEnglish Academic WritingChapter 2:Research Topic English Academic WritingChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title Lead in:(1)Do you think the research topic is important?Why or why not?(2)When we choose a topic,what should we consider?(3)In groups of three or four,discuss the common methods to choose research topics.How do you usually choose your research topics?(4)Do you use tables and figures in academic papers?Why or why not?(5)What are the common patterns for writing essays?Chapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter Two:Research Topic Part One:Choosing a Topic Part Two:Tables and Figures Part Three:Cause and Effect Chapter Two:Research Topic Chapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title 1.Introduction The importance of choosing a title is self-evident,it is the starting point of scientific research.Indicating the perspective,the direction and scale of the paper.Determining the academic value of scientific.Bearing on the success or failure of thesis writing.Chapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title 2.Principles of Title Selection Value Principle Scientific Principle Innovative Principle Feasibility PrincipleChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title 3.Methods for Choosing a TitleIn general,there are six main methods for choosing a research title.(1)Consult your professor or an expert(2)Participate in academic conferences and academic lectures(3)Select from puzzling problems(4)Read books and newspapers(5)Choose from your own interests(6)Do literature reviewsChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title 4.Ways to Narrow Down TitlesStep1:choosing a general topic Step2:narrowing it down to a smaller and more feasible topic.E.g.:Literature:Literary Criticism Literary Criticism at Cambridge Development of Literary Criticism at Cambridge Translation:Factors in Translation Cultural Factors in Translation Cultural Factors in Translation and Their TransferChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title Activity 1:In pairs or groups,please narrow down the following topics to more practical research topics:Language teaching Humanities Learning strategies Writing SyllabusChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title key:Language teaching:Competency-based approach in language teaching Competency-based approach in college-English teaching Humanities:Studies in the Humanities Studies in the Humanities in China Problems Young Chinese Face When Choosing Humanities Studies in a Business-Oriented Society Learning strategies:English learning strategies Affective strategy in English learning Writing Academic Writing The Process of Academic Writing Documentation in the Process of Academic Writing Syllabus:Syllabus comparison Syllabus comparison in college Syllabus comparison in college of ChinaChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title 5.Purposes of a Title Attracting the readers attention Aiding in information retrieval Facilitating review and layoutChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title 6.Standards for Good Titles Generally speaking,the title should be short,accurate,complete,self-contained,and convenient for retrieval;include key words;avoid inaccurate,vague and too-long expressions.(1)Accuracy E.g.Original title:Development and Exploration on Utilization of New Resources for the Countryside Revised title:Utilization of Marsh Gas for the CountrysideChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title(2)BrevityE.g.Original title:On the Addition to the Method of Microscopic Research by a New Way of Producing Color-Contrast Between an Object and Its Background or Between Definite Parts of the Object Itself Revised title:A New Way of Producing Color-Contrast in Microscopic ExaminationChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title(3)ClarityThe title should clearly reflect the subject of the paper.Title:Incorporation of a Non-Human Glycan Mediates Human Susceptibility to a Bacterial ToxinConclude:This title from Nature magazine clearly reflects the objective,content and method of the paper.Chapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title Activity 2:Evaluate the following titles and decide whether they are feasible research topics according to the principles for a good title.(1)A Study on Chomskys Universal Grammar and Language Acquisition (2)Analysis of Interlanguage in Chinese College Students English Writing (3)Exploring Interlanguage of Chinese EFL Learners:Based on a Case Study of Error Analysis (4)A Study of Language Transfer in InterlanguageChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title Key:(1)too broad (2)feasible (3)feasible (4)too broad Chapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart One:Choosing a Title 7.Writing Formats for Titles Titles are usually written in the following three formats:All the letters of the title are capitalized;The first letter of each content words of the title is capitalized;The first letter of the title is capitalized.(The title assigned after the paper is written should truly reflect the basic content and focus of the paper.The number of words in the title is also an important issue.Publishers usually limit the title to no more than fifteen words.Sometimes,when long titles cannot adequately express the content of the paper,then,a subtitle approach can be adopted to supplement and clarify.)go to mainChapter TwoPart One:ChoosinChapter TwoPart Two:Tables and Figures1.Introduction In liberal arts or scientific papers,tables and illustrations are frequently used to help readers understand the content.Tables and figures are used as a more efficient way to convey information than verbal description.Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables and Figures2.TablesSome widely observed guidelines for the use of tables are:The table should be self-contained.A table is usually placed in a position near its relevant description.Provide each table with a number(Table 1,Table 2,etc.)and a title.The title should be clear,concise,complete and accurate.Try to use descriptive words,not abbreviated forms.There should be no punctuation at the end of the title.The title of a table or diagram most commonly follows the same three methods as given above for the paper title.Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables aChapter TwoPart Two:Tables and Figures The format of the column title.The first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized,other words are in lowercase.There is no punctuation in column titles.If you use abbreviations,use common acronyms.Notes of table.To explain the column title,abbreviations,symbols and data,add notes or footnotes at the bottom of the table.Do not repeat information in a table that you are depicting in a graph or histogram;include a table only if it presents new information.It is easier to compare numbers by reading down a column rather than across a row.Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables aChapter TwoPart Two:Tables and Figures3.Figures Figures refer to explanatory materials:maps,photos,images,graphs,histograms and illustrations.(1)Graphs and Histograms (2)Drawings and Photographs (3)Guidelines for Figures (4)Types of FiguresChapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables and Figures(3)Guidelines for Figures Self-contained.Number each figure(Fig.1,Fig.2,etc.)and give a caption that explains what the figure shows.Illustrations or note.Use different names in a series to distinguish different types of figures.Figures submitted for publication must be“photo ready,”Proportions must be the same as those on the page of the paper.Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables and Figures(4)Types of figures Line charts Bar charts Pie charts Scatter chartsChapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables and FiguresChapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables and FiguresChapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables and FiguresChapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables and Figuresgo to mainTransverseaE(V/cmOe)28242016128400100200300400500Frequency(kHz)Chapter TwoPart Two:Tables Chapter TwoPart Three:Cause and Effect 1.Introduction In everyday conversation,when expressing opinions on a topic,reasons to support it are given.If beginning with a cause,its effects will be explained.If beginning with some effects,the responsible causes will be explained.The same is true in writing where cause and effect usually go together.Chapter TwoPart Three:CauseChapter TwoPart Three:Cause and Effect 2.Patterns of Paragraph(1)Cause-Effect paragraphDevelopment pattern:Effect 1Cause Effect 2 Effect 3 (2)Effect-Cause paragraphDevelopment pattern:Cause 1 Effect Cause 2Cause 3Chapter TwoPart Three:CauseChapter TwoPart Three:Cause and Effect Activity 3:Analyze the structure of Example Different countries are striving to develop their national tourism because tourism really has a lot of advantages.Firstly,beautiful scenery,attractive tourist spots and splendid culture allure tourists with different parts of the world,which provides many opportunities to promote exchanges among people from different backgrounds.For example,since the reform and opening-up,China,a country which has rich tourist resources,receives millions of foreign tourists every year.The frequent contacts between foreign tourists and Chinese people promote the exchanges of culture and science,creating international friendship and promoting deeper understanding and strengthening ties.Meanwhile this has accelerated the development of these countries.Secondly,travel enriches ones knowledge,widens ones vision and enhances mutual understanding.In the past,Chinese people knew little of the outside world.Since the reform and opening-up,with peoples living standard greatly improved,more and more people have the chances to go abroad for sightseeing.Through traveling,we Chinese have expanded our scope of knowledge,and we have come to know the world better and have been learning how to develop our own country better.Thirdly,tourism boosts local economy and promotes commercial exchanges.Singapore is such a good example.It is a small country with scarce natural resources.But owing to the prosperous tourism,the countrys economy develops very well and it is named one of the four economic“tigers”in northeastern Asia.(EN8848原版英语,2011)Chapter TwoPart Three:CauseChapter TwoPart Three:Cause and Effect Key to Activity 3:Effect:Different countries are


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