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6A期末复习期末复习不定冠词不定冠词(a/an)的用法的用法1.I would like to be a policeman.(职业前加(职业前加“a”或或“an”)2.There is a beautiful garden behind the house.(翻译成中文,(翻译成中文,有有“一一”的意思)的意思)3.习惯用语:习惯用语:have a good/great time,half an hour,tell a lie,make a(shopping)list,have a picnic,have a barbecue,have a healthy diet,have an unhealthy diet,Thats a good idea.等等定冠词定冠词the的用法的用法1.I have a cat and a dog.The cat is white and the dog is brown.(再次提到的人和物前)(再次提到的人和物前)2.Our classroom is on the third floor.(on+the+序数词序数词+floor)3.I play the piano every day.(乐器前面)(乐器前面)习惯用语习惯用语:in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening,for the first time,Friends of the Earth,the environment,at the weekend,the one on the left/right,the one in the middle,in the city,in the countryside,at the entrance等等一般不用冠词的情况一般不用冠词的情况1.What do you have for breakfast?(一日三餐一日三餐前前)2.We play football after school every day.(球类运动前球类运动前)固定词组:固定词组:by train/motorcycle,on foot,at night,at noon,watch TV,go to school,walk to school,be late for school,at weekends,start work,finish work,in class等。等。主格主格宾格宾格所有格所有格我我(的的)Imemy我们我们(的的)weusour你你/你们你们(的的)youyouyour他他(的的)hehimhis她她(的的)sheherher它它(的的)ititits他们他们(的的)theythemtheir人称代词人称代词主格:用作句子的主语主格:用作句子的主语宾格:用在宾格:用在动词动词和和介词介词后面后面所有格:表示所有格:表示“的的”Wh-wordmeaningQuestionAnswerWhatWhich 什么什么What do you do for Spring Festival?We have a New Years dinner together.哪一个哪一个Which would you like?Id like this yellow one.疑问代词疑问代词Wh-wordmeaningQuestionAnswerWhoWhoseWhenWhat time谁Who is Mr.Wu?He is our class teacher.谁的的Whose handbag is this?Its Kittys.什么什么时候候When is Jons birthday?It is on 2 April.几点几点钟What time is it now?Its 2:15p.m.Wh-wordmeaningQuestionAnswerWhereWhyHow哪里哪里Where is my pen?It is in the pencil case.为什么什么Why are you so happy today?Because its my birthday!怎么怎么样How do you travel to school every day?By bus.We use How questions to ask for numbers or amounts.How meaningQuestionAnswerHow manyThere are seven.How muchHow much 多少多少(可数)(可数)How many people are there?多少多少 (不可数不可数)How much sugar do we need every day?Only a little.多少多少钱How much did you spend on the book?35 yuan.1.Some和和any的用法的用法(1 1)somesome用于肯定句,否定句或疑问句要改为用于肯定句,否定句或疑问句要改为用于肯定句,否定句或疑问句要改为用于肯定句,否定句或疑问句要改为anyany e.g.There is some milk in the bottle.There isnt any milk in the bottle.Is there any milk in the bottle?(2 2)当疑问句希望得到肯定的回答,可以用)当疑问句希望得到肯定的回答,可以用)当疑问句希望得到肯定的回答,可以用)当疑问句希望得到肯定的回答,可以用somesome Would you like some?May I have some?Shall we buy some?不定代词不定代词2.few,a few,little,a little(1)We need _(a few,a little)fat every day.(1)We need _(a few,a little)fat every day.重点一:重点一:重点一:重点一:fewfew和和和和a fewa few修饰可数名词,修饰可数名词,修饰可数名词,修饰可数名词,littlelittle和和和和a littlea little修饰不修饰不修饰不修饰不 可数名词可数名词可数名词可数名词5.Hurry up!We have only _(a little,a few,little,few)5.Hurry up!We have only _(a little,a few,little,few)time!time!There are _(a little,a few,little,few)spicy sausages in There are _(a little,a few,little,few)spicy sausages in the fridge.Lets go and buy some.the fridge.Lets go and buy some.重点二:重点二:重点二:重点二:a little,a fewa little,a few表示表示表示表示“一点点一点点一点点一点点”,肯定含义;,肯定含义;,肯定含义;,肯定含义;little,few little,few表示表示表示表示“几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有”,否定含义。,否定含义。,否定含义。,否定含义。固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配 only/stillonly/still a little,a little,only/stillonly/still a few a few3.onethe other,someothers,others,3.onethe other,someothers,others,each othereach other(1)She is always kind to(1)She is always kind to others.others.others=other people others=other people 别人别人(2)They always help(2)They always help each othereach other.each other each other 互相互相(3)(3)I have two sons.I have two sons.OneOne lives in the USA,lives in the USA,the other the other lives in Australia.lives in Australia.one,the other one,the other 一个一个另一个(前提两个人另一个(前提两个人或物)或物)(4)(4)Some students like cartoons,others like Some students like cartoons,others like science science fiction.fiction.some,others some,others 一些一些,另一些另一些1.可数名词可数名词(Countable Noun)的复数规则变化的复数规则变化:A.一般情况一般情况 加加+s e.g.toy-toys month-months coin-coins B.以以s,x,sh,ch结尾结尾 加加+es e.g.classclasses boxboxes churchchurches brush-brushes dish-dishes C.以以f 或或fe 结尾结尾 去去f 或或 fe改为改为ves e.g.shelf-shelves knife-knives wolf-wolves 名词名词D.以辅音字母以辅音字母+y 结尾的词结尾的词 变变y 为为i,再加再加ese.g.city-cities country-countries lady-ladies (比较比较:day-days boy-boys)2.2.可数名词的复数不规则变化可数名词的复数不规则变化A.以以o结尾结尾e.g.potatopotatoes tomato-tomatoes (比较比较:radio-radios photo-photos piano-pianos kilo-kilos zoo-zoos kangaroo-kangaroos)B.单复同形单复同形e.g.sheep-sheep deer-deer Chinese-Chinese Japanese-JapaneseC.改变元音改变元音e.g.man-men woman-women policeman-policemen postman-postmen businesswoman-businesswomen child-children mouse-mice foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geese可数名词和不可数名词的数量表达可数名词和不可数名词的数量表达与可数名词搭配的量词与可数名词搭配的量词与不可数名词搭配的量词与不可数名词搭配的量词a few一些一些(表示肯定表示肯定)a little一些一些(表示肯定表示肯定)few(表示否定表示否定)little(表示否定表示否定)many 许多许多much 许多许多与可数名词和不可数名词都可搭配的量词与可数名词和不可数名词都可搭配的量词a lot of(=lots of)许多许多plenty of 大量的大量的 some 一些(用于肯定句)一些(用于肯定句)any 一些(用于否定句和疑问句)一些(用于否定句和疑问句)enough 足够的(用于名词之前)足够的(用于名词之前)one-first two-second three-third four-fourth five-fifth six-sixth seven-seventh eight-eighth nine-ninth ten-tenth eleven-eleventh twelve-twelfth thirteen-thirteenth fourteen-fourteenthfifteen-fifteenth sixteen-sixteenth seventeen-seventeenth eighteen-eighteenth nineteen-nineteenth twenty-twentieththirty-thirtieth forty-fortiethfifty-fiftieth sixty-sixtiethseventy-seventieth eighty-eightiethninety-ninetieth hundred-hundredth 数词数词在在 7:15在在 8:30在在11:45在在 1:58at a quarter past seven/at seven fifteenat half past eight/at eight thirtyat a quarter to twelve/at eleven forty-fiveat two(minutes)to two/at one fifty-eight半小时半小时之内之内(包括(包括半小时)半小时)常用介常用介词词past,半小时半小时之后用之后用介词介词to。形容词和副词形容词和副词的用法及位置的用法及位置 Usage and position of Usage and position of adjective and adverbadjective and adverbWhen do we use adjectives?在名词前作定语在名词前作定语1.We should have a _diet.(health)2.I like the _ baby very much.(love)healthy lovelydiet baby在系动词后作表语在系动词后作表语1.He became very _(angrily).2.Chillies taste _ (spice).angrytastespicyWhen do we use adjectives?became形容词作宾语补足语形容词作宾语补足语When do we use adjectives?11.We should keep the room _(clean).12.This bad news made him_(happy).keep the room clean made himunhappy badkeepmakesb./sth.+adj.1.在名词前作定语在名词前作定语2.在系动词后作表语在系动词后作表语3.作宾语补足语(作宾语补足语(keep,make)形容词的位置和成分形容词的位置和成分How do we get adverbs?widelywide+lyespeciallyespecial+lyextremelyextreme+lycompletelycomplete+lytrulytrue+lyreallyreal+lycloselyclose+lyquietlyquiet+lyimmediatelyimmediate+lyexcitedlyexcited+lyadv.adv.adj.adj.+lylyConclusions completelycompleteadd lyheavilyheavyfor adjs ending in y,change y to i and add lyRULESEXAMPLESgoodwell音节音节 原级原级比较级比较级 拼写规则拼写规则 tall 形容词比较级的拼写规则形容词比较级的拼写规则taller safer fatterbigger一般的词一般的词+er以以e e结尾的词结尾的词+r以重读闭音节以重读闭音节结尾结尾双写最后辅音双写最后辅音字母字母+ersafefatbigthin hotredwet thinnerhotter redder wetter单单 音音 节节 词词音节音节 原级原级比较级比较级拼写规则拼写规则healthy easycareful 双双 音音 节节 词词healthiereasiermore careful多多音音节节以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾结尾的双音节词的双音节词,去去y 为为变变i+er以以-ful,less,ing,ed,ly,ive,able等后缀等后缀结尾的词前加结尾的词前加more前加前加more more difficult difficult形容词比较级的拼写规则形容词比较级的拼写规则 good-betterbad/ill-worsemany/much-more little-less 不规则变化不规则变化 形容词比较级的拼写规则形容词比较级的拼写规则形容词比较级的常用结构:形容词比较级的常用结构:1)thane.g.The book is heavier than that one.2)A or B?e.g.Which is bigger,the sun or the moon?1)as+原级原级+as:和和一样一样 e.g.Peter is as tall as Mike.This shirt is as cheap as that one.2)“不如不如”not as+原级原级+as not so+原级原级+as less+原级原级+thane.g.My room is not as/so big as your room.My room is less big than your room.形容词的形容词的同级比较同级比较 Tom isnt as tall as Sandy.=Tom is _ _Sandy.=Sandy is _ _Tom.shorter thantaller than not so/asas -原级、比较级之间的转换原级、比较级之间的转换比较级比较级 than 辨析:介词辨析:介词in,on,at地点:地点:in+大地点大地点 e.g.in Beijing/China on+岛屿岛屿 e.g.on Lucky Island at+小地点小地点 e.g.at the bus-stop at the airport时间时间:in+年份年份/季节季节/月份月份e.g.in 2012/spring/May on+具体某天具体某天/具体某天的某个时段具体某天的某个时段 e.g.on Saturday /on Monday morning at+钟点钟点 e.g.at six oclockin the Arts and Crafts room 在美术劳技教室里在美术劳技教室里in the hall 在大厅里在大厅里in the Music room 在音乐教室里在音乐教室里 in+一个被包围的空间一个被包围的空间 “在在里里”on the second floor 在三楼在三楼 on Lucky Island 在幸运岛上在幸运岛上 on the+序数词序数词+楼层楼层 “在在楼上楼上”at the entrance 在入口处在入口处 at the airport 在机场在机场 at the bus stop 在车站在车站 at+较小的地方较小的地方 “在在”其它介词(固定搭配):其它介词(固定搭配):1.get sth.from sb.从某人那里得到某物从某人那里得到某物 far away from 远离远离2.I usually go shopping with her.与某人一起与某人一起 share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物与某人分享某物 help sb.with sth.在在方面帮助某人方面帮助某人3.be late for 迟到迟到;for the first time 第一次第一次wait for等待等待 cook food for people 为人们烧吃的为人们烧吃的make sth.for sb./buy sth.for sb.为某人做为某人做/买某物买某物4.be kind/friendly/helpful to sb.对某人对某人 sell things to people 卖东西给人卖东西给人 show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.给某人看某物给某人看某物5.look at 看着看着;look for 寻找寻找;look after 照顾照顾 listen to 听着听着6.get to spl.到达某地到达某地=arrive in/at spl.7.by bus/car/ferry/underground on foot on the bus/underground/train in a car/taxi 8.on the/ones way to spl.在某人去某地的路上在某人去某地的路上 on ones way here/there/home9.in the classroom,on the road,in the library,in the park,walk on the grass,run across the road,on the left/right,in the middle of,in the shopping centre10.have sth.for breakfast/lunch/dinner in the supermarket/market in the frozen food section at the fish stall11.all kinds of+名词复数名词复数 各种各样的各种各样的 different kinds of+名词复数名词复数 多种多样的多种多样的 感官动词:感官动词:taste,look,sound,feel,smell+adj.become(变得变得)+adj.She looks happy.Your idea sounds wonderful.He became fit and healthy.e.g.Jimmy made a mistake,his father looked _ and his mother looked _ at him.(angry)angryangrily连系动词连系动词CAN 可表示能力、允许、可能性、怀疑猜测,意可表示能力、允许、可能性、怀疑猜测,意 为为“能,会,可以能,会,可以”;cant意为意为“不会,不不会,不 能,不可以能,不可以”。MAY 表示允许、也许,意为表示允许、也许,意为“可以,也许,可可以,也许,可 能能”。对对may的一般问句的回答,肯定回答的一般问句的回答,肯定回答 是是:Yes,you may./Certainly./Sure.等。等。否定否定回回 答答是是:No,you cant./No,you may not.常用情态动词常用情态动词can,may,must,need,shall,will,should 等,等,后面跟后面跟动词原形动词原形。MUST 表示必须要做的事,意为表示必须要做的事,意为“必须,应该必须,应该”,具有强制性。否定形式具有强制性。否定形式must not或或 mustnt。must一般问句的肯定回答一般问句的肯定回答 用用Yes,you must.否定回答用否定回答用No,you neednt.SHALL,WILL 用来征求对方意见,也可以用于用来征求对方意见,也可以用于 一般将来时。一般将来时。shall只只用于第一人用于第一人 称,称,will适适用于所有人称用于所有人称。SHOULD 为为shall 的过去式,有的过去式,有“应该应该”的意思,的意思,但语气比但语气比must 弱,不具有强制性。弱,不具有强制性。1)情态动词(用法与情态动词(用法与can,must,should一致)一致)肯定:肯定:need do sth.(need不随人称变化不随人称变化)否定:否定:neednt do sth.一般疑问:一般疑问:Needdo sth.?回答:回答:Yes,need.(No,neednt.e.g.Mike need review his lessons every day.You neednt worry about him.He can do it well.Must I do homework now?No,you neednt.need的用法的用法 2)实义动词:实义动词:肯定:肯定:need to do sth.need sth.否定:否定:dont need to do dont need sth.一般疑问:一般疑问:Doneed to do?Doneed sth?回答:回答:Yes,do.Yes,do.No,dont.No,dont.e.g.He needs to buy some food for the picnic.We dont need any money.Did he need to come?试一试:试一试:1.Simon needs to take a bus to school.(否定句)(否定句)Simon doesnt need to take a bus to school.2.They need some eggs to make a cake.(一般疑问(一般疑问句)句)Do they need any eggs to make a cake?3.Students need preview their lessons before class.(否定句)(否定句)Students neednt preview their lessons before class.一般现在时:一般现在时:1)肯定句:肯定句:I usually go shopping with her.We often go shopping together.Alice always goes shopping.2)否定句:否定句:I dont always go shopping.They dont always go shopping.Mike doesnt always watch TV.3)一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Do you/the boys always go shopping?Does Linda always go shopping?I/we/you/they +V.he/she/it+V.+s/es.+s/es I/we/you/they+dont+V.he/she/it+doesnt+V.Do I/we/you/they +V.?Does he/she/it +V.?always adv.总是总是usually adv.通常通常often adv.经常经常sometimes adv.有时有时seldom adv.很少,几乎不很少,几乎不never adv.从不从不 频率频率 副词副词这些频率副词这些频率副词通常用来描述通常用来描述平时做的有规平时做的有规律的事情,律的事情,用一般现在时用一般现在时。否定含义否定含义!现在进行时现在进行时一、用法一、用法表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。Were learning English now.二、构成二、构成肯定句:主语肯定句:主语+am/are/is+doing.否定句:主语否定句:主语+am/are/is+not+doing.疑问句:疑问句:Am/Is/Are+主语主语+doing?三、标志词三、标志词 now,these days,Look!Listen!Be careful!Look out!Watch out!Be quiet或根据上下文或根据上下文一般将来时一般将来时(be going to+V.)用法:表示用法:表示“打算打算”、“准备准备”在最近做某事在最近做某事结构:(肯定句)主语结构:(肯定句)主语+am/is/are going to+动词原形动词原形.e.g.I am going to put it on the floor.(否定句)主语(否定句)主语+am/is/are not going to+动词原形动词原形.e.g.He is not going to paint the bookcase tomorrow.(疑问句)(疑问句)Am/Is/Are+主语主语+going to+动词原形动词原形?e.g.Are you going to come back tomorrow?will do sth.=be going to do sth.将要做某事将要做某事标志:标志:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,soon,next week,in 2015,in the future,in+时间段时间段肯定:肯定:主语主语+will+动词原形动词原形否定:否定:主语主语+wont/will not+动词原形动词原形一般疑问:一般疑问:Will+主语主语+动词原形动词原形?Yes,will./No,wont.e.g.He will have a meeting tomorrow.一般将来时(will+V.)一般过去时的结构一般过去时的结构 陈述句:陈述句:主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式+其它其它I cleaned the room yesterday.否定句:否定句:主语主语+助动词助动词didnt+didnt+动词原形动词原形+其它其它I didnt clean the room yesterday.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Did+Did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其它其它Did you clean the room yesterday?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.常用时常用时间间yesterdayyesterday morning(afternoon,evening)last night(week,month,year)(two days,a week,three years)agoin 1990(1998)in the pastjust now标志词标志词It has been a long and tiring day today.现在完成时:现在完成时:the Present Perfect Tense It hasnt been a long and tiring day today.Has it been a long and tiring day today?Yes,it has./No,it hasnt.肯定:主语肯定:主语+have/has+动词过去分词动词过去分词否定:主语否定:主语+have/has not+动词过去分词动词过去分词疑问:疑问:Have/Has+主语主语+动词过去分词?动词过去分词?现在完成时可用来表示:现在完成时可用来表示:1、过去发生的动作过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响对现在造成的影响。A:Mum,have you bought any garlic?B:Yes,I have.A:Where did you buy it?B:In the market,at the vegetable store.A:How much was it?B:It was five yuan.A:Has Mum been to the flower market yet?Has she bought much frozen food _?B:Yes,she_ to the flower market.has already/just been (No,she hasnt bought any frozen food _.)yet2.already和和just用于肯定句中,用于肯定句中,yet用于否用于否 定句和疑问句中。定句和疑问句中。yet结论:结论:for+时间段时间段 since+时间点时间点It has been dead for a couple of days.It has been dead since a couple of days ago.How long has it been dead?How long has it been dead?1.1.tell sb.tell sb.(not)to do(not)to do sth.sth.叫某人叫某人(别)做某事(别)做某事2.2.promise promise(not)to do(not)to do sth.sth.保证(不)做保证(不)做某事某事3.would like to do=want 3.would like to do=want to do to do 想想要做某事要做某事4.It takes sb.some time 4.It takes sb.some time to do to do sth.sth.5.How long does it take sb.5.How long does it take sb.to do to do sth.?sth.?6.6.Lets buy some jam Lets buy some jam to spread to spread on the on the bread.bread.使役动词:使役动词:let/makelet/make sb.sb.do do sth.sth.补充:补充:Shall we Shall we dodo sth.?Why not sth.?Why not dodo sth.?sth.?1.表示建议的句型:表示建议的句型:1.Lets do sth.让我们来做某事吧。让我们来做某事吧。2.What/How about n./doing?怎么样?怎么样?3.Shall we do sth.?我们我们吧?吧?4.*Why not+V.?肯定回答:肯定回答:Thats a good idea.应答句应答句2.A:Thank you very much.B:Not at all./You are welcome./Thats all right.


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