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英语,配人教版,英语配人教版,必修三,Units1-2,1.,in memory of,in memory of,纪念。由,in+ n.+ of,组成的介词短语,的辨析是历届高考考查的重点,此辨析仍可能会作为重要考点出现。,2,. admire,admire,为常用动词,在高考中考查的可能性也较大,考查重点放在词义和用法搭配上,另外与近义词,respect,,,honor,,,appreciate,之间在不同语境下的运用也是考查重点。,3.,as though,好像;仿佛。,高考考点可能会考查跟,虚拟语气,这种用法,。,必修三1. in memory of,4.,turn up,出现;到场。,与,turn,有关的动词短语使用率较高,故考查的机率也较高,,turn,与不同的介词、副词连用组成不同的动词短语,其意义及用法在高考中可能会重点考查。,5,. get away with/ get rid of,get,在英语中是考查的高频词汇,,,与其相关的短语数量众多,短语的搭配及意义上的辨析是考查的重点,.,6.,strength/ energy,是高考中的常见词汇,,,常以词义辨析的形式出现在试题中,,如针对,strength/ energy/ power/ force,的意义辨析进行了考查,;,仍有可能考到此类辨析。,7.,benefit,benefit,是高考中的高频词汇,具有,动词,和,名词,两种词性,以及它的,形容词,beneficial,都是易考点。通常考查角度为:,(1),用作名词时,,,常考词组,be of great benefit (to),,此时可用其形容词词组,be beneficial to,替换;,for the benefit of,可被,for ones benefit,替换;,(2),动词,benefit,考点常为其不及物动词的用法,benefit from/ by,。高考可能会重点考查其,名词词组用法,。,4. turn up出现;到场。与turn有关的动词短语使用,Unit1,Festivals around the world,重要词汇拓展,1.,beauty,n.,美;美人,adj,.,beautiful,美丽的,adv.,beautifully,美丽地,2.,celebration,n.,庆祝;祝贺,celebrate,v,.,庆祝;祝贺,3.,starve,v,.,饿死,starvation,n.,饥饿,4.,arrival,n.,到来;到达,arrive,vi.,到达,5.,independence,n.,独立;自主,independent,adj,.,独立的;自主的,6.,agriculture,n,.,农业;农艺,agricultural,adj.,农业的;农艺的,7.,admire,v,.,赞美;钦佩;羡慕,admiration,n.,钦 佩;羡慕,admiring,adj.,令人钦佩的,admired,adj.,感到钦佩的,8.,energetic,adj.,充满活力的;精力充沛的,energy,n.,精力;能量,9.,custom,n.,习惯;风俗,customer,n.,顾客,10.,permission,n.,许可;允许,permit,vt.,允许,11.,apologize,vi.,道歉;辩白,apology,n.,道歉,12.,drown,vi.&vt.,淹没,溺死,drowned,adj.,淹死的,rowning,adj.,快淹死的,Unit1 Festivals around the w,重点短语梳理,1. take,place,发生,2.,in,memory of,纪念;追念,3. lead,to,带领某人去,4.,in,the shape of,呈现某种形状,5. dress,up,盛装;打扮;装饰,6. play a trick,on,sb.,搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑,7. look forward,to,期待;期望;盼望,8. day,and,night,日夜;昼夜;整天,9. as,though,/ as if,好像,10. be,covered,with,覆盖,11. have,fun,with,玩得开心,12. be proud,of,为,自豪,13. turn,up,出现;到场,14.,keep,ones word,遵守诺言;守信用,15.,hold,ones breath,屏息;屏气,16. fall in love,with,和,相爱,17. be/ get married,to,和,结婚,18. set off,to,some place,动身去某地,19. remind sb.,of,sth.,使某人想起,重点短语梳理,重点句型再现,1. At that time people,would starve,if food was difficult,to find, especially during the cold winter months .,在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们就会挨饿。,2,. It is now a childrens festival,when,they can,dress up,and go to their neighbors homes to ask for sweets.,万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上邻居家要糖吃。,3.,The most energetic and important festivals are,the ones,that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.,最富有生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天,迎来春天的日子。,4.,The country,covered with,cherry tree flowers, looks,as though,it is covered with pink snow.,(节日里)整个国度到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。,5,.,She could be with her friends right now,laughing at,him.,也许她这会儿跟朋友在一起,正在取笑他呢。,6,.,It was obvious that,the manager of the shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.,很明显,店里的经理在等李方离开,。,重点句型再现,Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and what people to at that time.,讨论何时发生,人们庆祝什么以及在那时都做些什么。,take place,发生;举行,【,联想拓展,】,take ones place,入座,take the place of sb./ take sbs place,代替,take the first place,获得第一名,in place of,为介词短语,表示代替。,【,易混辨析,】,take place,通常表示计划、安排之内的“发生”。,happen,指事情偶然的发生,常带有未能预见的意思;另外,还有“碰巧”之意。,break out,指火灾、战争或瘟疫的突然爆发。,Occur,指按计划发生,常指(某想法、某事)出现在人的头脑中。常用句型,It occurs/ occurred to sb. that,某人想起某事,Discuss when they take place,【,高手过招,】,(,1,),It was in the church that their wedding _ _ (,举行,).,(,2,),Will you attend the meeting _ _ _ (,代替,) me?,(,3,),_ _ _,(,请就座,),please! Were to start.,(,4,),Its hard to find a man to _ _ _ _ (,代替,),the present manager.,(,5,),Liu Xiang _ _ _ _ (,获得第一名,),in the 100m hurdle race.,took place,in place of,take the place,take your place,took the first place,【高手过招】,people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.,人们应该去扫墓和上香,以纪念他们的祖先。,i,n memory of sb. = to the memory of sb.,以纪念某人,为了纪念某人,The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist.,这个博物馆是为了纪念那位有名的科学家而建立的。,【,联想拓展,】,for memory,凭记忆地,用背诵地,if my memory serves me (correctly),如果我的记忆没错的话,to the best of ones memory,就某人的记忆所及,in honor of in praise of in charge of in need of,in place of in search of in case of,people should go to clean gra,【,高手过招,】,完成句子:,. This monument was built _ (,为了纪念这个小英雄,).,【,答案,】,in memory of/ in honor of,the little hero.,【高手过招】【答案】,If the neighbours dont give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them.,如果邻居不给糖果,孩子们可能会搞恶作剧,。,play a trick/ tricks on sb.,欺骗某人,开某人玩笑;捉弄某人,【,联想拓展,】,play a joke on sb.,开某人的玩笑,make fun of sb.,开某人的玩笑,laugh at sb.,嘲笑某人,smile at sb.,向某人微笑,make a fool of,愚弄,嘲笑,If the neighbours dont give a,【,高手过招,】,用适当的介词填空:,(,1,),Tom liked making fun _ others in public.,(,2,),Its bad manners to laugh _ the disabled.,(,3,),These boys like playing tricks _ their teacher.,(,4,),He smiled _ me when he heard my funny answer.,of,at,on,at,【高手过招】,The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.,最富生气而又最重要的节日就是告别冬天,迎接春天的日子。,look forward to sth./ doing sth.,期待着某事、做某事,其中,to,是介词。,The children are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.,孩子们期待着去游览长城。,Im looking forward to your early reply.,我期待着你早日回信。,注意:,带有介词,to,的短语可用下面这两句话帮助记忆:,习惯于,旧方式的人,坚持反对,新事物,这样,导致,许多,献身于,科学的人,被宣判,大逆不道。不,喜欢,这种事实的人谈到此事时,总,期待,着增添自己的努力使它,开始,改变。,be (get) used to,习惯于,stick to,坚持,object to,反对,lead to,导致,be devoted to,献身于,be sentenced to,被宣判为,prefer to,喜欢,come to,谈到,look forward to,期待,add to,增添,get to,开始,The most energetic and importa,【,词义辨析,】,look forward to, expect, hope,1.look forward to,意为“盼望,期待”,指怀着愉快的心情期待着。,to,是介词,,后接名词、代词或动名词。,2 .expect,意为“期待,期望”,指预料某事将会或很可能发生,多指好的事情,后面接名词、代词、动词不定式或动词不定式作宾补的复合宾语,也可跟,that,从句。,Im expecting a letter from my father.,我在等我父亲的信。,You can not expect me to do everything.,你不能指望我什么事情都做。,3.hope,意为“希望”,后面接不定式或,that,从句。,I hope to see you soon.,我希望不久能见到你。,I hope you will have a good time there.,我希望你在那儿玩得愉快,。,【词义辨析】,【,高手过招,】,单句改错:,(,1,),Thank you for visiting our school. We look forward to see you again.,(,2,),I hope you to come again.,(,3) The letter she had been looking forward to coming finally.,【,答案,】,(,1) see,改为,seeing,(,2) hope,改为,wish,(,3) coming,改为,came,【高手过招】【答案】,But she didnt turn up.,可是他不露面。,turn up,出现;露面;放大;调高,【,联想拓展,】,常见的有关,turn,的短语,turn about,转向一边,回头,turn against,背叛,反抗,turn away,拒绝看,拒绝帮助,turn back,原路返回,折回,turn down,翻下;关小;拒绝,turn in,上交;向里弯,turn off,改变方向,转弯;关掉,turn on,打开;转开,turn out,证明是,结果;向外弯;关掉;生产,制造,turn over,翻转,翻身;倒转;打翻;移交,转卖,turn round,转向;面对另一方向,turn to,变成;转向;开始工作,着手做事;求助于,But she didnt turn up.【联想拓展】,【,高手过招,】,用适当的介词或副词填空,1.Its half past ten, but he hasnt turned _ yet.,2.Its wrong to turn _ our motherland.,3.Please turn _ the radio a bit; Im doing my homework,.,【,答案,】,1. up 2. against 3. down,【高手过招】【答案】 1. up 2. agai,and he thought she would keep her word.,他认为他要遵守诺言。,keep ones word,遵守诺言,守信用,word,意为“诺言”,是不可数名词,,不可变复数,,其前不可用冠词修饰。,You should,keep your word,once you make it.,你一旦许诺就要遵守诺言。,【,联想拓展,】,break ones word,食言,get in a word,插嘴,in a/ one word,总而言之,in other words,换句话说,word for word,逐词,have a word with sb.,与某人谈话,have words with sb.,与某人吵嘴,and he thought she would keep,【,高手过招,】,完成句子,Im not going to _ _ _ to her.,我不打算对她食言。,单句改错:,Youd better keep your words.,words,改为,word,。,break my word,【高手过招】完成句子words改为word。break,I dont want them to remind me of her,.,我不想让他们向我提及她。,remind sb. of sth.,提醒;使某人想起某事,Thank you for reminding me of the time!,谢谢你提醒我时间!,【,联想拓展,】, remind sb. to do sth.,提醒某人去做某事,remind sb. that-clause,提醒某人,与,remind sb. of sth.,同样结构的词组:,warn sb. of sth./ rid sb. of sth. / rob sb. of sth. / inform sb. of sth./ cure sb. of sth./ convince sb. of sth./ suspect sb. of sth. / accuse sb. of sth.,The little boy informed me of the exciting news.,这个小男孩告诉我这个振奋人心的消息。,I dont want them to remind m,【,高手过招,】,完成句子,1,) Travelers _ _ _ (,被提醒,) climbing the hill is dangerous.,2) He _ _ _ (,提醒我,) take an umbrella along.,3) The photo _ _ _ _,_ (,使那老人想起,),what he had suffered in the war.,4) I may forget to return the book unless you _ _ _ (,提醒我,) it,【,答案,】,are reminded that,reminded me to,reminded the old man of,reminded me of,【高手过招】【答案】,单词拼写,1. There are seven c,in the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, North American, South American, Australia and Antarctica.,2. The shopkeeper owed a lot of money and could not pay all his d,.,3. The proud man said he would rather s_ than beg for food.,4. He is a famous p_ and his poems are popular with the youth.,5. Indeed, there are many o_ advantages to a five-day week.,6. She entered the lab without _ (,许可,).,7. Hans was a very r_ (,虔诚的,) man. He behaved in a Christian way to all people including his enemies.,8. Do you know when India gained its _ (,独立,) from Britain.,9. I _ (,道歉,) to her for stepping on her foot.,10. He got a lot of _ (,奖状,) for his excellent study.,【,答案,】,1. continents 2. debts 3. starve 4. poet 5. obvious 6. permission 7. religious 8. independence 9. apologized 10. awards,单词拼写 【答案】,句型转换,1. A: Do you know how the accident happened?,B: Do you know how the accident _ _?,2. A: On this important feast day, people might eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them.,B: On this important feast day, people might eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes _ _ “bones” on them.,3. A: In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honour Mahatma Gandhi.,B: In India there is a national festival on October 2 _ _ _ Mahatma Gandhi.,4. A: Obviously, the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.,B: It _ _that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.,5. A: He had expected to meet her all day.,B: He had _ _ _ meeting her all day.,【,答案,】,1. took place 2. which /that have 3. in honour / memory of,4. was obvious 5. looked forward to,句型转换,翻译句子,1.,他很快就安定下来专心工作了,因为他很擅长与人合作。,2.,显然,他在尽力屏住气息。,3.,我们举行舞会庆祝新年。,4.,这部电影使他回想起了他在中国见到的一切。,5.,我们再见面时,他因为没有信守诺言而向我道歉。,【,答案,】,1. He quickly settled down to work because he had a gift for working with other people.,2. It was obvious that he was trying to hold his breath.,3. We celebrate the New Year with a dance party.,4. The film reminded him of what he had seen in China.,5. When we met again, he apologized to me for not keeping his word.,翻译句子【答案】1. He quickly settled,Unit2 Healthy eating,重要词汇拓展,1.,diet,n.,日常饮食 ,vi,.,节食,2.,balance,vt.,平衡,权衡 ,n,.,天平,balanced,adj.,平衡的,3.,curiosity,n,.,好奇心 ,curious,adj.,好奇的,4.,hostess,n,.,女主人;女主持人,host,n,.,整个的主人;东道主,5.,lie,vi,.,说谎,lie,n.,谎话,lied,(,过去式;过去分词,) ,lie,vi,.,躺,lay,(过去式),lain,(过去分词),6.,customer,n,.,顾客 ,custom,n.,风俗;习惯,the customs,n.,海关,7.,weakness,n,.,缺点;弱点;虚弱,weak,adj,.,虚弱的;软弱的 ,weaken,v,.,(使)衰弱;变弱,8.,strength,n.,强项;长处;力量 ,strong,adj.,有力气的;健壮的,strengthen,v.,加强,9.,limit,vt.,限制;限定,n.,界限;限度,limited,adj.,有限的,10.,benefit,n,.,利益;好处;,vi. vt,有利于;有助于,.,beneficial,adj.,有益的,11.,combine,vt.vi.,(使)联合;(使)结合,combination,n.,结合;联合,combined,adj.,联合的,Unit2 Healthy eating重要词汇拓展,重点短语梳理,1.,balanced,diet,平衡膳食,2.,ought,to,应该,3.,lose,weight,减肥,4.,win,back,赢回,5. get,away with,被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚,6.,tell,a lie,说谎,7.,earn,ones living,谋生,8.,in,debt,欠债,9. spy,on,暗中监视,10.,cut,down,削减;删节,11.,before,long,不久以后,12.,put on,weight,增加体重,13. be,amazed,at,对,感到惊讶,14.,glare,at,怒目而视,15.,rather,than,而不,16.,neither,nor,既不,也不,重点短语梳理,重点句型再现,1. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant,feeling,very frustrated.,王鹏坐在空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。,2. Nothing,could,have been better, he thought.,他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”,3. Something terrible,must,have happened .,一定发生了什么可怕事情。,4. He could not have Yong Hui,getting away with,telling,people lies!,他可不能让雍慧骗了人却不受制裁。,5.,Even though,her customers might get thin after eating Yong Huis food, they were not ,尽管顾客吃了她的饭会变苗条,但他们,6. The competition between the two restaurants was,on,!,两家餐馆之间的竞争,开始,了。,7. I thought you were a new customer and now I find you came,only to spy,on me and my menu.,我原来认为你是一位新顾客,现在我才发现你只是来打探我和我的菜谱的。(,only to do,结构作结果状语),8. .“,Why,dont you,+,动词,?”,“,Why not+,动词,?”,为什么不,?,(表建议),重点句型再现,Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.,王鹏坐在空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。,feeling very frustrated,是,v.-ing,形式作伴随状语。,After supper the old man often sits in the armchair, reading the newspaper,晚饭后这个老人经常坐在扶手椅上读报纸。,Laughing and talking,the children went home .,孩子们有说有笑地回家了。,【,联想拓展,】,v.-ing,形式还可作原因状语、时间状语等。,Being poor,he had to drop out of school to earn his living.,因为穷,他不得不辍学去谋生。,Hearing the terrible news,some of us began to cry.,听到这个可怕的消息,我们中有些人开始哭起来。,Wang Peng sat in his empty res,【,高手过招,】,用动词适当形式填空,(,1,),. I often work late into the night before an examination,_,(,hope,),to get a good mark the next day.,(,2,),_ (see) form the top of the hill, we get a good view of the city.,【,解析,】,(,1,),. Hoping,。此题考查,v.-ing,形式作伴随状语,是主语的另一个动作,和谓语动词同时发生。,题意为:考试前我总是复习到深夜,希望第二天能得到一个好成绩。,(,2,),. Seeing,。此题考查,v.-ing,形式作时间状语。,题意为:当我们站在山顶上时,能清楚地看到整个城市。,【高手过招】用动词适当形式填空【解析】,He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!,他可不能让雍慧骗了人却不受制裁。,(1) have sb. doing sth.,让某人做某事(强调持续性);,与,wont / cant/ couldnt,连用时,表示“制止、拒绝”。,My neighbor has his TV going the whole night.,我邻居总是让电视机整晚开着。,I wont have you talking to your mother that way.,我不准你用那种方式和你母亲讲话。,(,2,),get away with (,做某事)而不受惩罚,(欺骗)成功;携带,.,跑掉,The robberies got away with a lot of money after robbing the bank.,强盗抢了银行后携带大量现金逃跑了。,Nobody can get away with breaking the law.,没有人可以犯了罪而不受惩罚。,He could not have Yong Hui get,【,联想拓展,】,get across,解释清楚,使人了解,get down to sth/ doing,开始,着手,get along / on with,进展,与,相处,get sb. down,使某人沮丧,get away from,摆脱,逃避,get over,克服困难,从病中恢复,get into the habit of,染上,习惯,get rid of,除去,【联想拓展】,【,高手过招,】,用短语填空,have sb. doing; get away with; get over; get rid of; get down to,(,1,),. I wont,you _(,吸烟,) at your age.,(,2,),. It was not a serious illness. She _ it soon.,(,3,),. Dont try to deceive the police. You will never _ it.,(,4,),. Ive tried all kinds of ways to _ the habit of smoking, but still failed.,(,5,),. Dont chat any more. Lets _ our business.,【,答案,】,(,1,),.have smoking,(,2,),. got over,(,3,),. get away with,(,4,),. get rid of,(,5,),get down to,【高手过招】【答案】,He didnt look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.,他不希望因为餐馆不再受欢迎而负债。,in debt,负债;欠债;欠人情,The former millionaire is heavily in debt now.,这位曾经百万富翁现负债累累。,You saved my son. Im forever in debt to you.,你救了我儿子。我永远感激你,。,【,联想拓展,】,debt,表示“负债”时为不可数名词,习惯搭配有:,in debt,负债,out of debt,不欠债;还清债务,deep in debt,负债累累,get/run/fall into debt,负债,in ones debt = in debt to sb.,欠某人债(人情),pay for the debt,偿还债务,pay off the debt,偿清债务,He didnt look forward to bein,【,高手过招,】,完成句中,(,1,),I _ a famous university.,我一直盼望着进入一所好大学。,(,2,),Im_ at the moment, but hope to be _ one day.,我目前负债很多,但希望有一天能还清。,(,3,),He _ me for $20000 when buying his house.,他买房子时欠了我,2,万美元。,(,4,),He has tried his best to _ but still hasnt _ yet.,他一直尽最大努力还债但至今也没还清。,【,答案,】,(,1,),am looking forward to entering,(,2,),heavily in debt; out of debt,(,3,),was in debt to,(,4,),pay for his debt; paid off,【高手过招】【答案】,单词拼写,1.C_ drove me to follow the strange man with dark glasses into a lonely old house.,2.Most stores ask their assistants to look on c_ as gods, but actually they dont.,3.I am looking for a job in which I can c_ my work with my interest.,4.In order to keep healthy, youd better have a b_ diet.,5.Each coin has two sides. Everyone has his advantages and w_.,6.After the tiring climbing, my _(,力气,) gave out.,7.When I arrived in America, I found my English was very _(,有限的,).,8.My mother is _(,瞪,) at me, angrily and without saying anything.,9.The successful launch of Shenzhou VII must bring _ (,好处,)to the development of space industry.,10.Stores will give a _(,打折,) for their VIP customers before important festivals.,【,答案,】,1.Curiosity 2. customers 3. combine 4. balanced 5. weakness 6. strength 7. limited 8. glaring 9. benefit 10. discount,单词拼写【答案】1.Curiosity 2. custom,句型转换,1.A,:,He owes a lot of money because of his business failure.,B,:,He is _ _ because his business failed.,2.A,:,Why dont you come in and try on our latest fashion clothes?,B,:,Why _ _ _ and try on our latest fashion clothes?,3.A,:,Im sure something unusual has happened to his family.,B,:,Something unusual _ _ happened to his family.,4.A,:,As I was bored with writing, I decided to turn to teaching.,B,:,_ _ writing, I decided to turn to teaching.,5.A,:,It seemed that there was something wrong with our project.,B,:,There _ _ _ something wrong with our project.,【,答案,】,1. in debt 2. not come in 3. must have 4. Tired of 5. seemed to be,句型转换【答案】,翻译句子,1.,她为了减肥而吃特别规定的饮食。,2.,良好的教育对我们的成长有好处。,3.,对孩子撒谎的事不能不了了之。,4.,他的数学进步神速令我大为惊讶。,5.,没有什么比旅行更令人愉快的事了。,【,答案,】,1.She is on a special diet to lose weight.,2.A good education will benefit our growth.,3.You shouldnt let your child get away with telling lies.,4.,I am amazed that he has made such rapid progress in,math.,5.Nothing is more pleasant than traveling.,翻译句子【答案】,Units 3-5,1,.,can,can,表推测是其非常重要的一项功能。考生应明确该用法主要用于否定句和疑问句中,有时用于肯定句中(有时可能),还要掌握,cant have done,和,mustnt have done,的用法区别,同时联想到,could,,,should,,,may,表推测的用法。近几年情态动词的用法考察非常繁琐,考生应细心观察,明确不同语境中的功能。,2.,scene,Scene,是经常考查到的重点名词之一。主要以单项填空或者完形填空的形式出现,考查名词词义辨析。考生要熟记其主要义项:(戏剧)一场;现场;场面。会区分,sight,(视力;风景;景色),,view(,景色;观点,),,,scenery(,风景;风光,),。,3.,extremely, simply, gradually,这三个副词都是日常生活中使用频率较高的单词,在以往的高考中也是每每出现,,,Units 3-51.can,4.,account,Account,是重点名词之一,考生除了掌握“帐户;叙述”义项外,还应熟记,account for(,可用来解释,说明,),,,联想到,allow for(,考虑到,),,,take sth. into account/consideration,等。,5.,go ahead,该短语是情景题中考查的热门短语,考生首先要明确其常用义项,: (,经允许后,),开始做,着手做。,Go ahead with sth,(继续,),注意该短语也有可能在动词短语辨析中出现。,6,break out,break out,是高考中的高频词组,通常考查角度为与,break,有关的词组辨析,所以考生要熟练区分常见,break,短语。,break down,:机器等坏了;失败;垮掉;划分;,break up,:关系破裂;期末放假;粉碎,破碎;结束;解散;,break off,:断开;折断;停顿;,break through,:突破;冲破;,break in,:打断;强行进入。,break into,:破门而入等。,4.account,7,rather than,通常考查角度为,rather than,前后的搭配,,例如:,would rather do than do,;,prefer to do rather than do,;,还有与,other than; or rather,辨析,:,other than,:除了;,or rather,:更确切地说,。,高考中可能重点考查,三者的辨析。,8.,非限制性定语从句,和,名词性从句,这是两大基本句型,其中名词性从句又包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。考生要熟悉这些句型的结构特点,并熟练运用。,预测高考中一定还会对以上句型进行考查。,7rather than,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note,重要词汇拓展,1.,birthplace,n.,出生地,故乡,birth,n.,.,出生,2.,novel,n.,小说;长篇故事,adj.,新奇的;异常的,3.,adventure,n.,奇遇;冒险,adventurous,adj.,冒险的,危险性的;喜冒险的,4.,scene,n.,(,戏剧,),一场;现场;场面;景色,scenery,n.,(,总称,),风景,景色,scenic,adj.,自然景色的,5.,bet,n,.,赌;打赌,vi.,vt,.,打赌;赌钱,6.,wander,vi.,漫游;漫步;漂泊,wanderer,n,.,漫游者;流浪汉;彷徨者,7.,pavement,n.,人行道,sidewalk,n.,(Am.E),人行道,8.,businessman,n.,商人,business,n.,生意;商业,busy,adj.,繁忙的,9.,permit,vt.,vi.,许可;允许;准许,n.,通行证;许可证;执照,permission,n.,许可;允许;准许,10.,ahead,adv.,在前;向前;提前,11.,stare,vi.,凝视;盯着看,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank,12.,fault,n,.,过错;缺点;故障,faulty,adj,.,有错误的;有缺点的,faultless,adj,.,无错误的;无缺点的,13.,spot,vt,.,发现;认出,n,.,斑点;污点;地点,spotless,adj,.,没有污点的;纯洁无暇的,14.,passage,n,.,船费,(,包食宿,),;通道;,(,一,),段 ,passenger,n,.,乘客,15.,account,vi,vt,.,认为;说明;总计,n,.,说明;理由;计算;帐目,16.,seek,vt.,vi.,寻找,;,探索,;,寻求,sought,过去式,sought,过去分词,17,.patience,n.,耐性;忍耐,patient,adj.,有耐性的,18.,contrary,n.,反面;对立面,adj,.,相反的;相违的,19.,unbelievable,adj.,难以置信的,believable,adj.,值得相信的,believe,vt.,vi,.,相信,20.,rude,adj,.,粗鲁的;无理的,rudeness,n,.,粗鲁无理,21.,manner,n,.,礼貌;举止;方式,22.,scream,vi,.,尖声叫,n.,尖叫声;喊叫声,23.,genuine,adj.,真的;真诚的,genuinely,adv,.,真地;真诚地,24.,bow,vi.,n,.,鞠躬;弯腰,12.fault n.过错;缺点;故障faulty adj,重点短语梳理,1.bring,up,抚养;培养;教育;提出,2.make a,bet,打赌,3.go,ahead,前进;用于祈使句可以;往下说,4.,by,accident,偶然


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