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(共(共10套)外研版中考英语总复习七年套)外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)级上册(全册)PPT复习课件汇总复习课件汇总如果暂时不需要,请把我收藏一下。再次搜索如果暂时不需要,请把我收藏一下。再次搜索到我的机会不足万分之一哦!到我的机会不足万分之一哦!一次小下载一次小下载 安逸一整年!安逸一整年!小魔方站作品小魔方站作品(共10套)外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)PPT复习外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总一、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Do you laugh every day?Most people _1 1_Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day.That is _2 2_laughter.(B B)1.1.A.laugh Bdo Cdoes Ddone(C C)2.2.A.a lot Bmany Ca lot of Da few一、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(B)In India,there are _3 3_laughter clubs.The people in these clubs get together every morning.First they stretch their hands above their heads.Then they pretend to laugh.Soon everyone is laughing naturally.People say they feel good after _4 4_together.(B B)3.3.A.hundred of Bhundreds of Chundred Dhundreds(C C)4.4.A.laugh Bto laugh Claughing Dlaughed In India,there are _3_lau Scientists believe that laughter is good _5 5_you._6 6_?For one thing,laughter is _7 7_good exercise.When you laugh,you exercise many muscles in your body.(A A)5.5.A.for Bat Cwith Dto(A A)6.6.A.Why BWhat CHow DWhere(D D)7.7.A.a Ban Cthe D/Scientists believe that lau Scientists say that one hundred laughs is the same_8 8_ten minutes of running.When you laugh,you _9 9_breathe deeply.This makes you _1010_(A A)8.8.A.as Blike Cfor Dof(B B)9.9.A.too Balso Ceither Das well(A A)10.10.A.relaxed Bto relax Crelaxing Drelax Scientists say that one hun Why do we laugh?That is a hard question _1111_We know that people laugh _1212_ in a group.They dont laugh very often when they are alone.Many scientists believe that we use laughter to make friends with_1313_Laughter helps us feel part of a group.(B B)11.11.A.answered Bto answer Canswer Dfor answer(B B)12.12.A.less often Bmore often Cnever Dhardly(B B)13.13.A.another Bothers Cother Dthe other Why do we laugh?That is a In English,people say that laughter is the best _1414_Some think that laughter helps sick people get _1515_Do you think so too?(C C)14.14.A.magazine Bknowledge Cmedicine Dgift(A A)15.15.A.well Bgood Cbad Dworse In English,people say that 二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面四篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A A(20172017十堰中考改编)I go to school the youth to learn the future.二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总(D D)16.16.The Harvard University is famous for _Asubjects and country Bprofessors(教授)and studentsCpeople and wealth Dhistory,influence and wealth(A A)17.17.Which one is private of the four universities?AHarvard University.BUniversity of Oxford.CTsinghua University.DUniversity of Cambridge.(D)16.The Harvard University(B B)18.18.Which of the following statements is NOT true?AHarvard University was set up in 1636.BThe University of Oxford is the oldest university in the world.CTsinghua University is located in Beijing now.DThe university of Cambridge is the sixth oldest university in Europe.(B)18.Which of the followingB B(原创)Long long ago,there lived in Ireland a strong giant(巨人)by the name of Finn MacCool.Finn was taller than a tall tree and stronger than a dozen oxen(公牛)He was brave and kind,but he was also very proud.“I am the greatest giant of them all,”he would say.“There is no one who can beat me!”Across the sea in Scotland,there lived another giant.This one was called Angus.He was huge and strong,with an angry red face.Everyone was afraid of him.B(原创)One day,Angus was told of Finns words.When he heard that Finn thought he was the greatest giant of all,Angus was very angry.“I am the greatest giant,”he roared(吼叫)“Ill teach Finn a lesson he wont forget!”Angus walked angrily to the shore(岸 边)He looked across at Ireland.Cupping his hands to his mouth,he roared,“Hey!Finn MacCool!Come and see what a real giant looks like,you great baby!”The breeze carried his words to Finn and when Finn heard them,he was angry too.Standing on the cliffs(悬崖)of County Antrim,he roared back,“All I see is a giant fool!”One day,Angus was told of F At this,Angus shook his fist(拳头)in anger.“If I could only get across the sea to you,I would teach you a lesson youd never forget,”he shouted.“Thats easily done!”Finn replied.He tore a great rock from the cliffs and threw it into the waves it became the first step of a giant pathway(路)across the sea.Angus began to do the same,but as the giants drew closer to one another Finn began to worry.He was getting tired,and Angus looked very big and strong.So Finn hurried home to his wife,Oona.She was not as big or as strong as he was,but she was very clever.He told her all about Angus,and the path across the sea.At this,Angus shook his fis Oona sighed(叹气)“Finn,”she said,“youre being a big baby.”“I am not being a baby!”Finn said.(To be continued)Oona sighed(叹气)“Finn,”she(D D)19.19.From the first paragraph,we know that Finn MacCool is all of the following EXCEPT _Astrong Bbrave Cproud Dsmart(B B)20.20.What did Angus plan to do when he heard Finns words?AHe wanted to make friends with Finn.BHe decided to teach Finn a lesson.CHe was afraid of Finn.DHe wanted to kill Finn.(D)19.From the first paragra(C C)21.21.Why did Finn throw a great rock into the sea?AHe was too angry to do anything else.BHe wanted to show his strong body.CHe wanted to make a pathway across the sea.DHe wanted to stop Angus from crossing the sea.(C C)22.22.What happened when the two giants got closer to each other?AAngus became worried.BAngus jumped into the sea.CFinn ran away.DFinn killed Angus.(C)21.Why did Finn throw a gC C Time is short and unfortunately we are all getting older.There may never be a better time than now to have a meaningful conversation with your parents.You sometimes hear people say that they regret missed opportunities while their parents were alive and that there were things they wish they had spoken about.Make sure that you seize(抓住)the chance while you can.C 1 1Can you tell me a story about your parents or grandparents?Family history is much more than a family tree and a photo album.It is also a collection of stories which become your family folklore(奇闻异事)Be sure to have some stories about your parents and grandparents that you can pass on to your descendants(后代)1Can you tell me a story a 2 2Can you tell me a story about when you were a child?Stories about their adventures,hopes,fears and relationships with friends and parents can be interesting and revealing(有启迪作用的)Why not record them on video?3 3Can you tell me a story about me as a child?Your parents will remember funny or embarrassing things about you as a little child.These will be handy when one day your child asks you the same question.2Can you tell me a story a 4 4What is the one piece of advice you would like to share with me?Your parents have a lifetime of experience and there are still things that you can learn from them.They may share something philosophical(有哲理的)or funny.It can pass into the family sayings.5 5What thing in your life made you the happiest and the proudest?Lets talk about the good things in their lives:their achievements,joys and moments of pride.4What is the one piece of(A A)23.23.What does the underlined word“handy”mean in Chinese?A有用的 B无聊的 C手工的 D无用的(B B)24.24.According to the passage,_ is the best time for a family.Ato enjoy watching videos with your familiesBto enjoy meaningful conversations with your parentsCto enjoy taking photos with your parentsDto enjoy useful talks with people about different experiences(A)23.What does the underlin(A A)25.25.Why do people pass on the stories about their parents and grandparents?ABecause the stories remind people of their family history.BBecause the stories are in a family tree.CBecause the stories are about fears.DBecause the stories come from family albums.(A)25.Why do people pass on(C C)26.26.What is the main idea of this passage?AParents time is short,so we arent supposed to waste time.BWe need to find some topics to complete a conversation.CWed better catch each opportunity to have a talk with our parents now.DIt is a chance to have a good relationship with families by having conversations.(C)26.What is the main idea D D(20172017黄石中考改编)Nowadays,phone calls and messages help us make regular contact(联系)with others.It means that we seldom write letters now.But a TV show,Letters Alive(见字如面),is bringing back this old habit.Letters Alive invites famous actors and actresses,but there are no funny jokes or different competitions.Instead,its just one person walking up to a microphone and reading a letter.D(2017黄石中考改编)The letters were written by people from different times in history.For example,in one episode(集),they read a letter written by famous writer Xiao Hong to her younger brother in 1941.The letter shows that Xiao Hong missed her brother so much and had great hopes for his future.“Every letter opens another world for us,”according to Guan Zhangwen,the director of the TV show.“It seems that we can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers.”Since its first episode on Dec.5.Letters Alive has been widely praised.Many audiences(观 众)said that it has provided a breath of fresh air to todays TV shows.The letters were written by Besides Letters Alive,some other cultural TV shows have also been well received by Chinese audiences.They include Chinese Poetry Conference,a traditional Chinese poetry competition and Readers,a programme that invites people to read poems and articles they like or wrote.It suggests that cultural values and true feelings are becoming our interest.Besides Letters Alive,some(B B)27.27.Letters Alive,a TV show,invites famous people to _Atell audiences jokes Bread and share lettersCwalk up to a microphone to sing Denter different competitions(B)27.Letters Alive,a TV sho(A A)28.28.According to the passage,which sentence is RIGHT?AWe can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers by reading letters.BXiao Hong missed her brother but had no hope for his future.CLetters Alive is not popular enough to attract audiences.DChinese Poetry Conference invites people to read poems and articles.外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总(C C)29.29.How many cultural TV shows are mentioned in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.(D D)30.30.What is the best title for the passage?APhones have taken the place of letters BWelcome to cultural TV showsCLetters encourage us to communicate DLetters become popular again(C)29.How many cultural TV s3131My uncle_fedfed_ some chickens last month.3232Id like two _bowlsbowls_ of beef noodles.3333You are so_luckylucky_ to get the first prize.3434Every year lots of_visitorsvisitors_ come to Hangzhou for vacation.3535Before the Spring Festival,people often clean their houses to_sweepsweep_awayaway_ bad luck.31My uncle_fed_ some chickeB根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Dear Ada,My favourite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival.It is celebrated in 36.36._winterwinter_(冬天),usually in January or February.37.37._DuringDuring_(在期间)this festival,we do lots of things.B根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。Before the festival,we usually clean our house and make it more 38.38._beautifulbeautiful_(漂 亮 的)with chunlian.On New Years Eve,families get 39.39._togethertogether_(一 起)and enjoy a big meal.The traditional 40.40._foodfood_(食物)in the north is jiaozi and niangao in the south.On the first day of the New Year,we wear new clothes and visit our 41.41._relativesrelatives_(亲戚)and friends.We say“Happy New Year”to each other 42.42._happilyhappily_(愉快地)Children can receive“43.43._luckylucky_(幸运的)money”from the elders.Thats one of my favourite parts of this festival.Before the festival,we usua Its my favourite festival because I enjoy 44.44._spendingspending_(度 过)time with my families.It 45.45._makesmakes_(使)me feel very happy.Yours truly,Tom Its my favourite festival 四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Which do you love to use when you are studying,iPads 46.46._oror_books?Here is 47.47._a a_survey about it.四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Some students think that iPads are 48.48._betterbetter_(good),because iPads can give them more choices.They can look 49.49._upup_ information in an iPad more easily.At the same time,students can send pictures 50.50._directlydirectly_(direct)to a printer to photocopy them.With an iPad,they can keep all their work in it.And they will not forget homework 51.51._becausebecause_ teachers can send all the homework to their iPads.Some students think that iP But others think that books are more 52.52._helpfulhelpful_(help)for learning.First,reading books wont hurt their eyes.Second,books can help them think harder and deeper,because they may ask themselves some 53.53._questionsquestions_(question)when they read books.Third,some students usually use iPads 54.54._toto_playplay_(play)games at school,and it is not good 55.55._forfor_ their study.So they like to use books better.But others think that books五、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)阅读下列短文,在空白处(5660)填入与短文内容相符的信息,完成阅读摘记。The 14yearold girl Susan Davis is having a party.At this party,there are neither cakes nor candles.There is only a room full of art supplies(供应品)and many kids she never met.And all the kids are homeless.五、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)Susan got the idea last year after her school.She worried that kids who could not afford their own supplies would give up drawing.So she started writing letters to big companies to ask for help.Then the girl received lots of donations(赠品)from some of the biggest art supply companies.Susan collected more than$3,000 in supplies,enough to make a home for kids to paint their own watercolours.By far shes held three parties.What she did was encouraged by the White House.Susan received the Presidents awards(奖赏)Now Susan does it for a different reasonto get the poor kids to enjoy art.Susan got the idea last yea外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总六、书面表达(共1小题;满分25分)Robert的朋友Jack上周给他写了一封信,向他询问有关保持健康的方法。请你以Robert的名义给Jack回封信(开头和结尾已给出),告诉他你的如下建议:1 1每天锻炼;2.2.多吃蔬菜、水果等健康食品,尽量少吃肉和垃圾食品;3.3.每天坚持喝牛奶,有益于健康;4.4.拒绝网络游戏,阅读有益书籍;5.5.不贪恋电视,保证八小时的充足睡眠时间。要求:1.1.语句通顺,内容完整,语法正确;2.2.词数:不少于60。六、书面表达(共1小题;满分25分)Dear Jack,Thank you for your last letter._LetLet_meme_telltell_youyou_howhow_toto_keepkeep_healthy.Firsthealthy.First,youyou_shouldshould_exerciseexercise_everyevery_day.Secondday.Second,eatingeating_moremore_vegetablesvegetables_andand_fruitfruit_isis_goodgood_forfor_ _ _youryour_healthhealth,andand_trytry_toto_eateat_lessless_junkjunk_foodfood_oror_meat.Thirdmeat.Third,youyou_havehave_toto_drinkdrink_milkmilk_everyevery_day.Itday.It_helpshelps_youyou_keepkeep_healthy.Donthealthy.Dont_spendspend_tootoo_muchmuch_timetime_playingplaying_computercomputer_gamesgames_online.Readonline.Read_moremore_books.Abooks.Alsolso,youdyoud_betterbetter_notnot_watchwatch_tootoo_muchmuch_TVTV,andand_youyou_shouldshould_sleepsleep_atat_leastleast_8 8_hours.I I_hopehope_youyou_areare_inin_goodgood_health.health._Yours,RobertDear Jack,外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总文章见高分突破-中考总复习第19页文章见高分突破-中考总复习第19页外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总文章见高分突破-中考总复习第19页文章见高分突破-中考总复习第19页外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总文章见高分突破-中考总复习第24页文章见高分突破-中考总复习第24页外研版中考英语总复习七年级上册(全册)复习ppt课件汇总文章见高分突破-中考总复习第25页文章见高分突破-中考总复习第25页


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