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Fog and HazeSA16225439 张先荣contents1.Basic information of the Haze2.Causes of hazy weather3.The harm of smog4.Methods and solutionsBasic information of the Haze In 1952,the Londons severe fog lasted for 5 days,leading to death of 12,000 people.London tianjin1952 2015London tianjin1952 2015Basic information of the HazeOn Dec.5,1952,a thick layer of fog settled over the streets of London,blanketing the city.This was no ordinary winter mist,but rather a noxious haze of sulfur dioxide from coal-fired industrial factories and cook stoves in London homes.It took 20 years to solve the haze in London.Basic information of the Haze In China,a lot of cities are suffering from the same problem now.Basic information of the Haze When I see this picture,I want to escape the earth.The day before yesterday,the national AQI index live chart Basic information of the HazeThis place,I spent my four years of college here,Four years ago and four years later Basic information of the HazeI used to be a college dorm,where I havent seen the sun clearly for 4 years.Basic information of the HazeYesterday my classmate called me and said he was off work and couldnt find his way home.He had to open GPS.Basic information of the HazeSmog in China Few have experienced more rapid success in China than the auto industry,which has doubled its volume sales in just the last four years.But as anger simmers over the countrys air pollution,fingers are increasingly pointing at the millions of new cars clogging Chinese roads.Basic information of the HazeThe most distance way in the world is that I couldnt see Chairman Mao even though I am right in front of the Tiananmen!世界上最远的距离,是我就站在天安门前却看不到毛主席!Basic information of the Hazewe all know that our country is suffering a severe haze,but do you know exactly what haze it is?haze=SO+N&O+PM2.5First of all,what is smog?Smogisacombinationoffogandhaze.Aerosolsystemcomposedoftheairinthedust,sulfuricacid,nitricacidandotherparticlescausevisualdisordercalledhaze.Whentheairhumidityincreases,hazewillbetransformedintothefog.Basic information of the HazeRelative Humidity相对湿度Fog雾Haze霾90%Greater than ninety percent 80%Visibility能见度1kmLess than 1 km 1km-10kmnComparison of Fog&HazeLess than eighty percent Basic information of the HazePM:Particulate matter 颗粒物 PM 10:inhalable particles 可吸入颗粒物 PM 2.5:particles can be drawn into lung 可入肺颗粒物Particle size2.5mnWhat is PMBasic information of the HazeXian first got No.1 in the ranking of the Chinese cities!Causes of hazy weather1.Large pollutant emission (The burning of coal and oil)Causes of hazy weather2.Disadvantageous condition for dispersal 扩散不利扩散不利 (the low atmospheric air pressure.No wind、no rain)Causes of hazy weather3.Multiply effect of regional pollution and local pollution 区域污染和本地污染叠加区域污染和本地污染叠加The harm of smog1、It may has a bad effect on our respiratory(呼吸)organ and cardiovascular system(心血管系统统).7 years after serious haze,there will be a period that the rate of lung cancer is extremely highThe harm of smog Haze particles may cause irritation of the eyes,nose,throat in healthy individuals,where the irritation resolves on its own in most cases.The harm of smog222、The haze will reduce the vision.The worse is that the traffic will be much busier and the possible of accident will raise up.The harm of smog23.3、haze weather,the air will often with bacteria and viruses,easy to spread the diseases.传播疾病4、It is not conducive to the growth of children 不利于儿童成长Methods and solutions24.What can we do to avoid this?Methods and solutions25.Step1:Search Air Quality Index first,reduce outdoor exercise if its beyond 100.Step2:Wear N95/KN90 mask while density of PM2.5 reach 150.N95 KN90Methods and solutions26.N95 KN90Step3:Light diet and drink plenty of water.Step4:Do not open the window in the hazeMethods and solutions27.N95 KN90Step 5:A moderate amount of vitamin D supplements.Methods and solutions28.nSolve the problem1.Develop and use new clean energyMethods and solutions29.N95 KN90nSolve the problem2.Reducing the use of cars,developing the public transport.Methods and solutions30.N95 KN90nSolve the problem3.Increase the green area.Methods and solutions31.N95 KN90nSolve the problem4.Set up laws and regulations Government should enact more strict laws and regulations in order to reduce the sources of pollution.32.Haze has become the enemy of the China The country can now take rising affluence and international respect for granted.The next dream for China should be cleaner air and water-and an open debate about how to get there.33.In a word,we need do it together!First,if conditions permit,we can wear a respirator which can help us perhaps not much.Second,if we go out,we should try to take public transportation.Third,hybrid cars should be regarded.Four,clean energy should be promoted in our daily lifeIn the last,the public supervision is important.34.Now in China,NPC&CPPCC(National Peoples Congress人大&Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference 政协)determine to solve the haze in 10 years.We are all in this together!共同努力!


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