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Unit 6 BirdwatchingGrammar Unit 6 Birdwatching Unit 6 BirdwatchingGrammar Unit 6 BirdwatchingStep1 Where will you go?I will go to Qinghai Lake to watch the birds.I will go to _ to _.Step1 Where will you go?I wi 我们可以用动词不定式(我们可以用动词不定式(to infinitives)来表示来表示_._.I will go to Qinghai Lake to watch the birds.She will go to Zhalong to take photos of the cranes.Work out the rule.(归纳规则)归纳规则)目的(目的(purposepurpose)我们可以用动词不定式(to infinitives)来表 Every year,many tourists go to Qinghai Lake _(watch)the birds.They take cameras _(take)photos.The lake is so beautiful.People often get up early in the morning _(enjoy)the sunrise.They also like to ride around the lake _(see)more birds.Fill in the blanks.to watchto taketo enjoyto see Every year,many tourists A:What will you take with you?B:Ill take toStep2 What can we take?A:What will you take with yoI will take a camera with me to take some photos._,I will take a camera with me.I will take a camera with me _._,I will take a camera with me.Different expressions.(同义转换)(同义转换)To take some photos in order totake some photosIn order to take some photosI will take a camera with me tWork out the rule.我们也可以用我们也可以用_来表示目的,后接动来表示目的,后接动词的词的_(原形(原形/动名词动名词),),在句中的位置为在句中的位置为_,_,否定形式为否定形式为_._.in order to原形原形I will take a camera with me in order to take some photos there.In order to take some photos there,I will take a camera with me.I will also take some clothes in order not to catch a cold.句首或句中句首或句中in order not to do sthWork out the rule.我们也可以用_ What did they do(in order)to enjoy themselves?They _ in order to _.What did they do(in order)tcdab(把左边和右边的句子匹配起来)(把左边和右边的句子匹配起来)cdab(把左边和右边的句子匹配起来)the Birdwatching Society1.They invite people to help them.2.They need more people to count and describe the birds.the Birdwatching SocietyThey i 一些动词后面动词不定式作宾语补足语一些动词后面动词不定式作宾语补足语.Work out the rule.类似的动词有哪些?类似的动词有哪些?1.They invite people to help them.2.They need more people to count and describe the birds.一些动词后面动词不定式作宾语补足语.Work out tsb(not)to do sth.inviteadvisewanttellaskteachneedencouragewishorder.I will invite _ to go birdwatching with me.I need/want him/her to_.Step3 Who will you invite?Why?sb(not)to do sth.invite IStep4.What will your parents say?What will your parents tell/ask you to do/not to do?Step4.What will your parentsWhat does he tell/encourage us(not)to do?Nick Vujicic speaker(演讲家)演讲家)What does he tell/encourage uWhat does he tell/encourage us(not)to do?Nick Vujicic speaker(演讲家)演讲家)Be patient.Be thankful.Dream big.Dont give up(放弃)放弃).Dont be afraid of difficulties(困难)困难).What does he tell/encourage usWe can see a parrot dance to music.We can hear a bird make different sounds.We can hear a parrot sing songs.We can hear a parrot speak English.一些动词后接动词不定式作宾语补足语,不加一些动词后接动词不定式作宾语补足语,不加toto.常见动词有常见动词有_._.注意注意:_:_后面可加后面可加to,to,也可不加也可不加to.to.let,make,have,see,hear,listen to,helpwatch,find,noticeWhat can you see the birds do in the video?What can you hear the birds do?We can see a parrot dance to mA:What pet do you want to have at home?B:A:Do your parents let/make you?B:A:What pet do you want to havA:What do you often do in your free time?B:A:Do your parents let/make you?B:A:What do you often do in yoIf I have a parrot,Ill tell it_.Ill teach it_.I will hear it _.I will see it _.I will help it _.That will make me _.If I have a parrot,Finish the exercises on page 74.1.Mr Wu _us _ a pair of comfortable shoes because we would have to walk a long way(ask/wear).2.We _some birds _ in the trees(hear/sing).3.Mr Wu _us _the birds carefully(tell/watch).4.He also _us _ the birds(want/describe).asked to wearheard singtold to watchwanted to describeCheck the answers.Finish the exercises on page 75.He _ us _ in the wetlands(advise/not shout).6.The cold weather _some birds _ south for the winter(make/fly).7.The trip _us _more about wild life(help/learn).advised not to shout made flyhelped (to)learnCheck the answers.5.He _ us _ The birds have so many problems.What can we do to help them?Step5.What to do to protect the birds.Problems The birds have so many probHunters catch them and sell them at the market.Step5.What to do to protect the birds.People make the wetlands smaller to build farms and buildings Fishermen keep Fishing there.ProblemsTourists drop lots of litter.We can tell/ask/advise/encourage/make/helpHunters catch them and sell StWritten work Write a short passage about your plan for watching the birds.Try to use“to infinitives”as much as possible.Written work Write a short Homework 1.Surf the Internet to learn more about birds.2.Write an article in the voice of a crane(以鹤的口吻)and tell people about their lives,problems and needs.Homework 1.Surf the Internet Thank you!Goodbye!Thank you!Goodbye!


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