【语法强练专讲】2015届中考语法知识名师手册:+第8讲 动词分类(共66张PPT)课件

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【语法强练专讲】2015届中考语法知识名师手册:+第8讲 动词分类(共66张PPT)课件_第1页
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【语法强练专讲】2015届中考语法知识名师手册:+第8讲 动词分类(共66张PPT)课件_第2页
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【语法强练专讲】2015届中考语法知识名师手册:+第8讲 动词分类(共66张PPT)课件_第3页
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第 8 8 讲动词的分类一、选词填空keptwears1How long have you _(kept,borrowed)this novel?2Lily _(wears,puts on)a pink dress today.3 Its nice of you to _(cost,spend)so much timeshowing me around your school.spendturned off4 Mike _(turned on,turned off)his computerand went out to watch TV.5The radio _(tells,says)that there will be anotherheavy rain in Guangdong.saysToo bad.It has rained for the whole week.二、完成句子,每空一词tastegood1这些甜饼尝起来很好。我可以再多吃一些吗?The cookies _ _.Could I have some more?2我们班现在有五十多个学生。areThere _ more than 50 students in our class now.3我认真听了听,可什么也没听见。listenedheardI_ carefully but I_nothing.takes4每天步行去上学要花我半小时。gotoIt_ me half an hour to _ _ school onfoot every day.haveto5我的车坏了,所以得坐公共汽车上班。My car is broken,so I_ _ go to work by bus.动词可以按照其含义及它们在句中的功能分成四类:连系动词、实义动词、助动词和情态动词。连系动词连系动词又叫系动词,它不能直接作谓语,后面常跟形容词(作表语)构成系表结构表达完整的意义。常见的系动词有:be,become,get,turn,grow,look,sound,smell,taste,feel,keep,seem,remain,stay,come,fall,go 等。如:He looked very excited.他看起来很兴奋。Roses smell sweet.玫瑰闻起来很香。Its getting colder and colder.天变得越来越冷了。注意:系动词没有被动语态,一般不能用于进行时态。实义动词实义动词又叫行为动词,它表示事物的动作或状态,在句中能独立作谓语。它可分为及物动词(vt.)和不及物动词(vi.)。及物动词后面需跟宾语才能使其意义完整,如 like,make,clean,love 等。不及物动词本身意义就完整,不能直接跟宾语;如果要跟宾语,则要与介词搭配,如 come,go,leave,laugh,listen,run,swim,stand 等。如:I am reading an interesting book.我正在看一本有趣的书。(及物动词)He is running.他正在跑步。(不及物动词)The boy is listening to music.这个男孩正在听音乐。(不及物动词)注意:有些动词既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,但意义不同。如:The crops grow well in the field.地里的庄稼长得很好。(不及物动词,“生长”)The old man grows vegetables in his garden.这个老人在花园里种菜。(及物动词,“种植”)常见的既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词的动词有:beat,close,open,start,drive,play,speak,sing,wake,win,stop,cook 等。助动词助动词本身没有任何实际的意义,必须和实义动词连用,帮助构成疑问句、否定句以及各种时态、语态、语气等。常见的助动词有:be(am,is,are,was,were),do(does,did),have(has,had),will,would,shall,should 等。其中 do,have 也可作实义动词。情态动词情态动词本身具有一定的意义,但不能单独作谓语,后面必须跟动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气、态度以及请求、愿望等。它没有人称和数的变化(have to 除外)。常见的情态动词有:can,could,may,might,must,should,would,need等。1can 的用法(1)表示能力,意为“能,会”,否定式为 cant,过去式为could。如:Can you dance?你会跳舞吗?Yes,I can./No,I cant.是的,我会。/不,我不会。I can skate.I am able to skate.我会溜冰。(2)表示请求、许可,此时与 may 同义。如:Can/May I borrow your umbrella?我能借你的雨伞用吗?(3)表示客观可能性或推测,常用于否定句和疑问句中。如:It cant be Mary.She has gone to the library.那不可能是玛丽,她已经去了图书馆。Can it be true?这可能是真的吗?注意:(1)can 与 be able to 的区别:can 意为“能,会;可以;可能”,只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时(could),没有人称和数的变化。be able to 意为“能,能够”,可用于各种时态,有人称和数的变化。如:He could swim at the age of four.He was able to swim at the age of four.他在四岁时就会游泳了。I can speak French.I am able to speak French.我会讲法语。She will be able to tell you the news soon.她很快就能告诉你消息。(2)could 在下列情况时不表示过去时态:提出委婉的请求时,could 比 can 客气、委婉,但在回答时不可用 could。如:Could I have a look at the bracelet?我可以看一看这个手镯吗?Yes,you can./No,you cant.是的,你可以。/不,不行。在否定句、疑问句中表示推测或怀疑时,相当于 might,表示“可能,也许”。如:He couldnt be a bad man.他不大可能是坏人。2may 的用法(1)表示请求、许可,意为“可以,允许”,比 can 正式,常用于肯定句、一般疑问句中。如:May I take a seat here?我可以坐这里吗?注意:以 May I 开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答用“Yes,youmay.”或“Yes,please.”或“Certainly./OK./Sure.”等;否定回答用“No,you cant.”或“No,you mustnt(不可以)”或“Please dont.”等。(2)表示可能性较小或把握性不大的推测,意为“可能,也许”,常用于肯定句,有时也用于否定句。如:He may help you.他也许会帮你。3must 的用法(1)表示“必须,应该”,在陈述句中带有有义务、有必要的主观意愿或命令、要求的语气,在疑问句中则表示询问对方的意见。否定式 mustnt 表示“禁止,不准,不允许”。如:I must study hard.我必须努力学习。Must I hand in my composition today?我今天必须交作文吗?You mustnt smoke here.你不准在这儿吸烟。(2)表示非常肯定的猜测,意为“一定,准是”,只用于肯定句。如:The book has Johns name on it.It must be his.这本书有约翰的名字在上面。它肯定是他的。(3)以 Must sb.开 头 的 一 般 疑 问 句 的 肯 定 回 答 用“Yes,sb.must.”;否定 回答 用“No,sb.neednt.”或“No,sb.dont/doesnthave to.”。如:Must I finish it today?今天我必须完成这项工作吗?No,you neednt./No,you dont have to.不,你不必/你没必要。注意:must 与 have to 的区别:(1)两者都可表示“必须”。但 have to 表示客观实际的需要,有人称和时态变化;must 表示说话人主观上的看法,即主观思想意识上的必要,无人称和时态变化。如:My bike was broken,so I had to walk to school yesterday.昨天我的自行车坏了,所以不得不走路去上学。(“自行车坏了”是客观情况,所以不得不)He said he must work hard.他说他必须努力学习。(主观意识中“他认为”必须)(2)在否定结构中,dont have to 表示“不必”,mustnt 表示“禁止,不准”。4need 的用法need 意为“需要”,既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词。作情态动词时多用于疑问句和否定句中,否定式为 neednt,表示“不必”。作实义动词时,后接 to do 或名词,即:need/dontneed to do sth.,need sth.;当主语是物时,用 need doing 表示被动的含义,相当于 need to be done。如:Need I go there?我需要去那里吗?I dont need to buy a new backpack.(作实义动词)I neednt buy a new backpack.(作情态动词)我不必买新书包。The trees need watering.(主动形式表被动)The trees need to be watered.这些树需要浇水。5should 的用法should 意为“应该”,表示义务、责任,可用于各种人称。否定式为 shouldnt。如:You shouldnt give it up.You should try your best.你不应该放弃,你应该竭尽全力。6had better 的用法had better 意为“最好”,否定式为 had better not,表示劝告、忠告,后接动词原形。如:Youd better not play soccer near the road.你最好不要在公路边踢球。We had better let him go.我们最好让他走吧。短语动词常见的短语动词的构成方式有以下几种:1动词介词。如:hear of 听说,think of/about 思考,talk to/with 和交谈,talk about/of 谈论,worry about 担心,speak to 与通话,get to 到达,arrive in/at 到达,look at 看一看,look after照顾,look for 寻找,look like 看起来像,listen to 听(某人或某物),hear from 收到的来信,wait for 等候,ask for 要求。2动词副词。如:dress up 打扮,eat up 吃完,give up 放弃,put up 建造,pick up 捡起,ring up 打电话,send up 发射,take away 拿走,send away 派遣,move away 搬走,take down 拿下,write down记下,put down 放下,turn up 调大(音量等),turn down 关小,find out 发现,sell out 卖完,try out 试验,take out 取出,wearout 穿破,try on 试穿,put on 穿上,turn on 打开,turn off关上,take off 脱下,give back 归还,get back 取回,look over检查,think over 仔细思考。注意:这类短语动词在接宾格代词作宾语时,必须将其放在动词和副词之间。如:take it away,put them down,turn it off,try them on 等。3动词副词介词。如:look forward to 期待,stay away from 远离。1arrive,get to,reach这三个词都有“到达”之意。(1)arrive 和 get 是不及物动词,后面需加介词才能接地点。其中 arrive at小地方,arrive in大地方,get to地点。(2)reach 是及物动词,后面直接加地点。即景活用toinat/(1)I got _ the village last month.(2)Well arrive _ Shanghai tomorrow morning.(3)When did you arrive _ the station?(4)Please call me when you reach _ Changsha.2take,bring,fetch,get(1)take 指从说话者所在的地方把某人(物)“带去”(单程)。(2)bring 指从别处把某人(物)带来说话者所在的地方(单程)。(3)fetchget,指从某地到别处把某物拿来(双程)。即景活用bringtakefetch/get (1)Next time dont forget to _ me a copy of yourwork.(2)He likes these art works in this town very much,so hewants to _ them to his country when he leaves.(3)Please _ me the documents in that room.3join,join in,attend,take part in(1)join 指参加某党派、某组织或某社会团体并成为其中的一员,如参军、入党、入团等。(2)join in 指参加小规模的活动,如球赛、游戏等,多用于口语中。(3)attend 是正式用语,指出席或参加会议、仪式,如婚礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听报告等,强调的是“出席”这一动作本身。(4)take part in 指参加群众性的活动,重在说明主语参加这一活动并在活动中发挥积极作用。take part injoinedjoined inattend即景活用(1)Every excellent player wants to _ theOlympics and win.(2)His brother _ the army three years ago.(3)The whole class _ to sing the song soon.(4)I will _ an important meeting tomorrow.4tell,say,speak,talk (1)tell 意为“告诉;讲述”,表示告诉某人某事,着重指把一件事情传达给别人,或讲述一个事件、一个故事等,可接双宾语。(2)say 意为“说;诉说”,指用言语表达自己的思想,后接说的内容,常作及物动词,后接名词、代词或从句。(3)speak 意为“说;说话”,用作不及物动 词时强调“说”这一动作,而不是指说的内容;作及物动词时通常接某种语言作宾语。(4)talk 是不及物动词,意为“谈话”,指两人或两人以上的一般交谈,常与介词 to,with 连用,意为“与交谈”;与about,of 连用时意为“谈论”。即景活用speaktosayin(1)请找李雷听电话,好吗?toldnottolieMay I _ _ Li Lei,please?(2)你能用英语说这个单词吗?Can you _ the word _ English?(3)妈妈告诉我不要躺在床上看书。Mum _ me _ _ _ in bed toread.talkingwith/to(4)李先生正与布朗太太在交谈。Mr.Li is _ _ Mrs.Brown.5pay,spend,cost,take (1)pay 意为“付款;赔偿”,主语通常是人,常用结构为:sb.pay some money for sth.或 pay sb.(some money for sth.)。(2)spend 的 主 语 通 常 是 人,常 用 结 构 为:(sb.)spendmoney/time on sth.或(sb.)spend money/time(in)doing sth.。(3)cost 的主语必须是物,常用结构为:sth.cost(sb.)somemoney。(4)take 表示“占用、花费”时间,其主语通常为形式主语 it 或物,常用结构为:It/sth.takes sb.some time to do sth.。spentpaytookcost即景活用(1)They _ two years building the bridge.(2)How much money did you _ for the jacket?(3)It _ him three hours to finish his homework.(4)The car _ me lots of money.6borrow,lend,keep (1)borrow 表示从别人那里借来东西,即“借进来”。常用的搭配是 borrow sth.from sb.。borrow 是一个瞬间完成的动作,因此不能与一段时间连用。(2)lend 表示把自己的东西借给别人,即“借出去”。常用的搭配是 lend sb.sth./lend sth.to sb.。lend 与 borrow 一样,也是一个瞬间完成的动作,不能与一段时间连用。(3)keep 也可意为“借”,但侧重指借来后的保存或使用阶段,表示借用一段时间,因此可以与一段时间连用。borrowfromlendingmelendingto即景活用(1)我们经常从学校图书馆借书。We often _ books _ our school library.(2)谢谢你把自行车借给我。Thank you for _ _ your bike.Thank youfor _ your bike _ me.(3)这本书我才借了一星期。havekeptI _ _ this book for only one week.7dress,wear,put on,be in(1)dress 意为“给穿衣”,只用于穿衣服,不用于穿鞋、戴帽子等,宾语为人。(2)wear 表示“穿、戴”衣物、鞋、帽、饰物等,强调“穿着”的状态。(3)put on 意为“把穿上”,强调“穿”的动作。(4)be in 表示“穿着,戴着”,后接颜色或衣物,强调状态。dressinwearingput on即景活用(1)Please _ the children right now.(2)John is _ white today.(3)The girl is _ a pair of glasses.(4)Its cold.Youd better _ your coat.8happen 与 take place两者均可意为“发生”,都是不及物动词,不能用于进行时态和被动语态。(1)happen 常指具体事件的发生,特别是那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”,此时主语为“事”;还可表示“碰巧;恰好”之意,此时主语为“人”。(2)take place 通常指“(某事)按计划进行或发生”,还可表示“举行某种活动”。happenstaking placehappened即景活用(1)He _ to know the place.(2)Great changes are _ in the city.(3)Has anything _ to him?(4)The meeting will _ next Friday.take place9look,see,watch,read(1)look 强调“看”的动作,是不及物动词,后接宾语时要加介词 at。(2)see 强调“看”的结果,意为“看见”,是及物动词,可用于短语 see sb.do/doing sth.(看见某人做过/正在做某事)。(3)watch 意为“观看,注视”,强调过程,常用于看电视、球赛等。(4)read 意为“读,阅读”,指看书、看报等。sawlookwatchingreading即景活用(1)I _ a bird in the tree just now.(2)The teacher told us to _ at the blackboard.(3)All the students are _the football matchcarefully.(4)Li Lei is _ the letter from his parents.()1.(2013 年广东)I love this song by Lady Gaga.Wouldyou _ the TV a bit,please?I cant hear it clearly.Aturn onCturn upBturn offDturn downC 题意:我很喜欢 Lady Gaga 唱的这首歌。你能把电视声音调大一点吗?我听不清楚。turn on 打开;turn off 关掉;turnup 调大音量;turn down 调小音量。故选 C。()2.(2014 年广东)_ I swim here?Im sorry.Children _ swim alone here.AMust;cantCCan;mustntBMay;mustDCant;canC题意:“我能在这里游泳吗?”“对不起,小孩子不准独自在这儿游泳。”can 能够;may 能够,可以;must 必须;cant 不能;mustnt 禁止。故选 C。()3.(2013 年广东广州)Although you may meet somedifficulties,you should never _.A.turn upB.get upC.give upD.grow upC 题意:虽然你会遇到一些困难,但你应永不放弃。turnup 调大音量;get up 起床;give up 放弃;grow up 长大。故选 C。()4.(2014 年广东广州)You _ be hungry after thelong walk.Help yourself to some cakes.A.cantC.needB.shouldntD.mustD 题意:走了很长的路之后,你肯定饿了。吃些蛋糕吧。cant 不能,不可能;shouldnt 不应该;need 需要;must 必须,一定。故选 D。()5.(2013 年广东佛山)You _ come latetomorrow.The plane waits for nobody.AcantBneedntCmustA题意:明天你不能迟到。飞机不会等人。cant 不能;neednt 不必;must 必须。故选 A。()6.(2013 年广东梅州)Her son _ Coke,but nowhe _ milk.A.used to drink;is used to drinkingB.used to drinking;drinksC.is used to drinking;used to drinkD.is used to drink;is drinkingA 题意:她的儿子过去常常喝可乐,但现在习惯了喝牛奶。used to do sth.过去常常做某事;be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事。()7.(2014 年广东梅州)He _ his classmates.A.get along well withC.is getting along well withB.get well withD.is get well withC get along well with 与相处得好,且主语是第三人称单数,故选 C。()8.(2013 年广东梅州)Every year I _ the gardencompetition too,and I always win a little prize for the worst gardenin the town!A.enterC.entered forB.enteredD.enter forD enter 参加(侧重于参加考试),enter for 参加(侧重于参加竞赛、活动),且是描述一般状态,故选 D。()9.(2014 年广东梅州)Captain Alison will _ ateight oclock,so we shall have plenty of time.AbeginningCbe set outBset outDbe begunB 题意:Alison 船长将在 8 点钟出发,因此我们应该有充足的时间。begin 开始,set out 出发,故选 B。()10.(2013 年广东梅州)I enjoy playing computer games,but I cant _ too much time _ that.Atake;doingBspend;doingCspend;for doingDtake;to doB表示“花多少时间做某事”可用“sb.spend 时间(in)doing sth.”或“sth./it takes sb.时间to do sth.”。()11.(2014 年广东茂名)As classmates,we _show our love to her.AshouldBhas toChaveA 题意:作为同班同学,我们应该对她表示关心。should表示“应该”,have to 表示客观上“不得不”。()12.(2012 年广东湛江)Is Jane playing the violin inthat room?It _ be her.She has gone to Chicago.AcanCshouldntBmustDcantD 题意:“在那个房间拉小提琴的是 Jane 吗?”“不可能是她。她已经去了芝加哥。”根据题意可知表示否定的推测。cant be 不可能是,用于有把握的否定推测。()13.(2012 年广东深圳)Its said a pianist will performat Poly Theater on Friday evening.Is it Lang Lang?Yes,it _ him.He _ for a week.Amust be;has arrived hereBmaybe;has been hereCmust be;has been hereDmaybe;has arrived hereC表示“在某地待了一段时间”用 has been in,且根据“已在这儿待了一周”可知是表示比较有把握的肯定推测,故用 must be。()14.(2012 年广东河源)_,Tom!Its time to getup and go to school.A.Wake upC.Grow upB.Make upD.Look upA 题意:醒醒,Tom!是时间起床去上学了!wake up 醒来;make up 编造;grow up 长大;look up 查找。故选 A。()15.(2011 年广东)This silk dress _ sosmooth.Its made in China.A.feelsB.smellsC.soundsD.TastesA 题意:这条丝绸做的连衣裙摸起来非常光滑。它产自中国。feel 感觉,摸起来;smell 闻起来;sound 听起来;taste尝起来。根据题意可知选 A。()16.(2013 年广东)Smoking is bad for your health.Youdbetter _.A.set it upC.pick it upB.give it upD.look it upB 题意:吸烟对你的健康有害。你最好戒掉它。give up 放弃。()17.(2011 年广东广州)May I have a rest?I have alreadyfinished _ the report.A.writeC.to writeB.writingD.WrittenB finish doing sth.完成做某事。()18.(2014 年广东广州)Excuse me,can I smoke here?No,_.A.you mustB.youd not betterC.you canD.youd better notD 根据答语中的“No”可知回答的这个人“不允许”在此吸烟,故用否定式;had better 的否定式是在后面直接加 not。()19.(2011 年广东深圳)Must I return the book thisweek?No,you _.You can _ it for 20 days.A.mustnt;keepB.neednt;borrowC.neednt;keepD.mustnt;borrowC must 引导的一般疑问句的否定回答用 neednt;由 for 20days 可知谓语动词要用延续性动词,故用 keep。()20.(2011 年广东茂名)The old parents _ a greatdeal of their savings on their sons new house.AcostBspentCpaidB三个词都表示“花费”,但只有 spend 可用于搭配:sb.spend some time/money on sth.,故选 B。()21.(2011 年广东茂名)May I do the homeworktomorrow?No,you _.You should hand it in before classtomorrow.AmustntBneedntCcouldntA以 May I 开头的一 般疑问句的否定回 答用“No,youcant.”或“No,you mustnt.”或“Please dont.”。()22.(2011 年广东肇庆)What is the name of the songyou sing just now?It _ beautiful.It is You and Me.A.heardBlistenedCsoundedC 三个选项中只有 sound 可作系动词,后接形容词构成系表结构。sound 听起来。()23.(2013 年广东清远)If you meet some new words,you can _ in a dictionary.Alook it upClook them upBlook up itDlook up themC 题意:当你遇到新单词时,可以查字典。words 为复数,故用 them 指代;动副词短语接代词作宾语时,宾语应放在动词和副词的中间。故选 C。()24.(2011 年广东清远)I want to watch the basketballmatch.Would you please _ the TV?Aturn onCturn downBturn offDturn upA 题意:我想看篮球比赛,你能打开电视吗?turn on 打开(电器等)。()25.(2011 年广东梅州)He _ all his money_ to charity after he died.Agave;upCgave;away Bgave;inDgave;outCgive up 放弃;give in 屈服;give away 赠送;give out分发。根据题意可知选 C。()26.(2011 年广东河源)_ I watch TV now,Mom?No.Its too late,and you _ go to bed.AMay;have toCCan;willBWill;should DMust;needA题意:“妈妈,我现在可以看电视吗?”“不行,太晚了。你得睡觉了。”may 可以;have to 不得不,应该。()27.(2011 年广东佛山)You _ worry aboutme.Im fine.AcantBmustntCneedntC 题意:你不用担心我,我很好。neednt 不需要。()28.(2014 年广东)Zhang Liangyings new CD will_ next month.A.come alongBcome upCcome overDcome outD 题意:张靓颖的新专辑将在下个月发行。come along 出现,一起来;come up 发生,走近,上升;come over 过来,顺便拜访;come out 出现,出版,发行。根据题意可知选 D。()29.(2013 年广东)I saw Kevin in the supermarket thismorning.No,it _ him.He moved to Canada last week.A.can beBmust beCcant beDmustnt beC 题意:“我今天早上在超市见到 Kevin 了。”“不,那肯定不是他。他上周搬去加拿大了。”由答语的后半部分可知前面是对上句的否定推测,故用 cant;must 只用于肯定推测。()30.(2013 年广东湛江)Must I finish my work now?No,you _ do it tomorrow.A.canBhave toCneedDmustA题意:“我必须现在完成我的工作吗?”“不,你可以明天再做。”can 可以;have to 不得不;need 需要;must 必须。根据题意可知选 A。()31.(2013 年广东深圳)Is Mr.Smith in his office now?No,he _ there.I _ him in the library amoment ago.A.may be;sawBcant be;seeCmustnt be;seeDcant be;sawD题意:“史密斯先生现在在办公室吗?”“他不可能在,我刚才看见他在图书馆。”cant 表示否定猜测,意为“不可能”;a moment ago 是表示过去的时间状语,故用 saw。()32.(2014 年广东深圳)Mary,would you like tothis game?Id love to,but I have to finish _ the compositionfirst.A.join in;to writeB.attend;writingC.join;to writeD.take part in;writingD 表示“参加比赛”可用 take part in/join in,finish 后接动名词作宾语。故选 D。()33.(2013年广东茂名)Excuse me,sir!Can I finishmy homework tomorrow morning?Oh,no.It _ be finished tonight.A.wouldB.shouldC.couldB题意:“抱 歉,先生,我可以明天上午完成作业吗?”“噢,不行。你应该今天晚上完成。”would 将要;should应该;could 可以。故选 B。()34.(2010 年广东茂名)Dont forget _“Thankyou”,when others have helped you.A.to sayB.to speakC.to tellA当表示“说”时,say 后面可直接接说的内容,speak后只能接某种语言,而 tell 常用于结构 tell sb.sth./tell sth.to sb.。故选 A。()35.(2010 年广东梅州)How much did you _the dictionary?12 yuan.A.buyB.spendC.costD.pay forD表示“某物花费某人多少钱”可用 sb.spend money onsth./sth.cost sb.money/sb.pay money for sth.,故选 D。()36.(2010 年广东梅州)If I were you,I would _electricity.It is dangerous.A.stay awayC.stay away fromB.keep far fromD.keep fromC 题意:如果我是你,我就会远离电。那很危险。stay away外出,远离(相当于不及物动词);keep away from 远离;没有 keepfar from 的搭配;stay away from 不接近,离远点;keep from防止。故选 C。()37.(2013 年广东广州)You should really _smoking.Its a terrible habit.A.grow upB.pick upC.give upD.set upC 题意:你真的应该戒烟了。吸烟是一个坏习惯。grow up成长;pick up 捡起;give up 放弃;set up 建立。故选 C。()38.(2014 年广东广州)It doesnt look like rain,so you_ bring your umbrella with you.A.shouldntC.cantB.mustntD.needntD 题意:看起来不像有雨,所以你不必带伞。shouldnt 不应该;mustnt 禁止;cant 不能,不可能;neednt 不必。故选 D。()39.(2013 年广东佛山)She _ go to thesupermarket far from her homenowhere else is good enough forher.A.mustB.has toC.CanB 由后半句“nowhere else is good enough for her”可知表示的是客观上的“不得不”,故用 has to。


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