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BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PicklePart FourENTERBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleLanguage StudyI.Word StudyII.Phrases and Expressions III.Word BuildingIV.GrammarV.ExerciseBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Study11.shudder 12.tremble13.skin14.snap15.stretch16.toWord List:1.apart2.beyond3.fix4.pare 5.peel 6.quake 7.quiver 8.shake 9.shatter10.shiverBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle1.apartI.Word Studya.a.separate by a distance b.into parts c.other expressions:to tell apart;to pull apart;to drift apart;to fall apart;to come apart;to grow apartExamples:(a)The two schools are only a few blocks apart.He is now living apart from his family.两个学校相距只有几两个学校相距只有几个街区个街区远。他与家人分开居住。他与家人分开居住。More examplesTranslation To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleExamples:(b)You need special equipment to take this machine apart.The economy has fallen apart.apart要拆开这部机器你要拆开这部机器你 需要用特殊的设备。需要用特殊的设备。经济已崩已崩溃。I.Word StudyTranslation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle2.beyondI.Word StudyExamples:(a)Our school is just beyond that tall building.There is peak beyond peak.The plane fell into a rice paddy a few miles beyond the mountain.prep.a.farther away than;on the far side of b.past or outside the limits,reach,or scope of学校就在高楼那学校就在高楼那边。层峦叠嶂。叠嶂。飞机落入离山几机落入离山几英里的水稻田中。英里的水稻田中。More examplesTranslation To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleExamples:(b)Dont swim beyond your depth.That Swiss watch costs at least 10 thousand dollars.Its way beyond his means.The lecture was quite philosophical.It was completely beyond me.be touched beyond wordsbeyond不要到你能力不及不要到你能力不及的深水的深水区区去游泳。去游泳。那那块瑞士表至少价瑞士表至少价值10,000美元,美元,他他根本买不起。根本买不起。演演讲太富哲理性了,太富哲理性了,完全超完全超出了出了我的我的理理解解范范围。感感动得无法用言得无法用言语来来形容形容I.Word StudyTranslation To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Studythe guest staying beyond the hour of welcomethe beyondHe is beyond this kind of thing.beyond呆得呆得过久而不再受久而不再受欢迎的客人迎的客人来世,不可知的彼岸来世,不可知的彼岸他他绝不屑做不屑做这种事情。种事情。Translation beyond recognition beyond description beyond belief beyond doubt Related phrasesBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle3.fixI.Word Studyv.a.to repair/mend;cure b.to put in order;adjust or arrange c.to fasten firmly or make firm,stable;place definitelypIf it is not broken,dont try to fix it.pFix your hair.pHe fixed the picture on the wall.pIf you dont fix the lid on properly,the milk will spill out.Classify the following words into 3 groups according to a,b and c.abccMore examplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Picklefix:I.Word StudypMarriage is fixed on the 7th,June.pIll fix the day if you want to meet them.pNothing is fixed in the world;everything is relative.pHe looked at me with fixed eyes.pWe are supposed to fix the broken machine.pLet me fix you a cup of tea.bbccabClassify the following words into 3 groups according to a,b and c.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle4.pareI.Word Studyv.a.to cut off or trim the outer coating,layer,edge or part of b.to cut the nails of your fingers or toes c.to reduce,diminish,decrease gradually(often fol.by down)to pare an apple 削苹果削苹果 to pare ones nails 修剪指甲修剪指甲to pare down expense 削减开支削减开支 Related phrasesBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle5.peelv.to strip sth.off the skin,rind,and bark,etc.Examples:The wall was peeling.Too much heat will make the bark wrinkle and peel.Sun the nose till it peels.I.Word StudyRelated phrasesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PicklepeelI.Word Studyto peel paint from a carto peel shrimp/a boiled eggto peel an apple/a bananaBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Study6.quakeHe stood there quaking with fear.The earth was quaking.The boughs quaked at every breath.他站在那里吓得他站在那里吓得发抖。抖。大地在大地在颤抖颤抖。树枝在枝在风中中摇曳。曳。Examples:v.to shake violently from shock or instabilityTranslation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Study7.quiverquiver with ageHis voice/fingers quivered uncontrollably.The blades of grass quiver in the wind.His lips were quivering with emotion.Leaves quiver in the breeze.Examples:因年老而因年老而颤抖抖他的他的声声音音/手指不自手指不自觉地地颤抖抖。草草叶叶在在风中中颤动。由于激动他的由于激动他的嘴唇嘴唇在颤抖在颤抖。树叶在微叶在微风中中颤动。v.to shake with a slight but rapid motion,close to trembleTranslation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Study8.shakeExamples:shake with cold By that time the building is shaking violently.We could not even stand up.The house shakes when the train goes by.He shakes with emotion.He was so angry that his whole body shook.v.to make lots of quick small movements up and down,or side to sideBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle9.shatterI.Word StudyExamples:She was shattered by the news of his death.Our hope was shattered.v.a.to break sth.into pieces,as by a blow b.to damage,as by breaking or crushing;impair or destroy (health,nerves)c.to weaken or refute(an idea or opinion)d.to surprise or astonish他去世的消息使她他去世的消息使她震惊震惊.我我们的希望破的希望破灭了了.More examplesTo be continued on the next page.Translation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleshatterI.Word StudyA long illness shattered his health.An explosion of gunpowder shatters a rock.Suddenly the silence was shattered.shatter ones reputationshatter ones healthshatter a plan shatter a mirrorshatter faith一一场病把他的身体病把他的身体拖跨了拖跨了。火火药把岩石炸碎把岩石炸碎了了。寂静突然被打破了。寂静突然被打破了。毁坏名誉毁坏名誉 损害健康损害健康 破坏计划破坏计划 打碎镜子打碎镜子 动摇信念动摇信念Related phrasesTranslation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Study10.shiverv.to tremble mostly because of coldness,fear,or excitement n.a shaking movement that your body makes when you are cold,frightened,or excited ExamplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleThe night in the desert was cold.We were all shivering.she gave a slight shiver.He still had the shivers when he passed the spot where the murder case took place.沙漠里的夜晚很冷,沙漠里的夜晚很冷,我我们冻得得浑身身发抖抖.她微微她微微颤动了一下。了一下。走走过当年凶当年凶杀案事案事发现场,他仍然会不寒他仍然会不寒而栗。而栗。I.Word StudyshiverTranslation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Study11.shudder v./n.to tremble with sudden and brief,momentary,convulsive movement;more intense shaking,usu.because of fear,cold,horror,disgust,worry,disapproval,etc.It suggests movement less noticeable to on-lookers.ExamplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word StudyshudderAt the sight of the blood-stained knife,she shuddered to screech.She shuddered at the sight of snake.I shudder to think of tension.一看到那把沾血的刀,她一看到那把沾血的刀,她就尖叫起来就尖叫起来。她一看到蛇就惊恐万状她一看到蛇就惊恐万状。我怕得不敢想我怕得不敢想压力力。Translation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleI.Word Study12.trembleHe trembled/shook with anger when he heard that news.To tell you the truth,I was so frightened that I trembled like a leaf.The old bridge trembled under the train.Examples:v.It implies slight or quick movement for uneasy or nervous reasons.It does not go with violent movement.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleExercise:Fill in the blanks with tremble,quiver,shiver,shake and shudder.I.Word StudyAt the sight of his lost son,he _ with excitement.He was to open the letter.The night in the desert was cold.We were all _.News of crime my faith in the humanity.Anyone familiar with law regulatory enforcement should at the thought of nuclear plants.trembled/quiveredtremblingshivering/quiveringshookshudderAnswers BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickleto peel potatoesto husk the riceto shell the peasto weed the gardento dust the tables13.skinI.Word Study n.the external covering or integument of an animal body,esp.soft and flexible v.to remove the skin fromskin a rabbit skin grapes Examples:Related collocations去土豆皮去土豆皮除大米的稻壳除大米的稻壳 剥豆荚剥豆荚除去花园内的杂草除去花园内的杂草除去桌上的灰尘除去桌上的灰尘BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle14.snapI.Word Studyv.a.to break with a sudden sharp distinct noise b.to open or close something suddenly c.to say something quickly and angrily or in an annoyed manner(fol.by at)d.to take a photo/take snapshot e.to make a sharp cracking sound with fingers or teeth or a whipExamplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PicklesnapI.Word StudyThe door snapped shut behind us.The lock snapped shut.I snapped at him to sit down.snap a suitcase shut/open snap off/on a TV setHis eyes snapped open/shut.He snapped his lighter to see if it needed fuel.He snapped his fingers to get the childs attention.The ferocious dog was snapping at me.门啪啪嗒一声在我嗒一声在我们身后身后关上了。关上了。锁啪嗒一声合上了。嗒一声合上了。我我厉声命他坐下。声命他坐下。啪地关上地关上/打开行李箱打开行李箱啪地一声啪地一声关上关上/打开电打开电视视他迅速他迅速睁开开/闭上眼睛。上眼睛。他他啪啪地按打火机看是地按打火机看是否需要加油。否需要加油。他打了个响指以吸引孩他打了个响指以吸引孩子的注意。子的注意。这条凶猛的狗突然猛咬条凶猛的狗突然猛咬 我我.Translation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle15.stretchI.Word Studyv.a.to lengthen,widen b.to spread out fully;extend from one place to another or across a given space or time c.to reach out ExamplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PicklestretchI.Word Study The forest stretches for miles.His memory stretches back to his early childhood.The beggars all stretched out their hands.But he had nothing to give.The wool coat stretched when it was washed.森林森林绵延数百英里。延数百英里。他的他的记忆回到了童年回到了童年时代。代。乞丐乞丐们都伸出了手,都伸出了手,但他却没什么可但他却没什么可给的。的。这件羊毛外套在洗的件羊毛外套在洗的时候拉候拉长了。了。Translation To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PicklestretchI.Word Study He woke,yawned and stretched himself.He drove fast on a stretch of open field.He is having a stretch in jail.She stretched her neck to see what was going on.With a sudden stretch,Tom took the younger boys cap.他醒了,打着哈欠,他醒了,打着哈欠,伸着伸着懒腰。腰。他开他开车在一片开在一片开阔的的田野上田野上飞驰。他正在服刑。他正在服刑。她伸她伸长了脖子看正在了脖子看正在发生什么事。生什么事。汤姆突然伸出手,姆突然伸出手,抢走了小男孩的帽子。走了小男孩的帽子。Translation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle16.toI.Word Studyad.in or into a closed positionExamples:The police kicked the door to.The window was blown to.The end of Word Study.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle1.add up 2.allow for3.apart fromII.Phrases and ExpressionsList:4.count in/out 5.for all6.out of proportion7.prick upBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle1.add upII.Phrases and Expressionsa.to amount to collect totalb.to seem reasonable or make senseExamples:Add up a column of figures.(a)It has to be true.It all adds up.(b)The facts just dont add up.(b)1.把一栏数字加起来。把一栏数字加起来。2.这事一定是真的。这事一定是真的。从各方面都说得通。从各方面都说得通。3.这些事实根本串不这些事实根本串不起来。起来。Translation Cf.add up toTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickleadd up toHe is sick,but his symptoms dont add up to anything recognizable.Example:II.Phrases and Expressions 他是病了,但是他是病了,但是把各种症状综合把各种症状综合起来还看不出是起来还看不出是什么病。什么病。to amount to;signifyTranslation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle2.allow forII.Phrases and Expressions考虑到,顾及,为考虑到,顾及,为留出余地留出余地We must allow for the possibility that they have been involved in the combat.Allowing for the train being late,we should be back by eleven.He is old-fashioned but you have to allow for his age.Examples:Cf.allow ofTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickleallow ofBTLEWII.Phrases and Expressions容许,容许,容许有可能容许有可能evidence allowing of only one conclusionThe stool is tall enough to allow of a baby reaching the bed.Such conduct allows of no excuse.Examples:II.Phrases and Expressions1.只容引出一种结论只容引出一种结论的证据的证据2.凳子的高度足以让凳子的高度足以让婴儿够到床铺。婴儿够到床铺。3.这种行为不可原谅。这种行为不可原谅。Translation Cf.make allowance(s)forTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Picklemake allowance(s)for We must make allowance for his youth and inexperience.Example:II.Phrases and Expressions考考虑到到,体体谅BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle3.apart fromII.Phrases and ExpressionsIt is a bit cold in winter,but apart from that,its quite a pleasant city to live in.Apart from his poor health,he is also hopelessly lazy.The coachman sat eating apart from us.Examples:除除之外;之外;远离离BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle4.count in/out把把算入算入/不把不把算在内算在内If you are planning a trip to London,count me in/out.He counted out ten 5-pound notes.Examples:II.Phrases and ExpressionsCf.count onTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleII.Phrases and Expressionscount on依靠,指望,料想依靠,指望,料想You can count on me for everything in the future.Example:BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleII.Phrases and Expressions5.for allin spite of allFor all our efforts,we still couldnt save his life.For all his power,he is still the most despised person.Examples:BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleII.Phrases and Expressions6.out of proportion与与不成比例不成比例/不相称不相称His story was exaggerated out of proportion.Example:Cf.in proportion to/withTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PicklePrice will be raised in proportion.The size of the furniture should be in proportion to the size of the room.The figures in the painting are in proportion to the surroundings.Examples:II.Phrases and Expressionsin proportion to/with 与与成比例成比例/相称相称BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle7.prick up 竖起竖起The spires of churches prick up through the greenery.His voice pricked up in surprise.prick(up)the(ones)earsExamples:II.Phrases and ExpressionsThe end of Phrases and Expressions.1.教堂的尖顶耸立在教堂的尖顶耸立在绿树丛中。绿树丛中。2.他惊讶得连嗓音都他惊讶得连嗓音都变尖了。变尖了。3.竖起耳朵仔细听竖起耳朵仔细听Translation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleStudy how these words are formedIII.Word Buildingim pressop pressde pressre presscom pressex press(to press in)(to press against)(to press down)(to press together)(to press back)(to press out)imprint/imprisonoppose/oppositiondecline/debarkreecho/refluxexclude/exemptprefix+root(press)examples communion /compoundTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PicklePara.41 on the darkening riverIII.Word Buildingshowing the process from not darkless darkdarkdarkerdarkeningIt refers to the color of the river,black or pitch-dark color.Dark riverTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIII.Word Building-ena.表示人表示人或或物原有的某种性物原有的某种性质得到加得到加强强Examples:blacken fattenloosen weaken moisten 她笑出了声,这似乎她笑出了声,这似乎使她的声音显得更深使她的声音显得更深沉。沉。Example deepen She laughed and that seemed to deepen her voice.brighten whitendarken tighten reddendeepen shorten thicken lessenlightenTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIII.Word Buildingb.表示用原名表示用原名词表示的物表示的物质制作的物品或与原物制作的物品或与原物质相像的物品相像的物品Examples:ashen golden silken woolen -enPeople wear woolen clothing even on hot days.a rosy,frail girl with bright golden hairearthen waxen oaken woodenMore examplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIII.Word BuildingThe end of Word Building.c.与与表表示示或或描描述述性性质状状态的的名名词或或形形容容词结合合构构成成动词,描述使某物具有特定性描述使某物具有特定性质或或处于特定状于特定状态的活的活动过程程 Examples:deadenenlightenenliven hastenhearten-enBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIV.GrammarList:1.Reflective Verb2.Reflective PronounBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIV.GrammarThe reflective verb is followed by a reflective pronoun.1.Reflective VerbdressbehaveexpressseatenjoyhideExamples:improve commitabsent pride preparecalmsurpassfeel overwork help divorceetc.More examplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIV.GrammarYou are forgetting yourself.We got out of the river and dried ourselves.I feel myself overwhelmed with sadness.She said that our plan was interesting.But she didnt commit herself.I avail myself of this opportunity to thank you for your solicitude.He swore to avenge himself on the Fascists for their massacre.If Joe applied himself to his work,he would finish it in time.太放肆太放肆晒干晒干感到感到表态表态利用利用向向报仇报仇全力以赴全力以赴Reflective VerbsTranslation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIV.Grammara.predicate object 2.Reflective PronounHe absented himself from class to watch a football game.Jaime prides himself on his ability to speak several languages.A good teacher never divorces himself from his students.逃课逃课 自豪自豪脱离脱离It can serve as object,appositive and predicative.It must refer to the same subject as in the main clause.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIV.Grammarb.prepositional object I have the room to myself.Hes a right to decide for himself.All this is between ourselves.The accident didnt happen of itself.Yours isnt a bad idea in itself.Julie conducted the experiment by herself.When he heard the news,he was beside himself with joy.这间房子房子归我独用。(我独用。(单独独所有所有/单独所用)独所用)他有他有权自己做出决定。(自己做出决定。(为自己,替自己,自己自己,替自己,自己亲自)自)这是我是我们之之间的秘密。的秘密。事故不会自行事故不会自行发生。生。你的主意本身是不你的主意本身是不错的。的。(本身,本(本身,本质上)上)朱莉独自做朱莉独自做了了实验。(独自,。(独自,在没有外界帮助情况下,自在没有外界帮助情况下,自动)听到听到这个消息,他欣喜若狂。个消息,他欣喜若狂。(因(因而而发狂)狂)Reflective PronounsTo be continued on the next page.Translation BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIV.Grammarc.predicative:be+reflective pronoun(身心健康身心健康)I am glad that you are yourself again.Laura is not quite herself today.很高兴你恢复健康了。很高兴你恢复健康了。劳拉今天不太对头。劳拉今天不太对头。Reflective pronounExamples:Translation To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleIV.Grammard.appositive:自己,亲自,本人自己,亲自,本人They themselves are to blame.(They are to blame themselves.)The end of Grammar.Reflective PronounExamples:It is better to ask Dean himself about it.Referring to Page272 for more examplesBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleV.ExerciseList:1.Translation2.Grammar&VocabularyBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleHe fixed the picture on the wall.固定固定If you dont fix the lid on properly,the milk will spill out.拧紧Nothing is fixed in this world;everything is relative.不不变的的We are supposed to fix the broken machine.修理修理Let me fix you a cup of tea.准准备If you want to meet them,I can fix a day.安排安排Translate these sentences into Chinese.V.ExerciseTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleThe marriage was fixed on the 7th June.安排安排My wool coat stretched when washed.变长The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.绵延延The cat woke and gave a stretch.伸伸懒腰腰With a sudden stretch,John took Toms cap.身体身体伸伸长,伸出,伸出 He spent a long stretch in jail.监禁禁They traveled a hard stretch of road.一段路一段路V.ExerciseBTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle1.We _ that diet is related to most types of cancer but we dont have definite proof.a.assureb.suspend c.ascertaind.suspect2.Chinese historians have tried to _ a balance between individuals and social groups,and between the data of history and their significance.a.produce b.upset c.strike d.tip3.Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave _.a.at the spotb.on the spot c.for the spotd.in the spotd c bAnswers V.ExerciseTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle4.He _ his head,wondering how to solve the problem.a.scrappedb.screwed c.scrapedd.scratched5.At present there is a _ of iron and steel and more must be produced.a.limitb.loss c.povertyd.scarcity6.The branches could hardly _ the weight of the fruits.a.retainb.sustain c.maintaind.remaind d bV.ExerciseAnswers To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle7.This watch is _ to all the other watches on the market.a.superior b.advantageousc.superd.beneficial8.Having finished their morning work,the clerks stood up behind their desks,_ themselves.a.expandingb.prolongingc.stretchingd.extending9.Tom _ better than to ask Dick for help.a.shall knowb.shouldnt knowc.has knownd.should have knownTo be continued on the next page.a c dV.ExerciseAnswers BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle10.Some people viewed the finding with caution,noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains _.a.to be shownb.to have shownc.to have been shownd.being shown11.John seems a nice person._,I dont trust him.a.Even thoughb.Even soc.Therefored.Though12.While admitting that this forecast was _ uncertain,the scientists warned against treating it as a cry wolf.a.anyhow b.somewherec.somewhat d.anywaya b cV.ExerciseAnswers To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill Pickle13.The future of this company is _:many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses.a.at odds b.in troublec.in vain d.at stake14.He will agree to do what you require _ him.a.of b.from c.to d.for15.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature.a.is heatedb.will be heatedc.be heatedd.would be heated16.The ratio of the work done by the machine _ the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.a.against b.with c.to d.forThe end of Exercise.d a c cV.ExerciseAnswers BTLEWLesson 9 A Dill PickleThis is the end of Part Four.Please click HOME to visit other parts.Part Four


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