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2024-2025学年度第一学期小学英语教研工作支配清华高校英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: :/qinghua.yeryy / 清华高校英语教授探讨组供应2024-2025学年度第一学期小学英语教研工作支配北辰教研室 路俊巧 安玉军总体工作思路:围绕深化学科课堂教学改革,以课堂教学为中心,重点抓好学科教学探讨、教学指导、教学服务工作;以教研工作的创新推动外语教学的改革与发展。本学期详细工作支配如下。一、接着做好新课程改革的试验工作。1、接着搞好小学课改的试验与推广,深化推动课程改革试验,加强对课堂教学的探讨与指导,坚持学区与全区教研相结合的做法,提高针对性和实效性。暑假已经对一、四、六年级进行了教材分析,第一周和其次周进行二、三、五年级教材的培训,针对老师在课堂教学中存在的问题开展专题讲座及体验策略在小学英语课堂教学中的实施。2、指导学区教研工作的有效开展,定期组织学区教研组长的培训,指导学区组长制定学区教研支配。(探讨问题、做课内容、做课老师、评课内容、反思设计、解决问题策略、总结等方面)定期参与学区的教研活动,深化学区和所属学校,指导解决存在问题,教研员每月一次到所负责的学区做探讨课,开展送课下学区活动,促进学区以及校本教研的开展。二、以蹲点教研为载体,深化课堂教学的探讨,加强对日常教学的指导与服务。1、接着开展蹲点调研。由面转点,在深化每学区1所学校的基础上,重点到西堤头镇所属各小学、小淀镇所属各小学及模范小学进行听课调研,深化课堂,走进老师和学生,进一步了解课堂教学现状,分析教学成果相对靠后的成因,刚好发觉问题,帮助学校解决问题,有效促进教学水平的提升。有针对性的牵手1-2名老师,实施跟踪听课,促进其更快提升。2、接着做好课堂教学基本要求的落实,关注边远校,关注常态课教学,加强日常课堂教学的指导力度。将在平常调研中发觉的落实课堂教学基本要求较好的课,再进行仔细地指导后,第十三周进行全区展示或送课下校活动。3、做实基础性教研。尝试以教材分析课例探讨课堂教学问题专题分析与研讨课例研讨与复习指导为常规教研模式,围绕课堂教学,有针对性开展活动,并不断创新,不断提高日常教研的质量。针对我区青年老师在“说课”方面较弱的现象,第九周进行四、六年级英语老师的“说课”培训,为今后参与各级各类的“说课”评比做好打算。第十四周进行六年级英语阅读课例研讨活动。4、组织好全体小学英语老师参与“全国中小学英语老师基本功技能大赛”,并力争能举荐出我区优秀的选手在复赛中取得优异成果。做好参评全国优秀课例评比的录制工作,争取优异成果。5、开展第五届小学生英语课本剧展演活动,促进我区小学生的英语表达实力。课本剧展演活动打算分为初赛和复赛两场,经过初赛按比例精选出优秀节目进入复赛,力争推出一台精彩的节目。复赛时打算请其它区县教研员当评委,并邀请市教研员参与,不断提升北辰教研室的声望。赛前做好领队会和评分标准的制定。第八周10月24日进行初评,第十周11月初进行复赛。 6、结合“星级”课评定,做好老师培育工作,要逐步完善、补充小学英语学科老师业务档案,确定不同层次老师的培育目标。有针对性的开展分层教研,本学期将对参与工作不满三年的新老师进行如何进行小学英语教学设计的专题培训及优秀课例展示。三、接着做好各年级的评价改革工作。1、对考试内容、考试形式等方面进行大胆改革。依据新教材新要求,加强对小学英语考试的探讨,以考试为切入口,促进老师变更教学行为,重视提高学生英语阅读和交际实力,培育和保持学生英语学习的爱好,全面提高教学质量。从而建立起促进学校发展、老师成长和学生发展的小学英语评价体系。各年级英语口试内容更加丰富,每个年级设置18的题签供学生选择,交际用语设计不断增加。2、开学初第一、二周接着修订、完善6年级考试改革评价方案。对11所试验校的3至6年级老师进行培训,并刚好做好调研工作,以便进一步落实方案。第三周将对试验老师进行全面培训;第9周召开评价改革研讨会,发觉实施中存在的问题,刚好改进;15周再次召开评价研讨会,使这项工作落在实处。四、加强专题或课题探讨。1、搞好专题探讨。仔细做好全国“十一五”重点课题创设语言情境,感悟异域文化,提高小学生英语交际实力,重视过程的实施,本学期将在第三周、第十一周和第十七周召开三次课题研讨会与沟通活动,同时深化试验校了解试验过程和存在的问题,不断收集和整理材料,总结、推广成果。2、结合第四周起先至九周集中进行三星以上课的评定工作,从中选出课题组成员的优秀课例进行全区沟通,不断地发觉试验校在试验中的好的阅历,并刚好沟通总结。3、学期末在11所试验校中选出2所学校,面对全区以校本教研的形式进行汇报展示,不断推广好的阅历和成果。五、推动教研信息化建设。1、加强小学英语教研网建设,建设小学英语学科信息化小组,由兼职教研员和骨干老师担当,按要求刚好发布信息,定期更新内容。2、充分利用网上信息,共建互动平台,努力探究网上教研的新途径。3、主动撰写博客,以教学探讨为重点,提高广阔老师的参与度。20242024学年第一学期小学学段英语学科周工作支配表路俊巧 安玉军周次日期活 动 内 容参 加 人教研员职责第1周9.1-7假期完成一、四、六年级教材分析;9.2二年级教材分析;下校调研(周一、二)西堤头镇所属小学;制定、上传工作支配、周支配、教学进度。一、二、四、六年级老师主讲第2周9.8-14下校调研(周一、二、五)重点小淀镇所属小学;学区组长会;9.9三年级教材分析;9.11五年级教材分析。三、五年级老师主讲第3周9.15-21下校调研(周一、二);上传各学科星级课课题;评价改革试验校研讨会;9.17“十一五”课题组成员会“十一五”课题组成员会主讲第4周9.22-28星级课评比;着手建立老师业务档案;参与学区教研并做探讨课参与评比老师主讲、指导、帮助第5周“十一”放假第6周10.6-12星级课评比;10月10日前上交各学科期中试卷;内部专题研讨与沟通参与评比老师组织、指导第7周10.13-19星级课评比;课本剧评比领队会并进行抽签参赛各校领队组织、指导第8周10.20-26星级课评比;10.24课本剧评比初赛;参与学区教研并做探讨课。参赛各校主讲、组织第9周星级课评比;完成期中考试录音工作;“说课”培训四、六年级老师主讲第10周11.3-9下校调研(周一、二);上传各年级英语口试试卷;11.7小学生英语课本剧展演活动参赛各校组织、指导第11周11.10-1611月13日 期中考试;下校期中考试调研;11.11“十一五”课题组成员会组织、指导第12周11.17-23下校调研(周一);指导学区教研(周二)并做探讨课;期中学情分析第三学区英语老师主讲、指导、帮助第13周11.24-30下校调研(周一、周二);内部专题研讨与沟通;11.25三、五年级落实课堂基本要求展示课三、五年级英语老师指导、帮助第14周12.1-7下校调研(周一、周二);教研员探讨课;12.2二、四年级落实课堂基本要求展示课二、四年级英语老师指导、帮助第15周12.8-14下校调研(周一、二);12月10日前上交期末试卷;12.9六年级阅读教学展示课。六年级英语老师指导、帮助第16周12.15-21下校调研(周一);学区教研指导(周二)并做探讨课;校本教研展示活动全体英语老师主讲、点评第17周12.22-28下校调研(周一、二);校本教研展示活动;完成期末考试录音工作全体英语老师主讲、点评第18周下校调研(周一、二);期末复习指导;星级课评比总结、双优课、教学能手表彰调研第19周1.5-11期末复习;期末总结;1.6“十一五”课题组成员会总结第20周1.12-18期末考试 1月12、13日;期末学情分析、期末总结;课题阶段总结总结 :/ funny-games.biz/adult.html9月20日9月21日英语作业1. 完成同步练习与测试Unit1Topic2综合提升部分(p13-14)2. 完成Unit1Topic12单元自测题。(需打印)。3. 复习Unit1Topic1Topic2,周四下午单元考试。(复习要求已列出,需打印)留意:请同学们务必在中秋节前完成以上英语作业。中秋节另有任务,请关注公共信箱!再强调一次,确定要做好单元复习的打算!Unit1Topic1须要娴熟驾驭的内容:1. 26个大小写字母的书写,笔画笔顺。2. 五个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu3. 具有相同音素的字母:/ / A H J K/ / B C D E G P T V Z/ / F L M N S X/ / Q U W/ / I Y4. 缩略语。课本P1051065. 须要默写的句子。1) 早上好。 Good morning. 下午好。Good afternoon. 晚上好。Good evening.2) -欢迎到中国来。 Welcome to China. 感谢。Thank you. / Thanks.3) 很兴奋见到你。Nice to meet you. (用于第一次见面) Nice to see you.4) 你好! How do you do? 回答:How do you do? (用于第一次见面)5) 你好吗? How are you? -我很好。Im fine. / Fine. / Im OK.6) 你呢? And you?7) 自我介绍:Im Kangkang. = I am Kangkang. = My name is Kangkang. 介绍别人:This is my teacher, Mr. Lee.8) 你好。 Hello. / Hi.再见。 -See you later. See you. Goodbye. Bye.9) 一般疑问句:-Are you Jane? (你是简吗?) -Yes, I am.(是的我是。) -No, Im not. (不,我不是)留意:确定回答中的I am不行以缩写!6. 自己听写本单元单词。Unit1Topic2须要娴熟驾驭的内容:1. 自己听写本单元单词。2. be动词的搭配。(人称不同,所搭配的be动词不同)be动词搭配的人称amIisshe, he, it, your mom, Maria (第三人称单数)areyou, we, they, Maria and Jane (复数)注: 如何推断第三人称单数?满意以下两个条件的人称即可称为第三人称单数。(1)一个人 (2)不是 you或 I练一练:请用be动词的适当形式(am, is, are)填空。1) How _ she? (2) What _ your name?(3) Where _ Lily and Meimei from? (4) They _ from Beijing.(5) I _ fine. _ you OK? (6) Who _ this?(7) She and I _ from China. (8) How _ your teacher?参考答案:(1) is (2) is (3) are (4) are (5) am Are (6) is (7) are (8) is3. 如何将陈述句变为一般疑问句? 含有be动词的句子,将be 动词提前其余照抄。例: He is Li Ming. 一般疑问句:Is he Li Ming? 确定回答: Yes, he is. 否定回答:No, he isnt.留意:确定回答中的he is 不行以缩写。 They are from Cuba.一般疑问句:Are they from Cuba? 确定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they arent.留意:确定回答中的they are 不行以缩写。改为一般疑问句时第一人称要变为其次人称:I am Maria.一般疑问句:Are you Maria? 确定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No, Im not.练一练:将下列句子改为一般疑问句并作确定否定回答。1) She is from Canada. _2) They are Lily and Jane. _3) My mother is fine. _参考答案:1). Is she from Canada? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.2). Are they Lily and Jane? Yes, they are. No, they arent.3). Is your mother fine? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.4. 如何做对划线部分提问的题目。三个步骤:1)找一个特殊疑问词替代划线部分; (what, where, who, how)2)找出be动词放在疑问词后面。 3)其余照抄。例: He is from Shanghai. (对划线部分提问) Where is he from?练一练:1) She is my mom. _2) They are fine. _3) Jane is from Canada. _4) My name is Jane. _5) My telephone number is 132456778. _参考答案:1) Who is she? 2) How are they? 3) Where is Jane from?4) Whats your name? 5) Whats your telephone number?5. 缩写形式。(见课本P15)6. 须要默写的句子。1) Where are you from? -Im from the U.S.A. -Where is she from? -She is from China.2) Who is she? -She is Deng Yaping.3) Whats your name? -My name is Sally.4) Whats your telephone number? -It is 68003553.5) Is she Jane? -Yes, she is. -Is he Li Ming? -No, he isnt. -Are they from England? -No, they arent.6) 几个常用号码:110 匪警 114 电话号码查询 119火警 120 急救电话 122 道路交通事故报警7. 如何将陈述句改为否定句? 在be动词后加 not。例: He is Yukio. 否定句: He isnt Yukio.They are from China. 否定句: They arent from China.Unit1Topic12单元自测题(满分:100分)得分:_一、 单项选择。(20%)( ) 1. Where are Kangkang and Li Ming from? -_ from Beijing. A. He is B. You are C. They are( ) 2. -_ is she? -She is Lily. A. Who B. How C. Where( ) 3. My telephone number _ 1393456733. A. am B. is B. are( ) 4. Are you from Quanzhou? -Yes, _. A. we arent B. Im C. we are( ) 5. 下面_组中的字母均为元音字母。 A. a, e, r B. u, r, o C. i, o, u( ) 6. 下面_组中的字母读音含有共同的音素。 A. E B C G B. J F H K C. S L X A( ) 7. Whats _ name? -_ name is Lucy. A. you; I B. you; My C. your; My( ) 8. How is Maria? -_. A. Hes five. B. Hes OK. C. Hes from China.( ) 9. Is she Jill? -_. A. Yes, she is Jane. B. No, she is. C. No, she is Jane.( ) 10. 以下哪一个是交通事故的报警电话? A. 119 B. 114 C. 122二、 依据首字母或中文意思完成句子。(20%)1. E_ me. Are you Miss Wang?2. How are you, Xiao Zeng? -Im f_. Thank you.3. See you l_. See you.4. _ (哪里) is Jim from?5. Are t_ Maria and Jane?6. This is my _ (老师), Miss Yang.7. They are from _ (日本).8. Three and four is s_.9. Good a_, Mr. Lee.10. Where is y_ mom?三、 用be动词的适当形式填空。(12%)1. I _ from Quanzhou and she _ from Xiamen.2. _ Jane and Jill from Cananda?3. Where _ your English teacher from?4. Who _ they?5. We _ from Guangdong.6. What _ your name?7. My phone number _ 22367893.8. Tom and I _ fine.9. How _ you?10. _ this your mom?11. You and he _ my good friends.四、 依据汉语意思完成句子。(每空一词) (20%)1. 他来自哪里。 _ he from?2. 你来自美国吗? _ _ from the U.S.A?3. 你的电话号码是多少? _ _ telephone number?4. 他们不是来自美国。They _ from the U.S.A.5. 这位是杨利伟。_ _ Yang Liwei.五、 写出下列句子的答语。(10%)1. How do you do? -_.2. Nice to meet you. -_.3. Welcome to China. -_.4. How are you? -_.5. Good evening. -_.六、 句型转换。(18%)1. I am from America. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_2. They are Sam and Sue. (对划线部分提问)_3. My telephone number is 12345675. (对划线部分提问)_4. My mom is fine. (对划线部分提问)_5. She is my teacher. (改为否定句)_6. Jim and I are from the U.S.A. (改为一般疑问句并作确定回答)_2024民办中学联考试题(英语)一、推断下列单词划线部分发音,相同划“”,不同划“”(5分)( )1.five thin( )2.much usually( )3.lake wait( )4.phone bottle( )5. me be( )6.lot note( )7.over old( )8.tree eat( )9.slow down( )10.horse work二、找出与其他三个划线读音不同的单词,将序号填入括号内。(5分)( )1.A. coole B. food C. foot D. zoo( )2.A. blow B. now C. know D. snow( )3.A. name B. take C. date D. sat( )4.A. teacher B. eatch C. machine D. chicken( )5.A. heavy B. breakfast C. great D. sweater三、找出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1.A. bus B. box C. plane D. car( )2.A. pen B. ear C. eye D. leg( )3.A. month B. year C. weekday D. sunlight( )4.A. workerB. doctor C. nurse D. mother( )5.A. big B. cheap C. near D. safe四、据句意及首字母提示,将句子所缺单词补充完整。(10分)1.The months of winter usually are N_ ,D_ ,and J_ .2.Shanghai is in the e_of China.3.Women Day is on the e_of M_.4.The ball is 200 yuan. It is e_.5.This plane f_to Guangzhou every day.6.Beijing is a b_city.7.The box is h_. I cant carry it.五、填空,将正确的序号填入括号内。(10分)( )1.Ive got a toothache. Im going to see the_ . A.park B.doctor C.teacher D. hospital( )2.- May I _your bike?- Sure. A.ride B.riding C.read D. to ride( )3- Whose ruler is it? -Maybe its _ . A.Peter B. Peters C.Marys D. Peters( )4.I want to see the film. I am going to the_ . A.cinema B.school C.museum D. bank( )5.- _will you do this Sunday? - Ill play football. A.What B.When C.Where D. How( )6.- What is she doing? - She_ ? A.has a cold B.will dance C.is dancing D. usually goes swimming( )7.Mr. Arthur can _piano. A.played the B.played C. plays the D. play the( )8.My father_ a new car. He _it very much. A.have, like B. has, likes C.has, like D. have, likes( )9.More and more people in the world enjoy_ now. A.swim B.swimming C.to swim D. swims( )10.This new pencil is only_ Jimmy. A.in B. on C.for D. a 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.I_(see) his name in the newspaper yesterday.2.Where_ he_ (live)? - He_ (live) in Nanjing.3.I would like _(be ) your penfriend.4.My father _(like)_ (play) basketball.5.We _(visit) the farm next week.6.Its two oclock in the afternoon. We_ (have)an English class.7.September is _(nine) month of a year.七、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. That is her knife.(改成复数)_are_ _ _ .2.I jump higher than my brother. (同义句转换)My brother _ _ than me.3.We ate lots of delicious food last Spring Festival. (改为一般疑问句)_you_ lots of delicious food last Spring Festival?4.Lily likes spring best. (对划线部分提问)_season_lily like best?5.I picked oranges on the farm last week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _oranges last week?八、找出下列句中错误,将序号填在横线上并改正。(5分)1._We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night. A B C2._Is it yours? No, it isnt mine book. Its his. A B C3._Id like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries. A B C4._Look, your pen is one the ground. Pick up it. A B C5._I like drinking tea. I drinked some tea last night. A B C第卷(40%)九、阅读理解:依据短文内容选择正确答案。(每题2分共30分) (A)A young man was getting ready to finish his college study. He loved a beautiful sports car and he told his father that was all he wanted. One morning, his father called him into the study. He told his son how proud he was to have such a good son, and told him how much he loved him. Then he gave his son a book, Success Stories, with the young mans name on the cover. The young man got very angry and ran out of the house, leaving the book.Many years later, the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful house and a wonderful family. He thought of his father and thought he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that morning. Unluckily, he was told that his father had died. When he came into his fathers study, he began to tidy up his fathers papers.He found the book, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened it and turned the papers. Suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the book. That was the key to the sports car he wanted so much.( )1.What did the young man want his father to buy him?A.A book. B.A beautiful house. C.A sports car. D.A gift box.( )2.Why did the young man run out of the house angrily? Because_ .A.his father didnt loved him.B.his father gave him nothing.C.his father said something wrong to him.D.he thought his father only gave him a book.( )3.Many years later,the young man _.A.had a hard life.B.became a successful businessman.C.went to see his father quite often.D.was told his father was still healthy.( )4.What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese?A.书房 B.学习 C.探讨 D.学问( )5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The father was unhappy with the young man.B.The young man didnt love his father.C.The father was very angry when he saw his son.D.The father was brought the young man a sports car. (B)Helen Keller lived in the USA. When she was a baby, she got very sick. After she was better, she couldnt see and hear well. A few years later, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didnt understand anything.One day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was such a bright girl that she could spell her first word soon. When she was older, she went to college.Helen became very famous later. She traveled around the world and helped many blind and deaf people. The world remembers her doday as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.( )6.Helen Keller got very sick when_ .A.she was a babyB.she went to collegeC.she was taught by a teacher D.she was very old( )7. _taught Helen Keller her first word.A.Helen herselfB.Helens a teacherC.Helens doctorD.Helens parents( )8.Helen Keller was famous because _.A.She traveled around the worldB.She was an AmericanC.Her teacher taught her many thingsD.She helped many disabled people in the world( )9.People admires Helen Keller because_ .A.she was very talentedB.she was blind and deafC.she was brave and wonderfulD.she went to college( )10.Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but_ .A.she found a way to understand the worldB.she found a way to travel around the worldC.she met a good teacherD.she was proud of her parents (C) One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you found the elephants bad ears?” “I didnt find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”( )11. _the elephant.A.The young man sellsB.The old man sellsC.The two men sellD.The old man buys( )12.The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out_ .A.which foot of the elephant is badB.how heavy it isC.which ear of the elephant is badD.what it looks like( )13.The young man _.A.knows the elephant has bad earsB.wants to buy the elephantC.looks after the elephantD.gets some money from the old man( )14.The young man_ .A.is not interested in elephantsB.knows what an elephant looks likeC.has seen some elephants beforeD. has never seen an elephant before( )15.Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably be_ .A.angry B.happy C.dangerous D. hungry十、依据所给文字续写。(10分)要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,标点正确,书写规范,不少于50个词。I wish I2024一、12345678910二、1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 三、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 四、1. November, December, January2. east3. eighth, May4. expensive5. flies6. big 7. heavy五、12345678910BACAACDBBC六、1. saw 2. does, live, lives 3. to, be 4. likes, playing 5. will visit 6. are having 7. ninth七、1. These, their, knives2. jumps, lower3. Did, eat4. Which, does5. Where, did, pick八、1. B did 2. B my 3. B a lot of 4. C pick it up九、12345678910ADBADABDCA1112131415ADDDA【教学设计(TEACHING DESIGN)】Unit 6 Christmas长宁区教化学院 朱虹 天一小学 姚惠娟第五课时( 5th PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(new contents)Lets enjoy- Rhyme二、学习目标(Objectives)1、能用正确的语音语调朗读儿歌。2、在理解驾驭儿歌的前提下,能用正确的语音语调和相应的节奏朗诵儿歌。同时,在确保完成基本教学内容的基础上,可以


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