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Unit 4 Reading is fun 沪教牛津沪教牛津五年级下册五年级下册Unit 4 Reading is fun Lead-in Do you like reading books?What kind of books do you like best?Lead-in Do you like readiNew words故事书故事书New words故事书买买买故事故事故事字典;词典字典;词典字典;词典杂志杂志杂志报纸报纸报纸周;星期周;星期周;星期学生学生学生New wordsNew wordsListen and sayListen and say1Kitty:Look,Alice.There are many storybooks.Im going to buy one.Alice:Im going to look at the picture books over there.Kitty:OK.在那边在那边1Kitty:Look,Alice.There are2Kitty:Do you like this picture book?Alice:Yes,its fun.There are many beautiful pictures in it.Kitty:What are the pictures about?2Kitty:Do you like this pictuAlice:Theyre pictures of different places in China.Im going to visit these places in the future.What are you reading?Is it a storybook?Kitty:Yes.Its Stories for Children.Im going to read a story every day.Alice:Theyre pictures of difLanguage points1.Im going to buy one.我打算买一本书。我打算买一本书。be going to 的意思是的意思是“将要;打算将要;打算”,是一般,是一般将来时态,表示较近的将来或事先经过考虑的打算、将来时态,表示较近的将来或事先经过考虑的打算、计划、意图。计划、意图。Language points1.Im going to其中其中be动词根据前面的主语的人称的单复数而变化。动词根据前面的主语的人称的单复数而变化。当主语是当主语是I时,时,be动词只用动词只用am当主语是当主语是第三人称单数第三人称单数时,时,be动词用单数形式动词用单数形式is 当主语是当主语是第二人称或复数第二人称或复数时,时,be动词用复数形式动词用复数形式are其中be动词根据前面的主语的人称的单复数而变化。be going to的常用句型的常用句型1.肯定句:主语肯定句:主语+be going to+动词原形动词原形+其他。其他。例:下个周末他们将要开一个生日聚会。例:下个周末他们将要开一个生日聚会。They are going to have a birthday party next weekend.2.否定句:主语否定句:主语+be not going to+动词原形动词原形+其他。其他。例:他不打算读报纸。例:他不打算读报纸。He isnt going to read newspaper.be going to的常用句型1.肯定句:主语+be 3.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:be+主语主语+going to+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?例:他们打算做运动吗?例:他们打算做运动吗?Are they going to do exercise?4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语主语+not going to+动动 词原形词原形+(其他其他)?例:例:你明天打算做什么?你明天打算做什么?What are you going to do tomorrow?3.一般疑问句:be+主语+going to+2.Theyre pictures of different places in China.它们是中国不同地方的图片。它们是中国不同地方的图片。a picture of 的意思是的意思是“一张一张的图片的图片/照片照片”,后面接名词。,后面接名词。a photo of 只指只指“一张一张的照片的照片”a picture of既可以指既可以指“一张一张的照片的照片”也可以指也可以指“一张一张的图片的图片”。辨析:辨析:2.Theyre pictures of differe3.What are you reading?你正在读什么?你正在读什么?现在进行时态表示此时此刻正在进行的动作;或前现在进行时态表示此时此刻正在进行的动作;或前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。句型结构:主语句型结构:主语+am/is/are+动词的现在分词动词的现在分词+其他。其他。例:我现在正在看电视。例:我现在正在看电视。Im watching TV now.3.What are you reading?现在进行时常用的句型:现在进行时常用的句型:1)肯定式:主语肯定式:主语bev.-ing其它。其它。例:例:他正读书。他正读书。He is reading a book.2)否定式:主语否定式:主语benotv.-ing其它。其它。例:他没有在读书。例:他没有在读书。He isnt reading a book现在进行时常用的句型:1)肯定式:主语bev.-ing3)一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Be主语主语v.-ing其它?其它?例:他正在杂志吗?例:他正在杂志吗?不,他没有。不,他没有。Is he reading magazine?No,he isnt 4)特殊疑问句:疑问词特殊疑问句:疑问词be主语主语v.-ing其它?其它?例:她正在干什么?例:她正在干什么?她正在读书。她正在读书。What is she doing?She is singing.3)一般疑问句:Be主语v.-ing其它?现在分词的构成规则:现在分词的构成规则:1)一般情况下在动词词尾加一般情况下在动词词尾加ing。2)以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉结尾的动词,去掉e加加ing。3)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个字以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个字 母,再加母,再加-ing。look looking watch watching take taking make making get getting swim swimming 现在分词的构成规则:1)一般情况下在动词词尾加ing。looCircle the correct answers.1 Kitty and Alice are at the bookshop/in the library.2 They are buying books/reading stories.3 Kitty is going to buy a storybook/a picture book.4 Alice is reading a storybook/a picture book.Circle the correct answers.1 K5 The name of the storybook is picture Stories of China/Stories for Children.6 Kitty is going to visit different places in China/read a story every day.5 The name of the storybook isLook and learndictionarymagazinenewspaperstorybook字典字典杂志杂志报纸报纸故事书故事书Look and learndictionarymagaziLook and readLook and readBook Week is coming!读书周就要到了!读书周就要到了!Book Week is coming!读书周就要到了!The students in Class 5A are going to make posters about the best stories for children.They are going to write about the writers and the stories.They are going to take some photos of the books too.制作关于制作关于的海报的海报 5A班的学生们打算为孩子们制作关于最好的故事班的学生们打算为孩子们制作关于最好的故事的海报。他们打算写有关作者和故事(的事情)。他的海报。他们打算写有关作者和故事(的事情)。他们也打算拍一些这些书的照片。们也打算拍一些这些书的照片。The students in Class 5A are gThe boys are going to do a survey about childrens favourite books.The girls are going to read a play and then act it out.做调查做调查act out 表演表演 男孩们打算做一个关于孩子们最喜欢的书的调男孩们打算做一个关于孩子们最喜欢的书的调查。女孩们打算读一篇戏剧,然后把它表演出来。查。女孩们打算读一篇戏剧,然后把它表演出来。The boys are going to do a surLanguage points4.Book Week is coming!读书周就要到了!读书周就要到了!这个句子用现在进行时态表示将来。这个句子用现在进行时态表示将来。一些表示位置移动的词一些表示位置移动的词(go,leave,come等等),可以用其进行时表示将来。,可以用其进行时表示将来。例:她要动身去上海。例:她要动身去上海。She is leaving for Shanghai.Language points4.Book Week isClass 5As Book WeekActivities _ posters about the best stories for children._ about the writers and the stories._ some photos of the books.MakeWriteTakeClass 5As Book WeekActivitiesClass 5As Book WeekActivities Boys:_ about childrens favourite books.Girls:_ a play and then act it out.Do a surveyReadClass 5As Book WeekActivitiesWrite and say My favourite book is Its aboutI like it because What is your favourite book?_What is the book about?_Why do you like it?_Write and say My favourite boo My favourite book is Robinson Crusoe.Its about the life of Robinson on the island.I like it because it is very interesting.My favourite book is RobinsonAsk and answermusic and art books4/F3/F2/F1/FG/Fdictionariesstorybookspicture booksnewspapers and magazinesAsk and answermusic and art bo沪教牛津版五年级英语下册-unit-4-教学课件S1:Wheres?S2:Hes/Shes on the first floor.S1:Is he/she going to buy?S2:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isnt.Hes/Shes going to buy S1:Wheres?Where is Kitty?Shes on the third floor.Is she want to buy a dictionary?Yes,she is.She is going to buy an English dictionary.Where is Kitty?Shes on the He is on the ground floor.Where is kittys father?No,he isnt.He is going to buy a newspaper.Is he going to buy magazines?He is on the ground floor.WhLearn the soundsfivepieLearn the soundsfivepie字母或字字母或字母组合母组合在单词中在单词中的发音的发音发音规则发音规则iie双元音双元音/a/a/发音时,先发发音时,先发/a/音,然后滑向音,然后滑向/音,前重后轻,口形由开到合。音,前重后轻,口形由开到合。字母或字母组合在单词中的发音发音规则i双元音/a/发音时,Mike has nine apple pies.He gives me fiveAnd puts four in a line,And says,“These are mine.”Mike eats his four apple pies.Then he smiles and says,“The apple pies are nice!Now I want your French fries!”Mike has nine apple pies.沪教牛津版五年级英语下册-unit-4-教学课件Thank you for listening Thank you for listening 46郑重申明郑重申明 作品整理不易,作品整理不易,仅供下载者本人使用,禁止其他仅供下载者本人使用,禁止其他网站、网站、公司或个人未经本人同意转载、出售!公司或个人未经本人同意转载、出售!诚信赢天下,精品得人心!郑重申明作品整理不易,仅供下载者本人使用,禁47


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