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阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 It was the day of the big cross-countryrun. Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route (路线) through thick evergreen forest.I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothysmile was absent today. I walked over and asked him why he wasnt with the other children. He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run.What was wrong? He had worked so hard for this event!I quickly searched the crowd for the schools coach and asked him what had happened. “I was afraid thatkids from other schools would laugh at him,” he explained uncomfortably.“I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him decide.”I bit back my frustration (懊恼). I knew the coach meant well he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children, but at school his classmates thought of him as aregular kid. He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing. That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country team. It just took him longer thats all. David had not missed a single practice, and although he always finished his run long after the other children, he did always finish. As a special education teacher at the school, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong determination.注意:1.续写词数应为 150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1: We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. Paragraph 2: I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. 范文1 We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. With a sorrowful expression hanging on his face, David sat around motionlessly and helplessly, his head drooping powerlessly.Clenching my teeth, I took a deep breath and patted him to get his attention in a discreet and scrupulous manner. Under his gaze I took the plunge to persuade him, “No one will laugh at those who pursued success with painstaking effort. Just believe yourself!It was not long before David stood up determinedly and earnestly, strode to the starting line and gave me a firm look back. I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Within a moment or two, the big cross-country run began, after which I stood still, only to see Davids figure disappearing from my sight slowly. Immediately, I arrived at the finish line by taxi to wait for Davids arrival. After what seemed like ages, David crossed the finish line, exhausted but thrilled. Seeing this sense, I flip-flopped from an anxious state to irreversible delight in a flash. However, what moved me most was the moment that David rushed to me and convey his gratitude to me that it was my encouragement that snatched his last hesitation, for which it empowered him to have a burning desire to finish the competition and feel the excitement of conquering himself.范文2We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. He just lowered his head, obviously in a low spirit. I caressed his head, comforting him gently. A short moments silence, he burst out into tears, saying it was not his real choice not to participate in the cross-country run. His worry was that kids from other different schools would laugh at his awkward behavior. “So its time to prove yourself. With your persistent practice, you can make it!” He looked at me trustfully. With my warm words and high five, he raised and headed forwards firmly.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Signal rung out, the student athletes shot like arrows, except him. He swung his feet forward with great efforts. Strong determination and perseverance led him to finish the run as regular kids. Though arriving at the finishing line long behind others, David held his hands high with the gesture of “V”, winning applauses from the audience! Splendid smiles on his face bloomed just like flowers in summer. Indeed, I wish someday the challenges children in special schools would inspire them to be better persons.范文3We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. He just looked down and sadness flashed his face.“Maybe my coach is right.”His voice was so low that I scarcely heard it. “Never mind,my boy!”I snatched Davids hands, looking into his eyes,“As long as you have a strong will, you can do what you want to do! Dont care what other people think of you.”“Really?”David murmured, his starry eyes glittering as the amber-like sunshine.“Definitely!”I cupped my mouth and exclaimed,“Come on! You will be the best!”I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. It was at that moment that I saw Davids determination. The race began and all the children ran as fast as they could. David also tried his best but he was still the last one to arrive. However, when he came to the finishing line, the crowd burst into thunderous applause. Words failed to convey my feeling. I just congratulated him with a big hug.“I made it!”Davids usual toothy smile came back again, which left a deep impression on me. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.范文4We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. With head down and shoulders trembling, obviously, he was trying hard to hide his disappointment. Gently putting my arms around him, I asked with care: “ You still wanna try, dont you?” He nodded, tears starting to roll down and wetting my shirt. A while later when he finally calmed down, I told him how I appreciated his determination confronted with challenges. “Everyone believes in you, and your efforts in practice wont let you down, either.” Grinning his usual big toothy smile, David regained confidence and agreed to have a try.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. At that very moment, Davids small figure seemed tall and impressive in my eyes. The cross-country run was not easy for him, though, especially with so many ambitious runners competing. His unusual way of rocking from side to side made him unusual among the runners, yet nobody laughed at him. Instead, along the way, other kids passing by cast a smile and thumbed up at him. As expected, David finished his run as usual long after others, but he earned respect with every step of determination and proved he was as regular as everyone else.范文5We sat down next to each other but David wouldnt look at me.He just kept his eyes fixed on the kids who were warming up for the event near the starting line,” Dont you really want to have a try? ”, I asked. “Yes, I do, but Im afraid the kids from other school will laugh at me.” David lowered his head, murmuring in depress. Hearing that, I encouraged him , “ You always participated to the best of your ability in whatever your classmates were doing and on one regards you as a different one. And you have never missed a singal practice for the event. Why dont you follow your heart ?”. Pushed by me, he looked up at me thoughtfully. Then he stood up, giving me a determined look.I watched a stave moved on to the starting line with other runners.When the starters gun sounded, a lot of runners ran like wind. David struggled, with his small body rocking from side to side. Along the way, some kids from other schools noticed David was different, but out of the coach expectation, they didnt laugh at him but clapped to encourage him , moved by his strong will. As other runners reached the finish line one by one, I was waiting there, feeling so anxious about whether David could finish the task. After what seemed a centure, a small figure finally appeared in the distance. As David crossed the finish line, raising his arms in triumph, the crowd burst out thunderous applause and cheers, including the coach . At the award ceremony, David was awarded the award for the most outstanding performance.范文6We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. I squatted down and patted David on his shoulder. I looked at Davids little face and said gently, “we all appreciate your courage and determination to overcome the challenges. We believe in you!” I nodded at him, encouraging David to participate in the big cross-country run. I pointed to the route through the thick evergreen forest. Davids eyes were brimming with radiating vigor, and his big toothy smile spread again. Without any hesitation, David swung his feet to the starting line.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. All of the runners clapped their hands, welcoming David to join them. The starters gun sounded, and David lurched forward with the other children, running awkwardly on his toes. Although he faced a great challenge, David really made it! He had never missed a single chance to become stronger. He insisted on doing what he loved. It was his strong determination and perseverance that made him finish the race. Looking at the little boys performance, I felt proud and realized the real meaning of being a special education teacher. Only with love and appreciation, can we brighten more childrens lives.范文7We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. Seeing this, I couldnt feel more sorrowful. Considering he was so determined a boy that I knew he didnt want to give up, but he needed a boost. “David, running is your favorite sport, right?”, I said to him with a smile. Slowly he raised his head and looked at me with hesitation. I continued, “You have been always practicing running. Do you run for others or yourself? Follow your heart and you will find the answer. Believe in yourself!” Upon hearing this, he pondered for a moment and nodded at me, “Yes, sir. I run for myself and its a pleasure for me to run. I should face the challenge, whether the result is good or not.” Great relief poured into my mind as he stood upI watched as David moves up to the starting line with the other runners. Confidently and excitedly, all the runners started off, running into the thick forest. David kept up with the big troop, with his small body rocking from side to side. I waited anxiously at the finishing line, worrying about what problems David might encounter and whether he could overcome them. A few hours later, the runners walked out of the forest one after another, crossing the finishing line. However, my heart sank when David didnt turn up. After a while, big shouts came from other people, “Come on David! You are the best! ” David limped at the back of the queue. Everyone along the road cheered for him. I went up to meet him, giving him a big hug. He said breathless, “ I just made it ,sir. ” And eventually his usual big toothy smile returned to his face.范文8We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me.“If I were you, I would be also afraid of being laughed at.” I said gently to show my understanding. He slowly raised his dropping head , tears filling his eyes. I asked him whether he would regret if he gave up the event since you have practised so hard. He mulled it over and said “yes”. I told him all of his classmates and teachers would always have his back. He raised his eyes, looking at me gratefully. “I will run”, he said firmly and stood up.I watched as David moved on to the starting line with the other runners.Seeing him coming over, his teammates cheered for him by giving him high fives. When the starting whistle sounded, he ran forward. His body swayed violently with running. Somebody burst into laughter, but David ran continually, his face shining with determination. Soon the cheers drowned out the jeers. Half an hour later,I fimally caught sight of a wobbly figure heading for the finish line, he made it! “Live confidently without fear of ridicule.” I murmured to myself and felt so proud of David.范文9We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. Seeing this, I knew David was in a dilemma. I got closer to him, patting him on the head slightly and asked him in a soft voice, “Do you want to be a braver?” He nodded his head firmly. “The coach just wanted to give you the right to make your own choice. You participated in every practice. Im sure you can make it! Please remember that in no case will you give up!” Encouraged by my words, David looked at me with shining eyes, with his big toothy smile on his lovely face. He was no longer hesitant and got up to the starting line.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. I breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing a whistle, David dashed out like an arrow. But gradually, David was out of breath and it was obvious that his footsteps were heavier and heavier. All the people present screamed and cheered him up. David continued to run and didnt give up. At last, David crossed the finishing line, still long after the other children. But all of us were proud of him and the smile on everyones face lit up the whole world!范文10We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. In front of me was his drooping head with his eyes fixed on the floor. Seeing the frustrated boy, I felt my heart was broken and decided to change the situation. I gently stroked his hair, held his hand tightly, and comforted him in a soft voice, “Just believe yourself and go for it! Everyone will cheer for you.” Once hearing what I said, David slowly looked at me with his watery eyes, murmuring, “Really?”, which was responded to with a nod of encouragement. It seemed that a current of strength ran through him. He wrapped his arms around me and took a deep breath, then stood up and headed for the competition venue.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Awkwardly as he walked, he marched forward determinedly. When the run started, he patted his cheeks slightly and began his running. Though he was gradually left behind by other runners, he kept moving forward. As time went by, every other runner had arrived at the finishing line, and I was still waiting for him when he eventually appeared. Puffing and panting, he dashed through the finishing line with thunderous applause and cheers. Looking at his big toothy smile flashing across his face, I was so proud of him. It was his confidence and determination that made him a perfect runner.范文11We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. With silence hanging heavily in the air, he ducked down his head. It seemed that he wanted to join the run from the bottom of his heart. So I patted him on the shoulder and said, “You want to run ,right?” Upset and hesitant,he nodded slowly. To encourage him, I whispered to him that he would definitely do a good job since he had practiced so hard. Hearing these words, he raised his head, with his eyes wet. I gave him a big thumb-up, which made him gather his courage and decided to run. He wiped out his tears and stood up, straightening his small body and moving through the crowds.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. When he set his foot on the line, I was worried that other children would laugh at him, since so many kids gazed at him with curious eyes. However, so determined was David that he ignored everything around him, only watching forward. When the whistle rang, he tried his utmost to run as fast as possible. Moved by his spirit, I followed him and cheered him up along the way. Though the cross-country run was tough, he made it . To our surprise, when he crossed the finishing line, the crowds burst into applause. David gave me a bear hug, revealing his usual toothy smile. It was then that I realized that despite his disease, no one laughed at such a beautiful soul, since he shone like a diamond with determination rooted in his heart.范文12We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. He just ducked his head and stared at his own shoes. I asked him if he really decided not to run. He nodded, biting his lip. Look,I said calmly, You never missed a single practice. You always finished every run. Do you want your efforts to end up in vain? He hesitated a lot and murmured, Other kids will laugh at me. l assured him that he would be the best runner on condition that he finished the run. Hearing my words, he finally made up his mind to run and I urged him to go to the starting line.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He looked back at me and I cast him an encouraging smile. Then the race began. All the runners shot out like arrows. I cheered for him and headed towards the finishing line. As time wore on, other runners finished the run but I caught no sight of David. After what seemed like centuries, I finally saw he showed up with his forehead sweating heavily. I held my breath as his legs seemed to give out. Although David was the last to cross the finishing line, no one laughed at him. Thunderous applause erupted from the kids with everyone hailing David. His big toothy smile occurred again. It clicked that he hurdled his fear and fulfilled his potential, and the unremitting effort was worth it.范文13We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. I gave him a soft pat on the shoulder, “Dont be afraid someone would laugh at you, you are just trying your best. If you dont want to run today, no one will have the chance to laugh at you, but you will also lose the chance to be applauded.” I continued, “Dont let anyone stop you from being yourself! David, we will stand by you!” After weighing my words, David said in a low but determined voice, “I want to run!”I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The run was beginning! David dashed, fell over and got up as he swung his feet forward. Then, he was left behind by other runners within a few minutes. I started to cheer and then many coaches and students joined me, “Come on! David.” With the encouragement ringing in the air, David attempted again and again with his unique running style. A wave of cheer and applause burst out when David succeeded in crossing the finish line. He greeted me with his usual big toothy smile and said confidently “It was an amazing experience!”范文14We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. Observing his frustrated face, I sighed and patted his head, whispering, “ Want to have a try, will you?” David raised his head, glanced at me and said with a trembling voice, “Yes, but what if the others teased me?” Hearing what he said, I hugged him tightly and told him that nobody could discouraged a determined soul, even though the one was a coach. Nodding his head, he stood up, clenched his fist and stumbled to the starting line.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. As a bump announced the beginning of the big cross-country run, the other runners ran like an arrow, with David left far behind. But he struggled to run as usual. I followed and encouraged him along the way. Approaching the finishing line, he was surprised to find the other runners were waiting for him and shouted, “Come on! Come on!” With tears rolling down, he continued limping. On his arrival at the finishing line, all the runners accompanied him to walk through the finishing line hand in hand, smiling.范文15We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. I could feel his inner struggle. I patted him on the shoulder, “David, I know you have been expecting the run. Why let your coachs worry get in your way? Achi


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