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8A Unit 2 School life第7课时一教学目标1. 进一步学习本单元语法工程,了解更多中外学校生活的异同点 2. 听取细节,从材料中获取重要信息 3. 通过校园生活的比拟,感受中西校园生活的差异二教学重难点1. 掌握并运用重要短语与句型 2. 听力材料的理解和生词的掌握三学习与交流一、 典型例题一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The number of the students in our school _(be) over 3000. 2.He spends _(much) time on study than his brother.21世纪教育网版权所有 3.The _(long) of the bridge is 50 metres. 4.What shall we do if it _(rain) or _(snow)? 5.My school has _(many) teachers than Johns, but _(few) than Daniels.21cnjy 6.Daniel is the fastest _(swim) in his class. 7.Dont spend too much time _(chat) on the Internet. 8.I think the film is _(interesting) of all.【来源:21世纪教育网】 9.My school has _(many) teachers than his.www-2-1-cnjy-com 10.It took us three days_(solve) the problem.21世纪*教育网 11.Lucy has _(few) friends in her class. 12.The number of the students in my class _(be) 45.2-1-c-n-j-y 13.There _(be) a number of the workers in the hall yesterday. 二、 句型转换。1.The little boy can speak English well.(同义句) The little boy _ _ _speak English well.2.It took her two hours to do the housework.( 同义句)21cnjy She _ two hours _ the housework.3.He is the most popular student in his class. ( 同义句) He is _ _ than _ _ _in his class.4.Why dont we go to the park? ( 同义句) _ _ go to the park?5.I have a big house. It has a large garden.(合并为一句) I have a big house _ a _ _ 二、 达标检测一、翻译词组: 1.学生数 2.暑假的长度 3.休一周假 4.做早操 5.在夏天 6.上电脑课 7.穿校服 8.花大量的时间做二、用括号里词的适当形式完成句子三、用方框中所给词的正确形式填空pay stay move different teacher American classroom money subject timetableIn some ways, American schools are 1 from Chinese schools. In China, students of the same class usually 2 in their own clasroom and their 3 come and go according(依照) to the 4 . But high students in 5 go to 6 for different 7 , while their teacher dont 8 . On the other hand, parents of the students do not have to 9 for their education in public(公立) schools, because the schools get 10 from the government(政府).21教育网 1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5._ 6._ 7. _ 8._ 9._ 10. _四、按要求转换句型1. She has to stay in hospital for a month.(对划线局部提问) She have to stay in hospital?21cnjycom2.There are twelve small threes in the garden.( 对划线局部提问) _?3. Lily has four good friends.( 对划线局部提问) _?教学反应 资料来源:QQ:1805986694,597161994


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