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Unit1unit8 期末复习【词组过关】1.去 _2.在市 里 _3. 最喜 _4.多彩的羽毛 _5.一个自然保 区_6.在中国 北部_7.世界上最重要的湿地之一_8.为 提供 _9.理想家园 _10.整年 _11.作短 的停留 _12.捕 生 _13. 留更多的空 _14.越来越少 _15.越来越多 _16.有足 的空 _17. 的 _18. 多 光者 _19.一年一次 _20.湿地的重要性_21.采取措施保 野生生物_22.在世界的其他地方_23.一个受保 的区域_24. 感 趣 _25.去野 _26.确信_27.面 达平方米_28.一个干的好 所_29.成 的一 _30.等不及做 _【词汇过关】1. My best friend has a good sense of _幽(默 ). 2.-What s the _高(度 ) of Jeremy Shu-How?- I don t know. Maybe he is shorter than Yao Ming.3. The first computers are even _大( ) than cars.4. This is a difficult problem. We_ (讨论 ) it right now.5. He often listens carefully to my problems and _提(供 ) me help.6. The girls go to the Buddy Club _ (两次 ) a week. They learn a lot there. 7.If you want to have great success, you should do_日(常 ) things well.8.Yue Fei was one of the greatest _英(雄 ) in Chinese history.9.Summer may be the _ 差() time to visit Nanjing because it s too hot.10.Wearing a smile on your face not only helps you make friends but also makes you _ (感觉 ) better.第 1页11.If we do nothing, more and more_自(然的 )disasters willhappen in the future.12.Our English teacher often gives us some建(议 )on how to learn English well.13.Chinese_政(府 ) will plant more trees to stop pollution.14.I dontknow the_(重量 )of the baby panda at birth.15.Every year, there are lots of _严(重的 ) traffic accidents in the world.【巩固提升】1. I can t go on a picnic with you. I have to look after my mother at home because she is ill. _ .A. It s a great pityB. What a pityC. I m sorry to hear thatD. What a shame2.No one knows if the famous scientist _tomorrow.A. comesB. will comeC. cameD. to come3.One of his friends_English, the rest _from China.A. are; areB. is; isC. is; areD. are; is4.Would you please make _ for the piano?.A. a roomB. a spaceC. roomD. place5.The teacher told us to leave school early _ the weather got worse.A. because ofB. soC. becauseD. as a result6.Its_ today. Youd better_ to the museum.A. raining; goB. rainy; not goC. raining; not to goD. rainy; not to go7.He has_good memory. He can remember _words he learned many years ago.A. /; theB. a; theC. a; /D. /; /8. Who will attend the meeting in the school hall?_ .They all took a school trip to Suzhou .A. NothingB. NotC. NobodyD. None9. Is Jim coming by train? I mnot sure. He _ drive his car.A. mustB. mayC. needD. can10.I think we should keep _in the reading room. Look! There is a ” Notalking”sign on the wall.You are right.A. quiteB. quietlyC. silentD. silently11.I think everyone should face problems _ fear.A. inB. withC. withoutD. no in12. What is your mother doing now? She_sleeping because she worked too late last night.A, maybeB.maybeC. may isD. may13.Was there much_in Nanjing last winter?第 2页A. snowyB. snowier C. snowD. snows14.She looks beautiful_that hat on.A. inB. withC. onD. wears15. Would you like_to drink?Yes, just a cup of tea.A. anything elseB. something elseC .else somethingD. else anything【翻译句子】1我希望您能接受我们的邀请并度过一个愉快的夜晚。2当看到这些名胜古迹的模型时,我们不能相信自己的眼睛。3北京的冬天非常严寒,气温总是要降到零度以下。4当我们正吃晚饭时,电话铃响了。5我们必须采取措施来阻止农民们继续砍伐森林。6. 为了保护那些处境危险的野生动物,政府制定了法律来阻止人们砍伐树木。我的收获知识层面:方法与技巧:还有哪些知识需要多加练习的?第 3页


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