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八年级年级下学期Lesson 101教学设计 _八年级英语教案Lesson 101 教学 示例Period: The First PeriodProperties: Overhead projector, some objectsTeaching aims:1. Knowledge aimsStudents should grasp: the Past Continuous Tense; the Superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs; the subjects they learn.2. Ability aimStudents should make some sentences with the past continuous tense.Language focus:1. The Past Continuous Tense2. The Superlative forms: the most popular, the best3. as as; not so/as as4. The subjects they learn.Chinese, English, maths, physics, politics, art, PE, music, history, geography, biology, chemistry5. New words rob, hard-working Teaching procedures: a). Organizing the class greetings and a duty report. b). RevisionDictate some words: while, repair, alone, steering wheel, breathe, diver, jump, another, ring, be worried aboutc). Ask and answerStudents answer the question,“ What were doing between 12:30 and 3:30 last night?” accordthe picture, then give their own answers.Try to find out the“ robber”.Explain the word rob. rob means“ to steal money or property from a person or bank” etc. roa person who steals money or property.d). PractiseStudents ask and answer questions in pairs, then share their answers with the whole class.Hard-wording means“ working with a lot of effort”.e). Explaining and PracticeStudents compare the subjects after the model“ not so/as as ”.Here are some other things to compare.1. rice, noodles, dumplings, mooncake, porridge, etc .(not) as delicious as2. basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, baseball, etc (not) as interesting as3. elephants, monkeys dogs horses, tigers, lions, etc .(not) as big/lovely/strong, etc.asf). Homework1. Review the grammar for today.2. Prepare sth. About“ Titanic” (film or the accident).3. Do exercises on page 127.g). SummaryFill in the blanks with proper forms of“ rob ” and“ steal”.Have you ever been ?Well, yes, I had my watch once, but I wasn t really ,because I left it in my club. All the same, someone it.Yes, though it s not the same as being of everything you are carrying. Somehow, if something is form the place where you leave it, it s not so bad as when you arepersonally and cannot prevent it.Keys: robbed, stole, robbed, stole, robbed, stolen, robbedLesson 87 教学 示例一、教学目 :1知 目 ( 1)复 一周七天的表达。( 2)复 求帮助和提供帮助的用 。2能力目 能 用所学英 表达 求帮助和提供帮助。3情感目 培养学生互相帮助的好 。二、教学 程:Step 1Revision1 Check homework2 Revise dialogues from Lesson 86, Part 2. Have several pairs, other than the pairs that were chosen in the last lesson to share their dialogues with the class.3 Revise family relationships, e.g. aunt, uncle, grandma, etc.Step 2PresentationAsk Who do you ask for help? Write this question on the Bb. In pairs, have students discuss it, and they may also discuss when was the last time they asked for help from someone. Give the students about 3 minutes to discuss, then come back together as a class. Have a few students volunteer to answer.Step 3Read and act1 SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 87. Books closed! Ask and write the question on theBb, Why does Jim want Uncle John s help? (Something s wrong with Jim s computer.) Play the tape, students listen. Check for the correct answer. Books open! Play the tape again and havestudents repeat.2 In pairs, have the students practice the dialogue. For the girls, let them change the names from Uncle John to Aunt Jan, and from Jim to Jenny. Choose several pairs to perform their dialogue for the class.Step 4PracticeNote: For this activity,instruct the students that in English when introducingtelephone, we do not say I am , rather we say This isourselves on the1 In pairs, have students write a 10 line dialogue using the dialogue in Part 1 as an example. The dialogue should be on the telephone. They may use any topic they wish. As they are writing their dialogue, walk around and give help as needed.2 Choose several pairs to present their dialogue.Step 5Read and chantFirst read the chant aloud together as a class. Pay attention to the rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. The first line of each section is rising because it is a question. Next, divide the class into seven groups. Assign each group a day of the week. Each group should take a few minutes and practise their part of the chant. When you point to a group, they should say their chant together, Continue in this way for the entire chant. If time permits, assign new parts for each group and say the chant again.Step 6WorkbookSB Page 103, Wb Lesson 87, Exx. 1 and 2. Make sure the students understand the dialogue in Ex.1. Let them read it in pairs after completing it. Ex. 3 is optional. Students are encouraged to give different sentences. Collect sentences from the class. Students should be encouraged if they make good sentences.HomeworkWrite down the sentences as Ex. 2 requires. Tell the students to pay attention to the use of prepositions on, in or at.Language Focus:1. Useful expressions: think about; get a chance; take2. Grammar: the Object clause . Showing aimsHave the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5.2. Study the grammar: the Object Clause.3. Know how to get the information about trips.4. Learn how to make a conversation about trips.5. Know more about Hainan. . Revision1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5. Get the students to make sentences with them.2. Play “What did he ask?”in groups of three. Make sure the students can use the Object3. Ask one student to introduce something about Hainan. . ListenPart 1. Listening cassette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and do Exercise 1 inthe workbook. Play the tape again for the students to check the answers. Then check with the whole class. See if the students can understand. . Read and actPart 2. Speech Cassette. Books closed, play the tape. Ask: How did Joy think about his trip to Hainsn? (wonderful)How did Lily feel when she heard about the scuba diving? (really cool)Get the students to find the answer to questions, then check with the class. Play the tape again. Get the students to listen and repeat. They should match their intonation with the dialogue on the tape.Books open. Practice the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without looking at the books if possible. . PracticeHave the students work in pairs. Encourage the students to make up their own dialogues. . Ask and answerPart 3. Work in pairs. Give the students a few minutes to prepare their dialogues. Ask fourpairs to share their dialogues with the whole class. . PresentationAsk one student to act as a traveler, the teacher acts as a waiter at the travel office. Precent adialogue like this:S: Could you tell me where I can book a room?T: Oh, the Sunshine Hotel.S: Do you know how much it costs?T: 200 yuan a day.S: How many restaurants do the Sunshine Hotel have?T: Two.Have the students practice this dialogue in pairs, then make the students make up their own dialogues, ask some of them to share their dialogues with the class. . Look, speak and sayTell the students that they retraveling on Inner Mongolia. Ask them to read the threebrochures. Then ask the students to write a short passage about their stay at one of the hotels in Inner Mongolia. They can choose any hotel. . WorkbookFor Exercise 2. Get the students to read the words.For Exercise 3. Have the students discuss what they need during the traveling.For Exercise 4. Get the students to read to read in pairs. Then make up similar dialogues. Itcan be done after class. . SummaryExercises for classComplete the passageMyfamily_ holidaysoon, weare thinking_ to Hainan. I beard the _ _ there was _ _, so I want tohave a scuba lesson first, and I think it _ _ wonderful. And I _ think thefish and the coral reefs are _. I hope I will_ _ _ _there.Answers: is going on about going best thing scuba diving must be also beautiful have a good time . HomeworkFinish off the exercises in the workbook Revise Unit 5.Lesson 100 教学设计示例一、教学目标1知识目标( 1)学习不完全爆破音。( 2)复习本单元所学重点句型: Do you like something? Do you like doing something?2能力目标熟练运用本单元所学句型。3情感目标培养学生良好的饮食习惯,不挑食,不厌食。二、教学重点与难点Do you like something? Do you like doing something?三、教学过程Step 1 Revision1 Revise Do you like cooking? etc. Use the flashcards as the cue for the students to ask and answer questions, as in Lesson 99, Step 2 of the TB. Practise Does he/she like cooking? Do they/we (etc.) like cooking? and so on.2 Revise the verb forms.Step 2 Word stressSB Page 44, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 100. Students listen and repeat. Get them to say where the stress lies. Use gestures to show the stress. Note that all the words have three syllables. The stress falls on the first syllable in those words on the top line, and on the second syllable in those words on the second line. Ask students to add similar words to the two lines if possible. Step 3 Fast speechSB Page 44, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 100. Tell the students that some words in English are“ bitten off ” at the end because the mouth is too busy preparing to say the next word. Play the tape. Get the students to repeat and practise.Step 4 Stress and intonation1 SB Page 44, Part 3. Saying a list: note that the last item in a list has a falling tone, while the previous items have a rising tone. Play the tape. Show the stress and intonation with gestures. Students repeat and practise.2 In small groups, have the students make up their own lists. They could be lists of colours, or food, or lists of things they like to do. Have them practise saying the list as a group, being mindful of the rising and falling intonation. Then have each group say their list together for the class.Step 5 Listen and completeSB Page 44, Part 4, Listening Cassette Lesson 100.Let the students look at the sentences to be completed in Wb Lesson 100, Ex. 3 before playing the tape.Tell the students the meaning of the last sentence in the dialogue. After listening, do Ex. 3 in the Wb.The answers are: 1 milk; 2 rice cakes; 3 bananas; 4 milk; 5 rice cakes and bananas; 6 milk Listening TextLI LEI: Hello, Kate!KATE: Oh, hello, Li Lei! What are those?LI LEI: These? Oh, they re rice cakes. Would you like one?KATE: No, thanks. I don t like rice cakes much.Look! I have some bananas. Would you like one? They re great!LI LEI: Thanks very much. I like bananas.KATE: Would you like a glass of milk, too?LI LEI: No, thanks. I don t like milk.KATE: Don t you? I like it very much and it s good for you, too!LI LEI: Oh, here are Lucy and Lily. Hi, girls!LUCY: Hi, Li Lei! Hi, Kate! How are you?LI LEI AND KATE: Fine, thanks.LIL Y: What are those, Li Lei?LI LEI: They re rice cakes. Would you like one?LUCY: Yes, please.LIL Y: We like rice cakes a lot. Th ey re great!KATE: What about milk?LIL Y: No, thanks. We don t like milk very much.LUCY: But we like bananas!KATE: Oh dear! Sorry! They re all finished!Step 6 Ask and answerSB Page 44, Part 5. Students ask and answer the questions in pairs.Step 7 Listen and chantSB Page 44, Part 6*. Play the tape. Students listen and repeat. Now divide the class into two parts and have the first group read every other line, beginning with the first line and group 2 read every other line beginning with the second line. Then switch parts. Step 8 Read and answerSB Page 45, Part 7*. Have the students look at the questions first. Now give them 3 minutes toscan the reading for the answers to the questions. In pairs, have the students compare their answers. Then as a class check the answers. Now play the tape and let the students read the text together as a class. After reading ask, Who can cook? What do you like cooking? Have the students volunteer answers.Step 9 Play this gameSB Page 45, Part 8*. Have students work in groups of four. Instruct each student to write whatthey like and don liket doing on a piece of paper like the model in the book. Then have each student pass their paper to the person on the right and ask and answer questions with that person. Give the students two minutes, then tell the students to pass this paper to the right again, and now ask and answer questions according to the new paper, etc.Step 10 Checkpoint 25Go through Checkpoint 25 in the usual way. Explain any problems. If the students are still having problems with the Present Indefinite Tense, add some extra practice and drilling. Step 11 WorkbookSB Pages 122-124, Wb Lesson 100, Exx. 1, 2 and 6. Ex. 1 is a good review of intonation of listsand questions. First read each sentence, then have the class repeat. Do this as much as needed until the intonation is correct. In Ex. 2, have the students ask and answer the questions in pairs. Then ask several pairs to ask and answer their questions for the class. For Ex. 6, have the students fill inthe chart, asking three classmates, What do you like to do?/What do you not like to do? Have several students share their answers with the class. Exx. 7 and 8 are optional.Step 12 TestDictation. Dictate the following short passage. My friend Han Meimei likes bread very much. Shelikes eggs a little, but she doesn t like bananas at all. What about milk? She likes it a lot. HomeworkFinish off the Workbook exercises.Some ideas for extra practice and enrichmentLet the students plan a talent show. They can do things that they like to do like singing, and dancing or drawing. Have a host and hostess introduce each performance in English. Invite other English classes to be the audience.Lesson 100 教学设计示例一、教学目标1知识目标( 1)学习不完全爆破音。( 2)复习本单元所学重点句型: Do you like something? Do you like doing something?2能力目标熟练运用本单元所学句型。3情感目标培养学生良好的饮食习惯,不挑食,不厌食。二、教学重点与难点Do you like something? Do you like doing something?三、教学过程Step 1 Revision1 Revise Do you like cooking? etc. Use the flashcards as the cue for the students to ask and answer questions, as in Lesson 99, Step 2 of the TB. Practise Does he/she like cooking? Do they/we (etc.) like cooking? and so on.2 Revise the verb forms.Step 2 Word stressSB Page 44, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 100. Students listen and repeat. Get them to say where the stress lies. Use gestures to show the stress. Note that all the words have three syllables. The stress falls on the first syllable in those words on the top line, and on the second syllable in those words on the second line. Ask students to add similar words to the two lines if possible.Step 3 Fast speechSB Page 44, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 100. Tell the students that some words in English are“ bitten off ” at the end becausemoutth is too busy preparing to say the next word. Play the tape. Get the students to repeat and practise.Step 4 Stress and intonation1 SB Page 44, Part 3. Saying a list: note that the last item in a list has a falling tone, while the previous items have a rising tone. Play the tape. Show the stress and intonation with gestures. Students repeat and practise.2 In small groups, have the students make up their own lists. They could be lists of colours, orfood, or lists of things they like to do. Have them practise saying the list as a group, being mindful of the rising and falling intonation. Then have each group say their list together for the class. Step 5 Listen and completeSB Page 44, Part 4, Listening Cassette Lesson 100.Let the students look at the sentences to be completed in Wb Lesson 100, Ex. 3 before playing the tape.Tell the students the meaning of the last sentence in the dialogue. After listening, do Ex. 3 in the Wb.The answers are: 1 milk; 2 rice cakes; 3 bananas; 4 milk; 5 rice cakes and bananas; 6 milk Listening TextLI LEI: Hello, Kate!KATE: Oh, hello, Li Lei! What are those?LI LEI: These? Oh, they re rice cakes. Would you like one?KATE: No, thanks. I don t like rice cakes much.Look! I have some bananas. Would youlike one? They re great!LI LEI: Thanks very much. I like bananas.KATE: Would you like a glass of milk, too?LI LEI: No, thanks. I don t like milk.KATE: Don t you? I like it very muchand it s good for you, too!LI LEI: Oh, here are Lucy and Lily. Hi, girls!LUCY: Hi, Li Lei! Hi, Kate! How are you?LI LEI AND KATE: Fine, thanks.LIL Y: What are those, Li Lei?LI LEI: They re rice cakes. Would you like one?LUCY: Yes, please.LIL Y: We like rice cakes a lot. They re great!KATE: What about milk?LIL Y: No, thanks. We don t like milk very much.LUCY: But we like bananas!KATE: Oh dear! Sorry! They re all finished!Step 6 Ask and answerSB Page 44, Part 5. Students ask and answer the questions in pairs.Step 7 Listen and chantSB Page 44, Part 6*. Play the tape. Students listen and repeat. Now divide the class into two parts and have the first group read every other line, beginning with the first line and group 2 read every other line beginning with the second line. Then switch parts.Step 8 Read and answerSB Page 45, Part 7*. Have the students look at the questions first. Now give them 3 minutes toscan the reading for the answers to the questions. In pairs, have the students compare their answers. Then as a class check the answers. Now play the tape and let the students read the text together as a class. After reading ask, Who can cook? What do you like cooking? Have the students volunteer answers.Step 9 Play this gameSB Page 45, Part 8*. Have students work in groups of four. Instruct each student to write whatthey like and don liket doing on a piece of paper like the model in the book. Then have each student pass their paper to the person on the right and ask and answer questions with that person. Give the students two minutes, then tell the students to pass this paper to the right again, and now ask and answer questions according to the new paper, etc. Step 10 Checkpoint 25Go through Checkpoint 25 in the usual way. Explain any problems. If the students are still having problems with the Present Indefinite Tense, add some extra practice and drilling.Step 11 WorkbookSB Pages 122-124, Wb Lesson 100, Exx. 1, 2 and 6. Ex. 1 is a good review of intonation of listsand questions. First read each sentence, then have the class repeat. Do this as much as needed until the intonation is correct. In Ex. 2, have the students ask and answer the questions in pairs. Then ask several pairs to ask and answer their questions for the class. For Ex. 6, have the students fill in the chart, asking three classmates, What do you like to do?/What do you not like to do? Have several students share their answers with the class. Exx. 7 and 8 are optional.Step 12 TestDictation. Dictate the following short passage. My


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