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非谓语练习题及答案解释1. een ha o hou _ aboe the sound f the muscA mking hrselhearB.to eherself hearC.aknghersel heardD to me rselfhrd2 Readg is nexprincequitediffeetrom wathngT; there a ictues_ in yur mind istea f beore ou ees.A.o forB.C.frmigD. havng formed3. Th man insisted_ a taxi r e even thug I tol hmI lied neabA.findB. tofindC.o findinD n finding. Th old an, _ abroad frwenty yars,isonthe wayback ths moterland. A.to wok. rgC toha workedD havingworked5 You re il nt_ yor ar . olock. t he ockedC locking.havinglced6Dont leav the water_ whle oubrush yu teh.A. runB unningC.bein runD. rn7. Wh flint _to themarket,hese producs njoyed greatsuces. A ntroucgB. troducedC. introce. ben itroduc “W catgo out in ths water,” sad Bob,_ t ofthe wido.A.looingB.t lookCookeD. hag looked9 My advior enoaged _ summr ourse improve my ri skils A. for me takig. metain. forme otakeD. m to tak. _ in the queohlan hor,Tom sudenly ealize tha h hd left his wlt at hm. TwaitB Have wat C.vn wited D. o e wae .Lnda worked frthe Minnesoa Manfacturinand nng Compan, _a M.A. kownB. knonC. beng knw. t be knwn12.Sh, urr u. Im arai oca hvetime to _ bfe t ty. A. get chged. get haneC. get hngng.get to change3. _by the ty of natre, the gir rmLo deciedto s aother toys of the far. A.AttctingB. AttractedC.o beattaceD. Hvingatacted1. Idont n whter you happen _ ,ut m goi o studyinteU. A. thSptmberA. to b hearB. t be hean. to her to ave eard. Tenewrporters huried o the arpot, only _te fl sr d et A to tl. to b odClinD. tol .Hing een ilinbdfone a month, he d a har time _ the a.A. ssBaC.pasedDpssin17. _ iththesize of heoe earth, he biget oenden seem big at all.A.Copar. When copringC. mring D. Whenompare18._ he pogrme, ty hav o stathe for nother t wees.A. NoeingB.otcmplee C. o haing compledD. Having not cpleted9I youar plg o pedyour moneyhvingfun thiwe, bte_ ityou ot om igbillscomig . foretB forgotC.forettgD. frget2 Acording t a rentU S.urvey, hldrn spend to 25 hours a ek _ TV.A. wthB. to ahig. wtchingD. watc21 The flisbeliee_by rse hat le oproduce i the ells inside th huanose a trot. A.aseB. bing causedC. o be case to hav caue22. The fowers _swee inthe botani ge trct the vistos he beauty nae. oselmelgC.selt. b smel3. he disc, digitally_ i te sio, sounddfta a the party ha nig. A reoedB. econgC.t e ecorddD.havin reord24. Havin enattake bytroris,_ . doctos came totheir resce Bhetall uiln collapsedC.a emegenymsr wake. warnings wergiveno toursts 25. Roet is said _ abrad,btI ontknow wa coutry hestdied in. A. ohae studied .t stdyC. o be sudying D. tohav bee studin2. h maager discused e pa tat thewold like t e_ theet e.A. arriouB. crring ut C. cr oD. o carr out27 Ive ord withchildbefoe, so I knowwha_i my nw b. Axpted B.t expt C. to be epeti D. xpe28._ suh hy outoalready, it mayo etoo late clean up th rve. Hvng sffere B. Sfferng Co uffe Sufed29. Haviga tripoad is certanly good for eld couple, ut iteans _ whther te willnjy it. A. to see. to be seeC. seig.seen0 heseach is dsgn tt on _ nohingca bdoe t chaget.A. beisB. aving enC. beginning. gun31. t is sad thati Austrliathere is mre and than hgovrmnt knos _. A. iwhat to do with . whtto do it wihC attodo wit itD do what with it32. A coowil e medately red if h ison_ in tekithen. A.smokeB.smokigC to smokeD. smke33. I gong o t suprmaket this aftrnoon.Do you ave nythig _ ?A. uyingB obC.forbuyingD. bugt34 The pio askeall the pasenersn boad to rean _ate lne waig anding. A. set. sigC. seatedD to btig3 ictorapologiz f _to ifomme f te hnge inh pn.h bing t ablB. him not to beable . hisno being ale . hm to e n ab6.uddny, a tll dig aodencarrie _ heirlad took hr way,_ io ods sezi, dappeared B. eized, isappear C.sizing, disapperig D seize,disaearing【答案解析】1. D. 由于Helle要使自己讲的话被别人听到,因此要用过去分词作宾补,即:makesef hard;又由于make heself eard是hout的目的,因此用不定式。 2.C om表达“浮现、产生”,是不及物动词,又由于pictues与fm是积极关系,故用目前分词作定语。3. C. 由于nist后要么接tt从句,要么接n sth 或on doing sth.,没有别的接法,因此选C。iis ondoing坚持要做某事(frm .m)。4D. 因work abrod fr wentyears发生在谓语动作(返回祖国)之前,因此用目前分词的完毕式。. . 由于目前分词作状语只能修饰谓语,而不定式作状语,既可修饰谓语又可修修饰形容词或副词,此处修饰形容词il,要用不定式。又由于“没有锁车”发生在谓语之前,因此用完毕式。. B.因句中的te aer与rn是积极关系,故选B。evsth oingt 意为“使某物始终在做某事”。7.B 由于fint与ntrdce(引入)是被动关系,因此用过去分词。8. .lookingo of thewndo 为随着状语。9.D由于在ecoa,persuae, tl, as, at,oer, c等后要用不定式作宾补。encoae sb. to do sth. 意为“鼓励某人做某事”。0. C.因“等了半个小时”发生在eaized之前,故用目前分词的完毕式。1. B. 由于thecompny与now是被动关系,因此用过去分词短语作定语,known s 3M= wich was nn as 。A. ehanged 意为“换衣服”。比较:getpaid(获得报酬),get resd(穿衣服)等。3. . 由于句子主语th gir与ttrct是被动关系,因此用过去分词短语作状语,表达因素。4D. 由于happn后接动词不定式是表达“碰巧做某事”;又hr发生在谓语otkow之前,因此要用不定式的完毕式。句意是:我不懂得你与否已经据说过了,今年九月我要去美国学习。.B 由于only是提示我们要用不定式表达到果的一种重要标志词;不定式表达到果,不定式的动作发生在谓语之后;又由于he ewseporters与tl是被动关系,因此要用不定式的被动式。16.D. 由于he a hartiedoin sth. 与have dffity ist. 相称,意为“在做某事方面有困难”。1. D. 由于the bigst oea与ompre是被动关系,因此要用过去分词。Whenompaedwith=Whenth igs oen is compared with=Wen w cmparehebigestocan wth 18 . 一方面,非谓语动词的否认式要将ot, never等放在非谓语动词的前面,因此不能选。另一方面,由于“没有完毕”与“决定再呆两周”有先后关系,故用目前分词的完毕式。 1. A.由于口语中youh ette常被说成youd btte,甚至说成bte,本句就属这种状况,其后要接不带t的不定式,即:动词原形。.C. 此题考察spend.(i) ding h句型。. C. 由于be lievd /thougt /suppsed said /re等后要接动词不定式,排除A和B;又由于t flu与caue是被动关系,因此要用不定式的被动式。Th fuisbelieved to b caused by.I is belived /eple blivethat the flus caused by. B. 一是由于“发出香味”与“吸引游客”是同步发生的,且mell 作为连系动词没有被动形式,因此答案选B。3. A.由于the disc(唱片)与record(录制)是被动关系,这又是已经发生了的事,因此要用过去分词短语作定语(from .c)。24. 非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致。根据句意,受到袭击的应是“高楼”,而不是其她,故选B。2.A。此题考察不定式的完毕时。“据说她曾到国外留过学”,由studed可知“留学”这个动作已结束并发生在谓语动作 sai之前,因此要用完毕式。 A。此句考察过去分词作宾语补足语。句子构造较复杂,句中的hat引导一种定语从句,它替代先行词he n在从句中作se的宾语,th pln与carrout是被动关系,因此,用过去分词作宾补。即ee th plan aried t he ne ar. 27. B。此题考察疑问词+不定式在句中作宾语。I now what t expet in mynew ob 意为“我懂得在新工作中期待什么”。2 A。本句考察目前分词的完毕时作状语。句意为“遭受如此严重的污染之后,目前净化这条河也许为时已晚了”。有lready暗示可知sffe发生在cean up之前,因此要用目前分词的完毕式作状语。2.B。remain 作“尚待”解,要接不定式作表语,it是形式主语,指代whther hey wllenjy 。see与t之间是动宾关系,因此用不定式的被动式。i remains b sen是习常用语,意为“还要看状况发展”。3. D。“连词分词”作状语时,其逻辑主语为句子的主语。句子主语与分词的之间是积极关系时用目前分词,被动关系用过去分词。the research与bin是被动关系,因此用过去分词begn(from .om)。 3. C。此题的考察目的与NMT同。wtto d wih为常用搭配构造,意为“处置,运用”。句意为“据说澳大利亚有太多陆地,政府不知如何运用”。32. B。fid背面可以接由“宾语+ 目前分词过去分词/ 不带o的不定式”构成的复合宾语构造。目前分词表积极,过去分词表被动,不定式表达动作已经发生。根据句意“如果厨师被发目前厨房吸烟,立即就会被解雇”可知ook与smoke之间是积极关系,应用目前分词。find sb ongsth意为“发现某人正在做某事”。33. B。考察不定式作定语。不定式作后置定语,一般用积极形式表达被动意义。句意为“今下午我要去超级市场,你有东西要买吗?”4. C。考察过去分词作表语。句意为“飞机登陆时,飞行员规定所有飞机上的乘客坐着不动”。emain是系动词,seatd作表语,表达状态。35. C。考察动名词的复合构造作宾语。动名词的复合构造的否认式由“名词所有格或物主代词+no+动名词”构成。句意为“Vo因没能告知我筹划的变化向我道歉”。 D。由有句中的and可知第一空所填的动词与to是并列谓语,故用eized; 第二空是目前分词短语作随着状语。句意为“忽然,一种赶着黄色马车的高个男人,抓住那个姑娘并把她带走了,消失在森林里”。高中非谓语动词练习A.Wn he was a y, heedtogther an atch_.A to repar bicycles B. icycls to e rired. iylesing repard .repiinbiyes2.- Hav o consere _ your job as eacher? - Ys. Ilketh o bae techer is often oniered _ a gadeer. ochan;toe to cange; g C.canging; bing D. cangig;tbe3.The dg, _, will be madeagood atchdo. o trin prpery B. eing ained propel C. prorltotrain D. tand properl4. _ thedad,he hadto loo fo a place thide it. Hgstole B. Hi ensle C. Stol D. Stlng5 _ th fnt oor _, h ner the roo trough hebck doo.A.een; paited B. eng; paintedC. eing sen; being aind D. Seeng;eing pine6. Andher,alost_ n hig char, sat hr little broth, who ever hd to bol tokee ut. hvng os B losing C. o be ot .lot7.He loed around and cagh amn _ his had into te poet o a asner.A . tob uting C.to put D putng8. oanse rrect s or prtanthan _.A. thatyou fish quickly .finshin quily C. t iish quiky D. insh icky9. Th old arer,_ the badl injud and bnt soldr,cae out of the bunn farmhose, calling ntnuous rlA. supporng B. hvin supprted C ngsupported by D. bein suportd1. In January ,, eUnitd Stts scessfullylauch “Sprt”, MrsExporatio ove,_ aw mlse ithe hstory o makind.A. t mrk B. mrking . aked D to mak11. I was eting dark; I ound car_ in a ool by te seofe roa.A.to b stuckB stuck C.stickingD. stic12. ouant imaine wht gea toube theyhave _ theprblem _A to slve; beng tlked bot B. solvin; iscssn C. tosle; to ak abut Dsolving;eing dicussed1The monument as buil ihnoof he eplore ho wa elieved _thiver.A. to have iscvered B. to hvebenisoerC.todicve D avngben discord14 T thief ellto teround, hislet foo _ nd blood_own frm hsmouth. baking;runn B. boen; rnnng C. breaking; un . oken;r15.The oga a so ecitn that th chldreneteir eye _on te screen.A.t fix B.o b xe .fixed D. fixi1 As I ill be aw fr at east yer, d appreciat_frmyo nowan then so tha I can no howeveryone is ettnlng.A. having eard B. o h C. hearig ing eard17. _,e sbjc asalwas in my ind.A. akgor sleei Blking rlept .Haing alked or sept D walad slp8. - id uge a dictinar?- N, _,bu thee ere not ay _. trid; o be left. hadtied o; eaing C.tie to; let D.d ied; havlft19 Whe h cme to, h fond isef _ ona har,ith hnds _ bak.t st;tyingB itn; tying C. stin; te . sead;tie2 he jk tol by T made _,o te tacer coulnt ake himslf _.A. to luh; eangB. aughg; hardC. laughg; hear D. lughed; heard21.All o flows nw_ here hveelperom tosoce _ in he fest.A. rased;grn B risig; grwng C. raisd; rowinDig; r22.Henrycant attedte party _ atTom hs tpeentbecuse he is prepaing thseech at teprty _ at Maris hostomro.A. hld; bigheld B. t behld;tobeeldC. be eld; eld . eing eld; obeheld23. Seeing todier well _r the floo-, thgeer noded with satiction.A. prepaeB. preparigC.rprdDvng prpared4. Don worry l have it _ nd et someon _it to uorrowA. tped; send t yp; o sen . te;sn D. tpd;to end25.Thunwas shinin rghty,_everyhin there _ more beautiful.A.makng;ook B. to mak; lokedC.ad md; lookn D and makig; e lk26. How couldheget tpln _ wtho ay oeto sport him? tcarry out B arry ot C. carryi o D criout 27. New ies somti hae o wai or yasbfor _.A. beng fulyaccetngBflly aceping C havngfullycpted D. fully accpted 28Having asd all the tests,she felta geatweigh _ ff hr md.A. akintaken C. akeD.to taken 29mxaminin the arile h has t fnished _the sibl istak i it.A. beig correcd . tocorrct C. crrece Davng correctd30. _ ful reparios, wdecid o pt of th meting til t wee.W dimakeB aving nt made C. hadntmadeD. Nt hg mae31 Wehould prevntsuch a sll msake _ ainA occurrin . to occr . to e occr D. rombeng ccue 3. Irgrt _ h t schol,or wud have scceded inpssinthe exa.A.ot o ork B. havinnot orkeC. havnotwked. ot aving wred3. Tey loodforwa withhoe_ a hane to receive futher euction.A.f etting B. of getting . t get D.to gting34.“Well, Ill tellou eret .” sadth , withhi outh almost _ ea.A. ochedB. tuchig C. touch. to touch 5 owards evening, thpatientopeismuth if _ smthin to hi s.A.d B. sa .tosay to have said36 -Wold youb_ lenme yourbice?- ue.A kind as to B. kid enough as t vey kind o . so kinto37. Te beah issobeatifu that ii worthwhi,I thk, _ for a hor holidy.A. of goin B t e goin C. orng D. you to go38. The tehe sked or _ t revet t students eyes rininjure.A. do B. don . to be doeD eingdone3.oe f th scoo in Sanghai haovd ne ste cloerto _ wit t obleucation comuty.A.being onnectd B. conn C having connect b conected40T erormnce o he host,_o leasetheauinceandrawtei aentn,was geeted it aolsile, howev.A. hadineded B. ntendd ing inteed D. ind _andou of brea, wereachd the to ofte onin and soped _ te utfulscenery.A. iri;t admir B. Ben tired; amrig C Tired; to amire . Tired; aming42Te 1-streyedbuildi, hen_, sht u he s _ up the oms in house. ompete; lhted B. completing; light Ccmpltig;lght D completed; lightig43. - I hr Wrre _ ia idle cool. -Wha? an magine h _asa teache. teache; wokinB aches;w C. tea; ork D.teach; wokin44. _s nlybee eaing Englsfr ayar, he speaks vry wel. Cnidered B. Considering .Having conseredD. Tocosder45Itwa _ computer ames tha costheboa lot ofim ht h ougt o havspen on hisles. tohae plaed .playing . played D. having lae46 t no tim oes he salsrl getul te ri, or se alas t busy _ agood ret.A. t a B tkin . tk kn 47 _a the most ecellentsten in er unerity, mos cassmate had expectd, madee art vrapy.A ary waschs B. achoen C Mary in s D Marysbenghsn8 _ h bi snake,the little gilsood under thetre _ t deah.A. Seeig; rigtee B.Seeing; frigtenngC. ee; frightn D To se; frigtnng49. You will se this prouct maeints fctry _ werver yougoA.t vetised B advrtised C. advrtise D. adertsing50. Mr. re issd _ n experimet toro he ewetod o solvingheroblemhn young.A. to do have on C. oe doing D. to have been doing答案及部分解析:1-5 CDDAD -10 DCA 11-15BDBC 1-20 CADB 21-25CCDA 6-3DBD31-35 DC 3-40 ACA 4-45 CDB 4650 ABB1. 用ig形式一般式的被动语态作宾语补足语,强调自行车被修理的过程。2. conside 作“考虑”解时,后常接-ig形式(短语)作宾语;作“觉得” 解时,后常接具有名词、形容词或toe的复合构造。3. 过去分词短语作条件状语,相称于 itis train prpery。wachdg看门狗。4. 从动作发生的时间来看,应是先偷钻石,再找地方藏匿,故用-ing形式的完毕式。5e 表达的动作与句子谓语动词(a t ter)所示的动作几乎同步发生,且与其逻辑主语(he)为积极关系,故用一般式。由句意“看到前门正在被漆,”可知,第二空应用bei pinted。6. lsi the bg chi为过去分词短语在句中作随着状语。此句的正常语序为:r ittle brother sthe. atch. oingst. (偶尔或忽然)发现或撞见某人正在做某事。. 题意为“对的做出答案要比迅速完毕更重要”。两个非谓语动词短语在形式上应保持一致。9 -in形式的一般式在句中作非限制性定语。0. 题意为“1月,美国成功地发射了“勇气”号火星探测器,标志着人类历史上一种新的里程碑”。1. 由短语be stuck n(陷入)可知此处应用过去分词作宾语补足语。12. 由have gra trobl (in)doingsth.可知第一空应用solving; beindiussed作定语修饰problem,表达“正在被讨论的问题”。3. 用不定式的完毕式表达动作发生在(定语)从句谓语动作之前。1. 考察独立主格构造。oot和brak之间是被动关系,blood和run是积极关系。1 由固定构造fix oes yes /un.可知此处应用过去分词。. ppreiate后常接-ing形式(短语)作宾语。1. 题意为“无论是走路还是睡觉,我总是在想这个问题。”注意:此题中-n形式短语的逻辑主语与句子的主语并不一致,有的语法家称其为“垂悬分词”。又如:Havng sufred sucea olltio aready, it may now too ate clean p te ier. (NME)1. tid t后省去了gt one。. 由sea的用法(be seatd)可知第一空应用eate作宾语补足语;wthhis hans ied bck为th的复合构造在句中作随着状语。. 由at prsnt可知第一空应用beng hld(表达正在被进行的动作);由omrr可知第二空应用to be hed(表达即将被进行的动作)。2. 由固定短语b (wll) rred fo可知此处应用过去分词作宾补。24 此处为hav sth. done构造和etsb. to d .构造。26. 考察getsh. one 构造。caryout执行。27 befoe fullcepted相称于befr they afly acce。2 fee后可接具有非谓语动词的复合构造。此处宾语与宾语补足语之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。题意为“所有考试都通过后,她感觉如释重负。”2. 不定式短语在句中作目的状语。he ha just fished为定语从句。3.-in形式短语作因素状语。no要置于-ing形式之前。31revent sb./t. (m) oingsth.为固定搭配。occr为不及物动词。. rgretig st.懊悔做过某事;regret o do th.遗憾(抱歉)地要做。33. look frwardto doing sth.盼望做某事,注


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